Part 2 of the potpourri of rare names/nicknames of astronomical objects (N - Z) Anything goes · Danny Caes · ... · 3 · 703 · 0

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Dear astrobinners, here's Part 2 (N -Z) of rare names/nicknames of astronomical objects beyond the solar system. If one or more of these names and/or nicknames ring a bell, please add information! (especially the coordinates of the named/nicknamed objects).

- Nessie (long filamentary molecular cloud, "spine" of the Scutum-Centaurus arm)
- Norma cluster (Abell 3627)
- Octopus nebula (planetary nebula Drilling 1 in Vela)
- Offramp (telescopic asterism in ??)
- Ogle island (related to Magellanic bridge) (?)
- Ophiuchus superbubble
- Orion dwarf (PGC 17716)
- Orion-Eridanus superbubble
- Parker 1 (telescopic asterism in Leo), aka "3"
- Pavo-Indus supercluster (galaxies)
- Pegasus-Pisces supercluster (SCL 3)
- Pentagon (telescopic asterism in Auriga/Taurus)
- Phoenix supercluster (galaxies)
- Pinwheel nebula (Wolf-Rayet 104 in Sagittarius)
- Pisces-Aries supercluster (galaxies)
- Principes de Asturias nebula (planetary nebula Kohoutek 8 in Cassiopeia)
- Quadrant arc (in Dorado)
- Quaver (see: Eighth note nebula)
- Reticulum dwarf system (Sersic cluster ?) (Reticulum cluster ?), aka PGC 15616
- Sacred mushroom (Reduzzi-Rampazzo 287 in Ara), aka PGC 60379 + PGC 60389, Toadstool galaxies
- Sail (telescopic asterism in ??)
- Sancho's object (PGC 2816139 + PGC 3136298 in Draco)
- Saucepan (telescopic asterism in ??)
- Sausage galaxy (in ??) aka Gaia Enceladus sausage
- SCL@1338+27 (supercluster in ??)
- Sculptor supercluster (SCL 9)
- Scutum supershell (GS 018-04+44)
- Seagull nebula (planetary nebula Kohoutek 3-35 in Vulpecula)
- Secchi's star (very doubtful, is this an existing name?)
- Serpens reflection nebula (Bernes 12)
- Sersic cluster (see: Reticulum dwarf system)
- Sextant / The sextant (in Dorado)
- Shark's jaws nebula (planetary nebula Kohoutek 1-3 in Scorpius)
- Silkworm nebula (planetary nebula PN G004.2+02.1 in Sagittarius)
- Skip loader (telescopic asterism in ??)
- Skyrocket galaxy (KISO 5639 in ??)
- Snowman nebula (open star cluster/nebula Bochum 5 in Puppis), aka Sharpless 302, van den Bergh 97
- Specter (disrupted ultra faint dwarf galaxy in Bootes)
- Spider (Hickson 73 in Bootes), aka Arp 42
- Spindle nebula (planetary nebula PN G354.6+04.7 in Scorpius)
- Stinger of Scorpius (probably an asterism, the so called Fish hook?)
- Streamers / The streamers (Lynds Dark Nebula 1709 in Ophiuchus)
- Sugano's star (variable star V 369 in Orion), aka V 1143 Orionis
- Superantennae (PGC 84913 in Pavo)
- Sweet pea (planetary nebula in Draco)
- Swift's nebula (in Monoceros)
- Swoosh (telescopic asterism in ??)
- Table of Scorpius (telescopic asterism)
- Tadpole (PGC 56870 in Hercules)
- Talon nebula (in Chamaeleon III dark cloud)
- Taffy galaxies (UGC 12914-5 in Pegasus), aka KPG 603
- Taffy II galaxies (Vorontsov-Vel'yaminov 769 in Andromeda), aka KTG 4
- Tasmanian devil / The Tasmanian devil (AT 2022 tsd in ??) (see Wikipedia: Fast blue optical transient)
- Teardrop galaxy (MCG+03-05-013 in Pisces)
- Thin thread (supernova remnant in Cygnus)
- Thumbprint nebula (Bourke, Hyland & Robinson 84 in Chamaeleon)
- Tiny southern cross (telescopic asterism in vela, or Carina?)
- Toadstool galaxies (see: Sacred mushroom)
- Vela junior (supernova remnant RX-J0852.0-4622 in Vela)
- Vela ring (galaxy Reduzzi-Rampazzo 177)
- Vela ring galaxy (catalog number/numbers?)
- Vela X-1 (high mass X-ray binary)
- Virgo-Coma supercluster (SCL 111)
- "Waterworld" (Gliese 1214 in Ophiuchus)
- W. H. Christie's Leo cluster (galaxy cluster)
- Wilk's cluster (open star cluster Melotte 71 in Puppis)
- WMAP cold spot (or W.M.A.P. cold spot?) (in Eridanus)
- Y (telescopic asterism in ??)
- Zwicky's boomerang (galaxy I ZW 207 in ??)
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- Norma cluster (Abell 3627) SIMBAD: Cluster of galaxies at 16:14 / -60°52', aka ACO 3627 (ACO = Abell / Corwin / Olowin)
- Orion dwarf galaxy (PGC 17716) SIMBAD: Galaxy towards a cluster of galaxies, at 5:45 / +5°03'
- Pegasus-Pisces supercluster (SCL 3) SIMBAD: Supercluster of galaxies at 0:08 / +5°30', aka PEG-PSC A Supercluster
- Pinwheel nebula (Wolf-Rayet 104 in Sagittarius) SIMBAD: Wolf-Rayet at 18:02 / -23°37', aka MR 80, "in the centre" of the triangle made by the Lagoon nebula (Messier 8), the Trifid nebula (Messier 20), and the star 4 Sagittarii, at or very near the open star cluster Bochum 14 (thus it is seen on chart 339 of Wil Tirion's Uranometria 2000.0 star atlas (1987). But... why is it called the Pinwheel nebula? (alas... I don't know and don't have the source in which I detected that name)
- Teardrop galaxy (MCG+03-05-013 in Pisces) SIMBAD: Blue compact galaxy at 1:43 / +17°03', aka Markarian 360 (Mrk 360)
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- Skyrocket galaxy (KISO 5639) is a dwarf galaxy in Ursa Major, at 11:41 / +32°25'. Source: Hubblesite
- Sugano's star (perhaps related to the Japanese astronomer Matsuo Sugano, see Wikipedia)
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- Sacred mushroom, aka Toadstool galaxies/galaxy (Reduzzi-Rampazzo 287, aka PGC 60379) SIMBAD: Seyfert 1 galaxy at 17:29 / -62°26' in Ara (note: the list of named objects from CLEAR SKIES also shows PGC 60389, but that's not at all related to Reduzzi-Rampazzo 287 and PGC 60379 because the declination of that object is +65°56')
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