Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Contains:  Lagoon Nebula  ·  M 8  ·  NGC 6523  ·  NGC 6526  ·  NGC 6530  ·  The star 7 Sgr  ·  The star 9 Sgr
M8  - The Lgoon Nebula (SHO), Bruce Graham
M8  - The Lgoon Nebula (SHO)
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M8 - The Lgoon Nebula (SHO)

M8  - The Lgoon Nebula (SHO), Bruce Graham
M8  - The Lgoon Nebula (SHO)
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M8 - The Lgoon Nebula (SHO)



Acquisition details



Closing in on M8 detailing the core of the Lagoon Nebula, this image is combined in SHO with RGB stars.

Also used SII data to create a Luminance layer to assist in lifting detail in the SII areas in the core area.
Ha - 19 x 180 seconds
OIII - 16 x 180 srconds
SII - 24 x 180 seconds
Stars: R - 10 x 60 seconds, G - 10  x 60 seconds, B - 10 x 60 seconds.
Darks, Flats, and Dark Flats.


Sky plot

Sky plot


M8  - The Lgoon Nebula (SHO), Bruce Graham