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NGC7822 BiColor Version...644116
Venus IR+UV...22722
NGC7000 and IC5070 -The North American and Pelican Nebulae...16310
Fireworks Galaxy NGC 6946...24651415
IC348 and Bernard 3,4...25630
NGC 7635 - The Bubble - Monochrome...512132
NGC 660 in Pisces 11/7/2015...41521
Ngc1499 - HaSho- California Nebula...9321912
Alpes, Caucasus and Apenninus, from Aristoteles-Eudoxus to Archimedes ...11932
wide field...10411613
Venus IR & UV...22115
IC405 SH2-229...54750
Venus 2015/11/07...19242
Soul & Heart ...7221214
M33 Triangulum Galaxy...254220
Bubble Nebula, SH2-157, M52 and a few extras too! 2 pane Mosiac...21453530
Cederblad 214 & NGC 7822 - Apo 66/400...70932
Sh2-171 Nebula Narrowband (Hubble palette)...55431
The Bubble Nebula - HaOIII...59840
NGC 2070...45770
Venus IR-(IR+UV)-UV...15630
VdB 126...373196
Posidonius 301015 Newton 625 mm barlow 3 filtre orange 570 nm Luc CATHALA...28144
Corona Australis...45152
Posidonius 301015 Newton 625 mm barlow 3 filtre IR 742 Luc CATHALA...23934
M 31 - the Andromeda Galaxy...1122812
The Ghost haunting Gamma Cassiopeia...27922
NGC 1333...484189
Great Orion Nebula in HDR...44396
VdB 126...15802514
Platon 070815 Newton 625 mm barlow 3 IR 610 à 100% Luc CATHALA...50147
IC59 & IC63...770146
albireo cloudy night...11310
IC 59 & IC 63...14992724
IC5070 with superluminanse...75164
M1 in espansione (Dati Kitt Peak 4-meter +Newton 200/1000)...1381711
NGC 383 group in Pisces LRGB...58048
IC1396 Elephant's Trunk nebula...11310
Aristoteles, Archimedes and Plato...7810
HFG 1 (PK 136+05) Planetary Nebula, Olll_H-alpha Bicolor Image...10891317
NGC 7822...18710
North East of Mare Imbrium from Plato to Archimedes...6410
NGC 6822 Barnard's Galaxy...18621525
NGC 346...34633
The many faces of the Andromeda...50352411
NGC 7822...42281
Ngc 2146 LhaRGB...60164
Purbach - South Pole...9530
We Are All Made of Star Dust- R.I.P Dad...16544599
NGC1499 Nebulosa California...35324
M42 - First panel LRGB...74830
M 15...12420
IC5070 Narrowband...73937
Orion Nebula...29732
VdB 149...1004276
NGC6888 BiColor with RGB Stars...7221115
M-15 globular cluster in Pegasus...14410
NGC6914 - a lovely mix of emission, reflection and dark nebulosity...11601314
Iris Nebula...112733
NGC 772 (Arp 78)...22002911
NGC 253 - Sculptor Galaxy...20510
Messier 33 - Triangulum Galaxy...65510
NGC 7000 Ha RGB...17020
The Pleiades and Hyades at 50mm...31810
NGC 891...35820
IC5070 Pelican Nebula in Bicolor...42232
NGC253 Glx du sculpteur...55045
M33 Triangulum Galaxy HaLRGB...23283820
Heart of the Heart...23720
NGC 7822...47731
Gamma Cassiopeia, IC 59 und IC 63...70738
IC 5070 The dark side of Pelican. Narrowband...61276
Elefantenrüssel HaRGB - Teamwork mit Hagen ;)...18710
NGC 7331...510214
The Cave Nebula...133862
Heart Nebula, IC 1805...427612
IC1805 RGB-bicolor...69210
NGC7822 SIIHaOIII...57640
The Crab Nebula...8410
IC 1848 The Soul nebula in narrowband...22720
Hot Lagoon starless...9731
Cygnus Loop...39120
North America and Pelican Nebulae...33020
IC 1871, The Whirling Dervish Nebula, Hubble Palette...653412
Eastern Veil Nebula...36530
Aurora Borealis...8381021
