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The Chamaeleon Molecular Cloud Complex III...575538
Jones-Emberson 1 - Headphone Nebula...24244
NGC 3579 The Statue of Liberty...321511
LDN 1399...28790
CED110 / CED111 - Rarely Imaged Reflection Nebula in the Chamaeleon Molecular Cloud...15681832
LBN811 - Some Dust in Lynx...14920
CG 30 and CG 31 HaLRGB...479727
The Orion Molecular Cloud Complex...6212323
M63, the Sun flower galaxy in L-Ha-RGB...6551542
IC 2574, M81, M82, and LBN 683 (IFN) Widefield in OSC...108311
NGC 3718 / Arp 214...265132
IC-426 in LRGBHa...5521534
Sh2-261 - Lower's Nebula (SHO)...16630
VdB16 and LBN746...9532
Backyard Bubble Nebula vs Hubble Space Telescope (NGC7635)...6972616
Lower's Nebula (SHO)...8451634
M63 - La galaxie du tournesol...13762
Open cluster M52 with nebulosity in HSS/RGB palette (70 hours)...332106
l'Uomo Nero (the Boogeyman)...339118
M1 Crab Nebula...33156
Messier 42 - Orion Nebula...14124
NGC 7635, The Bubble Nebula...6110
NGC 1333 + 671 CARNEGIA ASTEROID...26481
NGC 1491 - The Fossil Footprint Nebula...316156
M35 / NGC2168 and NGC2158...15852
IC410: Sky tadpoles swimming in a cosmic ocean...7381234
Clamshell Nebula SH2-119 (HOO)...31281
NGC 70 Group (NGC 67, NGC 68, NGC 69, NGC 70, NGC 71, NGC 72)/Arp 113...32394
California to the Pleiades and Beyond...5302416
VdB 14 and VdB 15 in Camelopardalis...289159
Taurus Molecular Cloud...16240
A detailed view of NGC 1333, the embryo nebula and its neighbors...5982232
Sh2-140 - Ha-LRGB...19680
Emission Nebulas and Chaos in Vulpecula...13340
vdB146 and NGC 7129 LRGB...287522
CG-4 - Two panel mosaic in LRGBHa...5681638
RCW 71 (Gum 46) nebula in LRGBHOS colors by Zaytsev and Hanson...578812
Williamina Fleming's triangular wisp and neighbors NGC 6974 & NGC 6979 in HOO with RGB stars...8211330
NGC1491 - Fossil Footprint...220716
vdB 14 & vdB 15...530138
M45 Pleiades and Surrounding Dust Field...30359763
Sh2-134, Sh2-135 - Ha Region in Cepheus...16350
LDN 1217 and VDB 145 in HaLRGB...7972134
Melotte 15 in HS-HSO with RGB stars...25314265
SN G65.3+5.7 in Cygnus...27818849
SH2-114 The Flying Dragon nebula...5041332
SH2-140 Emission Nebula...351810
M42 and HA dust...44334
SNR 065.3+05.7 supernova remnant...4661129
NGC7293 the Eye of Sauron in H-SHO-RGB from Spain...30756486
NGC1333 wider view...20863839
NGC7000 NB in HSS First Light Samyang 135mm Rig (Reprocessed)...16732
A candy box in the heart Cygnus, from The Crescent to The Tulip...7892255
Sh2-155 - Cave Nebula...29686
DWB 111 - Propeller Nebula...404612
Planetary Nebula K 1-20 & LBN 534...11411
LDN 684...9221
RCW114 - Emission nebula in Ara...16722
Crux constellation starfield in HHSS colors and Ha only...46010
LDN 43 wide field - The Bat's roost!...5401117
Stunning colours around VdB 152 - Combination of RGB and Ha + Oiii...12542
SNR G65.3+5.7...25748154
NGC 6188 Final Dragons of 2023 season...31920
NGC 6523 - Heart of the Lagoon...443629
North American Nebula NGC7000...50626
Unveiling hidden features in M51 using 255hours - APOD 11/08/2023 - AAPOD2 12/08/2023...15932204152
NGC 6188 - Here be Dragons!...601922
The forgotten beauty LBN 331 in Cygnus (and NGC 6884, StDr 139, PK083+05.1 Planetary Nebula)...19035133
Moonset over Khafre pyramid, Giza...18131
North American Nebula...26334
Cepheus and Cygnus...26327628
