NGC 6888 all summer long Crowd imaging projects · Taddeuccis · ... · 3 · 71 · 1

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To join, it would be nice if the focal length of your telescope is around 600mm (even 480mm or around 700mm is good!😜)
Yes, I want to join
Nope, i can't see the object from my location
Nope, i don't match the equipment
Nope, i prefer other objects
Taddeuccis 0.90
Hi dear astrophotography mates.  The summer sky is coming, with all his beautiful nebulas; one of my favorite is NGC 6888 (also known as the Crescent Nebula) in the constellation of the swan (cygnus). So yesterday, as soon as it rised over the buildings around my balcony, i gave it a try, even though it was a bit low. Due some balancing issues, i managed to collect only 2.5h (ISO 800, 150*60s); the result is pretty good considering the light pollution and the exposure, but i would love to see the faintest nebulas in the background all around NGC 6888, so here i am: sharing an idea that may lead us to an amazing picture. From now to half september (when the nebula disappears behind the buildings) i will keep collecting exposure and i would be very glad if someone would join me. I use a 580mm f/5.8 Apo quadruplet, a Canon Eos M3 (APS-C) and an l-eNanche filter (you can use any filter or even no filter). Hope you like the idea. CS
P.S. the image is just stretched (no elaboration: just stacking and then stretched in pixinshight) and compressed to fit here😁
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Doversole83 1.43
My FOV is 2.3 deg with a Redcat51 and an ASI533MC. A bit big for the project....
barnold84 10.79
I‘ve the Crescent Nebula also on my list. It would be visible from now until the end of September and even well into October from now before the sessions  become too short. 

What‘s more important than FOV is Resolution. I checked the numbers and the original resolution is 1.32“/pxl. I would have two options: 370mm and 714mm with two different monochrome cameras giving the very same resolution, although the first is diffraction limited. 

What FOV would you prefer? 
- 2.08x1.39 degree
- 1.05x0.7 degree
- 0.7x0.53 degree

I‘m planning to capture the object in SHO. Also available LRGB. However, at 49N, the night is short. Therefore, I‘d prefer to go for it a bit later (Sept.)
Taddeuccis 0.90
@Björn Arnold 2.08x1.39 is perfect. Don't worry about the time, as i said i will also take some frames in september and maybe also october, so i think we should have all the images at the end of october. Also about the filter, l-eNanche is H-alpha, H-beta and OIII, but i think it's ok LRGB; obviously also SHO is perfect. I'm glad you joined me. See ya, CS
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