Arp 273...51842
Saturn: August 5th 2019...25072179
IC 1795 - The Fishhead Nebula "Natural" Version...10141117
Saturn | 2018-08-18 3:19 UTC | Color...10310
La Carène NGC3372...66198
La Lune le 13 Avril 2019 - Triplet 102/714 SkyVision - Altair 183mm ProTec SkyVision - Filtre rouge - 50 images stackées...9410
Jupiter - April 10, 2019...384816
NGC 7635 - The Bubble Nebula and Neighbors "Natural" Version...14462335
Saturn | 2018-08-17 4:03 UTC | Color...24600
Test triplet 102/714 SkyVision + Cam 183m pro SkyVision + 14 x 240" image réduite à 50%...9210
NGC 4565...35114
A Martian Epic...17071023
Rosette nebula...21052735
Be142 Dark Nebula in Chaemeleon...39892
NGC 4631...711313
NGC 2683...235212
Abell 21...795324
IC 1795 - The Fishhead Nebula (SHO)...400413
Mars | 2018-08-14 4:20 UTC | Color...16500
Saturn is coming!...31606
Rosette Nebula (SHO)...36246165
ERATOSTHENES 15022019 19H33 NEWTON 625 MM BARLOW 5 FILTRE IR 742 QHY5-III 178M 100% Luc CATHALA...30320
Orion, Sigma Art 50 @ f/1,8 / STC duo Narrowband and RVB / EOS 600D / EQ3-2...551613
NGC 1491...726913
Ngc 2903...11100
TYCHO 15 02 2019 20H48 NEWTON 625 MM BARLOW 4 FILTRE ROUGE 610 QHY5 III 178M 120% LUC CATHALA Copyright 1...38657
Its frrreezing cold here...114816
The Elephant Trunk - Hubble Palette...42777
Sh2-240 Simeis 147...20032414
My take on the iconic Whirlpool galaxy...103374
Cone/Fox Fur Region Wide Field In HOO...34886
IC 1871 The Whirling Dervish Nebula...7491231
M 106...18303
Seagull Nebula Wide Field In SHO...29344
Wizard nebula (Bicolor)...18527
Barnard 150...48444
Clavius mosaic...26010
NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula (Bicolor)...45342
M1: Crab Nebula in RGB-Ha-OIII...706514
Rupes Recta...13932
Good morning Copernico!...16823
NGC 7635 - The Bubble Nebula and Neighbors...8151220
NGC 891 - Edge-On Spiral Galaxy...42200
M78 Reflection Nebula in Orion...1642310
NGC 1333 in Perseus...53383424
NGC 6888 HOO_RGB - Crescent Nebula in Cygnus...23504
Messier 1 The Crab Nebula...43546
NGC 1499 California Nebula...53035
NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula (Bicolor)...12832232
TENERIFFE PICO 11/10/2017 625 mm barlow 4 Filtre IR685 QHY5-III 178MM 100% Luc CATHALA...25530
Saturn | 2018-07-18 4:53 UTC | RGB...15911
Summer Memories: The Perseids 2018...68557
NGC 1055...361111
NGC6357 reprocessed...23892927
PYTHAGORE 11102017 625 mm barlow 4 filtre IR685 QHY5-III 178MM 100% Luc CATHALA...21121
Bubble nebula and surroundings...22902
NGC 6543 - Cat's Eye Nebula (core)...55884430
Horsehead & Flame Nebula reagion (Ha-RGB)...1030159
SH2-157 - The Claw Nebula (SHO)...710720
Deep in the Heart of Mordor... The Helix, NGC 7293...36685044
M1 - Crab nebula - 2018...92666
SH2-157 - The Lobster Claw Nebula (Bicolor)...1206815
California Nebula NGC1499 (from SE London) HSS...19514
Heart of the Heart & Melotte 15...10372317
IC1396 - La trompe de Céphée...708722
NGC 1499 mosaïque 2 panneaux - C11 F2 - Baader 7nm - Atik 460EX...15126
Copernic 17/07/2017 625 mm barlow 4 filtre IR742 QHY5-III 178MM 90% Luc CATHALA...26453
NGC1333 LRGB...13511513
M 42 Orion Nebula...37922
NGC 7331 (Reprocessed)...47032
NGC1491, T150 f/5 / ATIK ONE / AZEQ5...34413
ISS Damaged radiator panel...30563413
The Heart of the Pacman, NGC 281...15011326
NGC 891 - Edge on spiral galaxy in Andromeda (reworked)...157098
Clavius 16/07/2017 625 mm barlow 4 filtre IR742 QHY5-III 178MM 70% Luc CATHALA...25352
IC59 & IC63 - Le Fantôme...56638
Marte 2018...553148
IC 342: Hidden Galaxy...1221412
Veil Nebula...25012
Sh2-173 - Phantom of the Opera...6451615
Saturne depuis 2009 à 2019 et sélectionnée AAPOD²...922941
Thor's Helmet...272312
IC1805 - IC1848 - le Coeur et l'âme...124686
Horsehead Nebula B33 IC434...115198
The Popped Balloon (Abell 85 - CTB1 - LBN 576)...29642927
California Nebula...691913
M33 revisited...27024
Melotte 15...40532
NGC 7822 Hubble colors...69965
NGC 1893 - Tadpole Nebula in SHO-LRGB...8312524
IC 1396...59656
Soul Nebula (Narrowband)...6461222
CTB1 / LBN 576 (Abell 85, G116.9+0.2, PK 116.9+0.1)...16881219
IC 10...34226
IC 1848 Soul Nebula...49835
IC239 behind Bright Milky Way Stars...37647
Janssen Fabricius Metius 31/05/2017 625 mm barlow 4 filtre IR685 QHY5-III 178 MM 100% Luc CATHALA...18342
NGC 7822...14531112
The Andromeda Galaxy...21500
NGC 6888 - Crescent Nebula (Bicolor)...8541514
IC 1805 Heart Nebula...45145
Barnard 174 - ( Beep Beep Nebula )...25910
M27 (The Dumbbell Nebula) in HOO...807910
Sh2-190 & IC1805...7181818
NGC 6820 / NGC 6823 / SH2-86 (SHO)...21711112
The Heart Nebula IC1805 (Two Panel Mosaic)...35956
Elephant's Trunk...44125
Iris Nebel...8700
Saturn | 2018-07-14 5:23 UTC | RGB...14601
SH2-157 in HaO3-LRGB...7581412
Saturn of August...58236
NGC 2244 • The Rosette Nebula in SHO (Starless)...509614
Saturn | 2018-07-12 6:24 UTC | Color...31101
Lobster Claw and Bubble Nebula mosaic...433128
Simeis 57 / DWB 111 - Propeller Nebula (SHO)...7691124
ic 1396 wide in HII...19524
Messier 31, Andromeda Galaxy - 4 panel mosaic...45775
NGC 6823 HaSHO...558429
NGC 1499...16910
SH2-112 - A Cygnus Nebula...40934
Propeller Galaxy (Cropped)...58940
NGC 7380 - The Wizard Nebula...36221517
Network nebula - NGC 6992...16414
Barnard 150...366109
Jupiter | 2018-07-12 4:00 UTC | Color...24000
The Propeller Galaxy (NGC 7479)...89554
M33 the Triangulum galaxy...63142
M31 en 7h50...45147
Mars from Chilescope, 7 September 2018...16261920
Jupiter | Color | 2018-07-11 03:08 UTC...29900
Pythagore Carpenter et Philolaus Celestron C11 + A si 178 mm...13810
NGC 6992...28800
NGC6820 in SHO-LRGB...44270
IC1805 HOO...16512436
Helix Nebula...40834
LDN1228 - LBN552 - GN 21.00.4...11642522
NGC 6888 Bad Sky...50454
M17 - Omega Nebula / Swan Nebula (SHO)...86492
LDN 673...225219
NGC 7822...31812
Elephant Nebula - IC1396 (SHO)...15920
Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner...34124
Mars 28 Aug 2018 - Syrtis Major - 3 min capture...25321
M27 in Hoo...32512
NGC 6888 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...658138
The Soul Nebula in SHO...1039617
M17 - Omega Nebula / Swan Nebula (SHO)...365310
NGC-6888 (Crescent Nebula)...25821
Cocoon Nebula...29136
Pillars of creation RC ASA 40'...711610
IC 1318a / LBN 251 / DWB 82...36576
The Elephant's Trunk Nebula - HOO Combination...92231
Mars - 21/08/2018...18612
NGC6888 - La nebuleuse du croissant...772812
M20-21 in H-SHO, T 150/750 / ATIK ONE / AZEQ6...22913
M31 Andromeda galaxy Ha enhanced...101899
Mars, a brief GIF...496313
Andromeda 2018...26022417
Adlernebel Messier 16 in HaOIIIRGB...65425
Saturn: My last of 2018 season (2018/08/18)...12412
NGC 7380, the Wizard Nebula...27332
Helix Nebula...41620
M31 LHaRGB...107456
Mars - 2018/8/17...19722
Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner in front of HDW2...16401829
M20-21 T150 f/5 / ATIK ONE / AZEQ5, LRGB and LHa-RHaGBO3...32911
NGC 7331 (Deer Lick Group)...1156168
Ngc 7023_RGB...22721
Iris Nebula (NGC 7023)...18322
The Wall in the NGC 7000...19002
Cocoon Nebula...20720
M 31 Andromeda Galaxi...87832
NGC 7023...48048
NGC 7331...32759
Helix Nebula NGC7293...19451422
Mily Way from Crete...12221
Mars 16 Aug 2018 - Valles Marineris - 3 min capture...1111719
Saturn, august 04 - 2018...24314
Pelican Nebula IC5067 with HH Objects...832212
NGC 6888...27022
Messier 31 - The Andromeda Nebula Mosaic in 8K resolution...15343780
M31 Widefield...9421420
NGC 7023, Irisnebel...32620
M31 Andromeda Galaxy...10481311
Saturn 2018/08/11...10910
IC 1396 - Elephant's Trunk SHO...21263033
Crescent Nebula (bicolor)...398920
The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula IC1396 – Hubble Palette...949117
NGC7635 - Bubble Nebula...16101
The Veil Nebula - HOO Combination...57840
The North America Nebula - HOO combination...61223
Teapot with Extra Tip - Saturn visiting the Galatic Center - Jul 2018 v1...105834
The Scorpion's Head - A Panorama of Stars and Nebulae...29605040
M16 - HST...44512
The Boy and The Milky Way...26224
Saturn 08/06/18...75310
Mars 2018_08_06...82768
Saturn storm...26110
Crescent nebula NGC6888...264087