IC1396 H-SHO-RGB with a 180mm refractor...7942343
Gyulbudaghian's Nebula and Surrounding Dark Nebulae...5753020
Sh 2-101 - The Tulip Nebula...270916
M45 and Mars (The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Robotic Telescope)...23148
WR134 in HOO-RGB...7571939
Barnard 59, NGC 6293 and NGC 6316...358647
The spider & fly (IC417 & NGC1931) HaRGB...265610
Ring of Cygnus...4181114
NGC 4151 & 4156...5971116
WR-134, NGC6871 Region - Eye in the Sky...5541612
Barnard 169...16674312
Diffuse Emission Nebula Sh2-261 / LBN863 (SHO by Insight Observatory) :-)...3971313
sh2-155 678 60 secs unguided subs taken during the nights of the 24th and 25th of June 2023...21726
IC2118 - Witch Head...48459
NGC7129 in HRGB...13542
Apollo 15 Moon Landing Rima Hadley...9330
Region of Monte Apenninus, Caucasus and Alps on May 27, 2023...14201982
"Pillars of Creation" in the Eagle nebula...19330
Cone Nebula Region Wide Field...19733
Sh2-1 and Sh2-7...39677
Centaurus A...9961261
NGC 5371 and Hickson 68...183416
Vallis Alpes...15611248
Sh2-27 in Rho Ophiuchi...20720
NGC7635 & M52 in H-SHO RGB...3851124
NGC 6188 Dragons of Ara - a closer look...22932
NGC 2903...57498
Sh2-101 / Tulip Nebula (SHO)...543158
IC1311 & Patchick 6...14430
In Corona Australis...10342578
The Cigar's red plumes...28523
M51- Whirlpool Galaxy 2023...636514
DeHt 5 - VdB152 - LDN1217...23164424
IC 1396 - SH2-129/OU4 - Barnard 150...42040
M8 and M20 in HaSO-RGB...35834
NGC 5566 in LRGB (collaboration)...11133846
The Cygnus Wall NB Gold-Blue Pallet with a Monochrome version...15030
Flaming Star Nebula...24642
NGC5367 and CG12, Bernes 146...19413964
NGC 6723, NGC 6729, The Corona Australis Dark Molecular Cloud...18172535
NGC 1365 in LRGB...789620
WR 134 / Wolf–Rayet 134 (HOO / RGB)...13233716
M101 galaxy (Pinwheel) and type II supernova SN2023ixf...18020
NGC5371 and Hickson 68...380814
NGC6357 Wide Field...30122
Messier 20 SHO and SHORGB (by mouse-over) (SHORGB) (SHO) (SHORGB) (SHO)...252815
NGC 3572 and the Southern Tadpoles...8131220
Rho Ophiuchi Cloud complex...35830
Ultra-Wide Milky Way with Eridanus Loop Outcrop...24492422
M13 - The Hercules Globular Cluster...13322
NGC188 and Environs from a Dark Site...67122107
M81 & M82 (HaLRGB)...19412
M51 LRGB+HA...1260914
Mars on 01/02/2023 at 23:17 UT and Animation of the rotation...7981122
Winter sky 14/02/2023...502611
Cederblad 51 (B32)...21403711
NGC 1333 (LRGB)...9042838
Carina Nebula...14510
M82 - LRGB Ha...8225
NGC 2070: Tarantula Nebula (HOO Palette)...15720
M42 - A narrowband test...121497
New approach software derotation of the ISS captured on an alt-az mount...35755285
Dolphin Head Nebula (SH2-308)...527710
NEW DISCOVERY: the M31 [OIII] emission arc /// STROTTNER-DRECHSLER-SAINTY OBJECT 1...35654426279
vdB 123...842173
Westerhout 63 and its surroundings in Cygnus...37847
A "little spindle" nebula in the SMC next to NGC 261 in corrected OHH colors...57833
From the Propeller Nebula to Westerhout 63 in Cygnus...29586
NGC_7331 & Stephans Quintett Hickson_92...348217
Theta Cephei with LDN1089 and Sh2-130...29863952
Maffei 2 Obscured Galaxy in Near Infrared...285310
Gift set of 6 open clusters & dark cloud...18092
The Burning Blue Dragon in Cepheus - Supernova remnant CTA 1 with NGC 40...4362914
SH2-132 Lion Nebula...19030
