Get to know Kevin Morefield Introduce yourself! · Sascha Wyss · ... · 6 · 289 · 0

View_into_Space 7.16
Today I’m happy to announce the start of a new series: “Let me introduce…”  at my YouTube Channel @ViewintoSpace. These are portraits of the best astrophotographers that are around presently.

And we start with Kevin Morefield. Hear the stories behind the pictures of the Astrophotographer and 28 "Astrobin - Image of the day" winner . He will take you with him from Chile to Antarctica and tells you his secrets for the perfect picture:
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neptune2015 3.01
·  1 like
Sasha great video and what an interview, amazing stuff.
Clear Skies,
BradleyWatson 7.33
·  1 like
Great interview Sascha. Its always nice to see more than just the product of Astro photographers, and it was quite insightful listening to what Kevin had to say and how he has progressed and learned. Of course Kevin is one of my favourites also.
jhayes_tucson 22.40
·  1 like
Sascha Wyss:
Today I’m happy to announce the start of a new series: “Let me introduce…”  at my YouTube Channel @ViewintoSpace. These are portraits of the best astrophotographers that are around presently.

And we start with Kevin Morefield. Hear the stories behind the pictures of the Astrophotographer and 28 "Astrobin - Image of the day" winner . He will take you with him from Chile to Antarctica and tells you his secrets for the perfect picture:

Very well done Sascha!  Kevin is a great guy and a perfect inaugural interview.

- John
Gmadkat 4.44
·  1 like
Thank you for posting this, Sascha, I am an admirer of Kevin's amazing work and learn a lot from his images! 
CS  Gowri
bsteeve 10.80
·  1 like
Great interview! Love hearing about Kevin’s work, great way to start the series
Mintakaite 0.00
·  1 like
Amazing interview!
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