Butterfly Nebula IC 1318 in the Hubble Palette...19482152
Saturn With Moons...54227
nebuleuse du scorpion...16816
Eastern Veil Nebula Bicolor...45006
NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula - Jul 2018 v2...59215
(no title)...18312
IC 5146 Cocoon Nebula LRGB...93287
NGC 6888 Bicolor...16712031
Cygnus in HA...8420
montes CAUCASUS...28722
NGC 6888 - The Crescent Nebula...15642322
M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy...65722
Saturn - 2018/7/29...43110
Animation of Moon leaving the Umbra...10942
Mars - July 30, 2018...9161226
M57 The Ring Nebula...64720
Spiral galaxy NGC6744 in Pavo...19832544
The North America and Pelican Nebula...24128
Pillars of Creation and Friends...936611
Saturn 27.07.2018...19500
Soul Nebula (IC 1848)...1103918
NGC 7023 Iris nebula...3118109
NGC 2070 Tarantula Nebula...18924
Barnard 228 – the Dark Wolf Nebula in Lupus - APOD 26/jul/2018...25731319
NGC 6960 Veil Nebula West in HOO...468916
Pelican , with North America and nebula south and west of Deneb...5651020
NGC 6960 Veil Nebula West in Luminance Ha + 0,75 OIII...28812
M16 Eagle Nebula in SHO-LRGB...58548
Mars | 2018-06-17 07:34 UTC | Color...17502
Veil Nebula and Surroundings Widefield...49507
Iris Nebula Region...14302325
NGC 6888 - The Crescent Nebula...28351824
IC 1805 center..Melotte 15 SHO...11614
ISS 2018.07.20 C14HD edge ASI178MM...92745
Saturn - 2018/7/19...39222
Crescent nebula...19533
Messier 31, Andromeda galaxy...34210
M33 Galaxy in Triangulum...517316
come c/2017 s3 in Camelopardalis...20912
M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula...832528
NGC6888 in HOO...19526
M31, M32, NGC205 The Andromeda Galaxy...573917
NGC6888 The Crescent Nebula...611913
North American Nebula (NGC 7000) in HOO...28110
Crescent nebula...21155
LDN 1251 - Dark Nebula in Cepheus...21810
IC 4592 & IC 4601...431410
NGC 5907 with Tidal Stream...39914
Iris Nebula Close up...274915
Sharpless 2-132: the Lion Nebula in Cepheus - a two-panel bicolour mosaic...24546
NGC6960 The Witch's Broom...11871518
M51, The Whirlpool Galaxy (close-up)...1126516
M16 - The Eagle Nebula - Hubble Palette...1767615
Crescent Nebula and Soap Bubble in HaO3-LRGB...628212
M83 NGC5236...18111322
The Crescent Nebula, NGC6888 (Ha, OIII)...691115
Saturn 2018/7/1...22310
Wizard nebula (Ha-RGB)...27310
Saturno,s 2018...8210
Mars - June 30, 2018...36515
Saturn 2018/6/30...18920
Saturn 2018/6/30...11710
IC1848 The Soul Nebula...23432
M 83...45562
Mars - June 25, 2018...40614
JUpiter, june 26-2018...22113
Mars - June 22, 2018...11621230
Tadpole Galaxy (Arp 188)...71850
A very dusted Mars...4821217
Iris Nebula just elaboration...20812
Jupiter and Ganymede...64609
LDN1688/1689 VDB104/105/108, IC4606 - Rho Ophiuchi molecolar cloud complex in Drizzle 2x & DSLR...58152
First Mars of the season 2018/06/16...28400
NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula and PN G75.5+1.7 Soap Bubble Nebula, bicolor...84945
Globular Cluster M3...512311
Crescent Nebula - NGC 6888...13110
Planets June 11 2018...19322
Progression of the dust storm on Mars - May- June 2018...13621
Saturn 11 June 2018 - storm near North Pole...7410
Jupiter and Ganymede 11 June 2018 - composite image...8127
Mars - June 12, 2018...529824
M17 HaSHO...33759
NGC7380 - The Wizzard Nebula in SHO-LRGB...766918
NGC 4449...20212
Mars - 2018Jun04...39608
NGC 6729...24611
Omega Centauri NGC5139...15125
Antaries HAlpha Cloud...19916
NGC 5128 Centaurus A...15104
M8 - M20 in Sagittario...12512
Dance of Jupiter and Ganymede in 1.5 hours...55152
M106 L_HaRGB...1208124
Messier 57 - Ring Nebula...1162135
The iris nebula - NGC 7023...23714
Moretus, Clavius and Tycho region...32042
IC 1396A, Elephant's Trunk nebula, bicolor...34911
Montes Caucasus...24310
M 100...27500
Jupiter & Ganymede - 2018/5/31...34220
Clavius and Moretus...16934
The Catcher's Mitt Nebula - IC4685...42444
M13 Great Cluster in Hercules...419168
M83 - The Southern Pinwheel Galaxy...36252311
Quiescent prominence - 30.05.2018...57442
Bernes 149 - 2018...243212
Sinus Iridium - Pythagoras region...22434
jupiter May 16, 2018 (4)...55424
Celestial Variety: NGC6946, NGC6939, Barnard 150, SH2-129 and OU4 (HAOIIIRGB)...27317887
Saturn 5_25_18...43610
Sharpless 86...15210
NGC 5426-27...13752217
Mars - May 27, 2018...52168
NGC 4725 T 250 F/4 / ATIK ONE / AZEQ6...17002
NGC 5139 - Omega Centauri...348237
Mur Droit ( 23.05.2018)...13620
Jupiter avec la GTR...37739
Saturn and storm...23302
NGC 4051, a Seyfert galaxy...82422
Jupiter 2018/5/19...27528
Jupiter | RGB | 2018-05-11 04:51.4 UTC...11800
Iris Nebula...10621310
QHY North America and Pelican...27802
IC2177 Seagull Nebula - SHO-LRGB...46558
Omega Centauri and Nearby Galaxies Widefield - Reprocessed...327611
M101 The Pinwheel Galaxy...108314
M106 with Ha Jets...20501012
M31 RH305-16803 (Deep Sky West)...34723
Western veil & pickerings triangle...23455
M13 Great Globular Cluster in Hercules...53014
Saturn with Celestron 6SE take 3...53638
Saturn. 25.04.2018....1691910
NGC 5746...348014
Mars, may 07-2018...40130
Messier 65...58972
Moon 2018-04-24. South of Arzachel (Thebit, Purbach, Regiomontanus, Werner, Blanchinus, La Caille, Delaunay...)...10600
Jupiter, May 07-2018...564316
Elephant Trunk Nebula in SHO-LRGB...10311316
M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy...104658
The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) - Cropped...1182214
M82 Redux...133398
Jupiter, april 10-2018...18810
Update - EQ6 to EQ8...1364131
M101 T 250 f/4 / ATIK ONE / AZEQ6...38027
M96 - An Asymmetric Spiral...16973323
Clavius, Moretus ( 24.04.2018)...17754
Clavius, Tycho ( 24.04.2018)...13710
Widefield- SH2-205 Diffuse Nebula in Perseus...44454
Hyginus, Triesnecker ( 24.04.2018)...10526
IC1396 - Elephant Trunk Nebula...96449
Jupiter - April 29, 2018...14831016
Rima Hadley ( 24.04.2018)...13242
Helix Nebula...35210
M13 LRGB...16100
M82 Cigar Galaxy...46538
NGC 6888 in BiColor...560314
SH2 129 & OU4 - testing new camera on Hyperstar...13361437
M51 The Whirpool Galaxy...73787
Messier 104 - Sombrero Galaxy...147742
JUPITER 04-04-2018...62619
M 100...51864
NGC 4725 and Friends...41815
PFP1 (Pierce, Frew & Parker) faint PN in Monoceros...5611722
Jupiter 19 Apr 2018 14:41 UTC - North up...18701
M 83...16202
The Rosette Nebula (a Special Red Rose) *** AAPOD ***...56538
Iris and Ghost...17832516
M 83...31511
M106 HaLRGB...2101125
Decomposing a color image!...22306
Lowers nebula - Sh2-261...12602
M64 - The Black Eye Galaxy...200094
3D Fly-in -- Simeis 147 / sh2-240 / Spaghetti Nebula (HaO3RGB)...33225944
m101 sct 8...18411
IC 1805 Nébuleuse du Coeur...31013
Sh2-261 Lower's Nebula in 2 flavours...8341511
Théophile 03/04/2017 625 mm barlow 3 filtre 610 QHY5-III 178MM 100% Luc CATHALA...13230
Corona Australis – a Dusty Crown...99275
Messier 16 - Eagle Nebula in Hubble palette...31811
NGC 2237 - 2018...10751532
M 51 RHAVB...75643
Mt. Fuji with the Moonlight...486616
M106 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...493114
M51 - The whirlpool galaxy...22510
NGC 1333 Star-forming Region in Perseus...712204
NGC 2997 - Spiral galaxy in Antlia...21520
Bode's Nebulae (Messier 81 & 82)...34174
Rosette Nebula - SHO from DSW...436512
Jupiter - March 19, 2018...1187723
M51 Galaxy, a LRHaGB picture...14811130
IC 410 (RGB with HSO enhancement)...26726
Ldn 1622 "Boogie Man Nebula"...578106
NGC 1333 from multiple datasets...792126
NGC 5248...19538
NGC4565 - The Needle Galaxy...12962836
Sombrero Galaxy...14921211
Galactic Practices Cannibalism in M51...16462518
Saturn - March 12, 2018...6801216
ngc 7331 in Pegasus...15991217
Sh2 290 Abell 31...61070
Messier 51 - Whirlpool galaxy...159440
M51 enhanced with Ha and SII...35502
NGC2244 - Rosetta Nebula...55935
Abell 31 - PK 219.1+31.2...76587
Jupiter, March 05-2018...26722
SH2-170 - the Little Rosette Nebula...1473292
Just another Moon...32036
Copernicus - BLUE FILTER...35844
IC 434 - Horse head and Flame Nebula...37884
B/W Moon with color cam...30700
Vallis Alpes...22618
M51: Whirlpool Galaxy...6706
