Contains:  Solar system body or event
Lunar Impressions February 2021, astropical

Lunar Impressions February 2021

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Lunar Impressions February 2021, astropical

Lunar Impressions February 2021

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



On special astronomically strict order by Admiral Rudolf Riedl, Captain Henning Schmidt and Chief Engineer Axel Kutter, here is the February 2021 edition of Lunar Impressions after upgrading from 6 to 8 inches (my workhorse telescope).

Since I had four days with only few clouds, though with turbulent air an incredible piece of luck, I picked many images taken with my new C8 and hope it does not look jam-packed.

This is most probably my last telescope purchase, any larger one would require a new mount. I didn't tell my dealer in order not to loose my status as valued customer and discounts for future (very) small gear.



Lunar Impressions February 2021, astropical