Ion tail of the comet Neowise...15611
Huge solar prominence on August 15, 2016...14811
Local dust storms on Mars....22501
Storm on Saturn - July 19, 2018...18400
Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)...15500
Eclipse de Lune...21976
AR2529 10/04/16 Animation...40098
Moon - Total Lunar Eclipse...15910
NGC 660...60604
Neptune 2015 09 22 - Electric blue, white storm...18311
M45 LRGB...32700
Orion Molecular Cloud Complex near Horsehead Nebula...17714
Ganymede Occults Io...31040
Saturn Storm chasing - 2015 06 27 to 28 - IR685nm...9700
M 83...13500
Jupiter - Io and Ganymede PHEMU...71444
M33 Triangulum Galaxy 2x2 mosaic...37002
Jupiter full rotation from 2014-11-19 and 2014-11-20...41646
2192 Quark reduced...18001
Partial Solar Eclipse 10-23-2014...15311
AR 2192 animation 10/23/2014...17500
M31 Andromeda Galaxy...81010
Jupiter und Europa...9800
Jupiter Nov 10...23613
Mars from London March 24 2012...23701
Jupiter 19th Nov 2012 (2nd version)...18311
Rework data from 19 July 2012 from 08:56 to 10:40UT...7911
Reworked old data from 25/09/2011 to create larger movie format AR1302 from 15:12 to 15:39 UT...8923
M31 Andromedagalaxie...30100
Animated Jupiter...27010
Jupiter, Feb. 25, 2014 (animation)...34734
NGC 4565...55645
Ha sun...8903
Siemis 147 Supernova remnant...19021
Jupiter, Io and the Great Red Spot RRGB...33532
IC434 Pferdekopfnebel...19500
Mars 10 02 2014 LRGB...12200
M82 - Supernova SN2014J - Animation...14700
The Cone Nebula NGC2264...79740
M81 LRGB...43516
M82 - with bonus Supernova...68610
AR1967 H-alpha Feb-03-2014...11500
horsehead and flame with TMB92...434117
Jupiter 2014/01/19...48802
Loop Prominence Evolution...22502
Jupiter 2014/01/17 (Tribute to John Dobson)...76938
Jupiter and Io transit - 2014/01/15...73422
The obsessing solar spot of AR 11890 - Nov. 9 , 2013....31025
Seagull Nebula...23800
M42 ...17102
Another lucky catch ......7000
Progression of Jupiter over four hours....14500
AR 1944...10800
NGC 5128...19600