Eratosthenes and Gost of Stadius...11110
Sistema Solare...37923
M 51, the Whirlpool Galaxy...10281710
M95 (Individual, 19.5 SQM, 45 MASL)...42403
LBN782 LRGB...842143
Rosette Nebula - Bicolor...66424
Rima Hadley...725138
Ptolomeo, Alphonsus and Arzechel...21325
IC 443...30352341
M 74...10061418
Moon 2018-01-06. Posidonius...8600
M 106...58372
Rosette Nebula Narrow Band...53323
Rosettennebel NGC2237 / NGC 2238 / NGC 2239 / NGC 2244 / NGC 2246 Bicolor...7791710
Oh My Gourd; Gourd Nebula SH2-308...13452918
Alnitak Region...32716
Simeis 147 / sh2-240 / Spaghetti Nebula (HaO3RGB)...34924031
NGC 2264 - Cone Nebula...5151412
M51 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...8911513
Jupiter and GRS...49732
M83 (NGC 5236) Southern Pinwheel Galaxy...26442
IC434, NGC2024...52576
Nébuleuse de la Rosette en HARVB...25811
M78 / NGC 2068 AAPOD² 16 March 2019...438512
Horsehead and NGC 2024...17260
Rosette Nebula HOO v2.0...12041719
Rosette Nebula...32243
IC 443 - Jellyfish nebula...337411
M45 Pleiades...9810
B33 and IC434, APO 80x480 / ATIK ONE / AZEQ6...23422
Messier 1 - Crab Nebula / Test ZWO ASI294MC-Pro...275662
M78 - Horse head - Orion...25810
Messier 82 - Cigar Galaxy...142631
Space Pitaya - sh2-240 ( simeis147 )...110895
Platon 22/09/16 newton 625 mm barlow3 filtre IR685 QHY5-III 178MM 100% Luc CATHALA...33552
NGC 2264 - Cone Nebula & Christmas Tree Cluster (SHO)...64122
M16 Eagle Nebula RGB+Ha...28220
M51 whirlpool galaxy...54424
NGC 2403...98089
NGC 1566 - The Spanish Dancer...15121616
NGC 2174 - Monkey Head Nebula (SHO)...37566
Rosette Nebula...14241310
M95 in Leo...19433042
M 42...99852
Rosette Nebula in Hubble Palette...329414
IC 2118 - Witch Head Nebula...18221315
IC 443 and Asteroid (1210) Morosovia...449716
Jupiter RGB 2018 02 03 First GRS for the season...15413
The Rosette - NGC2237...67793
Horsehead Nebula...800311
IC 1848 - Soul Nebula (2 Pane)...975815
Shrpless-2 240...39352
M45 The Pleiades...887311
California nebula ( NGC 1499 ) versus IC 348...651102
Gems of Auriga...30095737
NGC2174 - Monkey Head Nebula...34804
Wide Field - The Seagull Nebula and Thor´s Helmet...617218
Pleiades and C/2016 R2 Panstarrs...18740
IC443 Jellyfish Nebula - Luminanz...562621
Rosette Nebula Hoo...66574
Rosette Nebula - SHO...10441016
Rosette Nebula RGB + Ha...57730
NGC2244 Cone Nebula...456714
M78 - A Maelstrom of reflection and dust!...16044545
M81/82 Widefield - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...641812
M42 - Orion Nebula. An HDR experiment....15810
Horeshead Complex HaLRGB...41018
Hamburger with some tail...1600147
IC 1795 The Fishhead Nebula in Cassiopeia...56354
The Pleiades RGB...48488
NGC 2237 SHO...547917
Fox Fur Nebula/Cone Nebula Medium Field in HSO Blend...26603
NGC 3448...53882
Great Orion Nebula - ASI 1600 MC Pro Test...150484
Fox Fur Nebula/Cone Nebula Medium Field in HOO Blend...17312
Rosette Nebula in Ha...22700
The Rosette Nebula - Hubble Palette...6281318
IC 1805 BiColor...26804
Flame and Horsehead Nebula Wide Field HaRGB...37520
M88 & M91...28134
IC1848 Soul nebula in HOO...57652
The Iris Nebula, my first image from the 14.5" RCOS...57021
Rosette NGC2239...39754
Messier 78 in Orion - with a hint of Barnard's Loop...39748
IC 410 - The Tadpoles Nebula...222978
Rosette nebula...18510
NGC 6946...22310
Winter Sky...29632
IC 405 and IC 410: The Flaming Star and Tadpoles...46359
M42 Trapezium...26902
NGC 2264 - Cone Area ITU RH 200 First Light...11841723
The pleiades...45912
NGC-1333 @ DSW...32872
M1 - Drizzled & Cropped - Ha-L-RGB...33626
Flame and Horsehead Nebulae...505616
Caldwell 49 Rosette Nebula Narrowband (HOS)...13112
Nebulosa Testa di Strega - IC 2118...60520
NGC2244 Rosette Nebula - central regions...7861014
NGC2264 [Ha]...19400
NGC 4725...15110
NGC2024/Flame Nebula, B33/Horsehead Nebula and IC434...17481715
M78 Dark Nebula...672427
The Rosette Nebula, bicolor...56856
Herbig-Haro Objects in NGC1333...38744
Simeis 147 aka Sh2-240...51982914
Aristarchus - Herodotus plateau...24354
Posidonius, Chacornac, Daniell, Rima G. Bond 16/11/2016 625 mm barlow 3 filtre IR 685 qhy5-III 178M 100 et 70% Luc CATHALA...20010
A Hubble Palette Rosette...17824
M42 HaRGB Wide Angle...31806
NGC2264 Wide Field In H-alpha...31301
Best of 2017...279410
Great Orion Nebula - M42...46132
NGC 7000, North America Nebula (SHO)...68546
NGC 7000, North America Nebula (SHO, WIP)...512112
Jupiter - 2017...22883150
Copernic 10/12/2016 625mm barlow 4 filtre IR685 QHY5-III 178MM à 90% Luc CATHALA...36937
VdB 152 from Cepheus...1117122
Horsehead Nebula...28410
1140 km de Mosting à Lexell 22/10/2016 625mm barlow 2 filtre IR742 QHY5-III 178MM Luc CATHALA...18212
Rosette in "fake" narrowband...33102
M33 LRGB with 26 hours of OIII and Ha...22673
Clavius 10/12/2016 625mm barlow 3, filtre IR742,caméra QHY5-III 178MM 100 et 70% Luc CATHALA...25533
M42 Ha Wide Angle HDR Test...37546
Messier 33 ( 12.2017)...38534
Lunt LS50THa w/ MoonLite Focuser & Lunt 60THa...62001
Sun on Sept 24, 2017...29132
Anza Borrego Desert Observatory, California, USA...717611
IC 443 - 30 hrs On Top of the Jellyfish...1297117
Rosette, Ha OIII LRGB 25 hours....1422177
IC 1848 - The Soul Nebula...13514
Mercury 2017...41447
With all my heart Happy New Year...55651
IC410 H-Alpha...8500
M78 - Another Beautiful Reflection Nebula in Orion...25793137
Horsehead Nebula...28000
M31 - LRGB data from Deep Sky West...433515
International Space Station (ISS)...51811
Rosette Nebula...40934
NGC 7635 - C11 x 0.63 - Atik 414m + Atik 460c + UHC-s - Downtown....43010
The Rosette Nebula...25114
Vela Supernova Remnant and ngc 2736...1217158
IC2118 Witch Head Nebula...1047126
M45 ( 23.12.2017)...18901
M31 Andromeda...30112
Ic434 - nébuleuse de la tête de cheval et de la flamme (version2)...100339
Orion in HA...15523
California nebula, NGC 1499...243620
NGC 1499 California Nebula parte centrale...14001
1er quartier de Lune...18712
Schiller 27/08/2016 625 mm barlow 4 IR685 Luc CATHALA...40775
Lunar South Pole...658616
IC 1795 Fish Nebula...56646
M 78...76284
M31 and HII Clouds...18203116
NGC 1973 Running Man Nebula...49625
M45 EF200 f/2,8 (@ f/3,4) / ATIK ONE / AZEQ6...50723
NGC 2068 (M78) + NGC 2071...639812
Jupiter et Ganymède 27/05/2017 625 mm barlow 4 filtre rouge Luc CATHALA...32710
Pleiades à la Newtonian...22646
Sh2-290 (Abell 31)...186852
M1 - Celestron C11 - F 6.3 - Atik 414EX - 48 X 120" - Downtown...23200
NGC 7635 - Celestron C11 - F 6.3 - Filtre UHC-s - Atik 414EX - Downtown...32100
IC405 The Flaming Star Nebula...41722
Tycho 22/09/2016 625mm barlow 4 IR610 QHY5-III178MM Luc CATHALA...17723
North America Nebula (NGC 7000) @ DSW...14320
LBN 782 (Ced 30) - DSWRO...40894
IC-405 & IC-410 HaSHO...32626
DSW HorseHead Nebula, a LRGB picture processing attempt...31502
NGC 224 - M31 incomplete with Asteroid...47120
Gassendi 10/12/2016 625mm barlow 3 IR742 Luc CATHALA...21243
Rho Ophiuchi - Aquisition by Björn Hoffmann...46016
IC410 The Tadpole Nebula...51663
Messier 78 LRGB...13124
M31 - 71.5 hours...33754
Boussingault 10/07/2016 625 mm barlow 3 IR685 à 100% et 80% Luc CATHALA...23432
Pacman in Bicolor...14512
Géminides 14.12.2017...7612
IC1848 H-Alpha...14010
Rima Hyginus 22/09/2016 625 mm barlow 4 IR742 Luc CATHALA...28612
Coupole 510mm "Observatoire de Buthiers (77)"...38120
M82 - Image processing from the Hubble Archive...80858
M51 - Image processing from the Hubble Archive...69545
NGC 1499 HAGB...50694
NGC 6990...30510
Crab Nebula (M1)...123137
Rosette Nebula HA...19108
Vallée des Alpes 22/09/16 625 mm barlow 4 IR685 Luc CATHALA...26971
Crab Nebula - M1...99149
Posidonius 21/09/2016 625 mm barlow 3 IR 805 Luc CATHALA...20222
Horsehead and Flame in HA...27414
NGC 1333 Reflexion Nebula in Perseus...45012
North America and Pelican Nebulae - Challenging Conditions...47310
Clavius 22/09/16 625 mm barlow 4 IR610 Luc CATHALA...27551
California Nebula HA+SII+SII...31022
Théophile, Cyrille, Catherine 21/09/16 625 mm barlow 3 IR742 Luc CATHALA...24432
Cave Nebula to Wizard Nebula Widefield...44066
Aristoteles et Eudoxus 21/09/16 625 mm barlow 3 IR742 Luc CATHALA...11722