IC 1805 narowband SHO ...32710
M33 HaLRGB from SRO, DSW & SRO...87096
IC 1871 H-alpha...44926
NGC 7822...66720
NGC 7822 SHO...18343128
NGC 1365...76760
Heart Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha...818515
SH2-155, Cave Nebula or Caldwell 9 HaSO+RGB...26930
Constellation Cassiopeia...28850
HFG1 Planetary Nebula...23353023
Rosette Nebula SHO...33125
Messier 83 (Southern Pinwheel Galaxy, M83 or NGC 5236)...29920
Plato, Alpes & Cassini...10830
NGC7822+Ced214 HaOIIISII-RGB...28820
Citizen M33...84534
Soul Nebula - SH2 199...29241
NGC 7822 Ha...69685
IC 1805 Ha...21834
SH2-129 and OU4 (The Bat and Squid)...556118
NGC 1333 cropped...1077815
NGC7822 and Cederblad 214...41630
SH2-155, Cave Nebula or Caldwell 9 Hubble + RGB ...46040
Melotte 15 in the Heart of the Heart nebula (IC 1805) - SHO marathon !...29742633
Crab Nebula (M1)...29620
IC 443...18840
IC1396 in Hubble Colors...495612
Arzachel 180413 Newton 625 mm barlow 3 filtre IR742 Comparatif 300915 traitement V1/V2 à 120% Luc CATHALA...28730
Arzachel 180413 Newton 625 mm barlow 3 filtre IR742 retraité 300915 à 120% Luc CATHALA...27431
Cygnus Group...17210
Super Moon Eclipse 2015...18920
Cave Nebula...630910
Iris nebula (Ngc 7023) Poss II DSS...118177
Starless IC 1396 widefield ...34031
The Cave Nebula...15110
IC 1848, Soul Nebula...42054
IC410 Nebula Bicolor and SHO Palette...715912
Ic1805 SHO Center of nébula...39942
M33 LRGB - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...1181217
NGC 7497 and the Integrated Flux Nebula, LRGB...32233943
NGC7635 Bubble Nebula & M52 Cluster companion...50554
Deer Lick group, Stephan's Quintet and a little IFN...117693
VDB150 VDB152...1055156
IC 1805...50241
300mm Andromeda...199828
NGC 7023. The Iris Nebula: The Space Flower...1012152
M42 IC434...17411413
NGC 1333 in a Dusty Field...13492218
A rain drop in the heavens...1131276
IC1396 Elephant Trunk Nebula...68647
Propellor Nebula...969138
Heart Nebula, IC 1805 H-alpha, First light for WO Star 71...432110
Earthlight on a Crescent Moon & 95 Vir ...14310
M33-Triangulum Galaxy!...15591113
The false comet in Scorpius...12910
NGC 2070 and around in LRGB...84978
M51- Public Data Pool...46810
Heart Nebula Hubble Palette...21041512
Moretus 060815 Newton 625mm barlow 4 filtre IR805 Luc CATHALA...34222
M015 2015...99133
M1 The Crab nebula Mag limite 19.1 (Added 2 hours of exposure)...136025
Great Andromeda Galaxy!...14052012
Pickering's triangle...581811
The Tulip Nebula Widefield...692510
NGC281 Pacman Nebula HSO Edition...51635
M74 galaxy, unguided....52842
Sco-Oph-Lib region...55599430
Cat's Paw Nebula...18352
NGC 6995 The Bat...23164115
NGC6604 and Sh2-54 Scary Face Nebula...1239310
IC1805 - Ha and Colour...37126
The Western Veil, NGC 6960...68214
Helix Nebula...1398620
The Squid Nebula, OU4, Hubble Palette with RGB Stars...4371112
NGC 7686...5910
Perseus Double Cluster...6810
Running Chicken...49261
NGC 2070 - Tarantula Nebula...59594
SH2-132 3nm Review By Filter (HA, OIII, SII, NII now added)...956412
Great Orion Nebula, M42, Starless Hubble Palette...41421
Pleiades (Unguided)...25520
la lune du 25 aout 2015...16412
