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Cosmic Campground Sunset, Jelieta Walinski Ph.D

Cosmic Campground Sunset

Cosmic Campground Sunset, Jelieta Walinski Ph.D

Cosmic Campground Sunset


My hubby and I were bouncing around just to look for a dark sky and we found this  Cosmic Campground International Dark Sky Sanctuary. According to the research I had it is one of only 14 certified IDA Sanctuaries in the world. Located at Glenwood, New Mexico, USA

The place is incredibly, undoubtedly, and completely great because it has 360 unobstructed view of the night sky and it is Bortle 1. However, when we were there, there were people that did not know that they are in Cosmic Campground because they arrived at 10:00 in the evening and when they arrived at the telescope loading area they have their very bright headlight and made a u turn. And because they saw me standing at those telescope pads, they paused for a while with the lights on pointing towards me. In my head, I said...What an a_____e! Then we had neighbor camper who obviously not there for observation and photography made a very big fire at night. The scene made me stressed because I wanted to tell them but I did not because I know everybody has a gun. But, really! They didn't know that they entered into cosmic campground or simply they don't have respect!

My suggestion to the Bureau Of Land and Management please look into this matter. The white light is really ruining the place. Please let people know not to make the place the city of lights for God sake this is one of the 14 International Dark Sky around the world let us protect this place!

Equipment Used:

Samsung Galaxy S20 Rear Main Camera



Cosmic Campground Sunset, Jelieta Walinski Ph.D