Arp273 / UGC1810...12201022
A Pastel Symphony - IC 4603...39364
Western Veil and Pickering's Triangle...18920
Deep M101 with outer spiral arms...26022
North America Nebula, 24 hours of SHO...28623
NGC 1316 Fornax A & friends...17771923
NEW DISCOVERY: the "Auris-Nebula" (PaStDr 4)...22692849
Ou4 - The Squid nebula HOO...20813124
Cygnus Wall and a bit more......62544
California Nebula...21621915
M101 Pinwheel Galaxy...20600
Seagull Nebula - HA - Starless...9002
Sh2-157 Lobster Claw Nebula in SHO...1646418
The Cygnus Wall...25122827
Messier 106 'complete'...46014744
Cat's Eye Nebula...32444224
Rosette Nebula...21113244
Crescent Nebula - NGC6888...20924
Ghost of Cassiopeia HaRGB...15352916
M51 - wide field - LRGB...12800
NGC2903 - Wide Field - RGB...13322
vdB27 - LRGB ...18503
M108 and M97 - LRGB...20625
The Rosette Nebula...102821
VDB 27, The dusty Bunny...39318427
M31 - LRGB...34722
Crescent Narrowband...53514
Baader Planetarium Ha filters 35nm, 7nm and 3.5nm comparrison...4886712
Two-panel mosiac of M8, M20 and M21...14710
The Rosette Nebula Caldwell 49...71767
Aurora Borealis over the Netherlands March 17 2015...25111
In the Heart of the Heart Nebula IC1805...35025
Woest aantrekkelijk mythisch wintermelkwegwezen...16011
NGC 7635...15500
A better Pleiades California and some dark stuff...13600