Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Ara (Ara)  ·  Contains:  NGC 6134  ·  NGC 6167  ·  NGC 6178  ·  NGC 6188  ·  NGC 6193  ·  NGC 6200  ·  Rim Nebula  ·  The star ε Nor
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The Fighting Dragons of Ara, Zak Jones
The Fighting Dragons of Ara
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The Fighting Dragons of Ara

Revision title: Complete Re-Process Using Latest Techniques

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The Fighting Dragons of Ara, Zak Jones
The Fighting Dragons of Ara
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The Fighting Dragons of Ara

Revision title: Complete Re-Process Using Latest Techniques



Acquisition details



NGC 6188: The Fighting Dragons of Ara

I shot this over two nights in September last year. The first night, although I later found out that the stars had slight, constant trails in every frame. I couldn't determine what was the problem at the time, so I imaged the Dragons again the next night. Whilst I was setting up, I had discovered that one of my cables was tugging on my rig, hence causing the trails. After I fixed that, the stars were fine.

Because of this, I initially didn't edit the data from the first night as I couldn't figure out a way to reduce the trails, so I only edited the data I shot on the second night. All that changed once BlurXTerminator came out late last year. When I got it, I re-stacked both datasets and combined them with WBPP. I am very glad that I didn't delete the first night's dataset as BlurXTerminator did an amazing job at reducing the trails. It just goes to show you should always save your bad data for a rainy day!

I am hoping to try and shoot this majestic area of the night sky again soon, as I always think of The Legend of Zelda games whenever I see these fighting dragons.


Night 1
24 x 2 min
4000 ISO

Night 2
82 x 1 min
6400 ISO

Both Nights
Canon 6Da
Radian 61
Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer
ZWO ASI120mm Mini
ZWO 30mm f/4 Mini Guidescope
PixInsight, Lightroom and Photoshop
Bortle 5



  • The Fighting Dragons of Ara, Zak Jones
  • Final
    The Fighting Dragons of Ara, Zak Jones


Title: Complete Re-Process Using Latest Techniques

Description: Decided to completely re-process this image using the latest techniques, such as processing this image in HOO using NarrowbandNormalization in PixInsight, BXT AI4 and cropping the image wider to showcase the surrounding nebulosity that wasn't visible in my initial edit.

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Sky plot

Sky plot


The Fighting Dragons of Ara, Zak Jones

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