These are the users that follow John Hayes mutually.
Lukasz83 Łukasz Sujka 3481096392
Jedi2014 Jens Zippel 27498158
kiko.fairbairn Kiko Fairbairn 66594128
tolgagumus Tolga 121606304
KuriousGeorge KuriousGeorge 328623129
mkline Mike Kline 139277245
keesscherer Kees Scherer 1595824003
burscikas Artūras Medvedevas 4426152
onwlad Vlad Onoprienko 52543397
Deep_Sky Daniel Nobre 25715023520 José Joaquín Pérez 88356235
bradleybcraig Brad 108193399
jeff2011 jeff2011 7426324
qbool John Renaud 110398409
VadimAlekseev Vadim Alekseev 1132139
matherneconnor Connor Matherne 17260774
pbkoden Phil Brewer 10334339
MDieterich Matt Dieterich 47798
jmacon Jerry Macon 400779642
Mathieu80 Mathieu Guinot 154751551
trobison Terry Robison 9155229
andrewjbarton Andrew Barton 109251141
Boris_US5WU Boris US5WU 75301212
cgome004 Christopher Gomez 268597209
gvarouha George Varouhakis 41183295
morefield Kevin Morefield 214131061
GaryI Gary Imm 25461444232
Chris-PA Chris Sullivan 120654264
cyberplocos Fábio 0101380
Carballada Jose Carballada 20649442
PlanetOrion Alan Pham 55545136
macnenia Niall MacNeill 31084380
kvwood Kent Wood 3931016
Marcel_Drechsler Marcel Drechsler 1752140129
Richard_Bratt Richard Bratt 235225206
RRBBarbosa Ruben Barbosa 21515391723
jeffbax Jeffbax Velocicaptor 1191984322
Vadim@K Vadim Kozatchenko 70385217
GerminianiMaicon Maicon Germiniani 1949662494
ToshiyaArai Toshiya Arai 37288334
YobSnob Chuck's Astrophotography 3171619326
GWLopez Gary Lopez 10672469
LynPeterson Lyn Peterson 26156102
mxcoppell Min Xie 69959141
dotexplore Yannick Akar 0784231
lucam_astro Luca Marinelli 4958368
Christophorus Christoph Lichtblau 1661520620
sagrada737 Michael Sherick 163233190
htrottier Howard Trottier 40356185
jklovelacephotography Jeffrey K Lovelace 29381500
xlong xlong 6035623
adrienmauduit Adrien Mauduit 4161161
bsteeve Steeve Body 60531369
prystavski Taras Prystavski 16285135
Wolfgang-Promper Wolfgang Promper 245109023