Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Carina (Car)  ·  Contains:  Carina Nebula  ·  Foramen  ·  HD303115  ·  HD303135  ·  HD303200  ·  HD303201  ·  HD303204  ·  HD303205  ·  HD303206  ·  HD303209  ·  HD303210  ·  HD303211  ·  HD303213  ·  HD303214  ·  HD303216  ·  HD303217  ·  HD303218  ·  HD303219  ·  HD303221  ·  HD303222  ·  HD303223  ·  HD303225  ·  HD303226  ·  HD303227  ·  HD303299  ·  HD303301  ·  HD303302  ·  HD303303  ·  HD303304  ·  HD303305  ·  And 158 more.
NGC 3372, Wolfgang Promper
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NGC 3372

NGC 3372, Wolfgang Promper
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NGC 3372



Acquisition details



This is a composite image taken with the N12 Astrograph a couple of years ago, detail of the Keyhole is from the 24".
As on my recent M8 the spiders have different orientation in the widefield and the closeup.
The widerfield was taken through BVR filters of a Johnson photometric filterset.
The filters have much more overlap than the usual ccd filters which gives some nice hues in the green/blue and yellow/red part of the spectrum.
I hope you enjoy it.



Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 3372, Wolfgang Promper

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Made in Tivoli/Namibia