SH2 114, The Flying Dragon, Emerging From the Smoke of Its Destruction. OSC Image...273826
M42 rides the wave...32244
SH2-222 Northern Trifid Nebula...4631716
NGC 6946: seen through the Galactic plane...89881
Fossil Footprint (NGC 1491)...26724
The Heart Nebula (SHO with RGB stars)...26726
The Elegant Crab Spider in Messier 33...248212
Angelfish Nebula - Sh2-264 @ DSLR H-Alpha...328820
Fossil Footprint Nebula in SHO...11312
N 44 in the Large Magellanic Cloud in SHO with RGB stars...516417
LBN 437 portion of SH2-126...253818
Abell 85, Sh2-170, and Sh2-173 Wide Angle...446715
IC417 : The Spider Nebula...21694824
vdb152 in HaLRGB - Four types of nebulosity in one image...8103114
IC405 in H-SHO-RGB stars...9164752
NGC2170 - The Angel Nebula...45492
NGC 1333 Embryo Nebula...6841626
NGC 1333...31186
LDN 1251 - The Rotten Fish...11610
NGC 281 - HORGB...36967
NGC 7331 and the Stephen's Quintet with IFN in LRGB...42268
The Ghost Nebula - Sh2 136 , Vdb 141 Collaborated Data with Nico Carver...1511810
SH2-200 Bearclaw Nebula...493179
Orion widefield mosaic...874172
NGC 2070-Tarantula Nebula in SHO/RGB stars 2 panel mosaic...503320
Valentine Rose Nebula - SH2-174 (HOO)...238108
NGC 1333...8461820
Heart of the Soul (IC1871) Westerhout 5...11922
NGC 1491 - Fossil Footprint Nebula...20028
Butterfly to Tulip Three-Panel Mosaic...5351712
The Heart of the Heart Nebula - Hubble Palette...5801510
NGC 2070 The Tarantula Nebula...767612
The Lion Nebula in SHO...308710
Cygnus loop with two scopes...38012
SH2-170 - Little Rosette Nebula (HSO)...20834
Abell 6 and HFG1: Chaos and order...621206
SH2-114 Flying Dragon...19942
MWP1 and ALV1_wider field...759198
IC5146 Cocoon...13003525
Seahorse in the Sea of Red...20452410
2nd Edition - Imm Deep Sky Compendium (Free Download)...15886575
IC1396 - Elephant Trunk Closeup...6821720
M31 | Finally!...817731
Messier 31 - The Andromeda Galaxy (HaLRGB)...1033163
M31 - Andromeda + Ha Clouds...11344016
SNR G082.2+05.3...11811816
Jellyfish Nebula...15753
NGC 4038 - NGC 4039 Antennae Galaxies...746614
Sh2-155 Cave Nebula...7471822
LDN 1357 The Helping Hand nebula...9252218
SH2-119 The Clamshell Nebula...501419
Sh2-132 the Lion nebula in H-HSO with RGB stars...31098053
The Double Cluster - NGC 869 and NGC 884...5931413
WR134 The Blue Dolphin...6431420
Sh2-114 The Flying Dragon Nebula...7301620
Race in Cepheus (Mosaic 6 tiles)...24946750
1st Edition - Imm Deep Sky Compendium...154880165
M78 OSC...68074
MWP1 & ALV1...6092223
Smoky clouds of Serpens in a sea of stars...19022
NGC 474 and NGC 470...8252022
NGC7497 - A Galaxy in the Mist...75827129
NGC7789 - Caroline's Rose...353110
The Heart of the Eagle Nebula ("Pillars of Creation")...28384859
SH2 Catalogue Highlights (3 Posters - SHO, HOO & H)...6683861
Interacting Galaxies - NGC 4038/39...53857
NGC3372 - Eta Carina Nebula...316921
North America in HOO Stars in RGB...30222
The Cave nebula (Sh2-155) - LRGB...17641839
SH2-1 Rarely imaged reflection nebula at Pi Scorpii...54994
Sh2-174 Valentine Rose in LHOO stars in RGB...41882
Elephant Trunk Nebula Up Close...874103
Sh2-132 The Lion...10331516
Sh2 86 Dynamic Narrowband Combination...41856
CG-4 The Celestial Wrench!...5461115
Sh2 99 and 100...15720
Madame Butterfly M27...67498
IC 5068 in H-SHO modified hubble palette...5401726