IC 1396, Hubble Palette, Not your usual view...29120
M8, M20 and around - with Canon 200mm F2.8 FD...61921
M 77...54154
Andromeda Galaxy HaLRGB...1012310
IC 405 & IC 410...12220
M 45 Pleiadi...41210
NGC7380 Hubble Palette...60036
M33 Triangulum Galaxy...47240
NGC7331 & Stephan's Quintet...46031
Helix Nebula...44081
Hainzel 080815 Newton 625 mm barlow 3 filtre IR685 Luc CATHALA...13221
M17 Omega nebula...1915139
Large Magellanic Cloud - APOD on 2015 Aug 27...45531731
The Iris Nebula...77875
630 km de Sporer à Purbach G 070815 Newton 625 mm barlow 3 filtre IR610 Luc CATHALA...18732
NGC 6960, The Witch's Broom...456114
Trifid & Lagoon Nebula...42615
NGC 7000 Bi-Colour...82987
Complex of the Veil - Super mosaic (42 Panels)...9091113
NGC 6914...38094
NGC6888 - Crescent Nebula...12410
Crescent and Soap Bubble...41496
Lagoon and Trifid...33720
Der Irisnebel - NGC 7023...21620
M31 Andromeda - 7 Panels Mosaic...200457
Could this be another ghost crater?...12420
NGC 1333 area...29132
NGC 7635, Bubble Nebula...30544
M76 Small and interesting...54096
Lagoon and Trifid...42320
Draco Triplet of galaxies...20350
The Rho Ophiuchi Nebula...49060
NGC 253 - Sculptor Galaxy in 3x Drizzle...18081520
NGC7023 Iris Nebula...86067
Swan Nebula M17...41441
SH2-101 Tulip nebula in Hubble colors...38514
M8 Lagoon Nebula in Ha, O3 and RGB...13961618
Centaurus A...1225913
Caldwell 9 - Cave Nebula in RGB with Ha for Luminance...26720
Eastern Veil Nebula -- Bi-Color...39066
Sh2-129 and Ou4...30702414
SH2-101 Tulip nebula...26230
Orion Nebula...18252
M104 - Sombrero Galaxy...76729
M27 BiColor...1403102
Mare Humboldtianum...26921
NGC 896 Ha OIII...30041
Messier 51 LRGB Whirlpool Galaxy...66563
NGC5390 and few other small galaxies in Canes Venatici...25452
Tulip Nebula...47239
LBN 492...54832
Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex...43333738
Andrómeda Galaxy...31320
Sharpless 86...12711213
NGC 6960 - the Veil Nebula and 52 Cygni...1451129
NGC 6960 Panorama Mosaik...1079914
NGC 6995, the network...14991916
IC 5070...12424
vdb149 - Deep Sky West (reprocessed)...14242130
Crescent Nebula - HST pallet...45664
130° Panoramic...221592
NGC 6888 - The Crescent Nebula...24212128
Milky Way and the Earth (Fixed Tripod)...119422
Spaghetti Nebula...56154
M8 Lagoon Nebula - DSW Unguided test data...1410915
Sommernachtshimmel: M17, M24, IC 1284 und Freunde mit Nikon d810a...164449
Cave Nebula, Sh2-155...14851915
NGC 7380, The Wizard Nebula...34146
Elephant Trunk Widefield...57721
The Wall - Ngc7000...107788
Iris and the Ghost (NGC 7023 to vdB 141 area)...16510
Sharpless 115, a 3D-study...43574
OU4 (Giant Squid) and Sh2-129 Wide Field...38952
Galactic Center from Crete...18510
Nebulae around Antares...24150
Der Pfeil ist bunt!...44022
In einer schönen Sommernacht... Test Nikon d810a...16891121
IC5146 - Cocoon Nebula DSW Test data...14221910
Cocoon Widefield...39510
Trifid Nebula...25463
Atlas and Hercules, a dip in the night lunar!...22430
NGC 7023 (Iris Nebula) Widefield...637414
NGC6888 mixed Bicolor with Hubble Colors ...535106
3D-study of the Pelican Nebula...24892
The Dumbbell Nebula - M27 - Hubble Palette with RGB Stars...57766
