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Cthulu Rising...18690
IC 405 Flaming Star...22012327
The War and Peace Nebula in SHO...5241019
The Cygnus Wall in HOO - NGC7000...35375
Solar eclipse 2021-06-10...10430
Three in a row - ISS transit while the partial solar eclipse...15331231
The Blue Horsehead Nebula IC 4592...913715
Horsehead and Flame Nebulae (HaRGB)...18151619
Pencil Nebula from DeepSkyWest Chile, a SW processing competition, my final version...595415
Mandel-Wilson 3: Volcano nebula - northern part...200217
Sadr area 6 panel mosaic...51778
The Witch Head Nebula - IC2118...28892646
NGC 2841 with ASI 294 MC Pro...19211826
IC1848 - IC1871 - Soul Nebula...20263529
The Sculptor Galaxy - NGC 253...18801530
Horsehead Nebula - NGC 2023...12941211
Planetary Nebulae (2020 remastered)...17244413
The Rosette Nebula in the Hubble Palette...31054
Web of Wisps: Sh2-240 - Simeis 147...7822238
Sh2-112 • Emission Nebula in HOO...21231014
NGC 1333 - The Wolf's Call, The Eagle's Eye...26417537
NGC 2023 LBN 954 Horsehead Nebula...80828
Sh2-173 - The Mask in HSO --> PRGB...219563116
The Great Nebula in Orion...5511016
Solar Eclipse Dec 14 2020...20431
The Moon...23613
IC1805 - Heart Nebula in SHO-LRGB...1112726
2020-11-19 Apparent size: Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune....61731
M42 - The Orion Nebula...19332022
NGC1499 - The California Nebula...33423
M63 Sunflower Galaxy...209312
Beta Aurigid fireball with a pronounced smoke trail...3181730
Messier 31 The Andromeda Galaxy...42548
Cygnus Loop | The Whole Ear - Lobe and All...29715261
Abell 72 (PK 59 -18.1) Planetary Nebula in Delphinus...31766594
M31 Andromeda galaxy & M110 galaxy...21520
Wizard in Hubble palette...23244
Another New Discovery: Strottner-Drechsler 45 (PN-G: 049.8+02.0)...4091516
SH2-308 - Bi-Colour with RGB Enhancements...10231418
Comet C/2020 F8 (SWAN) on May 2nd....22912410
The 8 Sisters...26067
Dr 26...18193
The Leo Triplet in Widefield...28528
Galactic Chain...21012
IC443 in HORGB...20014
The Veil nebula NGC 6960...44315
LDN 1469 and Pleiards...23210
NGC 4038 / 4039 - The Antennae Galaxies...13291017