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SH2-261 (Lower's Nebula) HO-RGB...6542212
Sharpless 280 - An Emission Nebula in Monoceros...9331814
Startrails @ Tower of an old mill...330329
M33 - the Triangulum Galaxy...1090614
Sh2-1 LRGB...8421018
C/2020 F3 Neowise over Mount Hood...11812441
Sun 6_11_20: AR 2765 Ha and Calcium...14436
NEW DISCOVERY: Xavier Strottner - Marcel Drechsler Objekt 13...9701125
SH2-264 - Orions Head...21622233
The Pleiades...232498
Return to Orion...276114
Milky Way in the West, at Brazil´ s State Park...15141223
3 tiles mosaic of Rho complex...9141318