M33 - A work in progress...29235
La Jacques fra Anima e Cuore - c/2014 E2 fra IC1848 e IC1805...17302561
M42 - Processing only, data provided by Ray Morris (Thanks, Ray)...18412
Moon practice 5-13-2014...12602
Practice Moon 5-13-2014...10200
First Quarter Moon 3 JUL 2014...12102
NGC 7789 Caroline's Rose...28601
Sunspots 7-5-2014...8302
NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula HaRGB...31801
Saturn 5-25-14 D...15715
Orion Nebula [Image of Team]...16632050
NGC 2359 Thor's Helmet RGB + OIII + Ha...81307
Abell 21 Medusa Nebula RGB + Ha + OIII...34122
NGC 4631 Whale Galaxy...74243
M97 Owl Nebula and M108 Galaxy...26621
NGC 2174 Monkey Head Nebula HST...61114
M97 ...47833
IC 1396 Elephant Trunk HST...54636
Orion's Sword...102296
IC 1848 Soul Nebula HaRGB...23913
IC 1805 Heart Nebula HST...26714
NGC 1499 California Nebula HST...51124
M57 with IC1296 and sn2013ev...21301
Terminator reqion Quarter Moon...14307
M16 Eagle Nebula NB...55306
The Ring Nebula...18802
Lagoon nebula...9481512
NGC 2237 Rosette Nebula HST...79119
Immersion Lunaire...8400
IC 443 Jellyfish Nebula RGB + Ha...26704
NGC 2264 Cone Nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster...36023
Horsehead Nebula - B33...40802
Transit across the Moon of the satellite IRS 1A...24011
NGC 246 Skull Nebula ...84939
Rosette on Fire...68384
NGC7635,M52,NGC7510,Sh2-157, LBN536,NGC7538,Sh2-161LDN1229 ...1169126
M78 Reflection Nebula...100746
NGC 7008 The Fetus Nebula...32825
The Dust Surrounding M45...119843
M42 & NGC1999...2588186
M 27 Schmalband...107133
IC 1805 Heart nebula in modified HST...77633
Daylight Moon - Independence Day 2010...32027
IC 405 Flaming Star Nebula...27216
NGC 891 ...21813
M33 Triangulum Galaxy...25803
M78 LLRGB...32243519
Saturn 6-1-2012...24416
Green Flash Sunset - Destin Fla...25064
M42 NGC1976...41420
M42 wide field...68177
Barnard 33 Horsehead Nebula...94431
NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula...26514
IC5146 - Cocoon Nebula...29102
A 3D study of IC 1396 as an animation...34563112
M45 Pleiades Open Cluster...123723
M33 (The Triangulum Galaxy)...32503
IC 5146 Cocoon Nebula...27305
M31 Andromeda Galaxy...58325
M 97 (Owl Nebula)...75551
NGC 7000 North American Nebula...38201
My best image of Saturn with CPC '8...96635
wide orion...20611310
M 104...15762112