Contains:  Solar system body or event
Sunrise Over Gotham, Bob Stevenson

Sunrise Over Gotham

Sunrise Over Gotham, Bob Stevenson

Sunrise Over Gotham



Acquisition details



These shots are from the June 10, 2021 partial solar eclipse over Toronto, and a follow up to my Toronto Eclipsed! composite photo.

This project ended up having a comic book feel to it. I overlaid the individual eclipse photos, taken roughly 180 seconds apart - most at ISO Lo 0.3, f32, no filter (yes, I am crazy).

At some point in the Photoshop work the birds became more important than the sun : )

The one bird shaped like a Klingon battle cruiser did destroy my best exposure of the sun in the missing position. There were so many birds at 5:40am, and no french fries in sight!



Sunrise Over Gotham, Bob Stevenson