NGC 281/SH2-184 Pacman Nebula SHO, James Hillenbrand

NGC 281/SH2-184 Pacman Nebula SHO

NGC 281/SH2-184 Pacman Nebula SHO, James Hillenbrand

NGC 281/SH2-184 Pacman Nebula SHO



Acquisition details



This was the most difficult SHO image for me so far. I had a large reflection artifact appear in my Ha and OIII stacks. I even shot the OIII on a moonless night. I think it came from the star Achird which was just outside the frame. After dealing with that and the usual gradients, I tried several new to me techniques in PixInsight. Took a couple of tries but I'm finally happy with the result. I went with longer times on OIII and SII figuring they were weaker signals to begin with. I think the longer OIII helped with details in the center. My longest integration yet.



NGC 281/SH2-184 Pacman Nebula SHO, James Hillenbrand