Spoke Too Soon, What a difference a Day Makes, Comet 13P/ Olbers Brightens...9015
Horsehead and Flame Nebula 10 Micron GM1000HPS test...38233
Messier 78...361119
Quasar J15173777+5950201 in the constellation of Draco DeepField...3101
Total Eclipse Baileys Beads (C3) America 2024...1400
Total Eclipse Baileys Beads (C2) - America 2024...2210
Total Solar Eclipse April 2024...1700
3.4 x 2.4 Degree Field Encasing Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks from April 1, 2024...34339
Baily's Beads at Third Contact...20478
M81, M82 composite...4331012
Solar Corona and Earthshine...3051514
Abell 85 Supernova Remnant the Constellation of Cassiopeia...1800
Sh2-112 Emission Nebula in the Constellation of Cygnus...1610
ATLAS ― the unexpected Supernova Remnant G209.8-8.2 in Orion...3081100120
The planetary nebula Strottner-Drechsler 166 in Cygnus...7971824
Head of the Seagull Nebula IC2177...372711
Comet 62P Tsuchinshan in a Sea of Galaxies, Super Wide Field, 2024-02-11...26658
NGC2237 Rosette Nebula...3310
Interesting Tail Structure on Comet 12P/ Pons-Brooks from February 12th...16872434
UNCLASSIFIED OBJECT: Object Erkaslan-Drechsler 1 (OED 1) - The NilAdh Bubble...17924167
M 42, LRGB...41173
NGC 474...20086517
Waxing Crescent Moon 44.1%...1600
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler 33...19462519
Crescent Nebula...5552622
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler 11...779918
ATEO NGC 3521 Bubble Galaxy...249913
A Full Field view of "The Devil Comet" 12P/Pons-Brooks Drifts by a Nice Double Star In Lyra, 2023-12-11...28743
NGC1931 - Reflection & Emmission Nebula in Auriga...3100
NGC281 - Pacman Nebula...1600
NEW DISCOVERY: Supernova remnant G107.5-5.2. — the Nereides nebula in Cassiopeia...8924161204
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler Object 59...25626566
Abell 426 with IFN...30052
Multiple Green and Blue Flashes over Pacific...11121327
SNR G156.2+5.7 - A faint supernova in Auriga...386711753
NGC2261 - Hubble's Variable Nebula...3210
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler 4 — a new planetary... no, wait...11932627
NEW DISCOVERY: Beta Gruis and its bizarre black light shell...48157656
Double Cluster & a bit of heart nebula...2700
Messier 45 - Pleiades...5901
North America Nebula reprocess - SHO NBColourMapper script...19133
NGC7635 Bubble Nebula...4700
Garnet Star & IC 1396 - Elephants Trunk Nebula...4700
Andromeda Galaxy...3800
Messier 64 The Black Eye Galaxy & IFN cirrus...6321129
Summer Bat Nebula...3500
M16 Summer Eagle Nebula...4200
NGC 6946 Firework Galaxy...7510
Messier 101 The Pinwheel...794718
M13 Hercules Cluster...2900
2023-05-21 M101 Pinwheel Galaxy with SN2023ixf...5401
NGC4631 Whale Galaxy...3100
NGC7789 Carolines Rose...3400
Virgo galaxy cluster with IFN and ICL...29374226
M81 and M82...10322025
M84, M86 Makarian's Chain - Virgo...2900
NGC 281 The Pacman Nebula...48524
IC 2944 (starless)...18752
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler 163...24624040
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler 155 in Monoceros...31515244
NGC7635 (Bubble Nebula) Really High Resolution...20052837
NEW DISCOVERIES: SNR G321.3 -3.9/the Hidden SNR and PN Candidates StDrLu 1-7 & StDrLuLDû 1...37427157
The Cone Nebula NGC 2264...19342428
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler 161 in Cygnus (plus EkGo 1, EkGo 2 and Strottner-Drechsler 166)...12381313
NGC2244 Satellite Cluster in Rosette Nebula...6510
NEW DISCOVERY: the M31 [OIII] emission arc /// STROTTNER-DRECHSLER-SAINTY OBJECT 1...35726426279
WR 134 in Cygnus...5861022
M81 Bodes Galaxy...4800
Pickering's Triangle NGC 6979...7031218
M76 Little Dumbell Nebula...2500
NGC2264 Christmas Tree Cluster...3900
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler 164...11782443
NEW DISCOVERY: Nova shell G332 - the Deadhead nebula...33614237
Auriga Narrowband Mosaic...399811560
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler Object 33 / The Azure nebula...35667451
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler 99 ✴ 196h exposure...23503640
NGC 7331, the "Fleas" and Stephan's Quintet...7041427
NGC 2244 - Rosette Nebula...49167
Mt Hood part 2...35365
Cats Paw Nebula...3100
M8 - Lagoon Nebula...4900
M45 - Pleiades...5400
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler Object 4 / SNR G210.5+1.3...375710367
Small magellanic cloud...6100
Large Magellanic Cloud...9702
Tivoli Star Trail...4910
Pickering's Triangle...9511112
Tivoli Milky Way Core...7212
Rho Ophiuchi Nebula...7211
Tivoli Milky Way...6900
M42 again and again (and again)...25923
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler 158 / the Smaug nebula...23072656
The Cat's Eye Nebula - A Lucky Imaging Hybrid...436916
NGC1333 active star formation...21335238
M81 and M82 plus IFN...63535
Supernova 2022hrs in NGC 4649...504815
NGC 2442 and NGC 2443, The Cobra and the Mouse...15852645
M 106 - a 250 hrs group collaboration...49167197
Messier 106 & its active nucleus...1099534
M106 (in very steady skies)...10762027
NEW TYPE OF NEBULA DISCOVERED: The Heart of Hydra, ultra deep 360 hours...7048145150
Galaxy pair NGC 4145 & NGC 4151...50772
M 106 (M106)...1303913
SH-157 The Lobster Claw and NGC7635 The Bubble Nebulae in the constellation of Cassiopeia...4800
Andromeda Galaxy in pure H-alpha light...38109430
NGC3079 with Gravitational Lens Quasar QSO 0957+561...6021410
Emberson Jones 1...28032680
2.5 gigapixel Orion Mosaic - Complete with hydrogen and LRGB data sets....342210260
StarNet v2...13101432
NGC 1532: A Galaxy Pulled in Different Directions...18201963
NGC1491 Emission Nebula in the contellation of Perseus (also known as the Fossil Foot Nebula)...3800
Messier 42 core 2022...610522
IC 405 in SHORGB...12612467
Taurus molecular clouds...6311315
Rosette Nebula Mosaic...797626
NEW DISCOVERY Strottner-Drechsler 138...12801833
M94: Croc's Eye Galaxy...606713
Rosette Nebula (NGC2238) in SHO with RGB stars...26934033
Elephant's trunk with additional data and RGB stars...14721650
NGC 253, The Sculptor Galaxy...32622896
NGC 7814. The Little Sombrero Galaxy...12242224
NGC869 and NGC884 (h and X Persei), The Double Cluster in the constellation of Persus...6100
The most beautiful discoveries of our team 2019 to 2021...19136173
NGC6820, NGC6823, Vulpecula OB1 - (SHO) in the constellation of Vulpecula...5900
EGB 10 - a mysterious object in Draco...386411733
M27. The Dumbbell Nebula...45134
Question mark nebula...16742914
Barnard 344 Cygnus Nebula...640819
NGC 660...9141218
A spider, a fly, tadpoles and a flame...20736
Around Sadr 2 panel mosaic...582437
Flying Bat (sh2-129) and Giant Squid (Ou4)...30974428
The Andromeda Galaxy Messier 31...15582151
Embers of an Ancient Super Nova: Pickering's Triangle...18161229
The Polaris and Cepheus Flares and Surrounding Dust...36158379
The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888...1205118
The magnificent Messier 33 Triangulum Galaxy...15351233
A Trio of Interacting Galaxies in Pegasus...6511112
Andromeda galaxy 6 panel mosaic...22022271
SH2-170 - Small Rosette Nebula - BiColor...34511
Dust and Hydrogen in Cepheus...14261218
NEW DISCOVERY: Patchick-Strottner-Drechsler 3 in Andromeda...12912423
Messier 17 in SHO Hubble Palette...24463925
Dust mountains in the soul nebula...8021149
The NW Wing of Cygnus...32686675
Sh2-136, Ghosts Rising from Cosmic Dust...18132977
NEW DISCOVERY - PaStDr 8 / The Bärenstein Nebula and the Supernova remnant G354-33...501511994
Jupiter on 03.09.2021 25° over horizon...1087639
NGC 7331 and Stephans Quintett Arp 319...36337
Animation ISS in color 29.08.2021...55708177
The heart nebula IC 1805 + 3D stero picture of Steve Lantz vers. B...13241867
Core of the Lion Nebula Sh2-132...9441721
Sh2-115 and the shock bows...17804889
NEW DISCOVERY Strottner-Drechsler 103 in Cygnus...12202427
LBN 437 (SH2-126) HaRGB...22975226
NGC 6946 Fireworks Galaxy...85257
Messier 13, The Great Globular Cluster...65968
Polaris and The Surrounding Integrated Flux Nebula...1010105
Pickerings Triangle and the West Veil - Two-Panel Mosaic...304610
IC 1396...7320
NGC 6723 / NGC 6726...42753
The Pelican nebula IC 5070...12551049
NGC 4656 and NGC 4631...51037
NGC 5907 - The Splinter Galaxy...11391029
The Draco Triplet...522116
The Draco Dwarf Galaxy, a faint comet, Galactic Cirrus, loads of far away galaxies...22913
NGC 4559...496617
NGC 6992: The Eastern Veil...540326
LBN 251 mosaic...6081422
Barnard 344 potrait...15482075
Animation of the ISS, new solar battery 01.07.2021...43766195
NGC 6543: Cat's Eye Nebula...16012342
NGC 6888...25210
NGC 6946...18520
NGC 3718...12391537
NGC7023 - Iris Nebula...13301
The great wall in NGC 7000 II...9611447
NGC 4214...7871652
Rho Ophiuchi Molecular Complex...45455
The magnificent NGC 2841 The Tiger's Eye Galaxy...6781612
M27 - Dumbbell Nebula...10301
M63 (NGC 5055), The Amazing Sunflower through a 20"...13691650
M85 and NGC 4394...42569
M81, Bode's Nebula...67175
The True Tails of NGC 5907 ?...375819
M57 (NCG6720) The Ring Nebula in the constellation of Lyra...8800
IC 2574 Coddington's Nebula (Dwarf Spiral Galaxy)...96158
The Coma Cluster...11202335
Melotte 15 rework...13261058
Messier Galaxy mosaic (M98, 99 & 100) in Virgo/Coma Berenices...783730
Sunrise Moonset Over Broken Top Mountain...16622
Centaurus A starless...34934
NGC 4449...7261740
Strottner-Drechsler 137 (aka EGB 9) in Canis Minor...23493522
NGC 4725 and friends (NGC 4712 & NGC 4747)...716741
M78 meets Barnard's Loop...27944782
SH2-170 The little Rosette Nebula...52600
The Wizard nebula - high res details in full resolution...12001137
NGC 4236 - Ha-L-RGB...43242
Messier 106...5801
M109 A Classic Barred Spiral in Ursa Major...31022984
NGC 3310: Glittering Galaxy...27746325
IC443+IC444 HOO+RGB...37712
M106 Sunflower group of galaxies in the constellation Canes Venatici....3300
M63 - Au Naturale and Deep Version...4881228
The Sunflower Galaxy (M63)...7511324
NGC4449 (Caldwell 21) is an irregular Magellanic type galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici....4900
Double Cluster - 2 Panel Mosaic - 16803 Version...17012
NEW DISCOVERY - STROTTNER-DRECHSLER 20 - Aurore's nebula...33423852
A steady M94 after an unsteady winter...566920
M 51 rework with additional data...27023071
Hickson 61 - The Box (NGC4169, NGC4173, NGC4174, NGC4175) in the constellation of Coma Berenecies...7100
Double Cluster...6461626
NGC 4151. The Eye of Sauron...10923730
Simeis 147...8231039
Jones-Emberson 1 - PK 164 +31.1 - Planetary nebula...4931311
Full moon with real coloring mosaic...17542023
M81 - 16803 Version...18910
The Needle Galaxy in Coma Berenices...16551020
Iris Nebula - 16803 Version...12910
M 94...10851889
Solar Prominences Animation over three hour period March 20, 2021...387416
Cocoon Nebula...18210
Orion and Horsehead Nebula in Ha...22972948
NGC 5033...9631345
M81 M82 and the IFN...452213
IC443 Jellyfish Nebula in the Constellation of Gemini...4300
M101 16803 Version...14722
Orion and Horsehead Nebula...12742426
M 33...18381550
NEW DISCOVERY: Drechsler Object 3 "CircX"...15191325
NEW DISCOVERY: Drechsler 21 in Andromeda...37215960
Strottner-Drechsler 137 - aka EGB 9 in Canis Minor - new classified PN...27226443
SH2-224 HO Bicolor Image...4451612
Sh2-188 (Firefox Nebula / Dolphin Nebula / PK128-04.1 / LBN 633 / Simeis 22)...1082530
M74 Redux...1052521
Strottner-Drechsler 1 - Coco's nebula (PNG 185.1-00.9)...31486773
Planetary Nebulae (2020 remastered)...17244413
IC 342 The Hidden Galaxy...6771033
IC2118(six mosaic)...14701815
Tadpoles Nebula...23230
Simeis 147...691129
NGC 1491...A Challenging Narrowband Nebula in Perseus...1512523
Emerald Comet Visits Colorful Auriga...47455
IC 1795 The Fish Head Nebula...808322
The Bubble Nebula NGC 7635 (Hubble Palette)...830711
SH-308 - The dolphin's head Nebula...33923026
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler 56 (StDr56) Goblet of Fire nebula...6896159124
Arp 227...23775115
Bubble Nebula region...16210
NGC 891...1531959
Area around Rigel: Which Head nebula and the beginning of the Barnard's loop...7261914
The Perseus Cluster of Galaxies...12691928
IC1318 - The blazing butterfly !...404518
Heart and Soul...53362
Chi+H Persei Star Cluster 2020...45955
The heart of NGC 7822...11081160
The Helix Nebula NGC 7293...881441
vdB 130 in the Sadr Region (Gamma Cygni)...22863045
M94 Galaxy...25452447
M33 Galaxy...25891528
NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula...201296
The heart of the rosette nebula...12041380
M31 Andromeda...6901
NGC 6888...645669
NW Cygnus in H-alpha - 24 panel Mosaic...766626
Middle section of elephants trunk...645650
NEW DISCOVERY: Patchick-Strottner-Drechsler 5...33184567
Clouds around NGC1333...23725855
Cygnus Shell Variations...7921312
IC 405...41113
SH2-106 | A Planetary-like Emission Nebula in HaLRGB...971716
Messier 78...14852438
Propeller Nebula, DWB 111/119 (Simeis 57), SHO...134442
Abell 72 (PK 59 -18.1)...11931432
Sh2-115 and Abell 71...10682336
IC 5146 - Cocoon Nebula from light polluted skies...19052034
Double Cluster with some H-alpha Clouds...9152819
Starburst Galaxy IC 10...975414
The Wizard nebula, NGC 7380...17562745
Center of Cygnus...17071416
IC 1396 four panel mosaic...709825
Meadows of Heaven ( The Double Cluster, NGC 869, NGC 884 )...23318
Elephant's Trunk nebula within IC1396...701730
Sh2-119 in Cygnus...1591289
NGC 6164 - The Pseudo Planetary Nebula...21002234
LDN 1251...17833231
Cygnus Loop | The Whole Ear - Lobe and All...29715261
IC1318 Gamma Cygni Nebula...5202
The Helix Nebula...21111445
M17 - The Chaotic Swan and Neighbors...25483248
Ptolemy Cluster...37459
The Lagoon Nebula M8...15751258
NEW DISCOVERY: the "Auris-Nebula" (PaStDr 4)...22692849
Gas Menagerie, OU-4, Sh2-129, Bernard 150, The Flying Bat, The squid and The Dark Seahorse Nebulas...24393839
Eastern Veil Nebula - Bicolor Image - Hubble Style - Two-panel Mosaic...399512
Elephants trunk...8201347
NGC 7023...103686
LBN 406...5631212
Dumbbell Nebula (M27) - "Pushed" Ha...32014
Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)...31021
IC 4628...329359
Van den Bergh 130 and Barnard 344...6641332
The Squid Nebula - OU4...7901928
Sh2-96 • Giant Super Nova Remnant in SHO...24792863
Messier 27 The Dumbell Nebula...17892244
The Soap Bubble, PN G75.5+1.7 in SHO ...with a nice surprise...16063160
Sadr Region Close-up...1367536
NGC 3718 (Arp 214) in Ursa Major...6901236
Happy Independence Day 2020 from Fireworks Galaxy to Milky Way Galaxy...398210
Iris Nebula (Reprocessed)...771918
Globules in IC 1396...10711657
Seahorse Nebula - Barnard 150...40320
Messier 13...47835
The butterfly nebula...10691668
The Needle Galaxy (Natural Version)...899731
Arp 159: NGC 4725 (the One-Armed Galaxy), NGC 4747, NGC 4712...887834
Cygnus Loop (Eastern and Western Veil and Pickerings Triangle)in the constellation of Cygnus...6000
SH2-101 Cygnus Star Cloud (Tulip Nebula) in Cygnus...6100
NGC 5474 - Companion to M101...282554
iris 2014 - starless...33126
M13 - Hercules Globular Cluster...227212
M13 - Hercules Cluster...2201
The Hercules Cluster of Galaxies (Abell 2151)...28734357
NGC 4631 and NGC 4656...25502
Cresent nebula NGC 6888 and the soap bubble...17092477
2 Ring Galaxies - NGC 4513 & VII Zw 466...324838
M 16 rework...15352677
NEW DISCOVERY: Strottner-Drechsler 47 - the Beehive Nebula...29493380
Venus & The Pleiades...8300
M106 - LRGB...51764
M86 - M84...17162325
Area around ζOph: Sh2-27, M107 and more...7981011
Small Packages...5021644
Abell 1656 (Coma Cluster) (Luminance Only)...34931
WR134 | A Wolf-Rayet Star Blows an OIII Bubble...16912345
M101: a night with a lot of cirrus and moonlight...442118
M81, M82 two panel mosaic...15081854
Starburst galaxy, NGC 4631 The Whale Galaxy & The Hockey Stick...1259525
Hickson 44 / Arp 316...8551232
NGC 5907 rework...10271044
M51 Whirlpool Galaxy...17000
M82 (Pure, Deep and Final)...10162520
Markarian's Chain (LRGB)...897520
Messier 106 & friends...595214
NGC 4236 in Draco...30511
