These are the users that follow gmadkat mutually.
jean1 Jean Barba 30104187
acolijn acolijn 7393183
MICHELE_BERNARDO Michele Bernardo 4982179
Coriorda Coriorda 45142321
Xeebok Ahmed Wegdan 43340412
Prontor José María Moreno Santiago 6294400 Jan Zettergren 15777197
mib Michael Bauer 579199
duplo00 duplo00 6675176
Astrolab Behnam Darvish 44172266
redelnulla Alessio Ferracci 292941
jayhov Jay Hovnanian 66200159
brarkevin Kanwar Brar 588775
Addos Addos 477837
Paul.Puntin Paul Puntin 23143263
LittleGhost LittleGhost 100477369
Justi Justyna Wojtczak 295472
Nik+Szymanek Nik Szymanek 224306298
mchevey Michael Hevey 78349615
HelgeBuesing Helge Büsing 47288280
Michael_Miller_Astro Michael Miller 72740
M51_MyDestination M51_MyDestination 10822
astronomical_horizon Marc-Antonio Fischer 10120846
Belgarion Julien Urruzmendi 20248393
doubt72 Douglas Triggs 579596
haythrower Don Klase 241540
MetalHead233 MetalHead233 171621 Philippe Vanbinst 861416
mi7sen Abdulmohsen Alreesh 50155641
AstraPharma Ali Alobaidly 33208381
Wurmloch1000 Ernst Hanninger 2261135
jkoz9901 jkoz9901 706385
jverderame John Verderame 177102111
ricklkiwi Rick Laird 5561129
Uhhjoe82 Uhhjoe82 111317
DIVIIK Oriol Fernandez 833
walter.leonhard Walter Leonhard Schramböck 13490127
AstroFleetTeam AstroFleetTeam 55269127
BryanKrafczick Bryan Krafczick 34112205
r4um Pranay Kanwar 94174382
astro_davido David Joyce 56317915
Jochen_Maes Jochen Maes 6610551
John_C_Yu John C. Yu 40148122
SabLei Sabine Leidinger 37136285
Number_5 Number_5 3580120
Paulosergio_ns Paulosergio_ns 4864173
IrishAstro4484 IrishAstro4484 24168737
AstroDarkTeam AstroDarkTeam 1765235
greisyvaldes Greisy Valdes 7367188
ChasingClearSkies_ Abdul Thomas Jnr 115199220
jjpoole741 jjpoole741 535231
Icarulus Icarulus 304764
AstroCatNZ AstroCatNZ 81230232
naztronomy Nazmus 332849
Astrostuglos Stuart myatt 23144588
Pistachio_Enjoyer Pistachio_Enjoyer 2287273
Beny17801503221@ Ziyang Chang 492861238
Noronha André Noronha 5663126
Dcolam Dcolam 152350
cyrma Cyrille Malo 266193