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The Pelican Nebula - IC5070, Michael Feigenbaum

The Pelican Nebula - IC5070

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The Pelican Nebula - IC5070, Michael Feigenbaum

The Pelican Nebula - IC5070



Acquisition details



Here we have a short integration time project that was mainly intended to to be a test.  I am trying to dial in my Starizona Apex 0.65x reducer corrector and breaking in an Antlia 3nm Oiii filter.

I am close on the Apex and ready to say that the Antlia 3nm Oiii filter is very good.  I saw no halo effects in the brighter stars of this image.  Of course, these particular stars are not Alnitak, but certainly would produce halos with the filters I've used in the past.

As far as the image is concerned, not a lot of integration time for two reasons:  1) lots of test shots that I discarded and 2) still lots of clouds!!  I was able to collect enough to try to make a bi-color image and this was the result after about 4 hours. Not great but definitely not terrible, lol...  And I did take a lot of liberty with regard to color in this one.  This is somewaht of a Hodge-Podge with Frank Breslawski's "Crazy Formula" at the heart of it but with some modifications to help make an image with very little integration shine a little bit more.

Anyhow, if the weather improves, I will try another subject with a bright star so I can definitively determine whether or not I can be happy with the Antlia 3nm Oiii.  I hope you like this one, and of course, comments and criticism always welcome.

Clear Skies and good health!
