Contains:  Solar system body or event
Solar Eclipse 4/8/2024, Leif Petersen

Solar Eclipse 4/8/2024

Revision title: Third Contact

Solar Eclipse 4/8/2024, Leif Petersen

Solar Eclipse 4/8/2024

Revision title: Third Contact



Acquisition details



After a year of planning and preparation, my wife and I travelled to Hillsboro Texas for the eclipse.  Unfortunately when we arrived the weather did not looking promising. Many who planned the same destination apparently decided to try elsewhere or not come at all.  The city expected 60K plus visitors but it seemed maybe 10-15% of that showed.  Watching Astropheric was not encouraging as none of the models agreed; I wasn't optimistic. 
Waking up the morning of, it was dark and completely overcast and many at our hotel decided to drive to other locations but it didn't look like there were many options that we could reach in time.  We were disappointed that all the planning and expense was for naught but we nevertheless stuck it out and  set up the kit at Wallace Park where we joined by maybe a dozen other umbraphiles and perhaps a hundred or so locals.
As we arrived we began to see some broken clouds and small patches of blue and our spirits began to lift. Excitement was building as we were able to capture some of the early partial phases through the breaks. However, thunderstorms were forecast for early afternoon and we could see dense clouds beginning to form to the south and begin passing overhead. However, as totality approached, remarkably the clouds parted and we were blessed with the beauty of the the diamond ring, baileys beads, massive prominences and corona. Shortly after 3rd Contact a Thundercloud rolled in and obscured the sky for 10 plus  We were very fortunate to witness such a truly breathtaking, awe inspiring and mystical experience; one we're sincerely thankful for and that we'll never forget.



  • Solar Eclipse 4/8/2024, Leif Petersen
  • Solar Eclipse 4/8/2024, Leif Petersen
  • Solar Eclipse 4/8/2024, Leif Petersen
  • Solar Eclipse 4/8/2024, Leif Petersen
  • Final
    Solar Eclipse 4/8/2024, Leif Petersen


Description: Baileys Beads

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Title: Max Totality

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Title: Baileys Beads 2

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Title: Third Contact

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Solar Eclipse 4/8/2024, Leif Petersen