Galaxy NGC 891...46164
Part of the California Nebula in HA...27736
Tadpole Nebula (IC 410, SH2 236)...58625
Great Orion Nebula- M42...77997
Sun in HA Double HA Filters...40847
Cali goes starless...30866
2017 Images...22622
Copernicus and Eratosthenes...34524
Eastern Veil Nebula in SHO-LRGB...57059
M 83...17500
The Horsehead and Flame Nebulae...12723
NGC-2238 Rosette Nebula in Ha...44246
ngc 7293 - Helix Nebula...92222
LDN1622 The Bogeyman Nebula...611215
M1, The Crab Nebula (RGB)...16051411
Messier 45 - The Pleiades...16002
IC342 The Hidden Galaxy...1151104
NGC 7331...30773721
Moretus Mosaic...352410
IC443 Jellyfish Nebula...32636
IC 1396 Widefield...50546
IC2177 Wide Field in SHO...42764
Sculptor Galaxy NGC 253...51443
IC 443 and 444 - The Jelly Fish (2 Pane)...11503334
M31 Andromeda Galaxy...45455
NGC1499 - California Nebula...17500
LDN 1622 in Orion - 'The Bogeyman Nebula'...6211314
IC405 - Nébuleuse de l'étoile flamboyante Ha version finale...20734
Lacus Mortis...30655
B33 & Flame (Horsehead Complex)...15830
Western Veil Nebula and Pickerings Triangle...43738
IC5070 - Pelican Nebula (first light for my new observatory and the ASI 1600MM cool)...14342839
Iris Nebula (NGC7023)...22048
The Sculptor Galaxy...35122
LDN 1622...260106
NGC 7380 - Wizard Nebula (SHO)...35726
Sh2-308 HOO+SHO(20%)...13121922
IC1396 Elephant Trunk - first light at remote setup E-Eye...7151026
IC2177 Wide Field in H-alpha...23732
NGC 253, Sculptor galaxy...1500226
Off-topic picture, taken with astronomical equipment...41824
M 45...14600
NGC 1499 - California Nebula LRGB...34718
From the Cone nebula to the Rosette Nebula with SNR G205.5 0.5 between...572179
M31 The Great Andromeda Galaxy wide field (135mm)...136733
L'ame et le coeur...43632
NGC7293 Helix Nebula...21012125
M78 Diffuse Nebula...23814
NGC 1788 HaLRGB...38735
M78 LDN1621,1622...1258229
Andromeda Galaxy (M31)...70630
M31 - Andromeda Galaxy (HaLRGB)...70878
Sh2-261 - Lowers Nebula...20261714
Messier 33, Triangulum Galaxy, sLRGBHa...62495
IC348 and NGC1333 in Perseus...18652010
Rosette nebula...11711
IC 434...36136
NGC281 Pacman Nebula HST...37856
Rosette in one frame...9620
Rimae Sirsalis...14902
Test of Pulse Guiding with INDI Driver for ES PMC-Eight mount controller...35110
Wizard nebula widefield (HARGB)...33124
IC410 The Tapoles bi-color...30735
The Rosette Nebula...105043
Astro-Physics Mach 1 with Anderson Power Poles...81616
NGC 7000 - A new look at a classic target...7841532
Melotte 15 in the Heart of IC 1805...908712
My new observatory in Ingolstadt...10471245
Constelação de Orion...23220
NGC 7023...25306
M33 The Triangulam Galaxy...57920
Cygnus loop...71056
IC 1396 Elephant Trunk Bi Color...32912
Ripresa lunare del 12/11/2017...37810
Ripresa lunare del 12/11/2017...56630
Mars season 2014...12822423
Mars - June 2016...480611
NGC 891...111174
IC1805 The Heart Nebula (Revisited)...9091919
M31 Andromeda Galaxy...31122
Abell 85 / CTB1...19592215
A Birthday Saturn!...720312
New ISS 2017.06.12...25452613
Veil Nebula 2017 (Theli v1)...12800
Andromeda Galaxy - M31...1246109
Ngc 7000...230845
M31 a rework starting from APP Stack...52130
le coeur de NGC 2239...14332
M 31...97622
North America nebula and Pelican nebula widefield...36726
M33 ha...21230
NGC 1333 - From testing data...6401912
Good morning my Love......15722
"The Claw" Quiescent Prominence - 31.10.2017...51621
IC 1396 in Ha...7610
Lunar Craters Regiomontanus and Purbach...24724
NGC 7635, The Bubble Nebula...14902
M31 Andromeda Galaxy...38111
IC434 Horsehead Nebula - Data by Cgome004...462211
Herschel's Garnet Star - IC 1396...73034
Barnard's Loop · Sh 2-276...37332
NGC7293 Helix Nebula...3091176
Saturn - 2017/08/12 05:29...44511
IC1795 Fish Head Nebula...48825
IC 1795: A Colorful Fish Swimming Through Cassiopeia...58758
vdB 152...59232
IC 434...60760
Large Prom 18th August...95865
NGC 1333...14681616
IC1871 - Inside the Soul Nebula - SHO...50722
NGC 7023 - Iris Nebula...48922
Helix Nebula...76255
M45 - The Pleiades...53415
M31 - Image The Universe First Light...19782723
NGC 7023...51344
M 45...55742
Whirlpool Galaxy...13700
The Pelican Nebula in Bicolor Narrowband...20202
LDN 1251...54661
NGC 253 The Sculptor Galaxy...23100
M45 The Pleiades @ 400mm...104947
M31 Oct 2017 (Theli, PS, v1)...28216
M81 again......55532
MELOTTE 15 HaSHO...46650
NGC 891 Edge-On Galaxy...40920
NGC 7023...44210
NGC 7000 - The Great Wall (SHO)...44202
IC5146 ("Cocoon Nebula") Medium Field - SRSP...27710
NGC 7380 - Wizard Nebula (SHO)...36142
IC 5070...26910
Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex @DSW...59480
NGC 7023...68460
Messier 74...15000
NGC 7635...36200
NGC 891...17811
Cassiopea, Andromeda and Double Cluster with the Northern Milky Way...19922
ngc 7635 Bubble Nebula...10300
The California Nebula...41111
M31 30Mp 2x Panel Mosaik...1300101
ic1396 ...23710
NGC 1333...32095630
NGC 891...21104
Andromeda in red zone light pollution...14014
M45 - The Pleiades...855116
The Wizard Nebula in Bicolor...15200
PK104-29.1 (Jones 1)...61563
IRIS ...23014
IC 348, Bernard 3, 4 and 5...25110
NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula - HaLRGB...13842829
Moon - a shot with a deep sky kamera...68634
M31 - RH305+16803 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...6931011
IC 5067 The Pelican Nebula...28700
ISS transit above Sardinian Sky 2017.10.16...18661311
Northern Milky Way Landscape ...37700
IC 2162...44688
NGC 281 Nébuleuse pacman...43921
A quick M42...16116
Copernic 20171013...15620
Platon 2017.10.13...24211
Melotte 15 in IC1805...69344
M31 Andromeda - Four Panel Mosaic...26610
Nebulosa Alma...37002
LDN 1235 - shark nebula...940134
M45 - The Pleiades...42259
NGC7023 - Iris Nebula...12210
Polaris Nebula (Mandel Wilson 1, MW1)...60942
NGC 7380 The Wizard...18200
NGC 55 - Irregular Galaxy...17091111
NGC281 - Pacman Nebula SHO...16202
Plato y Montes Alpes...15410
The Iris Nebula...17702
The Pleiades...36701
Vallée des alpes 2017.10.11...12710
Andromeda Galaxy M31, M32, M110...1846106
Clavius 20171011...14311
Platon et Vallée des Alpes 2017.10.11...15110
IC 1805, bicolor...35831
NGC 7380 The Wizard Nebula...16000
Bubble Nebula...40815
Melotte 15 in Heart Nebula...87430
IC 1805, ASI1600MM-Cool first light...45636
NGC 281...67572
Messier 51, Whirlpool-Galaxie...15001416
IC 1805...52097
Corona Australis Constellation and Molecular Cloud Revisited...516410
IC405 Flamming Star Nebula, IC410 Tadepole N., IC417 & NGC1931 Spider & Fly...35022
Sh2-132, Abell 79 (PK102-2.1)...33330
Helix nebula...73041
Sh2-240 (Simeiz147) Spaghetti Nebula...90364
Artistic Clouds of Rho Ophiuchi ...73530
M31: The Andromeda Galaxy ...1126110
Venus - comparative images using different cameras and techniques...679612
NGC 891...22020
m31 FULL PROCESSING hA AND rgb ...40031
helix NB...31938
Vela SNR (Gum 12)...957136
Charity Calendar for 2018 :)...89056
Jupiter with a 200mm Reflector...91702
NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula...958175
Pacman ...30644
Lobster claw nebula in Ha...26010
NGC 7822 Cederblad SHO...35130
M33: Triangulum Galaxy...1196811
Butterfly nebula (image processing by Marcel Drechsler)...17512
M45 2017...34544
Pacman - NGC281...36900
Nebulosa Velo Mosaico 2 pannelli...26400
NGC 7023...20123
♥ Heart Nebula and Melotte 15! :) (Coldmos+DSLR)...56943
NGC 7023 Deep Sky West...481112
NGC 7000 - North America Nebula in H-Alpha...17900
SUN 2017.09.24...47711
Helix Nebula NGC7293 in RGB...28201
Milky Way - Appalachian Trail / Mt. Rogers - SW Virginia...9810
NGC 7293 - Helix-Nebula...41810
Iris Nebula Widefield...60520
Scorpion's Head - A 9 Panel Mosaic of Rho Ophiuci Region...945144
M52 and NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula...33664
My view of the universe...25514
CED 214 Medium Field - HOO 1st Look...22310
IC 5067 In the Pelican Nebula IC5070 + HH555...11471228
M31 Andromède...53840
Cave Nebula Bicolor - HA + NII...29300
M45 ...24720
Sh2-54 / NGC 6604 / Serpens OB2 association / Gum 85...58210
CED214 and NGC7822 Widefield...40550
