M63 - The Tidal Streams around the Sunflower Galaxy...33973615
M27 LRGB+SHOO...15110
Abell 39...867126
NGC 1055...1039169
M78 Reprocess, OSC...331513
VDB 27...38050
M42 - The Great Orion Nebula...30113
Tarantula Nebula - Large Magellanic Cloud...69514
h & Chi...8410
IC63 (The Ghost of Cassiopeia) - a deeper view in h-alpha...33326
Lambda Centauri Nebula - IC2944 (Running Chiken Nebula) - SHORGB (2018 AIP Contest)...417318
Messier 13 - Great Globular Cluster in Hercules...41202574
Centaurus A / NGC 5128 / Caldwell 77...21812475
Pegasus Molecular Cloud...21110
Messier 78...67644
Dark Tower Nebula in Scorpius...29222
Heart of the Flaming Star nebula (IC 405)...50730
NGC7023 Iris nebula...44153
The Seagull Nebula...27210
VdB 149, VdB 150, LDN1235...1602911