Sculptor Galax  NGC253, James Zhen Yu
Sculptor Galax  NGC253, James Zhen Yu

Sculptor Galax NGC253

Sculptor Galax  NGC253, James Zhen Yu
Sculptor Galax  NGC253, James Zhen Yu

Sculptor Galax NGC253



Acquisition details



Sculptor Galax NGC253 also known as the Silver Coin, Silver Dollar Galaxy is an intermediate spiral galaxy in the constellation Sculptor.My first time using the new harmonic mount to shoot after a few times testing. The guide is better and better but still has trouble when ASI Autorun finished in the morning.The mount didn’t goto the right home position instead of goto 180 degree. CCD: ASI 2600MC PROMount: Sharpstar Mark iiiTelescope: ASKAR 107PHQ + 0.7 ReduserGuide Camera: ASI 120mcGuide Telescope: 50mm GuideFocuser: ZWO EAFControl: ASI AIR PROFilters: Askar 3nm dualband Filter Total exposure:3h 50Min46 frames x300s Temp: -10CGain 100 Offset 50Pixlnsight 1.8.9,PhotoshopLocation: Glenelg East,Adelaide Australia  Bortle 5



Sculptor Galax  NGC253, James Zhen Yu

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