Contains:  Solar system body or event
Solar Eclipse of 2017 GIF image, John Verderame

Solar Eclipse of 2017 GIF image

Solar Eclipse of 2017 GIF image, John Verderame

Solar Eclipse of 2017 GIF image



Acquisition details



This is my first attempt at posting a GIF image on AstroBin, taken with a Nikon D5300 using a 55-300mm lens using a homemade Baader solar film filter.  My wife took the series of images and made the GIF animation out of them in PhotoShop.  Hope it works!  It's of the 2017 solar eclipse, taken from Prescott, Arizona.  The weather was partly cloudy so I missed a few images due to cloud cover, then it cleared up for a bit at the height of the eclipse, then became cloudy and began to rain as soon as the eclipse was over! 

An estimated 2000 people were at the location where I was.  I also had set up a Questar telescope with a Baader solar film cover on it, and children were lining up to look at the eclipse through it.  In an unguarded moment, I turned around to see a little boy wiping off the Brandon eyepiece with his shirt.  I was horrified, but gently explained to him that that was not a good thing to do and why.  His mother was standing nearby, and said to me, "Oh, I'm so sorry!  He sneezed on it!"  That was the last time I would use a good eyepiece for a public meeting!