Smoking Ember...33066
Whirlpool Galaxy M51 and extension jets - added lum...388411
NGC4631/27 & NGC4656/57 Whale and Hummingbird (Crowbar) Galaxies...6400
Messier 51...8451012
NGC 3184...12601414
M 82 with deep H alpha...248139105
C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) breakup in pieces...71014
NGC7331 Group & Stephan’s Quintet...10902
NGC 3718...15631966
Comet C/2019 Y4 (Atlas)...6402
Bodes and Cigar galaxies M81 & M82...12904
NGC 4151 and Friends (HaLRGB with 108 hrs integration time)...15172332
NGC 4214...603169
NGC 4565...20011872
M 101 HAlpha LRGB...24791261
M 106 crop...14461457
NGC 3576 (HOO) - The Princess Leia (Statue of Liberty) Nebula...8401117
Messier 106...14842231
From Cone to Rosetta...34071
NGC 3447 & Abell 1126...389322
Sharpless 2-224...7522424
IC 417 closeup...794520
NGC 5216/5218 (Arp 104) Cropped...775610
Van den Bergh 7 and 9 "The Helping Hand" nebula...16444459
NGC 5216/5218 (Arp 104) and NGC 5205...25453450
Comet C/2017 T2 (Panstarrs) meets the Double Cluster...12800
NGC 1514: Crystal Ball Nebula...21552666
NGC 2655 (ARP 225)...13442921
Sharpless 232 (Sh2-232) and Companions...12901739
NGC 2024 und IC 434 in Ha...28241
The Proper Motion of Stars in the Rosette Nebula...5511531
The Heart Nebula - IC1805 - H-alpha...25522
M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy - Canes Venetici...12603
NGC 5101,5078 and dust: remake...7651317
Arp 105 & Abell 1185...4421034
WeBo 1...6461042
Polaris Flare IFN...46446
NGC 1579 the 'Northern Triffid"...21632941
Hind's Variable Nebula...384712
NGC 2903...14831760
Heart & Soul Nebula - Halpha Widefield...50401
The Dolphin in Canis Major | Sh2-308...34915978
M35 & NGC2158...25523325
Barnard 22 and IC 2087 the Little Flame nebula...10282041
LBN 777...49943
Seven Sisters' road to California...6151216
North Polar Region with IFN...620198
SH2-240 (Simeis 147)...36804130
NGC 869 & NGC 884 - Double Cluster...608413
The orion nebula M 42...10491153
IC405 Hubble Palette - APOD January 7, 2020...1295522
The Rosette Nebula - Caldwell 49 - NGC2244...4010
Cocoon Nebula...48374
Double Cluster in Perseus...353311
vdB 7 - vdB 9 - LDN 1355/57/58...800924
NEW DISCOVERY - Strottner-Drechsler 13 inside the Monoceros Loop SNR...47056095
NEW DISCOVERY: Drechsler 30 / PNG 109.9-08.1...15582138
M51 (Reprocessed)...5541417
Sh2-202 & vdB 14 & vdB 15...570439
CTB 1 (Abell 85) Supernova Remnant...26621926
SNR G206.9+2.3 in Monoceros...26011916
The Pleiades - M45...32412060
Veil Complex HA - starless / star reduced...6511219
California Nebula in SHO...31950
NGC 7354...368514
SH2-224 in Auriga...33875534
California Nebula...821813
NGC 281 Pacman in hubble colors...536212
VdB 7 - The Helping Hand...8302720
NGC 2336 (and IC 467)...14071221
Bat, B150, Fireworks 9 Panel Mosaic...368710567
IC 1396 in SH2-131 in Halpha...29361
Hartl-Dengel-Weinberger 3 (HDW 3, PK149-09.1, PN G149.4-09.2)...19872756
VdB 31...556128
Stairway "from" Heaven...5771833
IC 2944...19341924
M 33...54200
Bok globules in NGC 2244...9441239
The Crescent Nebula...1897913
Shell galaxy NGC 474 (Arp 227)...15634632
The Heart Nebula - Hubble Palette...434832
The Heart Nebula in HA & OIII...41314
Gum / Vela Starless...60889
IC 239...363212
Comet C/2018 N2 (ASASSN) and an Asteroid: Animation...475924
Double Cluster...16610
The Crescent Nebula (NGC6888) in BiColour HaO3O3...22500
Helix Nebula...67646
Barnard 22 & IC 2087...16581610
SN remnant ic443...35614423
The tadpoles nebula...7081140
Cygnus in Halpha - Veil Nebula Complex...32301
NGC 218 (PGC 2720) & PGC 2726...290212
vdB 14, vdB 15, & Sh2-202 in Camelopardalis...35144733
Sh2-132 the Lion Nebula...5791115
Sh2-170 Little Rosette Nebula details in SHOrgb...61267
Misty surroundings for the Pleiades sisters!...28987053
Iris nebula wide field...1101158
CTA 1 - Supernova remnant in HaO3-LRGB...810519
NGC 7741...328824
SH2-101 SHO-RVB...524108
LBN 477 - vdB 156d...250318
Dusty Ain in the Hyades -- Sh2-239 to NGC 1555...28806432
Heart nebula with add. H-alpha done with DSLR...23600
Messier 33 The Triangulum Galaxy...10771231
Little Dumbbell (M76)...779810
Eridanus Loop...16552826
Eastern Veil nebula NGC 6992...509316
Arp 227 NGC 474...8972918
Belt of Orion...399210
IFN - Galactic Cirrus in Aquarius...78486
Spelunking - Sh2-155 (Cave Nebula) in HAOIIILRGB...762914
NGC 1060 Galaxy Group - LGG 72...295728
NGC 281 - Pacman Nebula - Hubble Palette...418514
Iris Nebula...5891410
Cygnus Loop- 22hrs per panel- 6 panel mosaic @ 1.67 pixel scale...17642533
IC1318B/C and LDN889 near Sadr...20023
VdB 152 The Wolf's Cave Nebula...5381126
NGC6960 - Veil Nebula...28911719
NGC 281 - Pacman Nebula - H-alpha...34638
The Deer Lick Group - Featuring NGC 7331...35082566
LDN 673...17610
We 1-10...267637
Sh2-200 a.k.a. HDW 2 The Bearclaw Nebula...11562421
The NGC 1333 nebula complex in Perseus...36248
Arp 99 - Hickson 93...258721
WR134 HaO3 RGB...27362
Cygnus in Halpha - Propeller & surroundings...30133
Milky Way...7500
Sharpless 115 and 116 (Ha)...25544
WR134 wide field...776118
LDN 1228, LBN 552...1787104
NGC 6712...239215
Messier 27 with DSLR...22510
IsWe 2...335422
NGC 281 | Sh2-184 | The PacMan Nebula...9552221
IC 5146 The Cocoon nebula...557927
NEW DISCOVERY! Drechsler- Zirke 1...28424733
Abell 6 & Heckathorn-Fesen-Gull 1 /HOO...12124228
IC1396 widefield...19902632
Ghost Nebula (IC63) reprocessed in HOO/RGB...13261016
Cygnus in Halpha - Deneb & surroundings...28310
Copernicus and its wider surroundings...1910817
NGC 3576 & NGC 3603 - Statue of Liberty nebula (HOO version)...10521529
IC5068 with DSLR and NB Ha...19642
Abell 79...482922
NGC 7331...33783932
NGC 6914 high resolution...697820
SAC B150...27837
M95 - Classic Barred Spiral...26432
The Squid Nebula OU4 HO Bicolor Image...18832831
panorama 360 circumpolaire...16081935
Cepheus- Flying Bat to Lobster Claw...15111826
Nebulae in Cepheus: modified SHO palette...41624
Iris Nebula (NGC7023) and Surroundings (LDN1158)...42253342
Simeis 57 - Propeller Nebula...33420
SH2--114 - The Flying Dragon Nebula in Ha...10720
North America and Pelican Nebula mosaic & abstracts...10281841
NGC 5907 The Splinter Galaxy...998816
M63 Sunflower Galaxy...14261512
Weinberger 1-10 aka We1-10, PK 086+05.1 or PN G086.1+5.4...16862918
Parts of Cygnus(Twenty mosaics)...15910
Classic Ha mono of NAN & Pelican Nebulae - 6 panel mosaic...478520
The Tulip Nebula (Sh2-101) and Cygnus X-1 Bow Shock...15172435
Nan to Crescent...21343916
NGC 7000 H-alpha Two-panel Mosaic...23252
NGC 6960 - 2019...371846
Summer Milkyway Mosaic Part II...21111
NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula...26812332
NGC 6946 The Fireworks Galaxy...606817
NGC 3576 & NGC 3603 - Statue of Liberty nebula...8611024
DWB-111 Propeller Nebula...32254
The Soap Bubble PN G75.5+1.7...22972
Gravitational lensing in Abell 2218...22822812
ISS transit above Sardinian Sky (54°) 2019.07.20...39162424
NGC 6914 in Cygnus...6611822
Keenan's System ARP104 (NGC5216, NGC5218), NGC5205...40066
WR 134 - Wolf-Rayet Bubble in Cygnus...442789101
The Great Wall in NGC 7000...32332158
NGC6384 with 24" (full frame)...30126
IC 1318 in Cygnus - two panel mosaic in Hubble Palette...8051115
Sh2-174 (LBN 598) Valentine Rose Nebula...9872640
Tulip Nebula Sh2-101 and Cygnus X-1 bow shockwave...13383145
Fireworks Galaxy - NGC 6946 in Cepheus...706721
LBN 569 - The valleys and cliffs of Cepheus...550710179
M101 - Ha-L-RGB...45034
Abell 39 (PK 047+42 1, PN A66 39, PN ARO 180, PN G047.0+42.4)...12521227
LBN 331...14532824
Barnard 75 - 2019...338925
IC 1318 Butterfly Nebula & Gamma Cygni...8561534
Cone and Fox Fur _ HRGB...11741516
NGC 5907 - the Splinter Galaxy in Draco...595931
Pickering's Triangle (NGC 6979)...25433176
M83 the southern pinwheel...44043023
NEW DISCOVERY: Planetary Nebula 'Drechsler 14' in Puppis...13672645
Markarian's "Ball & Chain" - mosaic galactic delight...490931
Cresent nebula NGC 6888 rework...14452461
Thor's Helmet in Ha and OIII...10361135
Arp 286 / NGC 5566, 5560, 5569...30664
IC1318 Gamma Cygni Nebula...45548
Arp 271 (2019)...577831
M27 BiColor rework...25810
North America Nebula (NGC 7000) - "Cygnus Wall"...22202
NGC 3718, NGC 3729, and Hickson Group 56...615129
M 51- High resolution and deep field with Newton 350...64895359
NGC 4725 with Ancient Tidal Stream...752912
Jacoby 1...12931221
Messier 63 The Sunflower Galaxy...27883156
NGC 6914 Reflection Nebulae in Fields of H-alpha...84534
Hoag's Object (PGC 54559)...27572627
Propeller Nebula - DWB 111 - H-alpha...25758
M97 & M108 - Owl Nebula & Surfboard Galaxy...28931
NGC 3184...369420
NGC 7822 | Sh2-171...82812
Arp 214 (NGC 3718) - A Beautiful Unusual Galaxy in the Big Dipper...19281637
Elephant's Trunk nebula - Hubble Palette...182069
NGC1579~Northern Trifid~Reprocess...17961519
NGC 891 edge-on galaxy in Andromeda...21401
M94 Croc's Eye Galaxy...11012036
NGC 467, 470 & 474 (Reprocessed)...25672923
NGC 4236...821822
Messier 106...19251110
NGC 4567 and NGC 4568...587821
Arp 269 (2021)...7211053
Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)...8061113
Leo Triplet closeup...41843419
M13 and HR Diagram...16391116
The Eyes (NGC 4435, NGC 4438)...9741512
M51 Deep...299511
The Coma Cluster - LRGB Image...6212325
Leo Trio...26522
Messier 51...38913
M81 & M82 in the IFN...24063548
NGC 3718, Different Perspective...11021516
Rho Region...648317
NGC 5982 / 5981 / 5985 - 2019...311619
M82, a Ha, RGB picture...14252342
M3, A Fascinating Globular Cluster...107238
Sh2-171 - NGC 7822...12283127
Area of Rosette...28685
IC 2118 Witch Head Nebula...689142
Orion and Barnard's Loop...43495
M 94...396711
NGC 3166 / 3165 / 3169...312518
M81 and M82...13511027
mosaic sh2-101 and WR134...723715
M84 and M86 - Markarian's Chain - 2019...17282151
Hyades and Taurus molecular cloud...44405824
Southern Part of SH2-240 - Simeis 147...16463459
M106 and Friends...6881113
NGC 3718 and Hickson 56. Galaxy in Ursa Major...29534316
Sh2-171 (NGC 7822)...354917
Helping hand Nebula...1250170
8 panel mosaic Virgo Cluster of galaxies around Markarian's Chain - WIP luminance...770716
Leo Triplet Mosaic...61088
Moon with 4" Achromat...27211
M 100...777618
NGC 4151...6841422
The Amazing Dust Lanes of M66...28132754
Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)...9311927
NGC 2841...702311
M 94...53898
NGC 2841 / Tiger's Eye Galaxy...875825
Messier 59 & 60 amid the Virgo Cluster of galaxies...83836
M65 and M66...581712
NGC 4631...711313
Gum Nebula...19552929
M 94...909210
Leo Triplet...502510
Jones-Emberson 1 / PK 164+31.1 / The Headphones Nebula (JnEr 1, VV 47)...12751723
NGC 6726-7/IC 4812 & Others in Corona Australis...19944854
Planetary Nebulae Types...16124244
Coddington's Nebula Dwarf Galaxy - HaLRGB...1302208
Jones-Emberson 1 - 2019...524717
Interacting galaxies - NGC 3169, NGC 3166, and NGC 3165...21824422
Arp Galaxies - Favorites...7132826
Simeis147 HOO...591167
NGC 2170 in Monoceros...15312819
NGC 7662 "blue snow ball". T350 Vs HST...21532230
Milky Way through gum trees...43867
Hickson 44 galaxy cluster...21433031
IC342 in LRGB, The Hidden Galaxy...31431
Monkey Head Nebula...34217
M16 - The Eagle Nebula...38484456
NGC 2174...23800
NEW DISCOVERY: Dr15 (Drechsler 15) in Centaurus...18242723
PK164+31.1 A Faint Planetary Nebula: Take 2...1726819
Rosette Nebula core & 'The Carnival of Animals' - bit of fun!...10441320
NGC 2170...7331521
Ngc 3718 & ngc 3729. Hickson 56...24791922
Fox Fur Nebula LRGB + Ha...69985
M 31 Andromeda Galaxie...51915
IC 348 Wide Field...1235155
Western Veil Nebula...38837
Sh2-200 Bearclaw Nebula - HOO-LRGB...27745341
The Helix Nebula...24483120
Starlost Cone Nebula Complex...338512
NG 4725 vs ARP 159...69286
M45 - Plejaden - LRGB...102550
Starless Cygnus Wall in the Hubble Palette...11531236
HDW 2 - Sh2-200 - PNG 138.1+04.1...13003336
Jellyfish Nebula IC443 mosaic...22516066
Sh2-232 and friends HOO...51867
Sh2-232 and friends SHO...78920
Messier 106 'complete'...46144944
Hickson 44...1094198
NGC 2244 - Rosetten-Nebel in SHO...31000
From Rosette to Cone...507612
NGC 4449...550410
Running Man Nebula...13071110
Orion nebula of 2015 to 2019...46196161
LDN 1622 Boogie Man Nebula...68223
4 Panel Rosette Mosaic - Caldwell 49...11672232
Leo A...27123
Messier 63 (The Sunflower Galaxy)...554710
Messier 78 - the McNeil's Nebula had disappeared...614710
M 81...25542330
The Leo Triplet (M65, M66, and NGC 3628) LRGB...23502512
IC2944, Running chicken, in Hubble palette....28411
Orion Constellation- 78 Panel Mosaic at 1.6 Pixel Scale...21643131
Leo Triplet (M65, M66, and NGC 3628)...40440
Chi+H Persei Star Cluster...19820
IC 1848 - Soul-Nebula SHO...28300
NGC2014 and B33 with DSLR in Ha...45824
Messier 81 and 82 panorama...15243018
Seagull Nebula, IC2177...54554
M16 starless Ha...71569
M106 LRGB...46920
NGC 891 Galaxy...43958
NGC 3628 - Hamburger Galaxy...18081012
C/2018 Y1 & NGC2903 (color)...14131427
that's uh... a jellyfish...40549
LDN 1622 & M78...15042124
Triplet du lion...933910
Abell 33...55741
Ic 2177- la nébuleuse de la mouette HOO...697710
Leo Triplet...1137516
Elephant Trunk IC1396 in Hubble Palette...40832
M92 - The other Hercules Globular Cluster...22820
IC 2169 Dreyer's Nebula (IC446/447)...85042
The Eta Carina Nebula - Hubble Palette...563812
SH2-273 Fox Fur nebula...1122413
IC 1848 core in hubble colors...60057
NGC 247...15911216
Messier 82 and its "cap"...10251714
M 81 (NGC 3031) with Holmberg IX Dwarf Galaxy and IFN (Integrated Flux Nebulae), HaLRGB Image...822158
Witch Head Nebula with Ha...15132331
Jellyfish Nebula (IC 443 & IC 444) in Gemini - two panel mosaic...39212429
IC 434 - Horsehead nebula...121374
NGC 5907 Teamprojekt Westphal - Schuberth - Müller...34262
NGC 5907 -Teamprojekt Schuberth-Westphal-Müller...43723
Boogeyman Nebula (LDN1622)...1818169
M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy...12241410
The Tadpoles in IC410...19321928
The Tadpoles (bicolor)...6792519
IC 1871 The Whirling Dervish Nebula...7491231
Leo Triplet...7231425
Hind's Variable Nebula...430124
M81 & M82 - IFN in Light Pollution...17831111
January 2019 Lunar Eclipse...63975
NGC 2170 & NGC 2182...466419
The Lunar Eclipse - The Moving Shadow of Totality Animation - Wait for it to Load....357710
Pickering's Triangle...26010
In the Matrix - the tadpoles - IC410...227310
M1: Crab Nebula in RGB-Ha-OIII...707514
NGC 1333...19531
Integrated Flux Nebulae (IFN) Mosaic...15442124
NGC2264 Cone Nebula and Fox Fur...10041812
East part Caldwell 49 - in the Rosette Nebula...1493712
Caldwell 49 - in the Rosette Nebula - NGC2239/2244...36556
IC59-63 Ghost of Cassiopeia & 'Breaking Wave" Nebula mosaic...8181020
NGC 253...8701121
NGC 6995 - Knochenhand im Schwan - BiColor Ha / O3...37613
NGC 467, 470 and 474. Intergalactic Star Streams....19384310
LBN 673...811918
IC1396A Elephant's Trunk in SHO...1587277
Polaris Wide Field...24762710
NGC 1579, The Trifid of the North...8522515
Rare solar halo Borlänge Sweden 2018-12-14...15721325
NGC 1333 and Glowing Embers in the Perseus Molecular Cloud...14151726
NGC 2403...931627
NGC918 through a veil of cirrus/IFN...7112115
vdB 14 / vdB 15...20142211
Van de Burgh 15...39056
Herbig-Haro 24...686144
IC 1848 core...688612
Perseus Molecular Cloud...43496
NGC6357 reprocessed...23912927
46P/ Wirtanen 20181201...23131210
SH2-157 - The Claw Nebula (SHO)...710720
LDN 673 - A dark cloud in Aquila...1404242
Northwestern Cygnus - 8 panel mosaic (HaOIIIRGB)...31135849
SH2-112 - a small nebula in cygnus - BiColor...16610
NEW DISCOVERY: Finn's Nebula, a reflection nebula around the variable star BE Cam...44239973
50 hours of IC 1805 - Dragon vs. The Wizard...1098138
Helix nebula (Bicolor)...585716
M 31 - 4 panel mosaic...10731118
Star trails around the Monument to the uprising of the people of Kordun and Banija...59328
Heart of the Heart & Melotte 15...10372317
WR 134...15603969
Orion/Horsehead/Flame Nebulae wide field...13691910
IC 1848 H-alpha...26240
NGC 7331 (Reprocessed)...47032
M31 and company in an 8 Panel Mosaic...743115
Dumbell Nebula M27 in HaO3 and RGB...15281319
