Contains:  Solar system body or event
Jupiter and Europa, Benjamin Law

Jupiter and Europa

Jupiter and Europa, Benjamin Law

Jupiter and Europa



Acquisition details



Here is my attempt on Jupiter this time with very good seeing. 

This time one of the Jovian moons, Europa, is also included right beside the gas giant. 

Taken on August 6, 3:20 am EST (UT0720) at Southern Ontario, Canada

Seeing conditions is extremely critical in planetary imaging. There is no magic if seeing is poor, as in typical experience for many of us. 

The sky condition was surprisingly good at around 3 am. I will post a comparison between Good and bad seeing soon. (Attempted July 27 with pretty bad seeing)

Technical details:
Camera: PlayerOne Mars-C
Scope: Sky-watcher 14" Synscan Dobsonian
Barlow: Televue 3X 
Accessory: ZWO ADC
Exposure: 20x1minute
Frame rate: 152fps (average)
Shutter: 5ms
Gain: 310
Jupiter altitude: 43 degrees

Captured 20 1-minute video by FireCapture
Stacked each of the 1-minute video in SER format by Autostkkert3 (20 videos in total) 
Performed wavelet sharpening for each of the 20 stacked images by Registax
Derotated and combined the 20 images in Winjupos.
Sharpened, Denoised again using Registax.
Further final touched in Photoshop.  

*The Jovian moon Europa is stacked separated in Registax and pasted it as a layer using Photoshop



Jupiter and Europa, Benjamin Law