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Crescent Nebula...5552622
M20 & M21, The Spectacular Trifid Amid the Dust of the Milky Way...773932
NGC1333 & active star formation...7762513
Sh2-284 in Monoceros - SHO-LRGB...8921726
NGC 6979 - Pickering's Triangle (SHO)...17451538
Supernova Remnant Simeis 147 - 4 panel mosaic...19624065
Flame, Horsehead and Orion Nebula - 2 panel mosaic...8201437
NEW TYPE OF NEBULA DISCOVERED: The Heart of Hydra, ultra deep 360 hours...7046145150
Andromeda Galaxy in pure H-alpha light...38099430
The Jellyfish Nebula study IC 443...53464
The Boogeyman (LDN 1622)...7981431
Cosmic Painting...24344
Heart Nebula in SHO-LRGB...9111018
Rosette Nebula Mosaic...797626
NGC 253, The Sculptor Galaxy...32612896
The Wizard Nebula NGC 7380...743812
IC59 & IC63 Gamma Cassiopeia Nebula...76376
The Pacman...626821
NGC1499 California Nebula...804914
CTB 1, Sh2-170, PK 116+00.1...8521535
Heart Nebula HA-Starless ---First Light New Baader Ultra Narrowband 3.5 nm CMOS Optimized...272211
NGC 2403...10501011
The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888...1205118
The horsehead nebula...29971750
Messier 78 - The Great Reflection Nebula in Orion...30284356
Ceph Impression - The Bat (Sh2-129) & The Squid (OU4) in OiiiHaRGB...415733
New RoRo-Shelter for Balcony Observatory...25573687
Pacman nebula...9831966
Abell 2151 - Black and White deep field with C2PU T1000...10261616
OU4 and SH2-129...415841102
Orion Nebula with Running man or M42 (My First DSO)...5110
Strottner-Drechsler 1 - Coco's nebula (PNG 185.1-00.9)...31486773
NGC 1365 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...28132036
Elephant's Trunk nebula within IC1396...701730
M17 - Omega Nebula...101879
Comet Neowise - C/2020 F3...1334137
Hyades Cluster...67834
Elephant Trunk - HSO Starless...6831314
Van den Bergh 130 and Barnard 344...6641332
Comet Neowise - 2020/07/19 @ 3:45am CET...304115
Cygnus Wall...786914
Pelican Nebula - IC5070...248210
SH2-308 in HaO3-LRGB...245760101
M78 in LRGB...18132642
M81 L-RGB-Ha...18042145
Messier 1 - Crab Nebula...15510
New Rig All Ready to Go!...661511
Cat's Eye Nebula, under urban conditions and full moon...14592730
SH2-129 & OU4...18652529
LBV 2019abn in M51...1374528
Messier 42/43 en H-Alpha...223722
Ic443 - The Jellyfish Nebula...26752
Ic 434 in 3D...4581120
NGC 2170 in Monoceros...15312819
Moon Crater Copernicus...7520
Hickson 44 galaxy cluster...21433031
Liberty's statue nebula HOO. NGC3603 and NGC3576...496912
NGC 2170...7331521
C2177 Seagull Nebula...13281341
The Elephant Trunk - Hubble Palette...18671319
Messier 106 'complete'...46094944
SH2-308 in HaO3-LRGB...24117968
4 Panel Rosette Mosaic - Caldwell 49...11672232
NGC 2264 - Cone Nebula...12392766
The Horsehead and Flame Nebula - TOA-150 Test...146682
LBN 749 and NGC 1333...7011210
M109, the Vacuum Cleaner...44730
Horsehead Nebula - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...26223831
Fighting Dragons of Ara (HaLRGB)...27132
NGC2264 Cone Nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster...31044
Starless and Starry Crescent...27934
NGC 1808...1053164
NGC 253...8701121
NGC 2170...903108
Comet 46P/Wirtanen passing Auriga...17120
NGC 4302 and NGC 4298...843135
NGC 1333 - ESO DSS2 RVB + Nasa Chandra :-) - Please Zoom !...4971118
M17 Swan-Nebula...42612
IC410 The Tadpoles Nebula Bicolor...32152
Crescent & Soap Bubble Nebulae in HOO (NGC6888 & PNG75.5+1.7)...7471820
NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula (Bicolor)...12832232
Summer Memories: The Perseids 2018...68557
IC 417 Spider & Fly Nebula...84067
The Trifid Nebula...85249
Deep in the Heart of Mordor... The Helix, NGC 7293...36685044
My gear...47421
NGC 4038...59056
Sharpless 232 (Sh2-232) and Companions in SHO-LRGB...711136
Western Veil in SHO-LRGB...12481225
NGC7293 - Helix Nebula...1026610
NGC 1893 - Tadpole Nebula in SHO-LRGB...8312524
NGC 7822...12511113
The Hidden Galaxy - IC342 - LRGB...1024106
PuWe1 (Purgathofer-Weinberger1, PNG 158.9 + 17.8)...7752023
NGC 7822 in SHO-LRGB...31554
The Wizard Nebula NGC 7380...51636
NGC 7822 in Cepheus...38530
Lobster Claw Nebula - SH2-157 - Hubble Palette...70152
SH2-157 The Lobster Nebula SHO...63550
Gamma Cas Nebula VdB 5...25312
Lobster Claw and Bubble Nebula mosaic...433128
Barnard 175 - Cosmic Curiosities...30746154
8 tiles mosaic in cygnus...564212092
M20 - Trifid Nebula (HaLRGB)...8421020
LDN1228 - LBN552 - GN 21.00.4...11642522
CELESTRON 11" EDGEHD S/N 980202...1899119
IC 1795 - The Fishhead Nebula - SHO...7691426
IC 1340, aka Bat Nebula (bicolor)...13982616
The Cocoon nebula (IC 5146, Sh2-125)...9364159107
VdB 132...32944
The Scorpion's Head - A Panorama of Stars and Nebulae...29605040
IC 5070...18412
IC 2944 the Running Chicken Nebula...19920
Cone nebula / Christams tree cluster / fox fur nebula...26928
M82 Redux...133398
Messier 100 and some other Virgo Cluster Companions...15724
M13-2018 ZWO ASI294MC Pro First Light...94538
M81, second version of a LRHaGB crowd picture...803812
With a little help from my friend .......21026
IC 2177...40351
IC434 en HaRVB...4861518
NGC 6744...57354
Starless IC405 (second version with stars)...22476253
M17 Narrowband...44334
Antares and Rho Oph 135mm...3579377
IC447 Reflection Nebula...17802016
NGC 2264 Cone Nebula / Christmas Tree Cluster...58965
JellyFish Nebula..A Work in Progress...370511
IC 63...31865
Arp 94...458264
SH2-129 & Ou4 Flying Bat & Squid Nebula...74236141
Antares & Neighbourhood...716117
Vela SNR (Gum 12)...957136
NGC 772 Galaxy...41594
Meine Sternwarte...16382957
IC 1396A...17762021
Eastern Veil Nebula (NGC 6979) - HOO Narrowband...54853
NGC 3324 Gabriela Mistral Nebula...45654
Saturn - Season 2017...23102322
M51 the Whirlpool Galaxy...133566214
LDN 1250...25835124
How to star freeze a comet image (part 2)...1626234
Eagle Nebula M16 HaLRGB Close up...43638
NGC 2264...34810
Simeis 147 - The Spaghetti Nebula...35114119
4ème version de la comète Lovejoy avec 11 brutes de 2'...46954
Polsequenz mit ISS...27760
Comet Lovejoy 1_12_2015...53033
NGC2244 Rosettennebel...60864