M78 and LDN 1622...48553
Mosaic of Outters 4 and SH2-129...16852029
Peaks M5 and M4...19371017
Part of M 31...73838
The Hidden Galaxy (IC 342)...977825
ISS Damaged radiator panel...30563413
LDN 673...956208
The Heart of the Pacman, NGC 281...15011326
North America and Pelican Nebulae - Halpha...41941
Clavius 16/07/2017 625 mm barlow 4 filtre IR742 QHY5-III 178MM 70% Luc CATHALA...25352
IC 342: Hidden Galaxy...1221412
NGC 467, 470 and 474...12412520
LMC Active Regions in Tricolor Narrowband...21241716
Melotte 15...8921731
California Nebula NGC 1499 (HaSii)...17122
ngc772, Arp78 and tidal stars rivers...11612011
NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula SHO...252310
IC1805 - IC1848 - le Coeur et l'âme...124686
The Popped Balloon (Abell 85 - CTB1 - LBN 576)...29642927
Happy Halloween (The Ghost Nebula, Vdb 141)...14693326
IC1805 Heart Nebula...41031
Bat - Squid Nebel: Sh-2-129...50534
Witch Head Nebula...26022313
Dust and gas - (almost) half of Cepheus...12554740
Lion Nebula Sh2-132...16712712
Wide field - Two Panels Mosaic Sh2-129 & 131...12242417
Ha + Chi Cluster...23422
Sh2-129 The Squid and Bat...37054
Barnard 150 'The Seahorse Nebula'...12081913
NGC 3576 & 3603 in (Ha)SHO...15662422
Spiral Galaxy NGC 891....8861211
Little Rosette Nebula...412108
Corner of the LMC in HiRes...8291411
NGC 7822 Hubble colors...69965
The h and x Persei Cluster - two panel mosaic...1037729
IPHASX J015624.9+652830 (Ferrero 6 / Fe6 / PN G129.6+03.4)...24413331
SH2-101 - Tulip Nebula - Halpha only...14600
NGC 7635, NGC 7538, M52...24112
The Wizard Nebula NGC7380...520712
NGC 7822...12511113
Wizard Nebula (bicolor)...3901413
Kleine Magellansche Wolke...27032
NGC 6888 in Ha-S/O-O Narrowband...32111
Soul Nebula (Narrowband)...6461222
Familie Barnard...40910
Barnard 150 - LRGB...24410
PGC 2248...970928
The Bat - IC1340 in the Veil nebula...25146
Bubble Nebula (bicolor)...17292629
NGC 7822...14531112
VdB 150 - The Shark Nebula...519821
Iris Nebula NGC 7023...13662335
Messier 33 - The Triangulum Galaxy...8221531
NGC 7023 - Iris-Nebula LRGB...39044
M 57 Nébuleuse de l'anneau en LRVB + Ha...45534830
M 27; the Dumbbell Nebula...6651712
The Little Rosette (SH2-170) H-alpha...28084
Another first light: ASI294MC Pro camera and Samyang 135mm lens...2264613
NGC 457 - The Owl Cluster...6951020
Pickerings Triangle...512920
Barnard 163 - near IC 1396...43922
M57 - Lucky-Imaging-Core with outer Halpha Halo...46611
Barnard 312...29531
M13 - 2018 - LRGB...26823
bubble sho (stanford)...76674
Double Cluster Caldwell 14 mosaic...492511
NGC 281 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...802720
VDB 142...1216327
From Pleiades to California - A Dusty Field...36214333
The Butterfly Nebula (IC 1318) - Hubble Palette...4381114
The Eastern Veil Nebula...8041217
Messier 76...26210
NGC4038 & NGC4039...32724
LBN 468...37870
Lagoon region - first light test of Samyang 135mm lens and ASI1600mm...1750423
Lobster Claw and Bubble Nebula mosaic...433128
Simeis 57 / DWB 111 - Propeller Nebula (SHO)...7701124
Pickering's Triangle (bicolor)...14702426
Cave nebula...27384
NGC 891 aka Caldwell 23...547119
Cave Nebula SHO...3841513
The Shark Nebula (VdB 152)...582134
LBN 438...976165
Stephan's Quintet and the Wreckage of a Galactic Collision...17491637
Sh2-114 The Flying Dragon Nebula...18562227
8 tiles mosaic in cygnus...565012192
Northwestern Cygnus - Ha Only - 8 panel mosaic...343510
Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner...19805
21P Giacobini-Zinner...16124
IC 342...22222
Abell 85 CTB1...13292131
Cederblad 214 aka Sh2-171 Bicolor...530329
Hubble Bubble, Claw and Trouble...29488
Double Cluster wide...23336
Sh2-114 The Flying Dragon Nebula...16741411
Cosmic Mountains - starless IC5067 (version B with stars)...5591218
Comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner, 20180908...7300
Comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner, widefield, 20180908...14200
SH2-129 and OU4: the Flying Bat and Squid Nebulae...11331429
NGC6946 - The Fireworks Galaxy...11761713
NGC 5907 and its tidal loops...245444
The core of the Heart ! Melotte15 in SHO, Blue and Red...23332
The Cosmic Rosebud...34666
The Bubble Nebula...17881322
Messier 27 - The Dumbbell Nebula...828518
Propeller Nebula in SHO...27644
IC1805 HOO...16522436
IC1396 LRGB First Light - Planewave L-500 Mount...301613
Saturn meets Lagoon and Trifid nebulae...36736
NGC 6979 Pickerings triangle...835137
M76: Little Dumbbell Nebula...610611
NGC 7662 - Blue Snowball Nebula...2754108
Sh2-27 Zeta Ophiuchi Nebula...1970226
Dragon's Egg...420146
Colors of IC 1318 HaRGB...31125
NGC6946 Fireworks Galaxy...1039124
NGC 3628, the Hamburger Galaxy...15881917
NGC 7009 - Saturn Nebula...26942710
NGC 869, NGC 884, h and χ Persei...45971
LDN 1251, Anglerfish Nebula...17543411
M15, Globular Cluster in Pegasus (crop)...498139
IC 1340, aka Bat Nebula (bicolor)...13982616
SH2-132/LBN 471 Hubble Palette...508613
The Cocoon nebula (IC 5146, Sh2-125)...9365159107
Antennae Galaxies...12531417
NGC 6820 and the Pillars of Vulpecula...11561129
Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner in front of HDW2...16401829
Cave Nebula Sh2-155...43466
Lunar X and V...20400
IC 1318 hubble colors...50455
Messier 110...20112
Helix Nebula NGC7293...19451422
LBN 381 and PN possibly discovered by Weinberger...502810
Pelican Nebula IC5067 with HH Objects...832212
Messier 31 - The Andromeda Nebula Mosaic in 8K resolution...15343780
M31 Widefield...9421420
Crux & Musca wide field...649313
The great galactic Kiwi...91256
M 16, the Eagle Nebula with "The Pillars of Creation" in Hydrogen and Oxygen light...19602932
NGC 7635: Another Look at the Bubble...23941429
IC5068 Hubble Palette with Insert...405610
The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula IC1396 – Hubble Palette...950117
Butterfly Nebula IC 1318 in the Hubble Palette...19482152
ngc6826 - Blinking Nebula...27394631
IC 5146 Cocoon Nebula LRGB...93287
Pelican Narrow Band...12820
M101 - L-Ha-RGB - cropped...42133
NGC 281 - The Pacman Nebula - Bicolor...6331123
Spiral galaxy NGC6744 in Pavo...19842544
NGC 7822 3 panel mosaic...21214
M13 - Globular Cluster in Hercules (RGB)...13200
NGC2264 - Cone Nebula in HaLRGB...35113
The Tulip Nebula, H-alpha...23469
Elephant Trunk Nebula (vdB 142) in Cepheus - Hubble Palette...728116
IC1396 SHO...62116
Elephant's Trunk nebula - Hubble Palette...24203725
NGC 5529...46532
Cepheid Var 1 and NGC 206 in Messier 31...995830
LBN325 - HaO3RGB - detail from mosaic-in-progress...1047144
Sh2-132 The Lion Nebula - two panel mosaic...9141312
The Iris Nebula...5581324
M3 - LRGB...24912
Sh2-132 · Lion Nebula in Cepheus...50058652
Abell 61...55641
Active Solar Region H-alpha - 071718...27114
Sharpless 2-132: the Lion Nebula in Cepheus - a two-panel bicolour mosaic...24646
NGC 7129...37846
Tulip Nebula with Cygnus X-1 Bow Shock...96366
LDN1235 The Shark Nebula...5141611
M94 - Luminance only...14920
M8 - 2018...312921
NGC 6164...40365
Sadr, NGC6888 widefield Ha...26891
Bubble Nebula in TEC140....41425
NGC 5907 - Luminance only...15010
IC 1396 SHO...25919
NGC 7129...5491224
M 27...58632
M16 Bicolor...9911
witch's broom - at10rc - stanford...35847
NGC 1999...19926
The Namibian sky 4K...544109
IC 5146 - The Cocoon Nebula...39138
M63 - Sunflower Galaxy - LRGB...20500
Sh2-155 - The Cave Nebula...533111
pelican - at10rc - stanford...50921
NGC 281 - the Pacman nebula...42497035
NGC 7635 - Bubble Nebula...28071233
Cepheus Mosaic (NGC7023 region); Cepheus...140081
Crescent and soap...29261414
M51 - Whirlpool-Galaxie - LHaRGB - ASI1600MMC/EOS1100Da...2116177
M63 - Sunflower Galaxy - LRGB ASI1600MMC / EOS1100Da...14400
NGC 7008 - Fetus Nebula...1588136
M 27...15501
The Tulip and Cygnus X-1 Shock Front...3891616
Western Veil...18310
NGC 7023 - Iris Nebula...345112
M51 - Whirlpool-Galaxie - Luminance only...45831
Lunar X & V - Waxing Gibbous - June 2018...39604
The Dumbbell Nebula (M27)...520114
NGC 1499 - Sii, Ha, Oiii...16500
Draco Galaxy Trio...22473018
Caldwell 34 - The Witch's Broom Nebula (HOO palette)...41721
M3 Globular Cluster...34346
Cat's Eye Nebula...32464224
NGC6543 Nebula Cat's eye in LRGB (integration drizzle 2x)...27145
Abell 35...47164
NGC 4490 - Cocoon-Galaxy - LRGB...26821
m101 @ 500mm...36101
M8 & M20 in Ha...44456
NGC 7380 - The Wizard Nebula (Bicolor, RGB Stars)...10161950
The Hercules Cluster, NGC 6205...289128
The Southern Pinwheel, M83...10741314
Markarian's Chain...38220
NGC 6826 - Blinking Planetary...79659
Mars - 2018Jun04...39608
Bubble Nebula Ha - NGC 7635 - First light ASI183MM Pro...2039610
M81 and M82 with Lots of IFN...25222728
LBN 552, LDN 1228 and Cohen 129...43416948
M 3 clobular cluster...39224
M5 - Globular Cluster in the constellation Serpens...50048
NGC 6888 : Crescent Nebula...13931418
NGC 4490 - Cocoon-Galaxy - L-Only...28702
IC 2944...1065124
Messier 57 - Ring Nebula...1163135
Needle and Friends...4991518
Caldwell 20 - The Wall LHaOiiiRGB...8621329
Caldwell 3 / NGC 4236 - LRGB...34862
M101 LRGB (old and new data mixed)...89339
The Witch's Broom Nebula in bi-color (NGC 6960)...2581424
M64, The Evil Eye...20772327
Messier 82 - The Cigar Galaxy...24514041
Markarian's Chain...7661613
M5 Globular Cluster...27604
NGC 5101,5078 and dust...54245
M13 Great Cluster in Hercules...419168
M83 - The Southern Pinwheel Galaxy...36292311
M63 Sunflower Galaxy NGC5055...36806
Celestial Variety: NGC6946, NGC6939, Barnard 150, SH2-129 and OU4 (HAOIIIRGB)...27327887
NGC 4236 - member of the M81 group...32836
M12 Gumball Globular NGC6218...374415
NGC 6992 - The Eastern Veil Nebula...32035
M12 crop...25833
Bode's Nebulae (Messier 81 & 82) with IFN...27340
Cat's Eye Nebula...20341726
ABELL 39...19861115
Namibia - Where the Milky Way cast a shadow...6861210
M101 The Pinwheel Galaxy...12701110
M13 LRGB...12004
M101 Pinwheel galaxy...43455
NGC 6939 and NGC 6946...801204
Markarian Chain under RH305...2410335
Centaurus A...19773129
NGC 3628 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...463710
The Draco Triplet...11771216
The Scorpius-Ophiuchus Region...28665420
IC1274 IC1275 IC4685 NGC6559...20072710
NGC 4565 - A Colorful Needle...29131750
NGC 6543 Cat's Eye Nebula in HOO...9801618
M 101...10011114
NGC 2403...15391815
Blue Horsehead Nebula ; IC4592 ; IC4601...34641814
M53 and NGC5053...42264
The Gum Nebula...24982318
Orion Constellation!...16122416
Colourful Trunk...11691420
NGC 5371 group...66292
M53 and NGC 5053 RGB Image...26858
M97 - Owl Nebula - L-BiColor...23221
Center of the Virgo Cluster...21642
Messier 51 in Canes Venatici - HaLRGB...642615
Inchworm Cluster...81764
M101 HRGB Image...431720
Abell 1656 - The Coma galaxy Cluster...15881919
The Leo Triplet and friends...48922
The Jellyfish Nebula (IC443) imaged in SHO...15971512
The Whale & Hockey Stick Galaxies...442711
Supernova- Remnant VRO 42.5.01...12852713
M81 M82 NGC 3077...29542
Cone nebula - a different look...35666
M13 Comparison Over 3 Years...423133
Messier 100...41049
M10`1 Luminescence...24342
NGC 3198 - L-RGB...30361
NGC 4438...22144
NGC 2146...1051184
The Antennae Galaxies...22842218
Messier 106...16681412
ARP117 (IC983) and ARP79 (NGC5490C)...413211
M101 T 250 f/4 / ATIK ONE / AZEQ6...38027
NGC 1999 DSW in LRGB...55596
LDN 1251...371512
Markarian's Chain...5741212
NGC 5383...710102
M81 and M82 with IFN...69042
Berenice and her galaxy...15022110
M51 Widefield...56568
M96 - An Asymmetric Spiral...16973323
NGC4565 - The Needle Galaxy...31002
Remington's Galaxy - Discovery of a new LSB Galaxy near NGC2655...5131316
M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy...14681126
M100 cropped...16210
M 94 collaboration...24012
Messier 27 - bicolour reprocess...44822
Borg 55FL first light test...44422
Mandel-Wilson 2 The Angel Nebula...4721212
M101 - The Pinwheel Galaxy...16303
The heart of the Running Chicken...17892335
Cat's Eye Nebula - NGC6543 - HaOIIIRGB...19113133
NGC 5371 and friends...96850
NGC 1532 LRGB Image...53672
M106 - The Splendid Galaxy (HaLRGB)...1535718
Sh2-129 and Ou4...2857269
M45 Shot from a Red Zone....32401
Earth's Moon - Earthshine and Sunshine...6121717
NGC5905 and NGC5908...62672
LBN 552, LDN 1228...20082325
Abell 1656 - The Coma Galaxy Cluster...50299
The Whale (NGC 4631) and Broomstick (NGC 4656) Galaxies...33767
M51 RH305...779916
Abell 2151 LRGB...27742
A sunflower in the void...425714
Janssen ( 22.04.2018)...8000
M64 through the IFN...54622
NGC 4559 Galaxy in Coma Berenices...16910
M51 The Whirpool Galaxy...73787
NGC4631, a LArtL-RHa,GOIII,BOIII picture...992730
Antennae Galaxies...107795
M 101 / Pinwheel Galaxy...30900
Stars around Monument to the Revolution...11432
NGC 4874 and NGC 4889 and many many friends...43158
NGC 5033...880810
M13 in a dozen...13341929
Leo Trio - yet another one, but based on some great data and worth a closer look :)...9431120
Iris and Ghost...17832516
M61 LRGB...50696
Caldwell 7 - NGC 2403 (Redone with PI)...56648
NGC 3953...32680
NGC 4725 & NGC 4712...26922
M51 Whirlpool Galaxy...27611
The magnificent M106...1880719
M 94...37220
NGC 1097 - Optical Jets...16751427
M63 - the Sunflower Galaxy...1262916
M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy (Redone with PI)...767620
NGC 2905 - A Sometimes Overlooked Gem in Leo...16611637
M101 The Pinwheel...72012
M101 from TEC140...1675155
Mandel-Wilson 2 (the 'Angel Nebula') in Ursa Major - 31.5 hours of LRGB from Extremadura, Spain...17301930
Hercules Cluster - Abell 2151...15703129
M81 and M82...5721012
Sombrero Galaxy (M104)...18501238
MBM 54 - Integrated Flux Nebulae and NGC 7497 in Perseus...37871
Ldn 1251...1232138
M94 - spiral galaxy in Canes Venatici...28822
M106 HaLRGB...2101125
M106 (RHaGB)...342612
Leo Triplet...34328
Caldwell 38 - The Needle Galaxy...495312
NGC4236 LRGB+Ha...552410
LBN 552, LDN 1228 and Cohen 129 / colored version soon!...19183613
M 106...56126
NGC 2261, Hubble's Variable Nebula (animated GIF)...15951524
Barnard’s Loop ——— mosaic 16 panes...14071622
Sharpless 2-261 from New Mexico and Extremadura (Hubble Palette)...37552
Mercury: animation of rotation...34332
NGC4038 and NGC4039 - The Antenae Galaxy...55849
comparaison sur 1 mois...31000
PK 164 +31.1 - Jones-Emberson 1 - Ha/O3-BiColor...46720
3D Fly-in -- Simeis 147 / sh2-240 / Spaghetti Nebula (HaO3RGB)...33225944
Markarian's Chain...31714
Sh2-261 Lower's Nebula in 2 flavours...8341511
NGC 2736, the Pencil Nebula aka Herschel's Ray...25843028
Trio in Leo...76442
PK 164 +31.1 - Jones-Emberson 1 - Halpha only...15921
M 63...8491212
IC1805 - The Heart Nebula...9341112
NGC 3628...18103
VdB 152 Nebula...28772715
Crab Nebula (Bicolor)...15371528
The Giant Squid and the Flying Bat...1613174
Cone nebula complex (NGC 2264) from Monoceros...11121216
NGC 2359 - Thor's helmet...805104
NGC 3628, The Hamburger Galaxy...802410
NGC 4725, 4747, 4712...804113
NGC 1499 HSO...56568
M 82...9321417
Orion - 9 Pane Widefield + Hybrid Details...23134541
Spring is coming ! (Leo Triplet)...40457
Orions nebulas...44945821
ngc 4038...861111
Eta Carina Nebula - Hubble Palette...587914
Whale and Hockey Stick from SRO...76065
NGC 3226 and 3227 (Arp 94) with long tidal tail...1162266
M45-The Pleiades!...9721110
NGC2264 Halrgb...12461410
Orion Widefield...78394
M42 - Orions Nebula in Narrowband (Ha-O3-S2) - Short Exposures...48261
M42 9-Panel Mosaic - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...12443219
Thor's Helmet NGC 2359 Bi Mix...26988
M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy...26722
Messier 51 - Whirlpool Galaxy - Combined 6" and 8"...10991015
NGC 3718 & NGC 3729...121075
M63, a LRGB picture...633912
NGC 2281 - Open Star Cluster - LRGB...17200
AGC 426 - Great Perseus Galaxy Cluster - Centered on NGC1275...33456
NGC 2237 - Caldwell 49...54799
IC348, NGC1333...1285222
NGC7023 iris...21800
M42 - Orions Nebula in BiColor (Ha-O3-O3) - Short Exposures...38030
Markarian's Chain...4241514
NGC3718 from 2018 SRSP...48034
Annotated NGC 1333...1274178