Star forming regions of the far North: Cepheus to Cassiopeia in SHO...326210867
Sh2 102...16620
65mm HaRGB Mosaic of the Milkyway Core...35297142
Hickson 44 (HCG 44)...5151316
sh2-126 The Gecko Nebula...42455
[TEAM OMICRON] - NGC 5907 with the C2PU 1m Deltagraph - 56 hours, loop and tail....4929113139
Sh2-91 in Cygnus...9513229
LDN 43 - Rarely imaged...5977127119
IC 1318...30334
VDB126 - Small Reflection Nebula in Vulpecula...19922
NGC6334 & NGC6357 widefield...14230
Barnard 3 / LBN 749 in Perseus Molecular Cloud...33734
IC 1274 (IC 1274/IC 1275)...50688
Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex...38563
Dark Nebula Complex...19020
Strawberry or Raspberry Nebula ? VdB 38, Sh2-263...6251622
UGC10822 - The Draco Dwarf Galaxy...111028117
W63 SNR in Cygnus, HSO + RGB...330158
Sombrero and jewels...9134
The "Exploding" Cigar Galaxy in HOO...714717
Sh2-261 / Lower's Nebula...797136
NGC 3324 / NGC 3293 Gabriela Mistral Nebula - SHO...42974
The Wolf Nebula SL17...40352
M51 - 2022 Edition...9121815
LDN 1384 or Stock 23...6561113
Moon as of 2022-04-09 - Mare Imbrium...14632
M 100 with the C2PU 1m Deltagraph - Very deep and high resolution field ! Magnitude 26...39325581
Skull and Crossbones...19322
M104 Sombrero NGC4594 Gruelfin...1407157
NGC 3582, Nebula in Carina...27644
Centaurus A, NGC 5128...8010
LBN 406...11030
Omega and Eagle...23132
Orion Widefield - HaRGB...20102828
IC447 Monoceros OB1 molecular cloud complex...24694428
NGC6914 Fire and Smoke...7911817
Sh2-190 - The Heart - Starnetted in version 2...316416
SH2-308 Dolphin head nebula...20834
NGC 1555, data from Insight Observatory...5021423
The Flaming Star and friends...428618
Comet C/2021 A1 Leonard - 30 December 2021 - SkyGems Observatories...7611918
NGC 1788 and LDN 1616...1371119
Cassiopeia's Ghost - IC59 / IC63...21820
The Hidden Eye - WR134...22045
IC1848 in ForaxX palette...16133
The Heart Nebula / IC 1805 / Sharpless 2-190...33846
cocoon surround in bloody sea of stars...23823
NGC1342, VDB18...686182
LBN437: Gecko on the red curtain...20124118
LDû 2, LBN 325 and SNR G 82.2+5.3...23752
NGC 7497...6141214
SHO eagle nebula...4710
LDN1251 Angler Fish Nebula...46577
Seahorse in Ophiuchus (SH2-27, LDN 240, LDN 207, LDN 146 and more)...1991289
Cometary Globule 4 (CG4)...9061717
The Antennae Galaxies - NGC 4038...12622010
NGC 4725...36176
M109 Barred Spiral Galaxy...534712
M 106 - Mordor Version...24154031
73-panel mosaic of the milky way over La Palma's southern volcanoes...20896668
Mineral Moon...17471016
Nebulosa Del Pelicano IC-5070...7121026
M82 - The Cigar Galaxy...8251019
NGC3521- Bubble Galaxy - Submission to Greg Turgeon's processing competition...388521
The Needle Galaxy - 3 hours in the Coma...349638
M22 nice details on this GC...15341
M 81 – M82...576828
Sh2-224 Supernova remnant...27575963
M65-M66-NGC3628 (Leo Triplet)...443818
The silver needle galaxy NGC 4244...574831
Abell 21 - The Medusa Nebula (SH2-274)...26740
Cederblad 51, Sh2-264, HaLRGB...64845
Supernova SN2021gmj in NGC3310...33328
Auriga Mosaic...449938
Horsehead Nebula & Flame Nebula in HOO...20822
M20 - The Trifid Nebula...323220
M16, The Eagle Nebula, The Pillars of Creation....58139
Dragons of Ara in OSC (HOO process)...49049
South of Clavius...13444
NGC 2174 - Monkey Head Nebula - LRGB+SHO by RemoteSkies.net :-)...616227
