Contains:  Solar system body or event
A brief (11 minutes!) animation of AR3615 3/29/2024, rigel123

A brief (11 minutes!) animation of AR3615 3/29/2024

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Oh the clouds were really toying with me today!  I knew AR3615 would be near the limb today so I thought I was lucky when I awoke to clear skies.  Got set up, started capturing AVI's and zap, the clouds took over.  Waited a little and they did have some sucker holes but nothing significant so tore down.  About an hour later it cleared again, and as soon as I thought about setting up again, it clouded over.  This has happened all day long.  Clears up, 15 minutes later, clouds roll in.  So here is a massive 11 minute animation of what I knew would be a lot of activity as this beast reached the limb!  Use your imaginations for the other 49 minutes that I had hoped to get!


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