LBN 782 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...12702316
Arp 269 - NGC4490 - Cocoon Galaxy...41822
Draco Triplet...1104222
NGC 2259...647135
NGC 2442 The Meathook Galaxy...13191212
NGC 4565...6381117
Melotte 15...72652
NGC1499, Sh2-220, California Nebula, SHO...77942
Comet C/2016 R2 PANSTARRS...12233
IC 443 & IC 444 • Jellyfish Nebula in SHO...59518
Soul Nebula HaRGB...49424
NGC 1333 from multiple datasets...792126
Orion and The Bull Mosaic...18984615
NGC 2366 - L-RGB...18721
Double Cluster in Perseus (h and Chi Persei)...69763
M81, M82, and IFN...20931816
IC 1871, part of IC 1848 The Soul Nebula, in HSO...20810
NGC 3184...917100
Barnard 150...12521611
NGC2244 Rosette Nebula...114354
NGC 1514 - L-Ha-O3...33730
NGC 1532 from NSW, Australia...875914
Leo 1 Dwarf Galaxy " PGC29488" and B-type star Regulus...11201317
ISS Compilation...1458114
abell 21...87735
With a little help from my friend .......21026
IC443, the Jellyfish Nebula...95442
SH2-170 - the Little Rosette Nebula...1473292
M65 and M66...126677
NGC 5139 - Omega centauri...11261020
NGC 4236...45030
Copernicus - BLUE FILTER...35844
The magnificent dusty Great Nebula in Orion - 4 panel mosaic LHaRGB...10952320
M101 LRGB Image...53870
Jones-Emberson 1...33546
vDB 15 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...8911112
M81 / M82 in Ha-L-RGB...54274
NGC 660...27956
Apollo 15 Landing Site...203214
Virgo Cluster - 4 pane...30672118
M82, The Cigar Galaxy...40522569
Rosette Nebula - NGC2244 - SHO...11821315
NGC 3344...11791210
NGC 1501 - O3-RGB...36623
M 51, the Whirlpool Galaxy...10281710
NGC 891 - L-RGB ASI 1600MMC / EOS 1100Da...25902
IC 443...30352341
M42 NGC1999...56286
Leo Triplet reprocessed....2682179
Messier 42 and The Running Man nebula...6601318
Mond 23.02.2018 Esprit150...15421
M 42 Esprit150...57033
NGC 7331 & Stephan's Quintet...43964
Tyc7674, Part of Vela Nebulae , Southern Sky...7841211
Moon 22.02.2018 Esprit150...13913
IC 342 - Hidden Galaxy...60496
NGC 3718, interacting galaxy in Ursa Major...32002
Rosette Nebula...21113244
Crab Nebula M1...67618
M 106...58372
M 3...36413
NGC 7000 The Cygnus Wall...30977
Leo Triplet...4471516
Rosettennebel NGC2237 / NGC 2238 / NGC 2239 / NGC 2244 / NGC 2246 Bicolor...7791710
Simeis 147 / sh2-240 / Spaghetti Nebula (HaO3RGB)...34924031
M81 and M82...11521026
Supernova remnant CTB 1 in NB/RGB...20023920
M 106...22316
Markarian's Chain and M87 (Reloaded :) )...14442012
Ngc2237 : Rosette Nebula Sho...16031522
M 42...53342
Sh2-174 (LBN 598) Valentine Rose Nebula...29713913
Space Pitaya - sh2-240 ( simeis147 )...110895
NGC 2146...6301713
Messier 81 & Messier 82 in Ursa Major: Two Panel Mosaic – HaLRGB...15291325
M33 - halpha-L-RGB...118279
Heckathorn Fesen Gull 1 & Abell 6 in (OHRGB)RhGBo...34540
M 106...11241533
IC443 HaLRGB...38052
NGC 2403...98089
NGC 2174 - Monkey Head Nebula (SHO)...37566
Leo Triplet...41400
NGC 2237 - Rosette Nebula - V1...73574
Langrenus 161116 625mm barlow 3 IR685 QHY5-III 178MM 100% Luc CATHALA...91535
The Cosmic Tadpoles of IC410...8651312
M 51...13521331
ic1848 (small part)...28962
M 51 Whirlpool Galaxy...7851012
M 82...41316
M95 in Leo...19433042
ngc 5128...16372112
NGC 2392, eskimo nebula by S. Brunier and F. Tapissier...1471115
Heart of the Heart, IC 1805 bi-color Ha-Oiii...15510
Messier 95 @ DSW...920410
The Rosette - NGC2237...67793
AGC1367 - The Great Leo Galaxy Cluster...36743
HFG1 and Abell 6...15842513
Sh2-73 also known as LBN 105-106...909114
an angel flying over the M81 Galaxy - M81+M82+IFN...1328236
Sh2-279 The Running Man Nebula...1321613
Vela SNR North...23842
NGC7331 (and friends!)...140435
M106 - A Nearby Seyfert Galaxy...32743432
M33 the triangulum galaxy in LRVB...65611312
IC 443 Narrowband...37910
The whole enchilada: HCG93/Arp99, HCG94, a nice collection of other small galaxies and IFN...638813
From Orion Belt To Sword!...1005129
ngc281 , HTS...99193
Arp 94 - Wide FOV...36514
California nebula ( NGC 1499 ) versus IC 348...651102
The Monkey Head Nebula Hubble Palette...37132
M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy...14901016
IC443 Jellyfish nebula in Ha...49910
Gems of Auriga...30105737
Medusa Nebula...60743
sh2-216 RHa GNii BOiii...1003119
NGC 2146...43232
The Soap Bubble Planetary Nebula HRGB Image with Central Star Notation...11841618
Bode's Nebula (M81) and The Cigar Galaxy (M 82)...35844
Rosette Nebula - SHO...10441016
NGC 6357 (Lobster Nebula)...2705121
SH2-308 - OIII...9361913
NGC 1333...8811011
NGC 869 / 884 - h and Chi Persei - LRGB...38543
NGC2244 Cone Nebula...456714
M45 and the Golden Galactic Cirrus...1022115
NGC 6992, Part of the Cirrus Nebula...39920
NGC 6914...18530
Thor's Helmet in Bicolor...42654
Hamburger with some tail...1600147
The Pleiades RGB...48488
Pleiades Cluster (Messier 45) Wide...17901
Messier 81 & 82 / Holmberg IX...41637
Tadpoles Nebula (IC 410) in SHO...27411675
M51 - L-RGB - Reprocessed...36825
IC 447 "Dreyer's Nebula"- Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...554144
NGC 1808...6561013
Sh2-308 - 2018...8711732
M16 Close Up...48443
Jewels of Auriga- 6 Panel Mosaic HA-LRGB...7371110
IC 443 The Jellyfish Nebula...47539
IC 410 - The Tadpoles Nebula Close Up...144976
Rosette - Detail...30820
Leo Trio...692818
IC 410 - The Tadpoles Nebula...222978
IC405 LRGB +Ha...41704
IC1848 Soul Nebula...45137
ARP87 - The Spool and Spindle...51077
IC 2574 and IFN...45652
NGC 2264 - Cone Area ITU RH 200 First Light...11841723
M42 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...11372426
M 42 in Ha...46542
IC 444...51020
Spaghetti Nebula (simeis 147 / sh2-240) in Ha...63841
Horse head nebula HA RGB...488712
NGC2244 Rosette Nebula - central regions...7861014
The Heart of the Heart - Melotte 15...24530
NGC 7129 from Cepheus...30222
NGC 1999 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...53662
Vela SNR - The Bridge (2018)...383313
Rosette Nebula - H-alpha - First Light...394412
IC 1871 Soul Nebula...792816
Centaurus A...82189
IC 447 from Monoceros...1063184
NGC 2014 RGB HOO...21889
M45 (The Pleiades)...75132
NGC2024/Flame Nebula, B33/Horsehead Nebula and IC434...17481715
HDW2 - Hartl-Dengel-Weinberger2...7132312
Simeis 147 aka Sh2-240...51982914
NGC 40 - Lucky Imaging...49001
NGC 2442...68266
Leo Triplet...57113
Supernova remnant CTA 1 in HaOiiiRGB...14362810
Horsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula...15010
NGC 2170...15651812
Jupiter - 2017...22883150
River of Stars (with planets)...860135
Starless IC405 (second version with stars)...22476253
NGC1333 Perseus Reflection Nebula...324511
150s of Blue Snowball NGC 7662...34110
M1 et son pulsar...10971413
IC 443 - 30 hrs On Top of the Jellyfish...1298117
Rosette, Ha OIII LRGB 25 hours....1423177
Mercury 2017...41447
The Double Cluster / NGC 869 & 884...22400
Sh2-264 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...678175
Planetary nebulae...12472912
NGC 1333...6651223
NGC 2403 - Ha-L-RGB - ASI1600MMC / EOS 1100Da...48652
NGC 2264 - Christmas Tree...32510
Philolaus, Fontenelle 25/07/2016 625mm barlow 3 IR742 QHY5-III 78M Luc CATHALA...11921
VdB 152...1319225
NGC 281 Pacman Nebula, Close-up at F/10...18721619
M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula...65899
KODF, The Hubble Deep Field in a wider context...652100
Lunar South Pole...658616
Cetus duo, NGC 1055 vs M77...849127
M78 (Infrared and LRGB)...14201310
Vdb 15...981132
M31 and HII Clouds...18203116
NGC 2633 & NGC 2634...660202
NGC2244 SHO...897912
Hickson 44 / Ngc 3190 et al in Leo...44692
Iris Nebula, NGC 7023...1422109
Messier 82...1446918
Jelly Fish (2 pane mosaic narrowband)...261817
Orion's Belt (2 frames mosaic)...19172011
NGC869 Double Cluster in Perseus...20734
IC 1727 & NGC 672 under (well, above) 14.5" RCOS...39330
Supernova remnant Sh2-240 Closeup...68694
Large Magellanic Cloud...13762112
NGC 1333 Deep Sky West...11032012
IC 1805, The Heart Nebula, in Hubble Palette (Ha & OIII)...66177
LBN 782 (Ced 30) - DSWRO...40894
NGC 6960...23112
NGC2174 The Monkey Head Nebula...35614
IC410 The Tadpole Nebula...51663
Crab Nebula (M1)...123237
Vallée des Alpes 22/09/16 625 mm barlow 4 IR685 Luc CATHALA...26971
NGC3718 (Arp214) - a barred spiral galaxy...1193188
NGC 1365 HLRGB Image...4731914
Sharpless 2-134 in Cepheus - HaLRGB...21924
Stephan's Quintet...17231
Clavius 22/09/16 625 mm barlow 4 IR610 Luc CATHALA...27551
NGC225 / vdB4 "Sailboat"...47393
IC 410 SHO - The Tadpoles...22114
NGC7635 - Bubble Nebula...99540
IC 5146 - Cocoon-Nebula in HAlpha...12600
M33 in Triangulum...630710
Galaxy NGC 891...46164
Galaxy Panorama - NGC 7331 and Deer Lick Group to Stephen's Quintet...13284448
Ngc7635 Sho 25h...633616
Messier 78 surrounded by a bunch of Ha...18351112
Rosette Narrowband Hubble Palette...32179
LBN 468 with Gyulbudaghian's Nebula...52888
LDN1622 The Bogeyman Nebula...611215
NGC 2170 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...8542110
M78 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...4601112
NGC 7497...27332
Melotte 15...603518
NGC6992 L-HOO First Collaborative image...57036
Sh2-240 ( Simeis 147 ): Closeup of the filament...52820
IC 443 and 444 - The Jelly Fish (2 Pane)...11503334
Cresent Nebula...16214424
NGC 1499...19083119
Melotte 15...19020
LDN 1235 Shark nebula...1310106
Iris Nebula...59226
Barnard 344...51262
The Double Cluster - NGC 884 and NGC 869...42630
NGC1579 the Trifid of the North...21050
IC1396 Elephant Trunk - first light at remote setup E-Eye...7151026
HDW 2 or Sh2-200 or Bearclaw nebula...11002322
Perseus molecular cloud, NGC1333, IC348...56454
LDN 1251/1247 Area in Cephus...9932514
Bubble-Nebula NGC 7635 - BiColor...17220
Elephant trunk HA+SII+OIII...22000
The Orion's Belt...9261611
IC 1805 / Melotte 15 - Halpha only...14603
NGC 1499 to NGC 1333...1203155
Sh2-261 - Lowers Nebula...20271714
IC348 and NGC1333 in Perseus...18652010
NGC281 Pacman Nebula HST...37856
Cygnus Region – Super-Wide-Field Mosaic...12643012
IC 1396, Elephant's Trunk...644411
Dust around M42...2313236
M78 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...560269
Double Cluster...33020
NGC 7000 - A new look at a classic target...7841532
M42, in Hubble palette colors...731916
M35 and NGC2158...35276
My new observatory in Ingolstadt...10471245
SH2-114 Flying Dragon nebula...22464220
Barnard's Galaxy - NGC 6822...11601
Sh2-132 SHO...29250
h and Chi Persei...61266
Messier 76, Little Dumbbell, In memoriam......439514
IC1805 The Heart Nebula (Revisited)...9091919
Abell426 - The Perseus Cluster...16983922
Dusty Rosette (HaOIIIRGB)...53759
Abell 85 / CTB1...19592215
Ghost Nebula VDB 141...11781316
Abell 21. Medusa Nebula...1027111
M76 Bicolor HOO...1228128
NGC281 Pacman Nebula Ha mono...23100
NGC1499 SHO...32711
M38, IC405 & IC410...49364
elephant's trunk SHO...123639
ARP 273 / UGC 1810...56729
Sh2-101 - Tulip Nebula (TSA102/AtikOne6)...44042
NGC 7497 in Pegasus...1430269
Arp 94...458264
vdB 154, Sh2-150...1388152
M31 30Mp 2x Panel Mosaik...1301101
M33 Wide field and something special.......89643
M45 - The Pleiades...855116
VdB149/VdB150/LDN1235 - the Dark Shark...1451176
NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula - HaLRGB...13842829
ISS transit above Sardinian Sky 2017.10.16...18661311
Heckathorn-Fesen-Gull 1 & Abell 6...33457523
SH2-9 and M4...54963
M27 - Ha/O3 BiColor...29712
IC 1848, The Soul Nebula - Narrowband Bicolor (Ha/OIII)...83255
LDN 1235 - shark nebula...940134
NGC 6820 T250 f/4 / ATIK ONE / AZEQ6...26351
Polaris Nebula (Mandel Wilson 1, MW1)...60942
NGC 7822 - SHO...49636
NGC 55 - Irregular Galaxy...17101111
wizard nebula Sh2-142...36620
M76, a LHaOIII,RHa,GOIII,BOIII picture. Atik Horizon Beta Camera....55236
NGC 6992...36004
Pacman Nebula (NGC 281) in SHO...1285818
M31 Andromeda Galaxy Reprocessed...73343
NGC 7009...39928
Sh2 168 HA RGB Medium Small Sharpless Object...36922
IC10 HLRGB Image...5531310
Sharpless 132 - Bicolor Ha/OIII...52166
IC 1805...35401
Mosaic Andromeda Galaxy...51125
ngc253 2017...12291018
SH2-129 & Ou4 Flying Bat & Squid Nebula...74286141
IC 349 - Barnard's Merope Nebula...70050
NGC7424 - a beautiful barred spiral in Grus...62458
IC5070 ("Pelican Nebula") Medium Field - SHO...29335
UGC1810 - The Rose...6392719
Cone Nebula...11011012
The Wall, Singleframe 3600s...44913
Abell 39 - a really faint planetary nebula in Hercules - O3-RGB...25662
HDW2 (Sharpless 2-200) "Bearclaw" nebula...1343271
sh2-126 Wide...856298
Pickering's Triangle...6131213
IC 239...51446
LDN-886 SHO...9942110
M27 - Dumbbell Nebula...1540216
NGC 7217...1656236
M31 Andromeda Galaxy...113431
NGC 7000 SHO ...16792913
Messier 45 The Pleiades...23910
Stefan's Quintet close up...73072
NGC 7331 close up...59740
Cave Nebula SHO...29320
Double Clusters ( NGC 869 and NGC 884) In Perseus!...27466
NGC 772 Galaxy...41594
NGC7331 & Quinteto de Stephan...56644
6 variations sur la Bulle...21522
vdB 15 around the Star CE Cam...24173820
NGC 6946 with sn 17eaw, NGC 6939 ...64351
Great Hercules Cluster - AGC 2151...20522
Spot the difference: SN2017bzb in NGC7424...66358
M65 & M66...13910
Comet C/2015 ER61 Panstarrs Meets Dusty Pleiades!...14963326
IC 5067 In the Pelican Nebula IC5070 + HH555...11471228
The Elephant's Trunk Nebula...95664
The Double Cluster in Perseus...15800
Melotte 15...635818
NGC 7635, Bubble Nebula...431514
Sh2-155 The Cave Nebula...42868
M31 HaLRGB 2-panel mosaic...15611412
Simeis 57 - Propeller nebula...35830
Soul Nebula - IC1848 - SHO...862129
Meine Sternwarte...16392957
The Pacman Nebula, NGC 281, Hubble Palette...24682320
NGC 7635 Bubble SHOHOO...13681028
The Pacman Nebula, NGC 281 H-alpha...316411
IC 1396A...17772021
IC5070 with Herbig-Haro objects marked...19533
NGC 7023 - A focus on the Iris...10673940
Carina Clouds, new processing new results....28040
IC4633 and Mandel-Wilson 9...75250
IC 1848, IC 1845...46032
NGC 7293 Helix Chilescope...2207128
M57 bicolor...58856
M16 Eagle Nebula in SHO...37504
IC 1318 B/C Butterfly Nebula...41050
IC5070 HST...26030
Flying Bat and Squid - Sh2-129 and OU4 - Bicolor Narrowband...36113611
Proxima Centauri Measurement...37625
Double amas de Persée - TSA102/AtikOne6...11671117
Little Dumbbell Nebula - M76...14061823
NGC7320 - Stephan's Quintet...9361616
NGC 6543 - Cat's Eye Nebula...110480
A Rich Hydrogen CLoud area from Sh2-44 to M16 M17...27121
B 174 ...15561517
NGC 4565 The Needle Galaxy +4562 and a few fuzzies...9942030
Pacman Nebula...1873146
Total Solar Eclipse Enhanced Corona Detail, August 21, 2017...1744187
Veil Nebula...26136
The moment of C3...2325218
SH2-119 Hubble Palette and HRGB Two-Panel...46974
Cocoon Nebula IC 5146...36119
2017 great american eclipse - HDR2...14571523
VdB 9 & VdB 8...13641717
M 31 in 45 minutes...543111
North America and Pelican Mosaic - Bicolour...17802
The Flying Bat and Squid/Sh2-129 and OU4...13031512
Soap Bubble Nebula...51595
The Cocoon Nebula, IC5146, HLRGB Image...13042328
double amas de Persée...16130
M13 - LRGB...24323
NGC7008 Planetary Nebula in BiColor...52582
2017 Solar Eclipse ...7172410
M13 - Luminanz only...19110
The Wall, MGC7000...85631
NGC 6822 - Barnard's Galaxy (2017)...35404
Lobster Nebula SH2-157...556126
Open Cluster M39 in Cygnus...23602
NGC 281 Pacman nebula, bicolor...40242
IC 1434...33400
Heart and Soul...3463137
M27 APO+SC...85844
Double Cluster Widefield...22500
Veil Nebula, NGC 6974 and 6960...58656
Barnard 344...48895
M31 - Andromeda...18761816
Veil Nebula NGC6995...39749
Caldwell 6 / NGC 6543 - Cats Eye Nebula - BiColor / RGB...1453183
IC 1318 - Butterfly Nebula Closeup...32502
Bubble Nebula NGC7635...35562524
M100 - NGC 4312...9801812
Crescent and Soap Bubble Nebula...39923
Cat's Paw and Lobster...93586
NGC 7822, The Nameless Nebula...294113
Melotte 15 - SHO...764912
Lobster Claw, Bubble, Cave, 4 panel mosaic...40840
NGC 7000 - Great Wall close up...594158
IC 5070 - Pelican nebula close up...677107
IC 1396 in Hubble palette...454312
AR2670 20170805...59537
IC1396 - La trompe de Céphée...45457
VdB 141 - The Ghost Nebula...24445352
Rosette Nebula...495711
NGC 5676 - Luminanz only...15810
