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One minute Flight over the Moon (from Plato to Moretus)...9484997
IC1396 - Elephant Nebula in SHO...19122
3D-Animation of Clavius-Libration...4981425
Lacus Mortis ( 22.04.2018)...15644
Jupiter Gif 6...10082017
Super moon and the castle (APOD 19/12/16)...31268
IC1396 Elephant Trunk in HSO...23422
NGC6822 (IC4895) - Barnard's Galaxy...2031208
Pillar prominence - 07.08.2016...38731
The Cat's Eye Nebula, NGC 6543, HOLRGB Image...21953434
Bipolar emission nebula NGC6164/6165 in HaOiiiRGB...21403111
Three faces of the Sun in Ca/K, HA and WL 6/20/2016...27824
Leo triplet...23710
M 63 2016...968164
Mercury transit - first contact (H-alpha) - 09.05.2016...1147178
Jupiter - a short animation...6722020
Iss Transit across the Sun...17720
Messier 106...2004185
Abell 31...854108
PN Jones Emberson 1...1278159
M1 in slow motion...7821811
NGC 1365...22292417
M33 in (mostly) narrowband...82767
The Eastern Veil...56765
NGC 7635 - The Bubble...14141920
Abell 79 Planetary Nebula...1179105
Composición Eclipse 2015...15910
NGC 6960 El Velo...32532
M16 HA...26710
Jupiter/Venus Conjunction...24324
Comparison of Stacking Software...12771822
Map of the nebulae of Pinwheel Galaxy...59546
Messier 78 and Barnard's Loop...38547
Rosette Nebula...30610
M42 Orion Nebula in Hb-Ha-LRGB – GIF Animation...17751722
IC 443...65073
ISS & Moon...38544
Equatorial Star Trails...23720
Heart Nebula...25110
Tulip Nebula - Cygnus X-1...5821011
Bubble Nebula...47192
Helix Nebula...69997
The Cirrus of Cygnus as a gigantic print...64729
M97 Narrowband City...54230
PLN 205+14.1...85857
NGC 7293 Helix Nebula...20572026
Bubble Nebula...46671
A 3D study of IC 1396 as an animation...34563112