These are the users that follow Juan Lozano mutually.
nortega NelsonAstrofoto 65258667
davidng David Nguyen 7810199
Israel Israel Gil Andani 17220262
Goofi Goofi 102282258
astroedo Edoardo Luca Radice (Astroedo) 207368234
petfol Peter Folkesson 138367277
silverhawk Emmanuel 24224380
Verio Verio 27244
gus_ Gustavo Naharro 324936
kikachan Raffaella M.C. 0515
Osteoval Valentin 7214799
Giulio Giulio Ercolani 80367261
starfall Delberson 202371295
Ayatola Marcelo Domingues 64139167
MarkusB MarkusB 54222122
Nebula10 Dylan Woodbrey 61154425
coles44 Eric Coles (coles44) 10711508246
Pav1007 Paweł Radomski 52194308
pedroa910b Pedro Asunción 30154
canopo100 Fabian Rodriguez Frustaglia 409198144
Alejandro Alejandro 151911
SergeC Serge Caballero 205245351
josex Jose Luis Ricote 512322
Barry-Wilson Barry Wilson 3321603567
diurnal diurnal 123147122
zonalunar Observatorio Zonalunar 8195
Vincent_Bchm Vincent Bchm 6710379
grsotnas Gabriel R. Santos (grsotnas) 2801107742
fausto.lubatti Fausto Lubatti 4797175
cmfenton Fenton 6874119
Karlov Karlov 536799
Thirteen Jason Guenzel 235960396
Ivana Ivana 48436161
fginebrosa Ferran Ginebrosa 36137
joss750Z joss750Z 112519
nuwanda Juan Bayo 024
Galanionn Galanionn 82532
xisco68 xisco68 03736
AlexTom Alexis Tibaldi 654
marcdix marc 136266
excelsior84 Charles Ward 104204268
DavidWills David Wills (PixelSkiesAstro) 255323607
JesusMagdalena Jesus Magdalena 247254276
m_abdulkareem m_abdulkareem 377770
Astro_vestfold Knut Hagen 38120179
pproulx Peter Proulx 202918
cabissi Christopher Abissi 585
delyant Delyan 036
superelch Thomas Richter 2851051264
lfparmegiani L. Fernando Parmegiani 60145332
eldoctorbacterio eldoctorbacterio 402924
CielosBoreales Roberto Ferrero 63129235
exmedia Richard Pattie 72277417
MrFavro Marco Favro 150209151
fotojerry999 Jerry Huang 10560471
Sodiac Markus 2993151
sergio.diaz Sergio Díaz 105582280
broesl28 Gerald Kerschbaumer 191715