A Magnificent Saturn....72044
NGC 7380 ("Wizard Nebula") Medium Field - SHO...50044
Sh2-155 Cave Nebula SHO...6401610
Omega Nebula and Company @DSW...24982
Messier 101...25415
M33, Triangulum Galaxy...78710
M31 2017...29012
Messier 106...98786
Messier 1 - Crab Nebula - SHO...602712
Rupes Recta and Rima Birt II...49053
Wizard Nebula (NGC 7380)...31410
M 20 ...17400
M17 - First-Light for a new mount...10281017
Cocoon Nebula LRGB...41422
Milky Way Greene County, TN...6614
NGC 7331...14600
AR 2673 - WL vs H-alpha...33130
From NGC6871 to Sh2-101 in SHO...37734
AR 2673 with magnetic loops - 09.09.2017...36140
Great Orion Nebula M42 in LRGB - stacked and calibrated in APP...38168
NGC 7023 - A focus on the Iris...10673940
Saturn RGB 2017 09 04 22:40 UT...18500
Asteroid 3122 Florence...12824
NGC 7293 Helix Chilescope...2207128
M31 - Andromeda Galaxy...21510
Sol 9-4-17...25700
Dancing Copernicus...10671928
Flying Bat and Squid - Sh2-129 and OU4 - Bicolor Narrowband...36113611
NGC7331 and Deer Lick Group...2257154
Simeis 57 - Propeller nebula (DWB 111)...47732
NGC 7023 Iris nebula...6821112
Ghost Nebula...17112
Crescent & Soap Bubble Nebula...50893
M31 • Andromeda Galaxy in HaLRGB...70325
Iris Nebula - NGC7023...95997
Iris nebula...13912
Elephant Trunk Nebula...47334
Solar prominence 20170818...12122
Solar prominence 20170818...20511
NGC 891...61550
Sh2-126, LBN 428-30, 433, 437, 440, and LBN 442 ...45540
M16 & M17...25112
NGC 4565 The Needle Galaxy +4562 and a few fuzzies...9942030
Dark Clouds in Lupus - Mosaic...62793
Helix nebula...22213
Summer m42 ...20810
Veil Nebula...26136
Proms 2017.08.28 ...20105
M13 - LRGB...35344
M31 - Core solved...52030
VdB 9 & VdB 8...13631717
NGC7000 Northern Region...22610
M 31 in 45 minutes...543111
NGC6992 HOO...35834
Totality from Madras, Oregon...64834
Time Lapse 2017 partial eclipse...13620
The Great Andromeda Galaxy - Reprocessed...103742
NGC 7822 in Hubble Palette...25321
Iris Nebula...46622
M 33 - Triangulum Galaxy...10910
Helix nebula...13200
Iris Nebula...12011
Pleiades cluster and PanSTARRS c/2015 ER61...44220
Helix ...36610
Heart and Soul...3463137
Sh2-129 & The Giant Squid...2951122
NGC6946 with SN 2017eaw...30652011
Caldwell 6 / NGC 6543 - Cats Eye Nebula - BiColor / RGB...1453183
Trifid Nebula M20 in Hubble Palette...8910
Bubble Nebula NGC7635...35522524
M100 - NGC 4312...9801812
An amazing Saturn with ASI 290!...98985
M27 (Dumbbell Nebula)...23016
NGC 7000 - Great Wall close up...594158
M31 Andromeda Galaxy...34100
IC 1396 in Hubble palette...454312
M31 Andromeda Galaxy...50345
Rosette Nebula...44353
Saturn - August 02, 2017...56195
Helix Nebula...36954
Messier M33...121156
M31 Andromeda Galaxy (400mm)...465076
Pelican Head Turbulence...9241111
IC 5146 HaLRGB...47818
Going deep on the Cocoon...1047108
Messier 81 and Messier 82...32332
M31 (The Andromeda Galaxy)...45832
M31 Andromeda...21800
Saturn - Season 2017...23102322
M27 RGB OIII...664622
From IC 5146 Cocoon Nebula to IC 5070 Pellican Nebula...671136
NGC 7000 Nord America and IC 5070 Pellican Nebula...544112
Heart and Soul Nebulae...45255
Nebulosa Omega...19510
Sculptor Galaxy (NGC 253)...52784
m31 final stack...19140
m31 in one minute ASI 1600mcc and Samyang 135mm f2...24330
NGC 7635 "Bubble nebula"...52223
NGC6946 - Fireworks galaxy - with SN2017eaw...667513
The Great Andromeda Galaxy...77012
NGC 253 - Sculptor Galaxy (Theli, APF-R, v4)...44154
NGC 7129 LHRGB - A Reflection Nebula in Cepheus...13574124
Sun in H-Alpha (2017/07/19)...28620
IC 5146 - Cocoon Nebula HaRGB...36341
NGC6888 Bicolor Medium Field...1330149
NGC 7635: Bubble Nebula in H-SO-O...664510
Tenerife Timelapse...439513
AR2665 12.07.2017couleur ...12220
M81, M82...17312
M16 - SHO - ZWO ASI1600 First light...595512
Bubble Nebula - NGC 7635...22752628
Sun 10-07-17 (HA) with AR 2665...36952
Crescent Nebula...30872
Jupiter and Ganimedes - July 16, 2017...435414
NGC6888 and PN G75.5+1.7...35734
NGC6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula in SHO...22120
Sh2-132 in HaSHO...460821
M82 - Image Acquisition by Hubble Space Telescope...53555
M 31...34910
IC 1396 • Elephant Trunk Nebula in SHO...27032
Saturn - June 11, 2017...29026
NGC 7380 in HaSHO...39758
NGC 7293...24932
Saturn 10.07.2017...32412
NGC 2264 • The Christmas Tree Cluster in HaRGB...17012
NGC 7635 - Bubble Nebula - Image Acquisition by Jim Misti...31334
A busy sun...8151020
AR 2665 + Quiescent Prominence...53441
Saturn - 2017-7-8...26330
Solar activity July. 8th. 2017...74241
Saturn 06.07.2017...38538
First light ASI 1600MCC...30612
Saturn 05.07.2017...23310
Saturn 03/07/2017...11500
Sun 06-07-17 (HA)...27512
M101 Pinwheel Galaxy in HaLRGB...70265
Rho Ophiuchi...9241618
Saturn, visible + IR...28111
PK 164 (HOO)...19541
Panorama Lunaire le 2 Juin 2017 (bis) - Celestron C11 - Filtre Rouge - Asi 178MM...7300
IC 434...61366
Limbe lunaire le 3 juillet 2017 - Celestron C11 - Filtre rouge - Asi 178MM...10310
M17 Hubble Pallete...12600
NGC7000 Collaborazione VLT...23804
Moon pic mapped to 3d for a 'flyby'...9000
M8 & M20...51420
From IC 1396 Elephant's Trunk Nebula to NGC 7023 Iris Nebula...1177122
Messier 31 Great Andromeda Luminance...42242
IC1396 Elephant's Trunk Nebula...525512
M51 the Whirlpool Galaxy...133566214
Saturn - 2017/04/08...19010
Proms 20170627Acolor...8600
Elephant's Trunk Nebula Closeup in HaRGB...57741
M27 (Dumbbell Nebula)...20510
ngc 6888...13010
Milky Way Center...36746
Saturn 24 del 06 de 2017...10300
Regio Antares...8081915
NGC 6888...114372
Saturn - 2017/6/21...24710
M27 - Dumbbell Nebula ...24320
The Milky Way with an Iridium Flare...39945
Sun Shield in H-alpha...36230
Quiescent prominence - 18.06.2017 (The Witch :) )...359122
M101 - Halpha-L-RGB - ASi1600MMC...36660
M16 L'Aquila ...25614
M 31 - Galaxie d'Andromède...27930
Rho Ophiuchi...83437
Saturn in opposition - June 15, 2017...32742
Rosetta Nebula ngc2237-9...19630
M8 Lagoon nebula e M20 Trifid nebula...10400
Setup ready...73841
The Rosette Nebula...7932214
NGC6888 HOO...48766
Saturn and Mimas...51823
NGC 6357, The Lobster Nebula...71366
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy - Messier 83...32820
NGC 6674 - a rarely imaged galaxy in Hercules...44520
Lunar Crater Aristillus...15922
Posidonius Along The Terminator...23944
Messier 51 by RCOS 14.5" @ DSW...41443
Bode's Galaxy and Cigar Galaxy Mosaic...16030
NGC3938 & supernova 2017ein...37010
NGC 7000 - Data from Jim Misti - More Adventures in LRGB Processing...336013
M106 The Splendid Galaxy through a C14...30322532
M13 Close up...18002
Rho Ophiuchi...111685
UFO Galaxy (NGC 5775) and NGC 5774...37410
Messier 101, Pinwheel Galaxy...8941110
M 101 - Galaxie du moulinet ( Pinwheel galaxy )....21491323
NGC 4725...7981119
NGC7000 & IC5070...109124
Horsehead Nebula - data from Deep Sky West...672815
Eagle Nebula Narrowband...51265
NGC 7000, North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula (HaRGB)...179544
M63 Supernova 2017dfc...37473
M101 - The Pinwheel Galaxy...16461818
Milky Way hiding behind thin clouds...23711
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (from the North!)...25242
Stofler, Maurolycus. Cuvier, Jacobi and Baco...19423
Very Wide Field Antares and Rho Ophiuchi...60874
SOL 5-15-17...40801
NCG 5139...20516
Saturne - 13/05/2017...18900
NGC 7023 Iris Nebula Reprocessed @DSW...443136
Jupiter -- 2017-05-12-0442 UT...13701
IC2118 Witch Head nebula...18071814
IC4592, The Blue Horsehead Nebula...59979
Flower Moon and Clouds...9912
NGC 6888...35402
M 109...69355
Jupiter rotación...25456
SOL 5-8-17...49914
Rheita E, a very rare crater!...26610
IC 1396A...1140915
M31 - Andromeda Galaxy...16710
Centaurus A Galaxy - NGC 5128 (2017)...30620
Júpiter 15/04/2017 desde Huancayo - Perú...41925
One day after the other!...25472
Jupiter RGB 2017 04 29 02:05 UT...6402
Jupiter RGB 2017 04 27 23:59 UT...10900
Atlas & Hercules...12130
Rimae Hyginus and Mare Vaporum Pirocistic...17326
M 104...66321
NGC 4725...41640
M81, Bode's Nebula, NGC 3031...38150
M51 ...87054
M81 - Bode's Galaxy...51158
M81 - Bode's Galaxy & M82 - Cigar Galaxy...19640
