Elephant Trunk Nebula Feedback Constructive Critique Requested · astrogrumpy · ... · 2 · 70 · 0

clau_ganxo 1.51
Hi everybody!

I'd love to have some critique on my Elephant Trunk Nebula photo.


Tried my best and maybe used quite an aggressive process which I'm very happy with, but I'd like to see how I could get a better image, and if you notice anything I could process or apply better to improve the quality.

Thanks a lot in advance
astrograndpa 13.23
·  1 like
It is a bold and beautiful image.  I especially like keeping some green and the blue sky is awesome.  the narrowband stars look natural.   I tend to go aggressive also...so no complaints and no suggestions.  -john
clau_ganxo 1.51
Thank you so much, John for your kind words! I'm very pleased with the final result, and the colors... I know sometimes people try to avoid greens but I do not worry so much, as a colorblind I just go with my gut... And I thought it was quite pleasant to me.

Thank you, I appreciate your words!
Edited ...
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