NGC 1333 area...55383
Markarian's Chain Spring'21...37959
The Pencil Nebula (NGC2736) *** APOD GrAG...645814
Tarantula Nebula in HOO...34365
M81 M82...1594109
IC443 in SHO...253519
vdB-Ha-24 Section in Vela...1319713
M44 / Beehive Cluster / Praesepe Cluster...16224
The Heart of Lower's Nebula - Sh2-261...19332
M 35, IC 443 (Sh2-248), NGC 2174 @ Bicolor...204428
M106 Spiral Galaxy...332412
NGC 2359 - Thor's Helmet...43752
Behind the Curtain - Portrait of Gabriella in Starless Monochrome...328214
Monoceros Nebulae...372108
Cygnus Loop - Color Splash!...25513577
Rosette Nebula (Caldwell 49) SHO Mosaic...505913
Nebulas LBN 782 and Barnard 7...7802830
Cave dive...13220
Markarian's Chain...433626
[Starless] M81, M82 and some IFN (HaRGB)...87575
M42 and IC434 widefield in Narrowband...2132136
Orion and Running Man...50265
M1 Crab Nebula SHORGB...22720
M81, M82 & IFN...65943
Markarians Chain...7991526
Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038 -4039)...44232
Spider (IC 417) and Fly (NGC 1931) Bicolor...32766
The Triangulum Galaxy (M33) in LHαRGBOiii...40612
The Cone, Fox Fur and Christmas Tree Nebulae...306412
M 78 NGC 7021 and Barnard's Loop...10462082
Abell 7 - Planetary Nebula...55774
Sh2-155 - The colorful Cave Nebula...17820
Petroglyph in Deep Space - The Warrior...8452122
The Squid and the Flying Bat Nebula...35615669
NGC2264 - Cone Nebula Region in SHO...775717
LBN 538 HA RGB...28432
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler 56 (StDr56) Goblet of Fire nebula...6883158124
Tadpoles in Space...9520
WR 134 (V1769 Cyg)...39165769
Cometary Globules CG30,31...48489
M 1 SHO...12420
Cepheus Widefield...20552418
Sh2 265 HA RGB...21117
Tadpoles of IC 410 - Narrow Bands...8101529
NGC 1491 / Sh2-206, HOS_LRGB...16731619
My Pelican inside the Swan...404522
M42 - The Orion Nebula...19282022
Cygnus Wall - Part of NGC 7000 / Caldwell 20 (SHO)...22426
ASI2600MC Test: M 42 - Band of Clouds...56734
LDN1235 - Dark Shark Nebula...24334
Sh2-126 Mosaic...28164933
Small Magellanic Cloud- HOORGB collab with Paul Hancock!...628937
IC 5070 SHO...10332
The Heart Nebula, IC 1805...24711
WR 134...11431312
Vela SNR Center Region Crop 1...4831120
Around Cepheus : LDN1221- SNR110.3+11.3-DeH5-LDN1217-VDB152 / LDN1235 / LDN1251...20374636
SH2-190 - Center of the Heart (HSO)...540731
NGC 6164 - The Pseudo Planetary Nebula...20962234
LDN 881 "Frilly Nudibranch Nebula", Sh2-108, DWB 34...530922
STAR AIN...379100
Heart Nebula (Ha:sG:OIII) - Heart of the Heart...513616
installing the four RASA setup on the Xerxes Scientific DDR mount...1030710
IC 4604 -- Abstracted...293119
SH2-124 | The Almost Nothing Nebula...15362133
Sh2 136 - Ghost Nebula...11491335
Eastern Veil Nebula - Bicolor Image - Hubble Style - Two-panel Mosaic...398512
The Mighty Three - Giants in the Clouds and Shadows...9342164
SH2-174 HOO in six hours...486166
NASA APOD: The Depths of the Lagoon Nebula (M8)...102695
Pickering's Triangle - HOO...299211
Cepheus-Cygnus 32 panel megamosaic....24265348
Melotte 15...37276
Cygnus Star Cloud / WR134-Sh2-101...72830
LDN1146 - Dark Nebula...7271116
NGC 1555 - Hind's Nebula in Taurus...1069148
IC1805 SHO...37631
Pickering's Triangle - The Veil Nebula...55317
Surrounding nebulosity around NGC6914...284518