M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy...17210
M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy...955611
M63 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...519124
NGC 7023 - Iris Nebula...15112
M 90...36072
M13 Hercules Globular Cluster...696412
m 51. primera luz asi 1600mmc...120842
Jupiter - 2017/4/25...36822
Pinwheel Galaxy...18032
Plato, Alpes and Cassini...17725
Sun 23-04-17 (HA)...31914
Jupiter - 2017/4/23...45042
M 51- Gros plan sur la Galaxie du tourbillon...38561621
NGC6357: The Lobster Nebula...42930
NGC 2841...8600
Two panels Mosaic of M81 and M82...43262
NGC 6992 - Fangs/Bat Nebula In the Veil...12052416
Moretus, Curtius, Zach, Lilius and Jacobi...19622
NGC 4236...56360
NGC 2359 (Thor's Helmet or Duck nebula)...88802
Orion Nebula M42...40914
Júpiter 15-04-2017...10012
Saturn 2017...21030
M81 and M82 HD...19124653
Jupiter derrotated...41830
Rosetta Nebula...19812
Moon 98,6 %...10102
NGC3372 - Eta Carinae Nebula (Hubble Palette Combination - SHO)...59932
Jupiter and Io animation...70524
Updated Solar System ...7000
Jupiter - 2017/04/08...24710
Luna Gibosa...20800
Jupiter Unraveled - 2017/03/18, 2017/03/19...813610
M13 Globular Cluster in Hercules...12903
COPERNIC le 6 Avril 2017 au Celestron C11 et Asi 178MM...24314
M51 Color...173281
M63 The Sunflower Galaxy - collaboration with Gnomus...807149
Rimae Hypatia...25931
Posidonius Crater...30030
M51 drizzled with 100mm APO...141310
Galassia Balena NGC4631...17910
M51 - the Whirlpool...1147107
M 101 Galaxie du Moulinet...38252
Quick M51...38956
M51 with c11...103032
Jupiter - 2017/03/19 07:39 UTC...48447
Jupiter - 2016/03/19 06:51 UTC...31161
NGC 3718...319139
Jupiter - 2016/03/18 08:17 UTC...17621
Jupiter - 2017/03/18 07:13 UTC...23332
M81 and M82...10651911
M106 - First Image A-P RH305 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...46176
A pearl necklace on Jupiter...48774
Jupiter RGB map animation 2017 03 20 and 22...17000
The Seven Sisters - M45 (Pleiades)...39002
Jupiter RGB 2017 03 20 03:46 UT...594712
M1: The Crab Nebula II...22100
Jellyfish Nebula...16220
Whirlpool Galaxy...30756
Moons of Jupiter II...1607148
Jupiter RGB 2017 03 12 05:14 UT...8510
M 81 Preview...627412
CLAVIUS et MORETUS au Celestron C11 le 7 mars 2017...85810
Still Jupiter on March 07...24030
Rosette Nebula ...27110
Jupiter in March...1071712
M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy...86444
M1 - The Crab Nebula...34300
IC 434 The Horsehead Nebula in Ha...120649
Sonne 09.03.2017 - leider überhaupt nichts los :(...10000
3/4 Moon...31910
Lunar Crater Moretus...18423
Lunar Crater Clavius...16720
Abell 6 & HFG1...56652
SH2-240/Simeis 147/Spaghetti Nebula in HaRGB - high res version...18482214
NGC2403 Collaboration with Steve Milne...686132
Copernic au Celestron C11 le 7 mars 2017...19731
Copernicus, 20170307...11400
Horsehead Nebula Wide Field...34420
M 82...20121711
Pferdekopfnebel mit Flammennebel...39511
C2177 Seagull Nebula - S2HaO3-RGB...992158
Lunar Craters Ptolemaeus/Alphonsus/Arzachel...36310
Moon panorama 2017.03.04....5611113
Jupiter Gif 6...10102017
m104 ...18120
NGC4565 (Needle Galaxy)...50778
Bode's Galaxy and IFN 2017...1249188
NGC 6945 (Fireworks Galaxy) @ DSW...524111
Messier 101...55552
SH 2-261 Lower Nebula...41042
Sharpless 2-185 Collaboration with Goran Nilsson...30361
Bode's Galaxy...29835
Abell7 (PK 215.5-30.8) in HaO3-LRGB...57386
M45 Plejaden...12010
Messier 81 (first attempt)...29652
My Rosette Nebula...50250
M13 Great cluster in Hercules...494148
NGC2359 - Thors Helmet in Ha-O3-LRGB...6441519
M78 Reflection Nebula...15020
The Rosette Nebula...71441
IC 2177 Seagull Nebula...50142
Sh2-240 Bicolor 4-panel Mosaic...14141210
M45 the Pleiades...18637
Venus phase and size evolution...899164
M81 & M82...60253
M 81...63186
Jupiter 3 June 2016...11400
Sh-2 308 in Canis Major...10741612
3D Copernic...50862
Messier 81...61643
M 106 or NGC 4258...152168
The Flaming Star Nebula HaRGB...84296
Venus, 2017.02.09...57398
Sh2-240 HaRGB...1372216
First Light FSQ106 IC405 Flaming Star Nebula...57259
Rosette Nebula NGC2244...26821
IC2177 Seagull Nebula in Ha...60374
Deep into 30 Doredus...34252
Cratère Copernic ...36400
mosaïque lunaire...11910
Thors Helmet - NGC 2359...20765144
Venus, 2017.01.29...37741
Summer Milky Way...59610
Sharpless 308 (Sh2-308)...2817429
M1 The Crab Nebula...19701
NGC 4725 - Image Acquisition by Jim Misti...69684
M42 und Running Man-Nebel...19100
IC 410 Tadpoles in hubble colors...26111
Cone Nebula (NGC 2264) in Ha...46054
M 33...11720
Messier 45 - Plejades...113052
PFP1 (Pierce, Frew & Parker) in Monoceros...827189
NGC 2244- ROSETTA NEBULA...38831
NGC 2244 Rosette Nebula in Monoceros...465116
NGC2244 Nébuleuse de la Rosette...121072
M45 Pleiades...117832
The Galactic Rose- Two Panel Mosaic...50734
NGC2264 Cone Nebula...730812
NGC 2244 the Rosette Nebula...19602
IC 1805 Heart Nebula and IC 1795...36300
Venus Clouds...13900
My Solar System (2016)...12651712
Spaghetti Nebula, Simeis 147, SH2-240...23202915
Jupiter in Good Seeing w/ C8...52620
Horsehead and flame nebula in Ha...799118
La région de Clavius au Celestron C11 le 19 janvier 2017...14910
ic 405...17710
NGC2244 (HST)...134294
Venus, 2017.01.22...1160144
Heart, Soul, H and Chi...52057
Lower part of my Moon Mosaic @ 61%...35913
Jupiter, January 20...31510
NGC4725 One Armed Spiral Galaxy...66773
Plato and Teneriffe Montes...10500
Clavius and Tycho...10101
M42 Orion Nebula...916116
Jupiter - First animation for the 2017 season...16512
Melotte 15...22511
The best of the night...25230
Aristarchus 09/01/2017...12302
IC 405, Flaming Star Nebula HaRGB...51999
NGC2024 & IC434 Nebulosa Fiamma e Testa di Cavallo...74403
Solar System Portrait (minus Mercury)...52101
Solar prominence 20170106...6610
M82 - Image Acquisition by Jim Misti...82068
LBN 468 in Cepheus...355172
Sinus Iridum...25014
NGC 1530...321813
NGC 2359 THOR'S HELMET...47430
NGC 2024 - crop...17610
IC 434 - crop...16000
Bullialdus 07/01/2017 ...11000
Venus, 2017.01.07...37580
Sh2-129 "Flying Bat" and Outters 4 "Giant Squid" Nebulae...4502158
NGC 2175...21802
Copernicus in shadows...20312
Mosaico , Zona de los Apenninos ...15210
To honor my Dad...28922
NGC 5128, Centaurus A...8781113
Breathtaking peaks!...22922
Inside Orion nebula...30101
Horsehead nebula...31510
Mare Imbrium, Plato, Cassini, Archimedes & friends...64525
M81 + M82 ...13582129
IC 2087...517117
Orion Nebulae M42...40644
IC-443 in HaSHO...6811011
M1 Crab Nebula...149566
Helix Nebula - HOO Palette...62551
NGC 869 and 884 - h chi persei...49523
Rosette nebula...26230
IC2118 - The Witch Head Nebula...52154
Northern Milky Way...26994
IC 434 Horsehead Nebula in Orion - Reprocess...22520
The Rosette Nebula SHO...1317614
M1 - Crab Nebula in HOO, close up...24920
Crab nebula 2005-2016 evolution...37811
M1 - Crab nebula...169779
Burg, maybe Ancient Burg?...17801
The Elephant's Trunk Nebula IC1396 in SHO palette...24130
Flama y Cabeza de Caballo...45622
M42 Orion Nebula...31410
NGC 2237 Rosette Nebula...133764
Barnard 33...10800
NGC2239 Rosette Nebula...48236
Galaxie M31 Andromède...68261
Witch Head Nebula...57464
NGC 2244 - DSLR H-Alpha RGB...19832
M 81 e M 82...34442
NGC 281...14910
Copernico 2...11001
Yet another Rosette :)...11271210
Clavius 20161210drizzle15...30966
Horse head nebula...30011
Clavius Newton 200mm f/6...16511
M31 LRGBHa...9931312
Simeis 147 - The Spaghetti Nebula...35114119
Aristarche 20161210...11510
Vallis Alpes...31820
Copernic 20161210...12810
Crab Nebula...75646
Solar prominence 20161201...7002
NGC253 with 1600...92585
NGC 2361 Thor's Helmet SHO ASI1600...38530
M42 / M43...35713
M31 - Andromeda-Galaxie...53500
M1 as Something Different: A Narrow Band Crab...1263917
M1 (Luminance)...26046
campo mobile astronomico a col del nivolet val d'aosta 2600m....15403
Rosette Nebula ASI 1600 SHO Modified...53111
Trails, flares and reflections...20912
Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catharina...24014
Fireworks Galaxy (NGC 6946)...64810
