NGC 1947 - HST, Leo Shatz

NGC 1947 - HST

NGC 1947 - HST, Leo Shatz

NGC 1947 - HST



Acquisition details



This image was published on APOD of April 7, 2021 - "Threads of NGC 1947"

Updated 21 Dec 2020: this image has been published as Faint Remnant Threads - Hubble Picture of the Week on 21 December 2020

This image has been also published on Notable submissions to the Astronomy Picture of the Day

A small and compact lenticular galaxy NGC 1947 as imaged by Hubble Telescope. NGC 1947 is located in the constellation Dorade about 50 million light years from the Milky Way and is located nearby LMC. Discovered by James Dunlop on 1826.

The galaxy is physically small system, about 40,000 light years in size. NGC 1947 is a LINER galaxy, i.e. a galaxy whose nucleus has an emission spectrum characterized by large lines of weakly ionized atoms. The galaxy NGC 1947 as well as the galaxies NGC 1892 and NGC 2082 are part of the group of NGC 1947.

Explanation given on APOD (April 7, 2021): [3]

Found in far southern skies, deep within the boundaries of the constellation Dorado, NGC 1947 is some 40 million light-years away. In silhouette against starlight, obscuring lanes of cosmic dust thread across the peculiar galaxy's bright central regions. Unlike the rotation of stars, gas, and dust tracing the arms of spiral galaxies, the motions of dust and gas don't follow the motions of stars in NGC 1947 though. Their more complicated disconnected motion suggest this galaxy's visible threads of dust and gas may have come from a donor galaxy, accreted by NGC 1947 during the last 3 billion years or so of the peculiar galaxy's evolution. With spiky foreground Milky Way stars and even more distant background galaxies scattered through the frame, this sharp Hubble image spans about 25,000 light-years near the center of NGC 1947.

Image credits: ESA/Hubble & NASA, David Rosario

Processing and copyright: Leo Shatz

Description sources and credits:

[1] Deep-Sky Companions: Southern Gems (book)


[3] APOD



  • NGC 1947 - HST, Leo Shatz
  • Final
    NGC 1947 - HST, Leo Shatz


NGC 1947 - HST, Leo Shatz