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Sh2-132 Lion nebula SHO...7610
HDW3 - A tiara lost in space...6721716
The Eye of the Lion - Sh2-132...3792010
The Dusty Inferno of NGC 1333...20557147
vdB 14 & 15...6842825
HFG 1 & Abell 6...435209
Wolf's Cave Nebula - vdb 152, Barnard 175, and DeHt-5 - 37 hours...9685118
Cosmic Kaleidoscope: A Tapestry of Nebulae and first(*) color image of the pulsar wind nebula around pulsar PSR B1951+32...24045944
Sh2-92 - The Scream (Up Close) - First Light from DSW...5841112
NGC3169 and NGC3166 Gravity Dance...27766036
Planetary Nebula Duo: MWP 1 and Alv 1...6391311
The Cygnus...5011726
The AP passion never ends :-) Helix Nebula "Eye of God" (NGC 7293) SHO / He II by Insight Observatory :-)...6861217
SH2 224 - Supernova Remnant...35180
Rosette (NGC2244) in SHO...30024654
Messier 33 SHOLRGB...9062310
The Helix Nebula - NGC 7293...34574845
SH2-216 & SH2-221 (Mosaic in HSO)...5331616
Sh2-200 Bearclaw Nebula...22005713
Sh2-224 Supernova remnant...27585963
SH2-216 Ha...24142
The Medulla Nebula CTB1 (CTB 1, Abell 85)...10761111
NGC 2359 - Thor's Helmet...1497831
GK Persei...20864731
NGC 1333 & vdB 16 - Two Panel Mosaic...8502632
CTB 1 (Abell 85) Supernova Remnant...26621926
Abell 85 / CTB-1...22473931
NGC6543 - Cat's Eye Nebula (crop)...40264326
The Dumbbell Nebula (Messier 27)...34572742
LBN 569 - The valleys and cliffs of Cepheus...548510079
Sh2-132 · Lion Nebula in Cepheus...50058652
Sh2-308 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...13823221
Orion - 9 Pane Widefield + Hybrid Details...23124541
Gems of Auriga...30095737
Great Andromeda Galaxy!...8521114
Heckathorn-Fesen-Gull 1 & Abell 6...33457523
Colored version of my 180 pannels mosaic for the Orion Challenge...33346028