NGC253 - Sculptor Galaxy...10431114
M1 Ha/OIII Bicolor...71183
Barnard 33 - The Horsehead...165550
Crab Nebula...32965
Helix Nebula / NGC 7293...38621
Supermond machts möglich...36501
The Rosette Nebula...2347613
M81 (Re-imagined)...73654
Triangulum Galaxy M33...84363
Orion (LR,DSS,PS v2)...183985
M31 - L H-alpha R G B A public data pool created by Zoso...63422
M33 Triangulum Galaxy ...12851317
Abell 21: The Medusa Nebula. SH2-274. In Gemini...60060
CTB-1 (Abell 85) Supernova Remanent...90542
M33 Ottobre...20923
M33 The Triangulum Galaxy...1130510
C/2013 R1 LOVEJOY...13020
Nord America and Pelican...34652
Rosette Nebula...29311
Rosette Nebula - SHO - Deep Sky West...14030
Orion Nebula HDR...56935
NGC 253...14801912
NGC 7380...83312
M31, Andromedagalaxie...19910
Iris Nebula...18812
Simeis 147...19174110
M1 Narrowband...35469
M 31 in heavy light pollution...38721
M31 LRGB...43220
NGC891 Prima Luce Sbig ST8300M...31310
Nébuleuse de la flamme et Tête de cheval - oct2016...24611
M 42 Nebulosa di Orione...15000
NGC 281 Pacman Nebula in NB...59440
M31 Andromeda Galaxy LRGB...121863
From Moretus to Clavius...968710
Bat Nebula in the Eastern Veil - Bicolour...1505813
M42 - Nebuleuse d'orion - nov2016...17510
M31 Andromeda...84140
M27 - Dumbbell Nebula HORGB...12691115
Mars Dust Storm...834210
Lacus Mortis...15722
Moon mosaic...15320
Iris Nebula...19220
Helix Nebula...89451
Moon, Oct.10 ...16400
Horsehead Nebula, Wide Field, in NB (HOS)...33010
Montes Apenninus...29012
M33 in HaLRGB...74836
M31 ASI071 Beta Test...455547
M31 - Andromeda Galaxy...126276
M81, M82...38520
Mars - 2016/09/18...18312
M42 Orion Nebula...11600
Messier 45 - Pleiades (Seven Sisters)...66400
M1 in various blends with RGB stars....44456
Galaxies in Pegasus: NGC 7331, Stephan's Quintet and some more...1354158
M45 Pleiades...52025
Messier 45...60061
Theophilus, Cyrillus, Catharina and Fracastorius...12710
Lagoon and trifid Nebulae...8910
M 31 The Andromeda Galaxy...27310
M31 Galassia di Andromeda...63863
NGC 7293 en bi-couleur...467618
VdB 152 (Ced 201)...69914
Mosaico Luna...12500
Cauchy, Rima and Rupes Cauchy...13020
M13 - 27.09.2016...22800
IC 342...53430
Moretus, Curtius, Zach, Lilius and Jacobi...17444
Widefield M31 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...26411312
AR 2593 and eruptive prominences...95634
IC 1805 Nébuleuse du Coeur...60945
Messier 33 - NGC 598...33100
Archimedes, Aristilus, Autolycus...14100
M13 - 22.09.2016...20600
The Cygnus Wall...17391914
M8_Lagoon Nebula_FLT 110_ST10XME A public data pool created by arasteo...19400
Rupes Altai and Piccolomini ...17820
NGC7293 Helix Nebula in HaO3-LRGB...17262936
Posidonius region...13627
Solar chromosphere 20160903...13510
Sinus Iridum...38900
Mars animation - three months, from near oposition to less than 10" - Faraway Curiosity!...14003
Messier M45...91820
Der Himmel brennt......499410
NGC 7023...23022
Melotte 15...60894
IC 5146 - Cocoon Nebula ...28323
Helix Nebula LRGB...98140
Andromeda SW102/500 Acro...94724
Andromeda Galaxy...36120
NGC 7023 Iris Nebula...15000
NGC 6946 The Fireworks Galaxy...79410
M31 - firstlight...90063
M31 Great Andromeda Galaxy HaLRGB...59335
ASI1600 Lunt DS 60 Inverted Pseudo Colour...87823
NGC 7331 ...40254
NGC 6188 Region in Ara...33212
Nebulosa Iris...29820
The central mountain in Moretus...28941
Schiller 20160826...75027
Deer Lick Gruppo ...41001
Nebuleuse de la lagune M8...43523
M31 Andromeda Galaxy (400mm)...327388
NGC 1672 - HST...82934
Helix Nebula - NGC 7293...52210
NGC 253 The sculptor Galaxy...444105
Wide Field Antares and Rho Ophiuchi...717510
IC 1396 Elephant Trunk Nebula (IDAS LPS V4, Theli, Update)...33422
Galassia Fuochi d'Artificio NGC6946...37254
Behind the Scenes, Mosaic shooting...50221
Rho Ophiuchi...901105
NGC7293 Helix Nebula in Ha, Oiii and BiColour...31700
Voie Lactée champ du feu...64840
M31, Andromeda, final test...93436
Saturn - 2016/08/05...48920
NGC 7000 - North America and IC 5070 - Pelican Nebulae (IDAS LPS V4, Theli)...34433
IC 1396 Elephant's Trunk Narrowband A public data pool created by BigScott_27, with 97.1 MB in 3 images....46414
Saturn - 2016/08/01...51430
m8 m20 ...11610
Mars - 2016/08/01...62000
NGC 7635 - The Incredible Bubble Nebula...18751722
Sun : plages...32810
A squid in an oister shell ...22833219
Saturn - 2016/07/18...46624
Quiescent prominence - 23.07.2016...82555
Bubble Nebula Ha and HaOIII - NGC 7635...1018311
Test : Sun zoom on AR...57020
Another behind-the-scenes...37202
Shcwim's Eagle (ML16200)...61731
Cat's Eye Nebula - NGC 6543...117793
Montes Apenninus...9600
Saturn 03 del 07...14400
M16 Narrowband 6nm Astronomikfilter Crop...57362
M16 Narrowband Crop...64020
Saturn 09.07.2016...87110
Mars 09.07.2016...65710
Jupiter - 2016/03/13 Composite...528611
Sculptor Galaxy...25700
Solar imaging setup...87010
NGC 7000/IC5070 HOO...47410
Bipolar emission nebula NGC6164/6165 in HaOiiiRGB...21453111
Saturn and Polar Hexagon...20730
Milky Way with Mars and Saturn...19100
NGC 6888 A Hydrogen Crescent Wrapped in a Blue Veil of Oxygen...24653019
Saturn - 2016/06/25...45225
Jupiter 20160618...13810
A planet Curious!...35534
Mars 2016 06 16 01:50 UT...21410
Again Straight Rupes Recta...40425
Mars, two weeks after opposition....18310
Epsilon 130D Ready to go!...139018
NGC 7023 Iris Nebula...66104
M20 - Trifid Nebula...80513
Mars - 2016/06/03...59120
Mars 6-1-16...31800
Saturn 2016-05-29-538...68710
Humboldt Crater - Moon...36910
Mars - Just Past Opposition...2293142
Mars - 18/05/2016...18700
Mars in may 22 2016...70232
Cat's Eye Nebula : 2 year project...40126884
NGC 4725...94675
Moon : Plato, Vallis Alpes, Egede, Aristoles...36930
Sun prominences...46845
M51 whirlpool galaxy (Remote control from China - Teamviewer)...131887
Solar chromosphere 20160410...8800
Messier 101...84145
Giove + Callisto...29400
M8 and M20, Lagoon and Trifid, Close up...40300
M 101 Color...17072018
M81 & M82 - Galassia di Bode e Galassia Sigaro...29410
NGC 4565 Needle Galaxy...43422
Southern Cross Coalsack and its Neighbors...40002
Jupiter - a short animation...6742020
"First" light for my "new" 20th century's, miscollimated C14 (V)...7200
"First" light for my "new" 20th century's, miscollimated C14...10112
M 101...697710
M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy...65853
NGC 2237 - Nebulosa Rosetta...35030
Jupiter et Io...34220
Drakensberg Nights...79873
Whirlpool Galaxy...65424
M81 Processing combination...48666
Simeis 147, Sh2-240...20683118
Moon panorama 2016.04.17. Mosaic....203792
M45 - The Pleiades - A Surprising Reprocess...173125
M51 "The Whirlpool Galaxy." ...42348
Rosette Nebula from the Public Pool data provided by Irving Pieters (http://www.astrobin.com/users/IrvingPieters/)...22110
Plato and more. 10 panels...34210
Atlas and Hercules...33902
The Great Red Spot!...51621
4 day old Moon crescent - Mosaic...103378
Jupiter 2016-05-29-0141 with Io and Europa...59700
Rosette in S2HaO3-RGB...17392622
M45 NGC 1432 Plejaden...16102
Tycho, Wilhelm and Longomontanus...6600
Rosette nebula NGC 2237 and cluster NGC 2244 Luminance (Ha+OIII) Colors (HOO)...7601310
Jupiter - 2016/3/19...1164814
The Rosette Nebula.A public data pool created by IrvingPieters...18420
Jupiter et la Grande Tache Rouge - 20/03/2016...26811
Arzachel Crater...34901
Jupiter 18.03.2016...42410
Juptiter Ganymed and Io - Animation...618115
M101, The Pinwheel Galaxy and galactic cirrus...72944
NGC 2244 Rosette Nebula...638610
Júpiter (R)RGB...18220
NGC 1433...51552
Moon - Ptolemaeus 16/3/2016...30020
Rosette - Narrow Band - NGC2244...24020
Andromeda Take 2...96166
New Millenium Observatory South Tivoli...54658
Rosette nebula - Ha+OIII...45340
Into Night...13301
La Vallée des Alpes...25230
Theophilus Cirillus and Catherina...11230
Zagut ...14400
M31 - wide...94731
IC 443...45234
Simeis 147 ( Sh2-240)...1996142
Posidonis and Burg...14112
Ptolemaeus Crater...42522
NGC 2174 Monkey Head Nebula...23901
Mons Bradley...244111
Rupes Recta...19201
Horsehead Nebula...56211
Simeis 147 / SH2 - 240...1329215
IC 1805 Heart Nebula...63322
M1 (HST+RGB)...136364