NGC 7129 LHRGB - A Reflection Nebula in Cepheus...13574124
make america ginormous again...93364
M16 -- Eagle Nebula...32724
NGC6888 Bicolor Medium Field...1330149
Lagoon and Trifid, 6 panel mosaic...245410
NGC 6946 with SN2017eaw and NGC 6939...83153
Ced 214 nebula in Cepheus...1630168
Draco Triplet - NGC 5985, 5982, 5981 - L-RGB...38621
NGC 7822...23222
Draco Triplet - NGC 5985, 5982, 5981 - Luminanz only...17330
M 27...44669
VdB152 HaLRGB...17032223
M27 bicolor + RGB stars...166148
Tulip nebula...54451
M27 High res...12671925
M 16...21510
Pelican nebula in hubble pallet...80062
M27 (Nicolas jacquin et Maxime Tessier) à L'Astrosib 500mm...15910
AR2665 12.07.2017invert...38335
Pelican Nebula Widefield...17510
Sunspot animation, 2017-07-09...7910
Drunken Dragon Nebula (LBN 762 and LBN 753)...1869335
M 27...64161
LBN 381 and PN in Ha mono...32720
Elephant Trunk Nebula, IC 1396, HRGB Image...10451221
Solar activity July. 8th. 2017...74241
Crescent Nebula NGC 6888- HOO...122015
Veil Nebula - Pickering's Triangle - HOO...43021
Elephant Trunk Nebula...22302
NGC 5907 - L-RGB ASI1600MMC / EOS1100Da...20410
IC4685 in Sagittarius...64564
M33: Triangulum Galaxy...82537
NGC 6888 Deep Sky West...1109122
Sh2-101 HaOIIIRGB...45962
M27, The Dumbbell Nebula...64746
Omega Centauri NGC 5139...14751216
Cygnus Region...271319
Cone to Rosette...6871124
From IC 1396 Elephant's Trunk Nebula to NGC 7023 Iris Nebula...1178122
IC1396 Elephant's Trunk Nebula...525512
NGC7000 widefield with Paul Kummer...1624142
NGC4559 and NGC4565 Needle Galaxy in LRGB...59420
NGC 4236 T 250 f/4 / ATIK ONE / AZEQ6...25144
M 101...53100
M 13...43922
The Propeller Nebula...30120
NGC 5363/5364 - A lesser seen pair...10883120
HH555 - Herbig Haro Object in Pelican...798711
Sh2-188, Sharpless 188, Simeiz 22, Dolphin Nebulae...13461011
Cygnus loop in bicolor...65310
DWB 111 The Propeller Nebula HaRGB...45375
Veil Nebula...21002
North America/Pelican mosaic...344413
NGC 6543 - Cat's Eye Nebula : core and extensions...48947564
NGC 6995 -Veil nebula in HaOIIIRGB...86780
NGC 5363LRGB from Deep Sky West...33474
AR2662 2017.06.14...35733
pelican real sho...42737
ISS transit 2017.06.12...38744026
M27: Dumbbell Nebula...836612
NGC 5907 T 250 F/4 / ATIK ONE / AZEQ6...15511
NGC 6946 Fireworks Galaxy and SN2017eaw...29000
Veil Nebula ...45674
IC1318 A - Dusty Cygnus Region near Sadr in HaSIIRGB...52781
Lunar Crater Maurolycus...17102
IC348 and more of the Taurus molecular cloud...2239292
feu d'artifice V2...10612
IC 1396 - Elephant*s Trunk Nebula closeup...62656
M 81...65430
North America and Pelican Complex (12 frames mosaic)...27254
IC 434/B33/Flame AKA The HorseHead Nebula...13152323
NGC4725 LRGB from DSW...19722
M106 The Splendid Galaxy through a C14...30342532
M83 - The Southern Pinwheel Galaxy...92334
M 109...42535
Crescent and Soap Bubble Nebulae...33126
IC 2574 - Coddington's Nebula...802111
NGC 4725-4747-4712 - First Light NAG10"...61684
Jones_emberson 1 aka PK164+31,1...76574
VDB 152...1006142
NGC 4725...7991119
IC443: The Jellyfish Nebula...44482
Sharpless 2-73 in Hercules - LRGB ...44086
Iris and Ghost Nebula...516105
Caldwell 25 - the Intergalactic Wanderer (aka The Imposter)...31370
Eagle Nebula Narrowband...51265
48 Panel Cygnus Mosaic in H-alpha...6311813
IC 2574 - Coddington's Nebula...25020
NGC 4314...52092
NGC 6960: Veil Nebula (west)...86274
Ic417 - NGC1931...889122
Sadr Region/Crescent - Mosaic...36576
M3 magnificent globular...28966
Dumbbell Nebula...9812
NGC 5907...38364
NGC6946 and supernova 2017eaw...21310
NGC 6946 and Supernova 2017eaw...14700
M5 RGB from DSW...12220
NGC6946 and SN2017eaw, 20170519...21202
NGC 3166 and NGC 3169...34230
M13 - Great Globular Cluster in Hercules...12581414
Supernova 2017eaw in NGC 6946...26723
SN2017 eaw in NGC6946 + open cluster NGC6939...66810
NGC 4725...6900
NGC4725 LRGB+Ha...47693
IC2118 Witch Head nebula...18071814
NGC5907 - The Splinter Galaxy...8621114
DBW-111, Propeller Nebula...44923
Starburst galaxy M 82 (The Cigar Galaxy)...16673622
IC 1396A...1140915
The Angel Nebula...1238195
NGC 3189 @ DSW...21420
NGC 6888 *AAPOD* 10 June,2018...5251014
Jupiter RGB animation 2017 05 07 from 01:17 to 01:51 UT...57046
Virgo Cluster...23200
NGC7331 (Jim & Linda)...21841819
Lagoon Nebula...22692024
Messier 99...78086
Messier 15 and IFN...1447148
NGC 5426 ARP 271...103561
M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy...956611
M63 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...519124
M63 mit SN2017dfc...154675
Messier 5...23221
NGC 4725...20432124
M106 - ASi1600MMC - L-Only...30451
NGC 3521...77682
NGC 4395...1240264
M17: The Swan Nebula...45300
M 81 and IFN...27924429
Miky way Core with Saturn...62485
asteroids in the area NGC 3628...95140
M81 / M82 - LRGB ASi1600MMC / 1100Da...66743
M101 Luminanz...63601
Ou-4 The Giant Squid Nebula...673106
M63 Galaxy, a Lum picture...28803
The Leo Trio...49422
NGC5128 Centaurus A...62641
M101 - First light from my remote observatory...710710
NGC 2903...6801818
La Chaîne de Markarian...45075
M81 and IFN (Jim & Linda Powell data)...1563138
NGC 3953...40989
Mandel-Wilson 3 The Volcano Nebula, M81 & M82 IFN - Lum WIP 4 panel mosaic...450119
Farandole de galaxies...12713
M 51 Celestron RASA...87910
Planetary Portrait...13132825
Two panels Mosaic of M81 and M82...43262
NGC 6992 - Fangs/Bat Nebula In the Veil...12052416
Moretus, Curtius, Zach, Lilius and Jacobi...19622
Gamma Cygnus Nebula - RGB plus Hubble Palette image...8711511
NGC 4236...56360
NGC 3628...783912
NGC4725 and neighbours...34582711
IC 2574...58570
M81 and M82 HD...19134653
M82 - La galaxie du cigare...1172510
Mond mit RASA...56300
IC 405 and IC 410...718174
M106 ...9292025
NGC4236 - Imaging collaboration ...35542
NGC 4151 " Eye of Sauron" and NGC 4145...709145
M83, Southern Pinwheel Galaxy...1244910
M 3...26600
NGC 3718/3729 and Hickson 56...10133428
Dwarf Galaxy IC 2574 - Coddington nebula...815150
M76. The Little Dumbbell Nebula....1008206
NGC4038, NGC4039, Anntenae Galaxies...13942023
Perseus double clusters - NGC884-869...1081104
M95 M96...46441
M 106...69486
M101 L_HA_RGB...128960
LDN 1250...25855124
Messier 100...848711
NGC 3226/3227 (Arp 94)...459616
LDN 1250 - the ugly fish...29470
NGC 3718...319139
NGC 3628...25211
IC443 et IC444...100873
NGC2264 Cone Nebula Bicolor - 2 panel mosaic...809104
Flaming Star Nebula IC 405...37942
M81 and M82...10651911
Narroband Imaging...38682
NGC 1530...13913
NGC 7331 - Stephan's quintet...37852
NGC 2264 The Cone from Deep Sky West...20024
Barnard 22 and Little Flame...1144161
Deer lick group...1281122
M97, The Owl Nebula: Hubble Palette with RGB Stars...1801126
Galaxies in Ursa Major...983913
NGC 7822 - Cederblad 214...2098375
B22 - Darkness Detailed...9063026
PK205 - Medusa Nebula - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...463136
ngc4565 Needle Galaxy...53415
Dark Nebulae in the Western Rosette...18444
NGC 474...1376165
Simeis 147 - Spaghetti Nebula...791126
Cone Nebula - NGC2264 - Ha-LRGB...795910
Smiling Lens: Gravitationally Lensed Galaxies SDSS J1038+4849...28744918
SH2-240/Simeis 147/Spaghetti Nebula in HaRGB - high res version...18482214
The Sword of Orion...22542914
NGC2403 Collaboration with Steve Milne...686132
High resolution moon with CFF185...46624
Coddington's Nebula...43140
Bode's Galaxy and IFN 2017...1249188
Edge on Galaxy NGC 891...7031917
NGC 2264 - Cone Nebula...9671816
Large Magellanic Cloud...2670237
Whale & Hockey Stick...33749
M81-M82 and IFN...62266
NGC772 - Fiddlehead Galaxy...41501
M81 & M82 - L[HaR]GB composition...14312712
IC 417 - Spider, Fly and probably Ant...65872
NGC2264 - Cone Nebula...62574
NGC 2841...25410
IC 417 & NGC 1931 The Spider and the Fly...729128
IC 410, Tadpoles...438410
M 81 and M 82...42802
Rosett Nebula HaSHO...93585
NGC 2264, Cone and Fox Fur...517612
SH2-240/Simeis 147/Spaghetti Nebula in HaRGB...1465108
Sh2-240 Bicolor 4-panel Mosaic...14141210
M12 (NGC 6218), The Top-Heavy Gumball Globular...62260
3D Golfe des Iris , Vallée des Alpes...975811
M 106 or NGC 4258...152268
Sh2-240 HaRGB...1372216
Colored version of my 180 pannels mosaic for the Orion Challenge...33346028
NGC 772 with integrated Flux...10921310
M13 - The Hercules Globular Cluster...10371826
IC 1795...49272
The Pillars in the Rosette...847116
ic2177 Seagull Neb (bi-colour)...623312
The Plejades...53754
Thors Helmet - NGC 2359...20765144
LBN 468 from Deep Sky West...276100
Sharpless 308 (Sh2-308)...2817429
Rosette from Deep Sky West...21632
IC 417...37930
NGC 884 / NGC 869 - h/Chi Persei Double Cluster...17840
IC410 Bicolor...115855
Hind's Variable Nebula NGC 1555...724147
Sh2-249 Jellyfish Neb in HST...123476
Cat's Eye Nebula HB Bi Color @ DSW...46142
Elephant Trunk Nebula...41220
Sh2-185 - IC59 - IC63 - Cassiopeia widefield...65955
NGC 2146 and NGC 2146A...16733821
NGC 7331 from Deep Sky West...32552
Dwingeloo Dish in the snow...26302
IC 443 - Jellyfish Nebula...123396
Sh2 136 Ghost Nebula or VDB 141 from Deep Sky West...357410
Heart and Soul Nebula...62335
M 45 Pleiades or Seven Sister...1476816
NGC 2841...748133
From Rosette to Cone - NGC 2244 - NGC 2264...675146
NGC 5907...2665379
Western Veil from Deep Sky West...16413
Pelican Nebula - H-alpha - detail...30520
M1, Jan-2016 and Jan-2017...70452
Markarians Chain...104783
Christmas Tree Cluster and surrounding Nebulae in HST...14961510
IC 410...55791
M81 + M82 ...13582129
NGC 869 and 884 - h chi persei...49523
NGC 2392 clown nebula...34712515
IC 1805; the Heart Nebula...66188
Markarian's Chain - Happy New Year...11391622
VDB 27, The dusty Bunny...39318427
sho heart - 2016...59447
NGC 1502...40422
Messier 74...62677
NGC 2685...19345631
NCC 1499; the California Nebula in NB...60469
M31 recurrent nova...64740
NGC 1579...832132
NGC 1499 in HaSHO...7161111
NGC 474 - shell Galaxy type...46384
Diversity Of The Universe...14012612
M45 Pleiades - The Seven Sisters (Widefield Hybrid)...10062120
NGC660 Galaxy...505101
IC 342 / Caldwell 5 / The Hidden Galaxy...75100
Barnard 150 - Dark Seehorse Nebula...746156
NGC 7822...800810
Tarentula Nebula...38714
IC410 - The Tadpoles...892136
Messier 1, Crab Nebula...1017914
IC 1985...33700
The Center...608116
Eagle Nebula...63320
IC 63 and IC 59, gamma Cas nebula, Hubble Palette...1498129
NGC 281 Pacman Nebula...432311
Melotte15 / IC1805...46952
Test Image - Heart of M33...21601
Test Image - Heart of M33 in Ha...8023
IC 342...907100
NGC 83...365112
Cederblad 30 & LBN 782 in Taurus...9153817
Comets in conjunction...18974
IC443 - Jellyfish...937119
M74 LRGB...51486
IC410 SHO...40424
M31 Widefield Hybrid Image...11602016
Maurolycus, Barocius and Baco...24066
Messier 42...30210
Grosse Magellansche Wolke...37330
Rho Oph / Sco-Nebula Region 2-Panel Mosaic...18623116
NGC 660 - The Polar Ring Galaxy/When Galaxies Collide...10493018
IC1340/NGC6995 (Veil Nebula) in narrowband...854810
Dust in Iris Nebula...1212208
M 33 (Triangulum Galaxy)...70436
M33 LRGB...37931
IC342 LRGB of the hidden galaxy...13161812
NGC 7497 through the IFN...17431416
Melotte 15 - The Heart of the Heart...16232736
Christmas Tree Cluster 4 Panel mosaic NASA APOD 12-24-16...610189
L'âme et le coeur...36632
NGC 7331 - See Link and description...10052625
IC 342 - The hidden galaxy...31746
NGC 7635...1352216
IC1795 Fishhead Nebula...54467
Triangulum Galaxy M33...84363
M42 and Orion Belt widefield...531127
NGC 1333 in Dusty Field...1871316
Abell 21: The Medusa Nebula. SH2-274. In Gemini...60060
NGC7331 in LRGB...26042
ammasso globulare Ngc 104...17800
NGC 7331...610512
M33 The Triangulum Galaxy...1130510
Prominence 2016.08.08...1883156
NGC 253...14821912
NGC 891 - Edge on Anatomy of a Galaxy...8331612
IC1871 Narrowband...51512
Barnard 147 (HHGB vs. HRGB)...35210
WR 134...794284
Rosette Nebula (SHO) - @DSW...53688
IC1396 - Elephant trunc widefield in HaLRGB...58474
IC1795 Fishhead Nebula...53864
NGC 891 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...36834
NGC 7129...37354
NGC 869 - NGC 884 Doppio ammasso nel Perseo...35800
Orion Belt Nebula ( 1x3 mosaic )...22233211
VDB 141 (Ghost Nebula)...19200
Neptune bright spot 2016 10 28 0116 UT...7600
M110 detail...58403
Sh2-132 in HST palette...54687
NGC 891...73755
Bubble Nebula in Narrowband...31404
M31 Andromeda Galaxy LRGB...121863
Ced 214 (Sh2-171) in Ha...72477
NGC 7380 Wizzard in Huble Colors...864110
NGC7497 and IFN...23325719
NGC 7380...538611
M31 Andromeda...84140
The Heart of the Heart, IC 1805, H-alpha...30013
IC 1396 The Elephent Trunk Nebula...75232
vdB 141 in Cepheus...18932317
Helix in Narrowband...32711
M27 - Dumbbell Nebula HORGB...12691115
Flying Dragon Nebula, Sh2-113, Sh2-114...998411
Large Magellanic Cloud...1087149
Ngc 772...18100
NGC 7129, A Reflection Nebula with Dust...1261199
Firework Galaxy NGC 6946 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...48154
IC 1871 - Soul Nebula...84192
Sh2-64 - A smoking ember?...6992018
Scorpius with Mars and Saturn (LR, PS)...22471913
NorthAmerica and Pelican Nebula NB...15001010
Pleiades center region crop...28010
Abell 347...63391
Heart and Fishhead (bicolor)...3941412
CTB-1 (Abel 85) - Faint Radio SNR ...40992821
Milky Way Panorama...11071716
NGC 7000 North America Nebula (+ a part of the Pelican)...23622
NGC 7822...29810
LDN 1355/7 LBN 643 VdB 9 & 7 - The Helping Hand...15053025
m 33...21100
SH2-199 Soul Nebula...531112
Iris Nebula in a Dusty Field...633124
Caldwell 9...23900
M 33...68072
Barnard 150 - LDN 1082...1577126
M33 with 'Super Luminance'...56437
NGC 247...111848
Lacerta widefield with Sh2-126...101494
Pelican Nebula...27525
M27 Hantel Nebula...50732
NGC6992 - what can you do with 50 minutes RGB...113954
Heart & Soul...55137
Lobster & Cats's Paw Nebulae...42730
Soap Bubble and Crescent Bicolor...28224
M33 Triangulum in L(Ha+R)GB...64712
LBN 468 + HH-215...12082010
sh2-64 from Deep Sky West...23630
SH2-101 Tulip Nebula...61824
M-33 Triangulum Galaxy AAPOD 19 Dec. 2016...872611
The North American & Pelican Nebula- 4 panel mosaic...27210
NGC 7822...66859
NGC7635(Bubble Nebula), M52, and NGC7538...20700
NGC891 LRGB...34732
IC10 Irregular Galaxy...53880
SH2-199 Soul Nebula...32344
North America Nebula Bicolor - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...42733
Melotte 15...32521
NGC 7822 Cederblad 214 in HST...43344
M33 LRGB - closeup...20141419
NGC7000 "Cygnus Wall" - First SHO image (TSA102/AtikOne)...64766
Cocoon Nebula IC 5146...72396
The Cygnus Wall...17391914
Sh2-240, SNR G180.0-01.7 or Simeis 147, is a supernova remnant (SNR)...16453939
Large Magellanic Cloud...53841
NGC 225...896130
Stephans Quintet...101162
NGC7293 Helix Nebula in HaO3-LRGB...17262936
NGC7822 - Ha(HaR)GB...16600
DWB 111, Propeller Nebula in Cygnus...76800
SH2-86 / NGC 6820...30972512
Altair and Barnard's E Nebula...28700
LBN 442, The Gecko Nebula...65360
M33 (HaRGB)...78776
The Great Wall - ASI1600 High Gain Test - 37.5 minutes!!...968110
SH2-114 The Flying Dragon Nebula...16882414
Hungaria Astroid (198861) 2005 OX2....35502
IC1396 in HaOiiiSiiRGB...97163
M27 bicolor (H-alpha/OIII)...2169162
The North America & Pelican Nebulae wide field...61338
North America Nebula...43121
Melotte 15...60994
Double Cluster NGC 869 and NGC 884 - RGB...58716
IC5070 the Pelican Nebula...17143
IC5146 - Cocoon Up Close...12671320
Cederblad 214...11991813
Soap Bubble Hubble Palette...35064
Heart & Soul, 4 panel mosaic...392710
IC 1848, Soul Nebula...36136
VdB 152 / Barnard 175...35166
NGC 1333...553112
LDN 1250...502612
Soap Bubble HO3RGB Image Showing White Dwarf...8352012
LDN 1251...81842
M31 (HaRGB)...26622921
NGC6946 Galaxy...64822
Shark Nebula - LDN 1235, VDB 149 e VDB 150...9711210
Sagittarius triplet...98596
M 74...33522
Bubble Nebula - A high gain, short exposure NB experiment with the ASI1600MM-Cool...1194410
IC1396 HOO...31332
LDN 914 Cold Star Forming Nebula...40160
Cederblad 214...48682
A Year long wait...53924
SH2-101 (Tulip Nebula) T250 f4 / ATIK ONE / AZEQ6...26822
IC 342...48832
Bi-Color Dumbbell...104122
