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"Dustdevil" M63 Sunflower from Madrid bortle 5/6 sky...758632
IC 2149 - A rarely imaged nebula. One of the best Ever ?...11791428
CTB 1 /Abell 85...5891710
Sh2-123 / StDr17 (Tick Nebula)...942530
SH2-129 Flying Bat and Squid Nebulae...28821
An Owl Starring At A Dolphin (HA OIII RGB)...362910
M 39...323213
NGC6543 - Cat's Eye Nebula (crop)...40274326
ngc2336 galassia in camelo pardo distanza 20 milioni A.L....14014
The Whirlpool Galaxy M51...130072
Hickson 44...83176
HFG 1, PK 136.3+05.5...27435338
NGC 2903...69643