These are the users that follow Newton Cesar Florencio mutually.
Ricardo Ricardo Melo 5812
samuelmuller Samuel Müller 282138153
kiko.fairbairn Kiko Fairbairn 66595128
Israel_B Israel Barbosa de Brito 302332
rodolfobch Rodolfo Chiaramonte 3312
digoiron Rodrigo Guilherme 41124244
carlos.swamy Carlos Ferraz 242225
Augusto Augusto 4345156
atila511 atila511 011
edisonps edisonps 61933
moutinho Andre Moutinho 261426
Buckaroo Michael Mantini 833324
andre.couto Andre Couto 428166
cyberplocos Fábio 199101380
RRBBarbosa Ruben Barbosa 21515311716
GerminianiMaicon Maicon Germiniani 1949642483
Fernando_Menezes Fernando Oliveira de Menezes 40719722
Lucas_M Lucas Magalhães 429367
ayrtonlvt Ayrton Lopes 202712