NGC 6946 ...No Wonder It's Called the Fireworks Galaxy!...1280613
IC 1396...63934
Pickering's Triangle - Bicolour...63297
SH2-129 & Outters4...10912523
NGC 7000 & LDN 935 - First Light for OS RH 200...1539827
The central mountain in Moretus...28941
NGC 6946. The Fireworks Galaxy...81986
NGC6960 Witch's Broom and Pickering's Triangle...857129
M27 Two Color Narrowband...25500
ARP273 - The Rose...36225919
LDN 1250 - 1251...18382311
MWP1 ...1198203
North America meets the Milky Way...12181312
Galaxies in Grus...1507810
M27 HOO...37412
NGC 253 The sculptor Galaxy...444105
Jon Rista M8 / M20...429512
IC 1318, gamma Cyg Nebula, Region 2, Hubble Palette Mosaic...68557
NGC 7479...86136
M81 82 40h...64614
NGC 7331 Group...13141711
IC4628, the Prawn Nebula, in LRGB...50547
NGC6888 in Narrowband...29100
SH2-101 - Tulip nebula...119931
Sturmvogel und Pickering...81541
High resolution Cygnus Wall capture (NGC 7000)...28820
Cygnus Wall...519410
NGC 7635, Bubble Nebula...1470117
IC 5146, Cocoon...55330
Angel Nebula - Mandel Wilson 2 - IFN Galore!...19162224
E.T. Cluster, NGC 457...53137
Test of 3D-printed EF adapter - NGC7000 using Canon 100mm macro...45022
The Cat's Eye Nebula, NGC 6543, HOLRGB Image...22073434
Cygnus Loop in Narrowband...74963
IC 1340...60831
NGC7000 SHO...1657155
Bubble Nebula Ha and HaOIII - NGC 7635...1018311
NGC 4631 Whale Galaxy & NGC 4656 Hockey Stick Galaxy...80842
NGC 2403...113330
IC 1262 galaxy cluster...16100
Gamma Cygnus Nebula, Four-Panel Comparison of H-alpha, Hubble Palette, RGB and Composite Image...41298
Gamma Cygnus Nebula RGB with H-alpha Detail...796710
Gamma Cygnus Nebula Hubble Palette...41956
CTB 1 - Abell 85 - Supernova Remnant in Bicolor...80696
Markarian's chain...19600
In The Loop - Barnard's Winter Treasure Trove...15822930
Jupiter - 2016/03/13 Composite...528611
Andromeda with 200mm Lens...110355
NGC 6995...68542
Butterfly Nebula, IC1318 Mosaic...90746
NGC6888 and Soap Bubble (PN G75.5+1.7) -SHOLRGB...14413624
Messier 8, Lagoon Nebula...550710
M101 - The Pinwheel...33301515
ARPs 71, 122, 172, and 272 in the Hercules Galaxy Cluster Abell 2151...21500
The Cygnus Loop - Veil and Others...62662
Western Veil Bicolor...42369
North American Complex...34942
Bipolar emission nebula NGC6164/6165 in HaOiiiRGB...21463111
Sadr Region, IC 1318, in Hubble Palette...534512
NGC 5907...113510
NGC6888 Bi Color...48801
SH2-129, OU4 Bicolor - WIP...16741212
NGC 5906 and NGC 5907 Luminosity with Faint Tidal Stream...56528
NGC 7380 , Sorcier...24900
Abell 43...1843105
NGC 6888 A Hydrogen Crescent Wrapped in a Blue Veil of Oxygen...24673019
M16 in Narrowband...44801
IC 1396 Widefield Hybrid Image...23652121
Messier 17...53162
Section of Vela SNR ...46610
Cederblad 214 (NGC 7822)...22700
M101/NGC 5457 HaLRGB Image...695910
M101/NGC 5457 Luminosity...39516
NGC 6992 The Eastern Veil Nebula...14091112
Messier 20, Trifid Nebula...11261124
NGC6888 & Bubble...17032
Eta Carinae Core - SHO...12931514
The Fighting Dragons of Ara...39432
A magical view of the north of Apenninus!...8631117
Elephant Trunk SHO_WIP...181575
NGC 7000 Great Wall in Bicolor...1214612
Sadr Region, IC 1318...44636
Mars 2016 06 16 animation from 01:11 a 02:23 UT...18942
Crescent Nebula and More...29220
Spring/Summer Milky Way...2156359
Virgo Supercluster...153924
Jones Emberson 1...69350
The Andromeda Galaxy , Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224...37910
Small Magellanic Cloud (The Crazy world of!)...13592624
Abell 2151 - The Hercules Cluster of Galaxies...48244
IC 4665, Summer Beehive Cluster...69636
M 13...120142
Messier 94...1930817
Crescent Narrowband...53514
IC1318 Sadr, Crescent 4 panel mosaic...480510
NGC6914 / VdB132...35510
NGC 3226 and NGC 3227 Luminosity...33273
Tulip Nebula...46322
M63 and some interesting fuzzies!...14591716
The Dark Tower in Scorpius...43712
SN2016cok in M66 plus M65...141840
M 101 Galaxy in Ursa Major...35410
Sunflowers - M8,M20 & NGC 6334 in Narrowband...3007126
Rho Ophiuchi Complex, Blue Horsehead and Mars...24974012
The Great Wall in Cygnus - SHO...47120
Polar ring galaxy NGC660...90766
NGC 6888 NASA APOD 6-10-16...972157
M81-M82 IFN...1673112
josh smith veil...45740
M8 The Lagoon Nebula...22981812
Elephant Trunk in RGB...23510
NGC 5139, Omega Centauri (ω Cen) ...1057147
ARP 188 The Tadpole; Narrow filament in Draco...8610
M106 HaLRGB...17611917
Northern Scorpius...57177637
M13, Great Globular Cluster in Hercules...77938
Leo Triplet WideField...54266
NGC 4298 and 4302...57250
NGC 7000 (North America Nebula) in HaRGB...22901
Large Magellanic Cloud...30973015
Messier 5...61322
The Cocoon Galaxy....66862
M13, Great Cluster in Hercules...1082115
AR2546 ( 20160518)...62836
NGC 5033 (and friends)...677211
NGC 4151...565106
Markarian Chain and beyond...101021
IC 1318 HaLRGB - Deep Sky West...87456
Eridanus Loop...54823
M81 & M82...1593128
Cat's Eye Nebula : 2 year project...40126884
M100 +60 Friends - Very Wide Field - Deep Sky West...965157
NGC 3372 Eta Carinae...20472329
NGC 4725...94675
NGC7822 ( all the data i collect in the past 2 years )...22834
M101 Galaxy, a LRGB picture, ~13 hours exposure....61968
Hickson compact group 68...725108
Sun spots 20160410...38400
M 63 2016...971164
Sun - Transit of Mercury 5...12642
Sh 2-115 and Sh 2-116 in Cygnus...56542
Leo Triplet...30400
NGC 3628...1198129
NGC 4236...85942
Markarian Chain in Virgo...1220106
M101, Pinwheel Galaxy...559310
Draco Triplet...64942
IC342 Spiral Galaxy...35603
Mercury transit - first contact (H-alpha) - 09.05.2016...1147178
Whirlpool Galaxy (Messier 51) -- DSW...20930
Coma Cluster RGB...30414
NGC 3169 and 3166: an interacting pair...1429119
NGC 3718 the warped spiral galaxy...7821712
The NGC 3842 Group, Abell 1367...48570
M 101 Color...17072018
Messier 13...75420
Mars Featured!...41096
A Whirlpool through the dust...1229159
soul SHO...65378
M81 - Raw Power...4243147
Leo Triplet (M65, M66, NGC 3628)...7401210
Alnitak Nebulas...91963
NGC 4449 - A Nearby Irregular Dwarf Galaxy...14481510
M94 LRGB...1196166
M 3...75331
Southern Tip - NA Nebula Crop 1...14900
Thor's Helmet NGC2359...30043419
Ophiuchus, Mars and Saturn...46512425
NGC 5033 HaLRGB...620117
Simeis 147, Sh2-240...20683118
Abell 1367...16202225
M81 82 + IFN...975511
AR2529 animation...73710
Plato and more. 10 panels...34310
NGC 3718 and NGC 3729 - interacting galaxies...1354238
NGC 2903 in a field full of small fuzzy galaxies...1114148
The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)...46196
M94 Luminance WIP...8611314
Rho Ophiuchi...64248
M106 & Friends...581816
Group M106...48882
M 81 LRGB...71835
AR2529 20160412A...15232
NGC 4244...66030
Sun shield with two big proms...101961
M101 - A Colorful Pinwheel...27581719
Mllky Way Milky Ocean...20700
Messier 106...2022185
M65, M66, NGC 3628 & IFN (LRGB 17h)...1411204
M65, M66, NGC 3628 & IFN ...96796
NGC 6888...51601
M 94...564104
sadr area SHO...217047
Leo triplet crop...36500
M31 HaLRGB...13610
Antennae Galaxies...11081413
The Border between Cassiopeia and Cepheus...2602344
Comet 252P and M14 on the Milky Way...760810
M3 First Test at NMSkies Remote Observatory...44110
NGC 2170 and Its Vicinity from DSW...36520
Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex - Deep Sky West...22931726
NGC 4725 , 4712 and 4747...59877
Abell 1060...39120
NGC 2264 & IC 447...17820
Jellyfish M35 Monkeyhead...49731
NGC5033 2016...55845
An Atik 383L+ Mono Astro Poster...38726
Hickson Compact Group #44...51178
NGC5350 and Hickson 68 - In a Busy Neighborhood...117843
M101 The Pinwheel Galaxy...988515
NGC 6188 and NGC 6164/6165 in Ara (APOD 30 March, 2016)...22113620
Stephan's Quintet: NGC 7317, 7318A/B, 7319, 7320 and 7320C...1333104
Jones-Emberson 1...671150
IC 443 - The Jellyfish Nebula...299820
The Leo Triplet...47284
Melotte15 new filter test...30712
la cometa 252P "dentro" la nebulosa Pipa...49911
MOON - Mare Serenitatis • Montes Caucasus • Linne • Aristillus • Valentine Dome...32652
M44 Beehive Cluster...57756
NGC 4627 and 4631 - The Whale Galaxy...20331312
Widefield Orion's Belt - Deep Sky West...19221216
Messier 35 and NGC 2158...30110
SH2-224/Sharpless 224...1175173
M106 and a collection of local galaxies...10131412
M104, Sombrero Galaxy...1237187
Omega Centauri...78737
NGC 4536 in Virgo...1025216
IC2948 Narrowband...53014
California Nebula in Ha...21310
m42 again and again...113676
Running Man...30301
NGC 3628...55040
M109 (testing Binning 2x2)...45474
Kalahari Quiver...8811611
M81 + M82 LRGB...1618199
M94 LRGB - Deep Sky West...501116
Solar eclipse 2016...14903312
Another Oval?...22424
M81, M82...30110
Leo Trio...28711
MOON - Mare Serenitatis • Bessel • Sulpicius Gallus • Linne • Manilius • Menelaus...14901523
u/dreamsplease rosette SHO...55173
Integrated Flux Nebula...6591926
IC 2944 - First Light Stellarvue SV70T...239667
NGC 2170...47472
NGC 1342...59092
NGC 7320 - Stephan's Quintet - remastered...16021713
M78 LRGB...10371120
First Mars animation for 2016 apparition - 06:52 to 07:15 UT...17026
M 106...104460
NGC 4725 & LoTr5...659818
Interesting objects near M78...31780
M51 in Canes Venatici...65480
M81 Bode's Galaxy - A Spectacular Spiral...38021624
Ngc 2389 Group...24600
Leo Triplet with faint tidal tail of NGC3628...14671411
M81 and IFN...810112
Horsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula...50920
Messier 51, Whirlpool Galaxy...14811318
B33 - IC 434 The Horsehead Nebula...15492620
Horse Head Nebula - Deep Sky West...17961515
NGC 3077 - Peculiar Galaxy in M81 Group...90172
NGC 2244 Rosette Nebula Bicolor...10031615
NGC 3190...2032247
M106 mit NGC4217...125550
NGC 2264 - Christmas Tree Cluster and Cone Nebula...17900
TRansit Europa...32231
NGC 206 starcloud and star V1 in M 31...43670
NGC 2237 "The Rosette Nebula"...1041514
Combination of Messier 42...62773
IC443 Galactic supernova remnant...40146
M 82...36000
M82 ...10441112
Janssen, Fabricius and Metius...47566
NGC2170 up close...969116
Reflection Nebula NGC 2170 in Monoceros...49782
NGC 2170 and associates in Monoceros...13371628
IC410 The Tadpoles Nebula in Hubble Palette...36464
NGC 70...15803013
IC1805 HA+S2+O3...45333
IC 443 The Jellyfish Nebula and S249...58924
NGC 3226 and 3227 with long tidal tail...16653518
IC 443...90220
NGC 2403 HaLRGB Image...33061314
The Meathook Galaxy, NGC 2442...168581
The Orion Molecular Cloud Complex...65838637
Moretus and Clavius...161214
SH2-129 and Outters 4...1427241
NGC 2736...632112
Leo's Triplet...35144
NGC 2244...37100
Iris Nebula...28513
Simeis 147 ( Sh2-240)...1996142
NGC 2237 Rosette Nebula - Review of Dust and Bok Globules...16821724
Rosette Nebula...63648
sho rosette @ 1100mm...103636
wide field in auriga...27500
Rosette Nebula NGC2244...76224
NGC 1579, the "Northern Trifid" Nebula...39921
Planets Alignment feb/2016...15200
Rosette Nebula...61594
LDN 1622 - The Boogie Man Nebula...18462112
Jellyfish Nebula...20620
IC 443 the Jellyfish Nebula ...27200
NGC 2244...20210
IC443 The Jellyfish Super Nova Remnant ...13132826
From IC348 to NGC1333 - 3 Panel Mosaic...47536
IC405 - Work in Progress...1446126
NGC 1850 - LMC...32620
NGC 1491/Sh2-206...78624
DEEP SKY WEST (DSW) NGC 1333 ...34401
Witch Head in Orion, IC 2118...929124
NGC 2170 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...13411816
Apollo 15 landing site...32040
Simeis 147 Sh2-240...17592418
cometa C/2013 US10 Catalina del 15/01/2016...22911
Needle Galaxy NGC 4565...6431110
C/2013 US10 (Catalina)...33610
Simeis 147 / SH2 - 240...1329215
NGC2683 Galaxie...148883
Ou4 & Sh2 129 : A Giant Squid Nebula And A Flying Bat...26422814
Flaming Star & Tadpoles Nebulae...538711
NGC 891...37920
NGC6914 Ha (CCD) + RGB (DSLR)...53244
NGC 1333...15412321
LDN673 - dark tendrils in Aquila (reprocessed)...1416810
NGC1333 - Amalgamation of my data ...15162212
NGC6914 in Cygnus...1729114
Abell 2151 (Hercules Galaxy Cluster)...46954221
Widefield NGC6357 and 6334 in Scorpio...73762
NGC 7331 Collaboration with my Dad...942714
IC 417 and NGC 1931...32622
Bubble Nebula NGC 7635...106966
IC410 - the Tadpoles...135095
NGC 2237 Rosette Nebula - RC collimation testing (Mosaic)...21802218
M 27, the Dumbbell Nebula in Narrow Band...53652
M78/Barnard's Loop/LDN 1622 in HaLRGB...43126
The Coma Cluster of Galaxies, Abell 1656, LRGB Image...25721910
The Spider and the Fly, IC 417 and NGC 1931 in Ha...34316
Horsehead Region...57900
NGC 7635 Short and Longtime Exposures mixed...1267713
IC 434 to Messier 42...35978
Thor's Helmet NGC 2359...560218
snowball and hourglass...62042
Tadpoles IC410...2543104
NGC 1514...105622
Horse Head in Ha Test Image - Deep Sky West...42157
DSW Iris LRGB...30224
IC405 - The Flaming Star HaLRGB...14082520
NGC 1365...22342417
3 Panel Mosaic - IC348 to NGC1333...966100
The Andromeda Galaxy, Up Close & Personal...106727
NGC 7635 - Bicolor Bubble with RGB Stars...53120
HaRGB HorseHead...124687
NGC 2403 - HalphaGB - with erupting LBV marked...46600
Orion Nebula...42621
Bicolor Rosette...104949
IC1848 Nebulosa del Alma HaRGB Ver2...1088120
M 81, IFN and Holmberg IX...126655
Ghost Casiopeia...76161
C/2013 US10 Catalina - 8th december 2015...40420
DEEP SKY WEST (DSW) Pelican ColorMask PI Script...60168
IC 348...13842017
NGC 7380...44410
IC1396 - The Elephants Trunk...18753227
Sierra Remote Observatory (SRO) Sh2 140 LRGB...23800
M31 - Andromeda Galaxy...31910
M 27 Dumbbell Nebula...712196
IC 405 Nebulosa de la Estrella LLameante ...64780
M45 - Pleiades...25513132
NGC 6914 Sierra Remote Observatory LRGB and H-Alpha...32514
the wall on its side...1972313
Tadpoles and Flaming Star Nebula...62062
Horsehead and Flame nebula...69970
Venus IR - UV...25633
M76 in SHO...52310
DG 41 (GN 04.32.08, Magakian 77), HH 434,435,436,.. The forgotten areas of Taurus......842195
Cone to Rosette; Two Popular Objects with a little known Super Nova Remnant (SNR) between them......43690
M45 ...18062228
Merope IC 349 Nebula...162783
Sharpless 249 & Jellyfish Nebula...65499
NGC7822 HaLRGB ...12221217
M33 - Triangulum Pinwheel Galaxy...32210
IC443 (Jellyfish Nebula, Sh2-248) and IC444 (Sh2-249), wide field...53132
m33 + Ha...216864
Orion and Horsehead Mosaic (starless, starry, and a wanderer)...17631116
NGC 6960, the Witch's Broom Nebula...85833
M 42...124220
Fireworks Galaxy NGC 6946...24651415
NGC 7822 HaRGB - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...96796
M33 2015.11.07...25400
NGC7479 - Tightly Wound Spiral...39211
LBN777 - The Baby Eagle...12953724
Filaments of Cygnus...42415
IC 342 HaLRGB...15941922
Filaments of Cygnus with couple of planetary nebulae...49230
sh2-142 - ngc7380...46820
Filaments of Cygnus...116169
Sh2-114, the Flying dragon Nebula...100665
NGC 7822 9 panel Ha mosaic...352312
Soul & Heart ...7221214
sho heart @ 1100mm...2445714
Cygnus Wall...55124
NGC660 Polar-ring galaxy...1369144
NGC 7635 - The Bubble...14151920
Bubble Nebula, SH2-157, M52 and a few extras too! 2 pane Mosiac...21453530
Cave Nebula HST...46961
M 33...65310
NGC 1499 - California Nebula...43000
North America and Pelikan Nebulae...15620
M 106 and friends...16722311
M 76...14882319
Filaments of Cygnus...36111
M 31 - the Andromeda Galaxy...1122812
Filaments of Cygnus...43421
Sharpless2 206 ICC 433 in H-alpha with RGB (AKA Jellyfish Nebula)...33600
M33, Triangulum Galaxy...737716
The Ghost Nebula, Vdb 141 LRGB Image...8141621
vdB 2 in Cassiopeia...690113
NGC6888 narrowband bi-colour...1952198
Orion at 200mm...16400
Baby Eagle to Pleiades, 9 panel mosaic...10581938
NGC 6822 Barnard's Galaxy...18631525
NGC281 Pacman Nebula...28911
LDN 1250...5042212
NGC 6822. Barnard Galaxy...109474
NGC 7822...42281
NGC 6823 & NGC 6820 in Vulpecula...74675
We Are All Made of Star Dust- R.I.P Dad...16544599
Ring Of Fire...34212
Sh2-129 + OU4...333104
NGC7822 HA-S2-O3...51030
Double amas de Persée, nébuleuse du coeur...27200
IC 342 A Hidden Gem...1244148
California Nebula...683138
Ic 1396 Harvb 350D...42645
Elephant's Trunk nebula...262094
NGC6914 - a lovely mix of emission, reflection and dark nebulosity...11601314
Project M45, V1.0 . Result after first dataset. DSLR image...25521
