Contains:  Other
NGC_4236_V3, Stephen Duffy


NGC_4236_V3, Stephen Duffy



Most of you will refer to this object as NGC 4236. I will refer to it as Margaret's Wreath, in honor of mother who passed away unexpectedly while I was working on it.
This is a classic barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Draco. Though it is rather large at about 23 arcminutes angular diameter, it has a very low surface brightness which makes it difficult to photograph. It is part of the M81 group of galaxies, and lies approximately 14M light years from Earth. Description credit to SkySafari.

Taken from Santa Rosa CA.
Scope: TEC140 Camera QSI683 Mount:MYT
LRGB image, 15h,5h,5h,5h
Reprocessed April 2023



NGC_4236_V3, Stephen Duffy