Contains:  Solar system body or event
Mars 3 Oct showing Olympus, LacailleOz

Mars 3 Oct showing Olympus

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Mars 3 Oct showing Olympus, LacailleOz

Mars 3 Oct showing Olympus

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Features of note:  The gigantic extinct shield volcano Olympus Mons is to the NNW.  The Tharsis Montes chain of volcanos is visible SE of Olympus, with a very faint haze of clouds overlying them, more clearly visible in the B channel to the right  (in my last image, from 27 Sept, the clouds seemed much thicker over Tharsis). Nearby to the S are the chasms of the Valles Marineris.  The SPC is reduced in size and bifurcated, while blue clouds overly the NPC.

I show not only the B but the R channel - normally I would have posted the IR685 image rather than the R, but the seeing was poor when I was collecting the videos for the IR filter.



Mars 3 Oct showing Olympus, LacailleOz