Moon, Mars, Earth...?...9601
M33 Triangulum Galaxy HaLRGB...23283820
NGC 7822...47731
Cygnus Wall ...33432
IC 1848 - The Soul in Ha from suburb of PaAris...23413
NGC 7023 Iris Nebula LRGB...82738
Elephant Trunk. Narrow Band...19000
PacMan Nebula (Revisit)...63121
IC1396 - Elephant's Trunk Nebula...40001
IC 1848 The Soul nebula in narrowband...22720
vdB 14 - vdB15 - Sh2-202...937145
M31 Galaxie d'Andromède - TSA102...1362719
M33 HaLRGB from SRO, DSW & SRO...87096
SH2-132 in HA and OIII...23730
NGC 7822 SHO...18343128
NGC 281 Pacman Nebula - w/wo stars Hubble pallet...11600
NGC 7331...1179132
IC 1805 / Mel 15...29506
NS2, Magakian 13, LDN 1299...57342
NGC7822+Ced214 HaOIIISII-RGB...28820
SH2-188 the Dolphin Nebula in SHO...39554
IC405 narrowband...21941
SH2-155 Cave nebula...24601
NGC7822 and Cederblad 214...41630
IC 5146 Cocoon Nebula...15500
Melotte 15 in the Heart of the Heart nebula (IC 1805) - SHO marathon !...29742633
ngc6960 (witch's broom) and stuff...50437
Mosaic of part of IC1318 (Gamma Cygni Nebula)...16401
M31 The Andromeda Galaxy ...16300
Iris Nebula...11051216
IC1396 in Hubble Colors...495612
Helix nebula - NGC7293...115148
Cave Nebula...630910
Iris Nebula NGC7023...28712
Cygnus Wall - Hubble Pallet...19512
NGC 6914 VDB131 und VDB132...28540
Stephan's Quintet, Luminescence...44009
Iris Nebula NGC7023...36742012
NGC7822 Cederblad 214 mono in Ha...29443
IC1318A V2...11000
NGC 7497 and the Integrated Flux Nebula, LRGB...32233943
The Great Galaxy of Andromeda, M31...1844236
Optolong LRGB @ NGC 6946烟花星系 ...54610
Markarian's Chain...18803
NGC 7497 and the Integrated Flux Nebula, Luminescence...5681418
Moonlight & Milky Way...24741
The Elephant's Trunk Nebula...21604
M16 in Hubble pallette...77820
Pickering's Triangle...32802
Auriga IC405-IC410...27734
NGC 1333 in a Dusty Field...13492218
NGC 7023 - Iris Nebula...20612653
NGC 2070 and around in Ha+LRGB...521122
The North America and the Pelican Nebula...58946
IC 63 and IC 59 in HaRGB...42121
A rain drop in the heavens...1131276
Area around NGC 6726...1030135
Barnard 161...570100
The Small Magellanic Cloud (HaOiiiLRGB)...10651214
IC1396 Elephant Trunk Nebula...68647
Propellor Nebula...969138
Herbig Haro 425, LBN 248....36062
Sun 16/09/2015...5200
The Small Magellanic Cloud (LRGB)...82944
Comet Lovejoy Movie...8421
Into the Veil nebula...105877
NGC 2070 and around in LRGB...84978
NGC7822 by HaLRGB...14910
Golfe des Iris 080815 Newton 625 mm barlow 2 filtre IR742 Luc CATHALA...24800
Cygnus Wall - 15 minute Red filter, uncalibrated...22502
NGC891 Detail 16" and 12" Mix...59377
NGC 6992 - The Eastern Veil Nebula...15700
Pickering's Triangel...51836
SH2-155, VDB 155...24635134
IC 5070 in Cygnus...19420
Sagittarius Triplet...371119
LDN 673, a dark nebula in Aquila...67900
NGC 7293 (Helix nebula)...106346
North America Nebula + Pelican Nebula (2 Pane Mosaic)...54418
SH2-119 with 68Cyg Hubble palette...96498
Sh2-132 SHO + N...8641020
IC1396 elephan trunk...17613
Abell 1656...36033
Great Andromeda Galaxy!...14052012
The Tulip Nebula Widefield...692510
Sh2-157 SHO...48137
M31 - 7, 9 & 12 September 2015...39423
Sco-Oph-Lib region...55619430
VdB142 Elephant Trunk Nebula Bicolor (Ha+OIII) - IC1396...34322
Sharpless 132...63464
Pelican Nebula - DSW Observatory...26731
SH2 101 Tulip Nebula in Ha...21926
C/2013 US10 Catalina...60435
Helix Nebula (version B channel animation)...105559
"Howling Wolf Nebula" vdB 149, 150...51542
Pelican Nebula - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...1102176
ngc 7331 and stephan's quintet...9831016
Messier 7, "My God, it's full of stars!" ...28313
elephant's trunk...45912
NGC 6995 The Bat...23164115
Nebulosa Nord america Poss II (310 .61 Megapixel)...55644
LDN 1250...89676
NGC 6334 - The Cat's Paw Nebula in Narrowband HST palette...38535
NGC6888 RGB...24813136
North America and Pelican Nebula - 4 panels Halpha Mosaic 4000x4000 pixels...413310
Helix Nebula...1398620
LBN 292 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...54664
Sh2-155 Cave Nebula SHO...650911
Open Cluster NGC 6910 embedded in nebula region...1439125
Blue Horse Nebula IC4592...14881111
The Squid Nebula, OU4, Hubble Palette with RGB Stars...4371112
IC 5070 Pelican Nebula...18310
DEEP SKY WEST (DSW) LDN 1250 Simple Processing...332105
IC1396 in vivid SHO...66413
IC1396 Emission Nebula in Cepheus...15411
Sh2 119 Two Night's Images...14520
IC 1396A Elephant`s Trunk Nebula Ha...940106
DBW 111, The Propeller Nebula...980910
Stephan's Quintet...35300
NGC7293 Bicolour Helix Nebula...34230
IC 1396, Hubble Palette, Not your usual view...29120
M 77...54154
Pac man nebula SHO...46115
NGC7662, a LRGBHaOIIISII combined color picture...45964
South-west region of Andromeda galaxy. OB star association NGC206...72662
IC 1396A - Elephant trunk nebula / crop and new processing...18900
Andromeda Galaxy HaLRGB...1012310
Pleiades - open cluster in Taurus...140084
Pavo Galaxy Cluster...108230
NGC7635 SHO...25302
pelican-1_3600sec_1x1_SII - 1 Hour single exposure...42710
IC 1318...14201
The Eyes of Markarian’s Chain ...26874
Animated overlay of objects in Markarian’s Chain....25320
NGC7380 H-alpha...17510
Omicron-2 Cygni, LBN 331, DWB 177,178,179 ...44122
Sadr region...14610
Part NGC7000...15311
The Seahorse and Prawn Nebula of NGC 7000, Hubble Palette...30224
M17 Omega nebula...1915139
North America and Pelican Nebula Hubble Palette...30700
M27 Drizzle 3...35422
M27 – The Dumbbell Nebula - APOD 2015 Aug 20...26362333
Arzachel 070815 newton 625 mm barlow 3 filtre IR610 Luc CATHALA...29501
Cygnus Wall - 4 panel mosaic...12200
NGC1555 - Hind's variable nebula in Taurus...35980
Summer Milky Way Panorama...24951716
VdB 149...10072713
LBN 437...830120
NGC 7000 Bi-Colour...82987
NGC 6914...38194
NGC 281...25720
LDN 1250 & 1251...14502726
IC 5146 Cocoon...23812
NGC6888 Crescent nebula in Cygnus....14400
LDN 1250, 1251...7491815
DWB-111 Propeller Nebula...60450
M31 - Andromeda galaxy...21600
Clavius 070815 Newton 625 mm barlow 3 IR 610 Luc CATHALA...28742
NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula & PN G75.5+1.7 Soap Bubble Nebula Bicolor...18002716
ISS animation - 04.08.2015 22:37...39320
M17 The Swan Nebula in the constellation of Sagittarius....15200
HH 450, VDB152/Barnard175...1015126
northern summer milky way...74822
North American Nebula, NGC 7000, Narrow-field_2, H-alpha...18712
Sh2-129 and Ou4...30702414
M63 the Sunflower galaxy...126360
M27 BiColor...1403102
SHO heart revisited...135932
Cygnus Wall in Ha...19400
Cocoon Nebula, IC 5146, H-alpha...34242
Elephant trunk nebula mosaic...31625
crescent nebula (ngc6888) narrowband bicolor...22451828
NGC 6960 Panorama Mosaik...1079914
The Eye of God...40441
ngc 7331 and stephan's quintet...31254
Cave Nebula complex - SH2-155...417614
VDB 152 Collaboration...10121515
LBN 381...529410
IC 4603 and Rho Ophiuchi...19510
IC 4633...35720
IC1396 (Elephants Trunk) in Hubble Palette...47959
SH2-101 SHO...783710
IC 4628 - The prawn nebula in Narrowband HST palette...31131
Bubble and Claw Nebula ...34595
The Soap Bubble Nebula in Cygnus, Narrowband - Hubble Palette Image...5641512
Sharpless2 115 LRGB with H-Alpha (AIP vs NRGBC PI Scripts)...46520
LDN 673 & LDN 684 ...8631214
OU4 (Giant Squid) and Sh2-129 Wide Field--revised...56230
NGC 6960 The Witch's Broom ...13500
IC1396 HaRGB Elephant's Trunk Nebula...11621119
NGC6188 Two Panel Mosaic...28000
Sharpless 115, a 3D-study...43574
NGC7822 HaO3S2 Hubble Palette...21520
IC 1396...84620
Andromeda Galaxy...1394710
Trifid Nebula...25463
A 3D-study of IC 1795...40273
Pelican Nebula (Approx. True Color)...32034
NGC6888 mixed Bicolor with Hubble Colors ...535106
Pelican Nebula - IC 5067, IC 5070...26224
3D-study of the Pelican Nebula...24892
Cygnus Wall in HST...54042
Pelican Nebula...24155
NGC7380 HaO3S2...23910
IC1795 H-Alpha...8500
NGC6888 Crescent Nebula BiColor...13672115
Gabriela Mistral Nebula and the Pendant...59851
Sh2-101 Harvb...42946
The Wizard, NGC 7380, SHO Hubble Palette...130998
The Messier Objects...5742014
IC2118 - Witch Head Nebula (Xmas Leftovers!)...9622020
Karoo Nights...54597
NGC7000 and IC5070 - Ha and OSC data...38662217
Sh2-155 "Cave Nebula"...13441810
Moretus ...11510
Veil Nebula Ha OIII OIII (NGC6960)...38633
NGC6888 in Hubble Colors...48643
Leo Triplet M65 M66 NGC 3628...20412
North American and Pelican Nebulae...48810
NGC 6914 - Emission, absorption and reflection......25253
NGC6559 and friends...14261612
M81 + M82 + IFN...16273213
North America & Pelican Nebulae...13641218
Nebula Region Swan (NGC7000 ...) H-Alpha...12100
M27 Dumbbell Nebula...13102
North American & Pelican Nebula...240410
Sadr Zone (Four mosaic panels)...9831413
NGC 6914 in Cygnus...18972022
Gamma Cyg Nebula near Sadr_IC1318, H-alpha Narrowfield...18452
NGC7023 and Vdb 141 - The Iris and Ghost nebula...25032626
Pelican nebula in NB...12281321
Sharpless2 54 (AKA The Nest) LRGB in LP Site one Night's Images...15110
M13 The Hercules Cluster, LRGB Image, First Image from RC8...1896168
NGC 5985...21112
Messier 5...70816
Sun 19/06/2015...7310
NGC 2359...1025209
Gum 39 and IC 2872 in Ha RGB...17500
NGC 7000 Cygnus Wall...34630
NGC6914 Cygnus region, Canon 6D full spectrum on Skywatcher 100ED Triplet...26401
Gum 39 and IC 2872...38034
Iris Nebula NGC 7023...1692207
IC 5070 /5067 Pelican Nebula Bicolor...15581619
Abel 1656. The Coma Cluster, So Many Galaxies, How Many Can You Count?...4381214
Sadr and Surrounding Nebula...86257
NGC6888 - The Crescent Nebula...79475
Le triangle de Pickering Ha OIII...42168
Gwaihir - Storm Wind (M16 - The Eagle Nebula)...53851
IC 1396, Elephant's Trunk Nebula, Hubble Palette (w/RGB stars)...36568
single 1800s L exposure, M101...28326
Rho Ophiuchi Region!...20042019
IC5070 Huble-Palette...41751
NGC7000 - The Wall...13720
IC 5068...28011
IC 4592, the Blue Horsehead...18372410
Cat's Eye HaOIIIRGB...1305108
M16 and friends...24550
Elephant Trunk Nebula, IC 1396, Hubble Palette, Tone Mapped Image...1350812
NGC7000 - The Wall of the North America Nebula in HA and OIII...41063
Lagoon Nebula...46524
IC 1396 Widefield (135 mm) - Ha-RGB...1169415
M16 Eagle Nebula in Bicolor...56913
NGC 6618...30640
IC1396 The Elephant's Trunk...13810
Again Plato and Vallis Alpes...20300
M42 ...77446
An Urban View of M16 in H-alpha...20225
SH2-155, VDB 155 and more nebulae...667276
Whirlpool Galaxy...23202311
Large Magellanic Cloud...12202111
NGC7000 North America Nebula without stars...102437
NGC 2403 LRGB From Dark Skys SRO SIte...16812
M5, NGC 5904 LRGB...10721110
DWB111 - 2 pane mosaic in bi colour...18281223
Squid Nebula in OIIIRGB...23483537
M 106...1254176
Propeller nebula, DWB 111...33642
Barnard 59 Pipe Nebula: Astronomy Magazine Best Southern Target 4 of 10...18310
NGC 4565 - Edge on Spiral Galaxy...224697
SH2-101 Tulip Nebula in Hubble Palette NB...74062
Eta Carina reprocessed...15100
M 63...18772720
NGC 7000 u. IC 5070...34547
Milky Way, Sagittarius...98130
Abell 2151 Hercules galaxy cluster...99467
SRO Sh2 292 RGB with H-Alpha as L...18802
M64 - Black Eye...116941
Eagle Nebula Ha (SRO 2014 AT10RC)...28425
Magnificent Pinwheel...1048511
Markarian's chain, M86, M84 and companions...47524
Animation of Polar Region (stretched L versis RGB) showing Galactic Cirrus and NGC 188 OC...23610
M76 - The Little Dumbell...20812540
Pinwheel Galaxy...1797135
Cat's Eye Nebula Bicolor WIP...9451712
NGC7380 - The Wizard nebula...23992019
Whirlpool Galaxy (M 51/NGC 5194 and NGC 5195), Luminescence...378711
Abell 39 - reprocessed from 2010...1954217
Southern Pleiades (IC 2602) RGB: Astronomy Magazine Best Southern Target 2 of 10...21100
NGC 3521...17281217
M 66...18202632
NGC 4151...63997
Leo Triplet with Tidal Tail and Tidal Dwarf Galaxy...1236115
A Sea of Galaxies in Coma Berenices...46521
Coma Galaxy Cluster...5741412
Clouds in Cygnus ...43456
NGC6888 in Narrowband...19930
M 83 Galaxy...47361
M101 or Pinwheel Galaxy ...86221
M 104...14091311
M 82 (NGC 3034) with IFN (Integrated Flux Nebulae), HaLRGB Image...22193642
Abell24(PK 217+14.1) - Ha-O3-RGB...111446
M13 Globular Cluster in Hercules...7800
PN Jones Emberson 1 Bicolor...13732016
NGC 1097...25501
Gyulbudaghian's Nebula...35050
AR2321 Ha...17800
LBN468 - dust and Herbig-Haro objects in Cepheus...14752817
Angel Nebula (IFN) Mandel-Wilson Catalogue of Unexplored Nebulae #2 (RGB Added)...28531
Coma Cluster of Galaxies...57745
Melotte 15 in Ha . . . WIP...24512
Simeis 147...57944
Abell 1656...28610
High res IC 1805...1240173
Markarian's Chain - Centered on NGC 4435...31031
Leo 1 - Dwarf Galaxy ...692143
Milky way...21312
SH2-132 - the Lion in narrowband...84265
Galassia Triangolo...35210
NGC 253...39439
M81/M82 and IFN a gogo...1120148
North American Nebula...32624
M 81 (NGC 3031) with Holmberg IX Dwarf Galaxy and IFN (Integrated Flux Nebulae), HaLRGB Image...17682130
Thackeray's Globules - Tricolour Narrowband...47456
NGC 5128, Centaurus A...28861513
Coma Cluster of Galaxies...21932513
M83 - Southern Pinwheel...16441711
Ngc 4725...19511
Gum Nebula/Vela Supernova Remnants...3014249
Rosette ...104386
Sh2 -155 in Cep...922121
Abell 1656 (Coma cluster)...86121
M51 Close up...6581110
Sharpless objects 232, 231, 233 and 235...38701
NGC 4565 TEC 140 / QSI690 First Light...1684812
Messier 13...39412
NGC 2174...35630
Abell 1656 ...24830
Coma Cluster: Abell 1656...62630
Messier 100...22801
Whirlpool Galaxy...48359
NGC 3718 (Arp 214)...2118279
Witch Head Nebula...111487
Le casque de Thor NGC 2359...86499
Clouds of Orion, Galactic Hunter...46889430
Melotte 15 in IC 1805...50023
Vela SNR...1461138
M33 with Ha region ~~~ 65%Ha+45%L - R(35%Ha)GB...34330
Starless Orion Region...1693812
M16 found from 2010, single 24 minute exposure...15001
The Great Orion Nebula...1088917
IC405 ( The Flaming Star Nebula)...257471
NGC 3344 (Leo Minor)..an special Spiral galaxy...3211317
M78 in LRGB...1397712
M108 and M97 the Owl Nebula LRGB in Light Pollution...21104
M101 HaLRGB Widefield...11101110
Orion Nebula M42 wide field...1915139
SH2-308 A Massive Dust Bubble...24915749
Elephant's Trunk IC 1396 in SHO...16711822
Pickering's Triangle in light of an ionized oxygen only, O-III...45701
NGC 3430, Arp 270 and others in Leo Minor...51841
hickson 44 group...17520
NGC 4725 "One armed galaxy"...13610
Abell 21 - Medusa Nebel...187712
Rosette nebula...896411
Tadpoles of IC 410, a closeup color picture...26625
Pickering's Triangle in O-III light alone...28320
M16 in Hydrogen-Alpha...28525
The Markarian Chain ...Boggling the Imagination...1711820
cometa C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy del 20/02/2015 vicino a M76...1503137
NGC3628 Leo Triplet...37000
The Elephant's Trunk in IC 1396...61240
NGC2403 LRGB...547113
Inside Auriga 6-Panel Ha mosaic...50977
Galaxy clusters Virgo A and Virgo B...28000
NGC 2244 Rosette Nebula...54808
M100 and surrounding galaxies...95877
M 65 M 66...27011
Messier 3 - Amas globulaire du Chien de Chasse...17813
M81 LHaRGB with a hint of IFN...665104
Orion's Sword in Ha...224106
HaOIIIRGB NGC2244...169855
IC 410...25921
Arp 18 - NGC 4088...19131
Jupiter, Feb. 09th, 2015...27921527
NGC 2264 Cone Nebula in Ha...1077820
First Light from DEEP SKY WEST Remote Observatory - (DSW): M42...12291514
The Orion Nebula...32432
SHO North America + Pelican, Canon 200L...58324
Ou4 (and SH2 129): A Giant Squid Nebula and a Flying Bat...910198
NGC2024 & B33...70522
M81, M82...31874618
M42 Crowd Image reprocessed with new data and Lucky Imaging...25822414
Supernova Remnant Simeis 147 - Ha Monochrome - 3 Panel Mosaic (Moon added digitally for scale)...51183
M42 The Orion Nebula...214487
M106 LHaRGB...1083109
M84 and M86 ...58833
Inside Auriga...503113
IC 443...52245
Leo Triplet...623515
NGC 2174 Monkey head nebula...54864
M33 HaLRGB...14031223
M35 & NGC 2158...46772
Comet Lovejoy (C/2014 Q2) & M45...27954724
Jellyfish Nebula...50593
Comet Lovejoy mosaic (Jan.17,2015)...2831010
NGC 2835...81310
Deep image of Abell 426...931115
NGC 3718 and NGC 3729...19571628
