M42 Orion Nebula, Running Man and the Horsehead Nebula, msciwoj

M42 Orion Nebula, Running Man and the Horsehead Nebula

M42 Orion Nebula, Running Man and the Horsehead Nebula, msciwoj

M42 Orion Nebula, Running Man and the Horsehead Nebula



Acquisition details



That is my second astroshot ever. I've started my astrophotography adventure, as I believe many of you have as well, with Orion Nebula last year. I've been carrying my Skyguider Pro, a tripod and my camera in my car for the last few months hoping to get a chance to shoot Orion again and finally the day (or the night rather) had come. I've shot this one in a Bortle 4/5 area, from my parents garden.



M42 Orion Nebula, Running Man and the Horsehead Nebula, msciwoj