Contains:  Solar system body or event
Animation of Western Limb in CaK 11/14/2023, rigel123

Animation of Western Limb in CaK 11/14/2023

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Animation of Western Limb in CaK 11/14/2023, rigel123

Animation of Western Limb in CaK 11/14/2023

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Started the morning with some CaK images and decided to give an animation a try.  Only planned on 30 minutes to see how it did but then I noticed a surge prom erupt at departing AR3484 so ended up with an hour for this animation.  Not all of the flashing on the surface is real, some of them, particularly in the spots are artifacts from processing and trying to bring out the faint prominences on the limb.  The flare by the lowest spot is real and was at C2.09 at that time.  Image has been rotated 90 degrees CCW.


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