These are the users that follow Maicon Germiniani mutually.
w1978 Andre Oliveira 63275
SteveCooper Steve Cooper 988832648
Caspar Caspar Schumann 111458750
SparkyHT SparkyHT 187327454
umbarak umbarak 3548128
jhayes_tucson John Hayes 1431553198
astroeyes astroeyes 291116235
warpal Pawel Warchal 195132186
Ginge Ginge Anvik 20141149
gambrinus Jan Schneidler 504818
Gotthard Gotthard Stuhm 39518286011
NielsHaagh Astrodane - Niels Haagh 834950
sky-watcher sky-watcher (johny) 2631228242
Lotz Markus A. R. Langlotz 3511069937
OliverCzernetz Oliver Czernetz 162302253
GiorgioFerrari Giorgio Ferrari 158778779
Junior-CCD Carsten Dosche 200502301
pasantos Paulo Antonio dos Santos 622271179
Astro-Wene Astro-Wene 12795141
trdomezi Tiago Ramires Domezi 4111241
FireManDan Dan Pelzel 152309391
Sergei Sergei 1936202
crgood2 Casey Good 271475135
Josef1968 Josef Büchsenmeister 341342460
renan Renan 56476585
xuranus Byoungjun Jeong 171471538
GordonH Gordon Hansen 11890156
astronomynut Caley 0183347
ZaacLeite Izaac da Silva Leite 179161225
Starminer68 Adel Kildeev 2091308207
sjgonline Sergio G. S. 7486142
patrickgilliland Paddy Gilliland 19014281196
morrienz morrienz 1332691046
Retrograde Peter Pat 98183136
Knox Stephan Reinhold 295267217
AndreaStorani Andrea Storani 84148334
Seldom Seldom 266173375
SoDakAstronomyNut SoDakAstronomyNut 63146353
Miguel_Morales Miguel Morales 32206587
flyingairedale flyingairedale 8515579
astrowill astrowill 624107
casamoci casamoci 90263492
bbonic bbonic 44109181
Pablo83 Pablo Díaz Martínez 51018
CoFF CoFF 92555666
olaskarpen Ola Skarpen SkyEyE 431759126
geoflewis Geof Lewis 535343593
Audriusb Audrius 508586
ARVS Andrés Ruiz de Valdivia 71255255
urke Uros Gorjanc 1187853
Packen Ken 220109189
Boski Ivan Bosnar 137330362
Davy_Viaene Davy Viaene 55212355
echosud echosud 205145194
charmander José Tapia Janet 1994111
phtnnz Martin Junius 201270213
mrcombustix Thorsten 95157386
Idir Idir Saci 10205298
entilza Martin Palenik 117174100
Virginie@Noley 0 05759