C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy...14862025
NGC 2264 Ha OIII The fox fur...9101210
IC434 and NGC2024 (The Horsehead and the Flame nebula)...65133
B 33 - Horse head nebula - now in colours!...21143528
NGC 869 and 884 in Perseus...23502
The Tadpoles...33568
Veil Nebula in O-III light only...37235
mosaico della cometa Lovejoy del 9/1/2015 fatto dopo 1gg...71342
Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) January 8 2015...88175
Melotte 15...45563
Sharpless 157 - Bubble Nebula region...41668
M16 S2HaO3 (Antonucci-Colombari)...28411
IC 349...22710
IC410 - Tadpod Nebula in HST palette...50060
Simeis 147 - 3x3 coloured Ha mosaic...55661
Cigar Galaxy...14522013
M45 in luminance...44013
ic 1805...25010
NGC 891 reworked...22133022
A cosmic fairy tale...17982611
Leo Trio and the stuff around...26964
Orion Nebula...43639
Veil Nebula mosaic - Ha/OIII bi-colour with RGB stars...25052416
IC 443...65173
Bok Globules in NGC2237...15122114
Hind's Variable Nebula...945234
Me under the Aurora...43320
Pleiades- The Seven Sisters (M45) with DSLR...60654
M51 LRGB+Ha (Antonucci-Angelini)...53853
Horsehead nebula...14423
Heart of Cygnus false color...13111
IC 405 - The Flaming Star - Hybrid Color Version...94733
Sharpless 240 (4 panels mosaic)...11691619
M42 - The Great Orion Nebula...31144
IC 410 The Tadpoles...17202420
Rosette Nebula - NGC 2237 - JOE-IMAGE ...28924
Horsehead Nebula...41631513
Melotte 15...19275334
PK164+31.1 Jones-Ember...16252214
Messier 13, The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules (CI)...23041513
NGC 5139...14224
NGC 7009...1065126
Rosette Nebula - false color @ various focal lengths...32272232
SRO NGC 7497...30553
The Leo Triplet...12842116
ngc281 Pacman Nebula...630106
Soul Nebula, SH2-199, in Hubble Palette...1261910
M31, M32, M110...36633728
NGC 7000 The Great Wall Bicolor...11151010
m101 widefield...44824
LBN 782...896254
Sharpless 132, visual colors...34222
Elephant Trunk Nebula, IC 1396, Hubble Palette, Narrow Field, Composite Image, Summary...49824
Rosette Nebula - SHO...59977
NGC 281...35420
M1 HaRGB...50762
IC 434 Horse Head Nebula LRGB (with some clouds)+ H-Alpha...19313026
M31 Andromeda...2426914
Pelican Nebula...15705
Iris Nebula LRGB...13152514
NGC 1893...171398
Soul nebula with no stars...37423
Crescent Nebula - Widefield - PI Drizzle...74462
SRO M45 Super-L Processing...24549
A furious cosmic horse gets blinded by a divine blue light...1340178
SRO LBN 468...8982018
Dusty sky...14263316
Sh2-132 SHO...32922
The Angel Nebula...120874
Simeis 147 Supernova Remnant...1644246
Integrated Flux Nebula (IFN) really wide field...31090
Between Sagittarius, Ophiuchus and Scorpius...25770
NGC 281...1169154
Sharpless 115 and a planetary nebula Abell 71...33144
Quasars around NGC 4151...40422
M33 Core...38251
Galaxie du Triangle - M33...1835510
NGC 7635 (The bubble nebula)...47484
SRO M101...1015711
M31 mit TS APO 90/600...103300
IC 405 Flaming Star Nebula...34402
Second light, Cederblad 214...24851
M33 LRGB...24120
First light for a new setup...21639
NGC6995 Knochenhand...27222
cometa C/2012 K1 Panstarrs del 21/10/14...28410
La Jacques fra Anima e Cuore - c/2014 E2 fra IC1848 e IC1805...17322561
Tulip Nebula - Cygnus X-1...5821011
Sh2-157 in bicolour...40683
M 31...41400
IC443 (Sh2-248) - The Jellyfish nebula...17772116
helix nebula...51838
IC 1848 Hybrid Color Version...26925
NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula...975813
NGC 281 bicolor...23320
Abell 2151 Ammasso di galassie in Ercole...19111920
NGC6888 NB Bi-color...25102
Soul Nebula - SHO...476711
Triangulum Galaxy (M33)...141066
M33 LRGB - HaGOIII (animation)...53863
M31 (HaLRGB)...3159319
IC5068 in Ha...553411
M33 Galassia del Triangolo ...836106
The Dark Tower in Scorpius...74334
M 33...57149
Northern lights Inari, Finland 30.9 2014...12321
NGC 7380 - Hybrid Version...153291
IC 1396...22610
Little Iris - LDN 408 ...28656
NGC 253: A Starburst Galaxy in Sculptor...65969
Bulle Ha OIII...27221110
M45 (2014 Edition)...2721218
NGC 7023 - Iris Nebula...75711
NGC 4438...14961610
SRO Cave Nebula Sh2-155...12512
Sh2-155 - Cave Nebula - LRGB...5251012
cometa C/2014 E2 Jacques del 20 settembre, vicino all'ammasso detto "Appendino"...30311
M27 Dumbell Nebula...11000
Hybrid Color per la Dorsale Cigno...13819
M45 50 Mpix Crowd Image (x252)...99158
SH2155 and surroundings...19230
NGC 6888 Crescent nebula, PN G75.5+1.7 Soap bubble nebula en Ha + OIII...793103
Südliche Milchstraße...62174
M 33...37744
Trifid Nebula...32417
Large Magellanic Cloud - LMC...18651827
IC1396 - Elephants trunk in bi colour...11431318
IC 1311...17711
M 42 - NGC 1977...14391718
A two frame mosaic image of IC 1396 with the Sharpless 129 and OU4...29431
IC 1396...73860
SH2-115 and Berkeley 90...20601919
32 cygni ...38222
NGC6820 / Sh2-86 in HST...14471018
Messier 31 ultra deep version...15521932
Omega Centauri - NGC 5139...396911
The Bubble Nebula...104026
NGC7000 and IC5070 in bicolour...18321826
NGC 6744...35070
IC 5070, Pelican nebula III...1219118
IC5070 Pelican Nebula - Up Close...20700
North America and Pelican Nebula - Hubble Palette...66498
M27 / 2014 - REPROCESED...62522
NGC7000 & IC5070 in mono - 4 pane mosaic...994915
VDB 158...261210
NGC 7000 in Narrowband...24701
IC1396 - Elephant's Trunk nebula...35167
Dark nebulae near Sadr...402210
M31 510mm and 750mm...20772725
Sh2-155 (The Cave nebula)...17951323
M17 Swan or Omega Nebula...18625
NGC 6188 in HST palette...29321
veil panel A2 bicolor...69817
Sh2-101 - The Tulip nebula...11731116
M16 The Eagle Nebula in narrowband...16231218
North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula, NGC 7000, IC 5070, Hubble Palette, Two-Panel Mosaic...24332
NGC7822 in HST palette...1430917
vdb 141 2014...13501816
North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula, NGC 7000, IC 5070, Two-Panel Mosaic, H-alpha...42224
NGC 7380 (sh2-142) Wizard Nebula...30935
Antares, Rho Ophiuchi, and Blue Horsehead...47167
NGC 6357 War and Peace Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha 5nm...21323
IC1318 Ha...19001
IC4628 The Prawn Nebula in Narrowband...31716
Pinnacles mini-planet...19722
Ha Clouds in Cygnus near Omicron Cygnus...17952
Pickering's Triangle in Ha...24203
M27 narrow band...65934
Sharpless 2-132...43324
vdB142/ IC1396A...92433
The Heart Nebula - Work in progress...41624
Omega Centauri...1078715
la Vallée des Alpes à Rima Hadley 18/04/13 625 mm Luc CATHALA...8712
IC1396 Ha/OIII...1902246
NGC 6357 War and Peace Nebula in narrowbands Hubbe Pallete...41417
Sun whitelight full disk 6x pano...24211
IC 5070 and Herbig-Haro 555...55477
NGC 6822: Barnard’s Galaxy Also Known as Caldwell 57 or IC 4895 =With A New Revision=...732510
NGC7000 + IC5070 Ha+OIII...29000
NGC 7000 The Wall...12701118
NGC 6960 NB LRGB Blend...10201316
IC 1318...34222
NGC 6188...66124
The Pelican...17310
M16 SHO...109645
NGC6302, Butterfly Nebula...1759103
NGC 6188...30565
VDB 142...46034
Ha nebulosity around M8 Lagoon Nebula...1293722
m27 bicolor...43945
M83 southern pinwheel galaxy...32251818
Sinus Iridum (2011)...10931328
M16 Hubble palette...27326
Sharpless 157...15210
M8 Lagoon Nebula and M20 Trifid Nebula - bicolor...1649818
Space Tulip Sh2-101...40142
NGC 5033...1410123
Lune : Mosaïque : La région au sud de Clavius. 19/06/14. 625 mm Barlow 2. Luc CATHALA...8224
IC 417 & NGC 1931 - The Spider and The Fly ...34130
NGC 6543 - Cat's Eye nebula...66532
NGC 6960...13211715
Thor's Helmet NGC2359...29101
Rho Ophiuchi with FLI16803 and RH200 - data and pre by Bert/Avandonk - processing by Elio...77924
The Running Chicken Nebula (IC 2944)...13201
The Helix Nebula...31634
M94 ...24330
NGC 7217 - reworked...980124
IC1318 Ha...12100
Marte ...42917
NGC 4236...584610
M 16 Adlernebel...31740
NGC6914 HaR-RHaVB...29644
NGC 6888: Crescent Nebula...37923
m51 Luminance - SRO...1520817
Elephant's Trunk Nebula (Crop)...804718
M 81...18981433
Abell Galaxy Cluster 2151...549511
LBN 380...24925
M 66...43632
M51 [Image Of Team]...31392137
M8 Lagoon Nebula LRGB+HA...1069510
Part of Markarian's Chain in Virgo...1009112
M 13...107244
M83 (Southern Pinwheel)...136984
Messier 33 [Image Of Team]...14521437
M51 - Lorenzo-Colin collaboration...23042635
Galactic Reflections...444813
Omega Centauri...31013
NGC 4631 GROUP...54012
NGC 891 in colors...36002830
37 hours Horsehead...20111636
NGC 2359 THOR'S HELMET...8841014
IC 443- The Jellyfish nebula (DSLR)...91168
M33 Galaxy composition...47553026
Orion Nebula Complex [Image Of Team]...21202668
Mars - 16/03/2014 - Drizzle 2x...22010
M82 & SN2014J...5811527
Bert's Lamba Centauri Nebula (3nm NII, SII, OIII, "natural" mapping)...38638
Bert's Lamba Centauri Nebula (3nm NII)...27830
M82 and Supernove 2014J...12461212
A collection of large supernova remnants in scale...40676
NGC 206 - An M31 close-up...1416318
Leo Triplet...36233224
NGC 7635: THE BUBBLE NEBULA...13171512
M63 SunFlower Galaxy...74118
M65 M66...39302
Bode's Galaxy...26042131
M 78...1011620
M3 RGB quick shot...53816
M51 / Arp 85 - The Whirlpool Galaxy...50282128
Mond 09.03.2014 - TEC200...68013
Mond 05.03.2014...19201
M101 Widefield...863212
Seagull Nebula in Ha-RGB...20424
SH 2 171 modified Hubble palette _ reworked...8791210
M81/82 Extreme deep field...880128
M82 SN 2014J...84442
Lagoon in HST colors...51312
IC2944 Running Chicken Nebula...27251
Elephant's Trunk nebula IC1396 _ rework...15471916
IC 443 - The Jellyfish Nebula - Supernova Remnant...42704
IC1795 Narrowband...83614
Capturing galactic light...49158
Messier 8 (narrow band filters)...864616
NGC 2327 and the Seagull Nebula IC 2177 - Astronomy Picture of the Day March 12, 2014...1270107
M 82...1695103
A two panel mosaic image of Sh-221 and Sh2-216 in HST-palette...46025
IC 2118 Witch Head Nebula...35832316
Double Cluster...27821
M13, somma di diverse immagini fatte da diversi astrofili...51727
Virgo Cluster...79036
NGC 1333...35546
Milky Way...15862011
Nébuleuses de la tête de cheval et de la flamme...24420
Supernova SN2014J...43214
IC1805 & IC1848...46754
Sharpless 2-308...14602214
Milky Way...94095
Whole-Sky Milky Way...73142
Winter Triangle...119962
Gamma Cygni Region...44745
M82 and Supernova 2014J...66566
Rosette (a combination of all my data)...50713
IC410 - Tadpoles in bi colour...613515
The Cepheus collection...288611
The Cone Nebula NGC2264...79740
M45 ...55101
Rosette Nebula NGC 2237-9/46 and Open Cluster NGC 2244...1047210
Gabriela Mistral nebula...32712
NGC 1333...36470
IC 342...20671421
Rosette Nebula - 100 Hour High Resolution Mosaic...2309918
IC 2944, The Running Chicken Nebula in Narrowband HST Palette...47545
M42 Orion Nebula...135947
A grande mosaic of nebulae in Cepheus...94136
Rosette Nebula in Narrowband Color...324803
IC405 Flaming Star nebula...36112
Messier 82 and Supernova Jan 2014...37914
LHaRGB Horsehead / Flame / Fan...83159
horsehead and flame with TMB92...434117
narrowband rosette 2...90122
M104 sombrero galaxy...52034518
Rosette (HST)...187698
The Rosette Nebula in Bi-Colour...45369
Prawn Nebula - IC 4628 in Narrow Band - Astronomy Picture of the Day March 05, 2014...617310
Seven sisters, two scopes...51110
Eagle Head Nebula - LBN 777...25872713
The Rosette Nebula in Monoceros...126520
The "Elephant's Trunk" Nebula (IC1396)...30310
Heart Nebula (IC1805)...10300
M81, M82 through the IFN...39355
M13 [Image Of Team: Bottari, Donatiello, Ligustri, Nicosia, Pistocchini, Riou]...18952036
m42 Ha only...67649
Witch Head Nebula...49712020
Horsehead and Flame Nebula...30701
M8 and M20 - NGC 6559 ...13810
IC410, IC405, IC417 and NGC1931 in colour...9861422
M 74 (NGC 628)...18041514
NGC 1499...24510
Simeis 147...23191838
Orionnebel ...56400
IC410 HST palette...41556
Testa di Cavallo e Fiamma...20702
big horse...1137214
Mapped and TrueRGB color composition for 20 panels mosaic of winter nebulae in Aurigae ...67716
The Rosette Nebula...40402
NGC 2044...763411
Simeis 147...22881517
IC410, IC405, IC417 and NGC1931...535712
M33 from home...32761419
Cepheus mosaic, part1, four panels...54663
Helix Nebula - Narrowband bi-colour + RGB stars...60774121
NGC 2634, NGC 2634 and wisps of IFN...29212822
Elephant Trunk Nebula IC 1396...169646
NGC 1977 - Running Man Nebula - LRGB...112827
IC 434...22500
G65,3+5.7 SNR, a supernova remnant in Cygnus...57732
NGC7000 "The Wall"...30945
NGC 896 - Hubble Palette...68140
M 33 Triangulum Galaxy...34212
IC 410 and IC405...77732
Melotte 15...45223
Center of the Heart nebula...49901
Flaming Star Nebula...22810
California Nebula NGC 1499...79147
another weird m31...30931527
LBN 234 / VDB 130 / Barnard 344...66551
IC 1396 Reloaded...45808
NGC 891...84696
IC 1805 & Melotte 15...21400
Caldwel 49: Rosette Nebula in Narrow Band...47806
IC 1805 & Melotte 15...12011125
SH-2 171 HUBBLE PALETTE...56612
NGC7635/M52/Sh2-161 (Hubble Palette)...39800
IC 434...30300
IC 1396...32710
HorseHead Nebula IC 434 and Flame Nebula NGC 2024 ...25002
HorseHead Nebula IC 434 and Flame Nebula NGC 2024...43712
alternate NB Heart...80543
SHO Heart...48908
NGC 918...15251917
Melotte 15 in Hubble palette...150166
Horsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula...29400
M45 blue channel only...18011
M45 open cluster...20101210
Comet Lovejoy C/2013 R1...14322
Melotte 15...67844
Orion 18 Panels mosaic...1037215
NGC 2244, Rosette Nebula, Hubble Palette...459310
Orion belt/sword collage...52545118
m81 / m82 and IFN...28321317
NGC7380 (Sh2-142) - The Wizard nebula...57733
IC 410 and the Tadpoles...20900
IC1396 and the elephant trunk nebula...129662
A Horse waiting for color......1245715
North American Complex...40920
NGC 7822...19000
Arco de Barnard...49812
NGC 672...24461521
Bubble and M52 closeup...18211
reddit r/astrophotography M33 processing challenge...13141324
Horsehead nebula...24400
Map of the nebulae of Triangulum Galaxy...12491511
NGC 6992...36934
NGC6888 and PN G75.5+1.7 (The Crescent and the Soap Bubble)...18962014
Ngc 7023...1082119
Nebulosa Pipa...89954
Bubble Nebula / Ngc7635...14602627
Orion 3 Panels mosaic...51423
NGC 7293 the Helix nebula...110231
The Great Orion Nebula...44910
Shockwave The Wisps of the Veil...125337
NGC 7822 in Cepheus...2244179
IC1805 and IC1848 mosaic in narrowband...14381520
Simeis 147...16691412
M42 Nebulosa de Orión...37848
The 18-panels mosaic of nebulae in constellation Cygnus...68951
North America and the Pelican Nebulae as an experimental 3D-model...28653
Messier 106...32901
CTB1 / SH2 170...68042
NGC 7771 Galaxy Group...15822615
IC10 Galaxy...50366
M 33...20910
IC 443 in mapped colors...60120
Cirrus of Cygnus...33233
Ngc 891...1086614
Messier 27...1178159
Crescent Nebula n6888 BiColor with OIII emphasis...47512
IC1396 - Elephant Trunk...52020
IC1805 SHO...33604
Melotte 15 in IC1805...897136
IC 1805 The Heart Nebula...12300
IC1848 - Soul nebula...31740
Butterfly and the Crescent Nebulae...8001010
IC1396 Trompa del elefante...63023
NGC 1499, California Nebula...1525138
North America and Pelican Nebula Narrowband (Bicolor)...98332
NGC 7000...232454
IC 1318 - Sadr Region Mosaic...14502
LBN 552...72794
M27 Dumbbell nebula with outer halo...1813173
IC 5068...19310
Crescent Nebula ...79210
LBN 442, HH398 ...48260
Milky Way Center...75502
NGC 4565 Field...68047
Markarian's Chain...32202
NGC 869 e 884...48049
IC 1848 Soul Nebula...25810
SH2_132 narrowband...1403207
IC 443...74132
Orion (constellation)...16711614
NGC 1275 (and Perseus Galaxy Cluster)...31362017
M81, M82 & NGC3077...93853
M33 - Triangulum Galaxy...81511
NGC7822 - Hubble Palette...36941
M42 & NGC1999...2591186
Galassia del Triangolo...1408610
NGC 7000 - IC 5070 (North America & Pelican Nebulae) narrowband...1381135
A 3D study of IC 1396 as an animation...34563112
M 101 (Pinwheel Galaxy)...136072
M 81 (Bode's Galaxy)...155382
M 16...62554
Sh2-136 nebula in Cepheus...58812
m 101...33040
Mosaico M81 y M82...131742
IC443 - Jellyfish Nebula in Gemini - Hubble Palette...114809
Rosette with a friend - 28 hours...64623
1° of Markarian chain...166246
M82 ultra deep...47134918
NGC 891...65820