Contains:  Other
Soul Nebula IC1848 H-Alpha, Terry Hancock

Soul Nebula IC1848 H-Alpha

Soul Nebula IC1848 H-Alpha, Terry Hancock

Soul Nebula IC1848 H-Alpha


My follow up to the recent shoot of it's eastern Neighbor The Heart Nebula IC1805, in H-Alpha

Total Exposure 5 hours

Down Under Observatory on Facebook

Down Under Observatory


Date of Shoot September 12th, 16th 2012

H-Alpha 3nm 10 x 30 min

QHY9M monochrome CCD

Thomas M. Back TMB 92SS F5.5 APO Refractor

Paramount GT-1100S German Equatorial Mount (with MKS 4000)

Image Aquisition Maxim DL

Stacking and Calibrating: CCDStack

Registration of images in Registar

Post Processing Photoshop CS5



Soul Nebula IC1848 H-Alpha, Terry Hancock