Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  1 Cas  ·  2 Cas  ·  4 Cas  ·  Bubble Nebula  ·  IC 1470  ·  M 52  ·  NGC 7510  ·  NGC 7538  ·  NGC 7635  ·  NGC 7654  ·  PK110-00.1  ·  PK110-01.1  ·  PK112-00.1  ·  Sh2-156  ·  Sh2-157  ·  Sh2-158  ·  Sh2-159  ·  Sh2-161  ·  Sh2-162  ·  The star 1Cas  ·  The star 2Cas  ·  The star 4Cas
The Bubble Nebula Wide Field Minefield, Daniel Erickson
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The Bubble Nebula Wide Field Minefield

The Bubble Nebula Wide Field Minefield, Daniel Erickson
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The Bubble Nebula Wide Field Minefield



Acquisition details



Some things you should just not do. You don't have the equipment, the conditions are all wrong, and you don't have expertise beyond the mere basic... some things you should just not do.

Trying to get a good Bubble Nebula wide field with my setup was just such a mistake. That said, I worked as diligently as possible to make it at least presentable (thanks @Kevin Morefield for some guidance that at least got me through the experience). Let this be a cautionary tale to those of you novices (like me), with equipment like mine, with inflated expectations of what you can accomplish (like I have) that you will be walking a dangerous path. Some things you should just not do... So give it a try!