NGC6188 Fighting Dragons of Ara...19518
The Butterfly Nebula (Part of IC 1318) in the constellation Cygnus...525516
Emission Nebula In SMC (HOO)...1429168
The Anteater Nebula in Corona Australis - our Southern Crown...14561110
NGC6726 Wide Field Nebula and Dust...44741
LBN 400 - H-alpha...21922
SH2-114 The Flying Dragon...28733
Reflection Nebulae in Corona Australis and Globular Cluster of Sagittarius...19256
The Flying Dragon Nebula, SH2-114...22962
C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)...307510
Not Often Imaged Sh2-163 thru SH2-170 and several Super Nova Remnants SNR G114.3 +0.3, G116.5 +1.1 and G116.9 +0.2...5491118
Sharpless in Cas -- The Pacman Nebula [Sh2-184] in Ha...230110
Orion's Horse & Sword (HRGBO)...32126
Area Near M24...47468
SH2-86 / NGC6820 in SHO...32922
Prawn Nebula, IC 4628...20720
Cygnus and the Northern Milky Way...1583139
Sh2-101 Tulip Nebula in HST palette...561922
Dark Nebula Barnard 365 in Constellation Cepheus...210311
Sharpless in Cyg [ Sh2-114 ] -- The Flying Dragon in Ha...258511
In Cygnus...50678
Messier 63 in L RGB Ha - The Sunflower Galaxy in Canes Venatici...6612
Abell 2218 - Distant Galaxy Cluster in Draco...17714
Cyg Impression - The Great Wall in Ha...175314
M81&M82 In IFN...58883
LDN 673 - Lynds' Dark Nebula in Aquila...28946
Bubble Sunset (NGC7635 Bubble Nebula)...21413
SH2-54 Scary Face nebula and NGC6604 Open Cluster...340346
Tulip & Cyg X-1 schock front bow #2...9821615
IC405 - The Flaming Star Nebula (HaLRGB)...718733
NGC 7008 • Fetus Nebula in HaOIIIRGB...13193043
Sh2-`188 in SHO...366916
NGC 5068 Hubble Palette Tone Map w Insert...308511
NGC6822 Barnard's Galaxy...4571283
NGC2244 Rosette...35537
BBWo56 in Puppis reworked...32644
Cederblad 51 reflection nebula in Orion...7002124
M16-M17 Wide field...16425
Arp 1 / Arp 285 - widefield...757929
Ghost Nebula vdB141 (Detail)...353313
NGC 3718 et al...73189
Regulus & Leo 1 Dwarf Galaxi...24784453
NGC6888 Crescent Nebula BiColour...22612
Sh2-223 & Sh2-224 in Auriga...21963245
Pencil Nebula - NGC 2736- Herschel ´´ s Ray...22632
Dust clouds in Orion...6541215
Weinberger 1-10 (We1-10, PK 086+05.1, PN G086.1+5.4)...392110
NGC 2264...1276156
Orion Nebula & Running man Nebula...21113
Flames of Cygnus: Sh2-119 to Pelican...23542731
Messier 7 - Ptolomeu cluster - new data...704514
California Nebula NGC 1499...22262641
Soul Nebula...766720
IC1805, bicolor...39774
M27 Dumbbell nebula...781912
bubble nebula NGC 7635 closeup...35174394
Soap Bubble in Cygnus...9611616
Barnard 150 “The Seahorse Nebula”...9152624
IC1396 - The Elephant Trunk...602210
SH2-86 SHO...32323
IC 5146 The Cocoon Nebula...1543727
The Bubble Nebula NGC 7635 (Mapped colour)...1595139
M16 Eagle Nebula (Mapped colour)...9361515
NGC 5128 - Centaurus A Galaxy...983610
Melotte 15 - Heart Core...57038
Rosette Nebula HaSHO...7451232
IC1805 HOO...16512436
The Cocoon nebula (IC 5146, Sh2-125)...9357159107
2017 Geminids Meteor Shower...14403815
NGC 660 Polar Ring Galaxy HaLRGB...18691911
Rho Ophiuchi...901105
NGC 7497 and the Integrated Flux Nebula, Luminescence...5671418
Sco-Oph-Lib region...55589430
LBN468 - dust and Herbig-Haro objects in Cepheus...14752817
California Nebula, NGC 1333, IC 348, and Dust Clouds...43202511
Hickson 68 and NGC 5371...42921
The Draco Triplet...43062628