These are the users that follow gmadkat mutually.
Dcolam Dcolam 155267
cyrma Cyrille Malo 266796
alaabedewi Alaa El Bedewi 296085 Aris Pope 65129277
Rigoldi Eduardo Rigoldi Fernandes 68118132
MrCrazyPhysicist MrCrazyPhysicist 54177356
Tlg13 Tlg13 2311576
Jojo2134 Jojo2134 7813
kredy11 Adam Lewczuk 393154
electro77 Jim Estes 0243456
wspba wspba 153529
PrashantR Prashant Ranganath 3418580
EwertonHahnBR EwertonHahnBR 292527
udo2858 Udo Heurich 152646
cristi.arhip Cristian Arhip 181946
mdgtron Ron Lundgren 13917637
Jellyfi Jellyfi 325
Thiago_Coragem Thiago Lucas da Silva 59106143
NorthPointAstronomy Kash 51225
paulg paulg 7993195
osc_neon-palette OSC Neon Palette 1671110
ScotiaAstro ScotiaAstro 66109209
MrSpaceman MrSpaceman 206139
lkh0460 Kyunghoon Lim 38130114
psparkman psparkman 5026342
GigiWal5042 Jelieta Walinski Ph.D 302024
Zaks_Astrophotography Zak Jones 162633
marianobritogomez marianobritogomez 8197306
StellarHitchhiker Megan 261016
Wolfgang-Promper Wolfgang Promper 247109523 Jiang Wu 178961
Aaryaswakris krishnan 41341
estroinov estroinov 262846
s3rg10_92 Sergio Pérez 2477226
mbushee Matt 232881
Jay_Grevell Jay Grevell 2560146
heavymetaller Bill Lorence 5880124
Galunga Tom Bock 71212
JJofre JJofre 243147
cbc_astro Chiradeep Chhaya 273265
woodbine Woodbine 1134
JanHeremans JanHeremans 27202247
jyan97 Jingquan Yan 275586
DoubleStarPhotography DoubleStarPhotography 208289544
voloire Franco Geraci (aka Voloire) 379174525
hwasenegger Heinrich Wasenegger 99177168
Mad_Smerinoff Robert Fidler 171327
rxknhe Rajeev Meharwal 2845116
bdm201170 Brian Diaz 82539162
Ali+59@ Alicia Rossiter 338245118
RFL R. Lamb 172320
Astro_T Tanner Golden 416732
Ahmed_Alfkaiki Ahmed Alfkaiki 169 Larry Pizzi 9792253
WhooptieDo Brian Puhl 51528763
BrianH BrianH 70104143
joe_pro_astro joe_pro_astro 1414
Charly Karl Böckl 78189211
steller steller 454770
SpaceBars Bars Károlyi 2496634