Messier 31 - Galaxie d'Andromède...37710
M1, the Crab Nebula, a combined LUM, color picture...69588
M1 (HaOIII RGB)...40732
Pellicano HaRGB...33830
Copernicus, Eratosthenes, Reinhold and Montes Carpatus...72656
Júpiter 27-12-2015...22012
Vallis Schröteri - 23 dicembre 2015...22900
Simeis 147...29745513
Starless Horsehead and Flame Nebula...1155107
M42 Orion Nebula...58010
Andromeda Galaxy Widefield - M31, M32 and M110 at 200mm...268757
M 1...9401810
Saturn, Rhea, Tethis...75931
M1 Crab Nebula 3 ways, HOO, SHO and HOS...129636
Moons Craters in daylight France...20400
NGC 7293 Helix nebula mix Ha_RGB and OIII_RGB...42420
M51 galaxy, a LHa,RHa,BOIII,GOIII picture...132478
NGC 7380 The Wizzard Nebula...58843
NGC 253 Sculptur Galaxy (crop)...60300
M31 Andromeda Galaxy (Dati Digitized Sky Survey)...117849
IC 1795 SHO...125793
Messier 31...11600
M45 - The Pleiades...79531
Milky Way 12.9.15 Wagait Beach Darwin...25400
M31 Andromeda Galaxy daughter's school photography project...42036
Moon from 2015-01-29-...21320
NGC 2070...45770
Posidonius 301015 Newton 625 mm barlow 3 filtre IR 742 Luc CATHALA...23934
M1 in espansione (Dati Kitt Peak 4-meter +Newton 200/1000)...1381711
NGC6888 narrowband bi-colour...1951198
Horsehead and Flame Nebula in HaRGB...37023
M45 The Pleiades A public data pool created by BigScott_27...63156
Heart and Soul Nebula...34955
M33 Triangulum Galaxy HaLRGB...23283820
Heart Nebula...20600
M31 - Andromeda Galaxy...35310
IC 348-The Omicron Persei Cluster...17810
Triangle Galaxy =)...89520
Helix nebula - NGC7293...115148
M31 - HALRGB (31mm filter test)...29962238
M31 La Grande Galassia di Andromeda...27300
Test : Focus (C8 w/o crayford)...23413
NGC 7293 (Helix Nebula)...97150
Sun : Close-up (07/2015)...25102
M31 - Andromeda...129966
NGC 253 - Sculptor Galaxy...118087
NGC 7023...115736865
Helixnebel als weiteren Test...40812
Helix Nebula...33620
The Iris Nebula...77875
Arzachel 070815 newton 625 mm barlow 3 filtre IR610 Luc CATHALA...29501
NGC7380 - The Wizard Nebula (bicolor version)...37730
Lagoon Trifid Nebula Area...24410
NGC 7023 -Iris nebula...45120
NGC 253 - Sculptor Galaxy in 3x Drizzle...18081520
NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula - An eye in the space...86947
greetings from italian western Alps! :)...921917
The Eye of God...40441
Lunar surface...29720
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy - M83 or NGC 5236...30230
M16 - Nebulosa Aquila e Pilastri della Creazione...116528
Saturn, July 8th, 2015...1929512
NGC6992 Nebulosa Velo...11300
NGC 6995...47234
Andromeda Galaxy...1394710
M27 Dumbbell Nebula...21005
M13 taken with iStar Asteria 204-8 R35...51200
Karoo Nights...54597
M8 Lagoon Nebula. A public data pool created by Theodore Arampatzoglou...39520
Saturn 20-06-2015...18432
M83 (NGC5236) First attempt at LRGB...27022
Andromeda Galaxy - Reprocess...93431311
Sun 13.6 2015...30420
Cat's Eye HaOIIIRGB...1304108
Copernicus area mosaic...30632
A plethora of craterlet's...36130
panorama autour de Platon...21923
Inclinazione degli anelli di Saturno dal 2012 al 2015...24012
Schroter's Valley...808100
région près de Clavius...17531
Squid Nebula in OIIIRGB...23473537
Solar System!...104552
Eta Carinae...31122
NGC 7023...59780
M101 and Friend...14202
M51 - processed from cicciobocc's data from public data pool...64051
M42 ...23510
NGC7380 - The Wizard nebula...23992019
Jupiter Io Transit...25910
M 66...18192632
The Markarian Chain in LRGB...50540
Io transit RGB 13-04-15...27510
Saturn, April 25th, 2015...71992432
M51 NGC 5194 Galassia Vortice...27312
NGC 4565 The Needle Galaxy...56764
Ten facts about Saturn...34732
Jupiter and GRS, April 03th, 2015...121752
Saturn, April 15th, 2015...28281633
GMR , Io y su sombra ...14215
M 101...8010
Strudelgalaxie M51...43532
M 51 Whirlpool Galaxy...75159
Giove - 31 marzo 2015...23200
Moon Cyrillus en Theophilus...25300
NGC 2237...34132
M31 L(Ha)RGB from Takahashi 150TOA + 16803...26721
M51 The Beautiful Whirlpool Galaxy...61041921
M51 Whirlpool Galaxy...187783
NGC7538 Nebula...70330
M 1 Crab Nebula...33003
M51 galaxy color picture, closeup...11491211
NGC 2244 Rosetta Nebula...52431
Needle Galaxy...28010
NGC 2237/2244 Rosette Nebula Feb 2015...22610
M 101...1768812
Comète Lovejoy avec M76 sélectionnée dans AAPOD2...486310
Rosette nebula...896411
M-81 Color...89348
Conjunction Moon Venus and Mars...359710
Jupiter C8 15/02/2015...96912
Orione e Sirio...16200
Rosette Nebula - HaRGB...64810
Jupiter, Feb. 09th, 2015...27921527
NGC2237 Nébuleuse de la Rosette en SHO...27422
Cometa C2014 Q2 Lovejoy + NGC 1023...63376
M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy (Up Close)...130366
First Light Borg 125 Test shot (Now with flats & old 101 RGB data - Finished!)...32763367
Lovejoy EF 200 mm...12420
My Observatory Dome...510212
Jupiter, Io and Ganymede...48565
C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) 420 mm...214215
Citizen Rosette - LRGB...23431
M 42 cropped...33810
Alnitak area with B33 - IC434 - NGC2023 - NGC2024 - IC432 in HRGB...701104
Rosette Nebula...86742
Jupiter 7th January...46412
Comet Lovejoy...44369
Clavius of new year...30300
NGC 1499...19911
A Dome near Copernicus?...22300
NGC 891 reworked...22133022
IC 434...66344
Rosette Nebula - false color @ various focal lengths...32272232
Cratere Copernicus - 1 dicembre 2014...13710
M31 Andromeda Galaxy...102022
Rosette Nebula NGC 2237...26122516
Orion constellation...78366
Soul Nebula...62025
Nettoyage du miroir de 625 mm 10/2014...41611
Rossette HST colors...85452
North Pole Mosaic...21410
Theophilus, Cyrillus...25002
Heart nebula IC 1805...42840
Ngc 2237...75683
NGC 7635 (The bubble nebula)...47484
M45 Pleiadi...87132
Andromeda Galaxy...3666520
LUNA SUR...15220
M1 2014.10.19...62870
NGC 1499 California Nebula...31112
Moon: Clavius...20000
Aurora boreal desde Stanley Mitchell Hut (P. N. Yoho)...6700
M31 Andromeda...95061
M51 Whirlpool...29100
Melotte 15...1681168
Copernic 16/09/14 6h44 Newton 625mm barlow 3 filtre rouge Flea 3 120% Luc CATHALA...29034
M33 1st try...58222
NGC 6888 BICOLOR...43521
DSLR Helix Nebula 20.8 hours...77101
M 1...1019914
M31 510mm and 750mm...20772725
Rosette Nebula...66947
IC1396 Ha/OIII...1902246
NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula...110062
Ptolemaeus,Alphonsus y Arzachel...14100
NGC7023 - The Iris nebula...1651511
Saturn with 3 moons...24810
Saturn 09/06/14 - derotated 12min (R-RGB)...55534
NGC7000 IC5070...51023
Saturn - 2014/06/04...50420
Wilhelm e Longomontanus...39400
M51 LRGB...189728
Clavius and Blancanus...13801
Great Cluster in Hercules (M13)...21300
M31 in HDR...47868
Pinwheelgalaxie M101...35300
Venus transit Sun 3...26700
ngc 7000...43114
Mars, April 25th, 2014...134136
M63 - The Sunflower galaxy...42281531
Mars C8...65812
NGC 2174 The Monkey Head Nebula...29862318
Mars 2014-04-16 22h20 TU...35612
M 45 ... and IC 349...1030224
M 51...22911023
Moon 2014/04/09...34734
Jupiter in March, 2014 - 3D animation (cross-eyed viewing)...42263
M51 / Arp 85 - The Whirlpool Galaxy...50272128
Crater Clavius...79862
GRS 2014/01/17...284848
M81 M82...35614
Rosette nebula HaRGB...110040
Simeis 147...23191838
Heart and Soul Nebula...891816
IC410 HST palette...41556
M 45...59830
M 31 Andromeda Galaxy...45804
Simeis 147...22881517
NGC2244 Rosettennebel...60864
Jupiter 2013/10/26...36110
M45 - Pleiades Star Cluster in Taurus...31121131
Inside the scope room....39216
Simeis 147...16691412
WIP NGC7635 Bicolor...140787
ISS 2013.08.04...134078
NGC 7000...11610
Saturn and moons...65035
My 2003 Mars campaign...386412
NGC 4725...296269
M51 WIP2...12751110
Lagoon nebula...9481512
Mosaic M81 - M82...62052
M81 - Holmberg IX...116286
IC 405 the Flaming Star nebula ...80052
Rosette Nebula NGC2237...1482813
M45 Pleiadi...92701
NGC7023 Iris Nebula...67432
Panorama Center of Milky Way...44233722
An early image of my 2012 setup...202220
Mars 10/24/05...40702
Mars soft elaboration...27801
Rosette Nebula in narrowband...151437
IC 2118 Testa della Strega...86114
Rosette in Hubble pallette...118554