Cep OB2 Association Stars Crowd imaging projects · Daniel Erickson · ... · 5 · 55 · 0

derickson 7.42
A few hours ago I posted Part III of my Cep OB2 Association project here. In the comments @Björn Arnold  and I thought there might be a couple of possible group projects that involve some real exploratory astronomy. You can infer the projects from looking at the comments in the image, but my favorite idea is to photograph using O2 filters the largest of the Type O stars in the association, looking for interesting and heretofore unseen stellar outflows or other manifestations of doubly ionized oxygen  from these magnificent giants...just as Nicolas Outters discovered the Squid Nebula back in 2011. Any interest or thoughts on this? There would be a lot of details to hammer out (and I'm not that kind of organizer, sadly), but I'm excited to do something that has no guarantee of a discovery!
Hi Daniel, I read your post on the image you did mention above, I have a SpaceCat 51, and the Optolong filters. Additionally I am waiting my S-H-O set from Astronomik, but I have to see if I can fit them in the SpaceCat (they are unmounted 36mm), they are meant for my filter wheel in another tube. Also I can do images with QHY183C cooled, which is pretty much the same to the ZWO183 MC Pro, and it is on the SpaceCat. I may have to get, perhaps a 2" O2 filter for this, and a single porta filter.

I am actually at, roughly,  71_W and 35_S, Bortle 6, weather horrible in winter and ok for the rest of the year, depending on "La Niña" or "El niño" currents.... and I have been hunting for details on what I called small cotton balls, which are small nebulas, not that espectacular as the nebulas that are famous like the "prima donnas", that are well known for the brightness and size, but for me they are also very nice.  

So, if you believe that may be useful, let me know. 
Cheers and CS !
derickson 7.42
¡Hola Claudio! Thanks for the input. I love my Cat+183 combo, as I'm sure you do, too. You're pretty far South and I'm pretty far north (47N 122W) and I have an obstructed southern view, no less! Still, I'm wondering if enough of us were shooting along the equatorial... The Scorpius–Centaurus Association stands between us and has a nice selection of hyper blues, so maybe some collaboration is possible. For now, though, I'm really interested in hearing more about these 'small cotton balls' you're talking about...I could get into them. :-)   I sometimes think that too much time is spent on the Prima Donnas and that we need to get into the habit of exploring more...but that is the astronomer in me talking, not the photographer... :-)
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Daniel Erickson:
I'm really interested in hearing more about these 'small cotton balls' you're talking about...

Gracias Daniel ! for your answer, regarding your proposal I will wait, not hurry, they will not move , at least for a couple of years...and something interesting may comes out.

Here you find a couple of examples of those small cotton balls, which are reasonable bright (with a bit more than 2 hours of exposure you can see them):

In other cases, they are very weak, like this ones, with nearly over 9 hours you can barely see them:

Cheers and CS !
derickson 7.42
·  1 like
Yes, they will be there...although we may not be... I'm hoping for a visible supernova during my lifetime, though...one of those Type O has to blow!

Those are certainly interesting little nebulae. ¡Muy amables! In the last image I was struck by Beta Cir. I don't know that region of the sky, at all, so had to look up the star...thinking it may be a Type O or B... Turns out it is Type A, so probably isn't the direct cause of the nebulosity, but I'll need to study the larger context. In the meantime, I will also do one or two more images for my OB2 series. One of the targets is small and faint--we'll see what comes of it.

Cheers and CS to you, too!
barnold84 10.79
·  1 like
Buenas tardes o buenos dias!

I think I could join you guys on some imaging. I'm located at 49N, 9 E. Not too far away from Daniel (latitude-wise). Right now the biggest issue is the weather here. I'm coming to the conclusion that this year we strongly see the (predicted) effects for climate change in Germany. Besides we've summer which means nights are short or non-existend (depending on if you want astro dark for imaging).

From the equipment side, I'd use my Altair 183M (same chip, three vendors 😂 - but mine is just fan cooled 🥵) and could combine it with different equipment (FLs 370mm@f/6, 714mm@f/7, 1420mm@f/7) giving an image scale of about 1.35"pp (with and w/o binning). 

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