Contains:  Solar system body or event
Hi Res widefield of AR 13363 July 12 2023, Jim Lafferty

Hi Res widefield of AR 13363 July 12 2023

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Hi Res widefield of AR 13363 July 12 2023, Jim Lafferty

Hi Res widefield of AR 13363 July 12 2023

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Hi Resolution widefield image of AR 13363. You will need to click on the image for detail resolution of the active region and convection cells
180mm Maksutov at F/30
ASI 174mm camera at .22 arc seconds per pixel
5400 mm fl
Baader 3.8 nd (full aperture)
Continuum filter
July 12, 2023
Redlands, California



Hi Res widefield of AR 13363 July 12 2023, Jim Lafferty

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