Contains:  Other
M63_LRGB, Stephen Duffy


M63_LRGB, Stephen Duffy



Also known as the Sunflower galaxy, it is similar in size to the Milky Way and lies at a distance of about 30MLY, making it appear relatively large in a telescope. It is a "flocculent spiral", meaning that the arms appear grainy and not well defined. There is a fairly prominent dust lane cutting across the nearer edge of the galaxy. This is unusual because it is straight, rather than following the curve of the arms. This suggests it is a recent remnant of an interaction with another galaxy.
Taken from Santa Rosa, CA
Scope: Skywatcher MN190, Camera QSI683, Mount MYT
Luminance 4 hours, RGB 2 hours each filter.
Reprocessed June 2023



M63_LRGB, Stephen Duffy