NGC6888 Crescent Nebula BiColor...13672115
Globular Cluster M68...72951
Moon plane transit...17710
Cygnus Loop...10720
Veil Ha...14010
Ic1396 SHO Version - Interim Version...12891018
Gabriela Mistral Nebula and the Pendant...59851
IC 5146 und B168...61425
The Wizard, NGC 7380, SHO Hubble Palette...130998
IC2118 - Witch Head Nebula (Xmas Leftovers!)...9622020
Aristillus et Autolycus 07/07/15 Newton 625 mm barlow 3 IR 685 Luc CATHALA...13920
NGC7000 and IC5070 - Ha and OSC data...38662217
Sh2-155 "Cave Nebula"...13441810
NGC 1566 ...53521
NGC6888 in Hubble Colors...48643
Antares and friends...18532
NGC 7635 The Bubble Nebula...27824
Dwarf planet Plutos trail over two days...37530
Pluto and NGC 6716...38640
Saturn 2015 02 24 - OSC ASI120MC image - my first +63 storm capture...13510
M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy...12830
Saturn from yore... 2012-04-24...13213
IC 5070 aka "The Pelican Nebula"...27924
Lune : Limbe sud de Moretus à Bailly 01/07/15 Newton 625 mm barlow 2 IR805 Luc CATHALA...16010
NGC6888 Crescent Nebula in Bicolor...59046
NGC 2264 Narrow Band...31411
Lupus III Dark Cloud...85974
Rimae Triesnecker and Rima Hyginus...19711
Venus UV animation - 2015 06 24...10510
M81 + M82 + IFN...16273213
North America & Pelican Nebulae...13641218
Eagle Nebula...17523
Sadr Zone (Four mosaic panels)...9831413
NGC 6914 in Cygnus...18962022
M13 The Hercules Cluster, LRGB Image, from HD8...76865
NGC7000 Bi Color...60113
Ngc6992/6995 - Two Panel mosaic...120193
Saturn - June 27, 2015...39336
Ngc6992 ...41070
Venus UV...15330
SH2-101 SHO...42588
IC1318 & Sadr...16510
Tulip nebula Sh2-101...28323
NGC7023 and Vdb 141 - The Iris and Ghost nebula...25032626
Abell39 Planetary Nebula...127863
M8 M20...49141
Pelican nebula in NB...12281321
Ngc6960 - Citizen RGB...31901533
M16 Pillars of Creation (Best viewed at larger size)...8561017
M13 The Hercules Cluster, LRGB Image, First Image from RC8...1895168
M13 - Hercules Cluster...41365
Sun Halfa...29510
Abell 39 - Luminance from the city...42930
NGC 2359...1025209
Rho Ophiuchi Widefield...132765
Alphonse 18/04/13 Newton 625 mm barlow 3 IR742 Luc CATHALA...34523
M51 processing experiment, mixing this one at f/5 with f/6.3 one, unguided. And faint galaxies, one of them of 21.67 magnitude....9901010
Iris Nebula NGC 7023...1692207
IC 5070 /5067 Pelican Nebula Bicolor...15581619
Venus UV ...14920
Sadr and Surrounding Nebula...86257
Iris in the Dust, NGC 7023...29724
NGC 2261 - Hubbles Variable Nebula...14081316
M81 & M82 - Bode's Galaxies...22120
Le triangle de Pickering Ha OIII...42168
Leo Triplett...15171118
Abell 2218...99872
Saturn animation - 610nm longpass - 150% enlargment - 64N storm...11345
Venus UV...12810
NGC 7000 Test Nikon d810a für Color Foto...152748
M16 The eagle nebula 50% crop...41510
Rho Ophiuchi Region!...20022019
Saturn animation - 64N feature in red + IR spectrum...11820
Melotte 15 Ha...538610
Little Orion Nebula (Messier 78)...37075
A Forgotten M3 Close-up...81794
NGC 7000 SHO...39722
NGC7000 CROP...22840
IC5070 Huble-Palette...41751
Saturn - June 11, 2015...44510
Eta Carinae (LHaRGB)...42010
IC 348 (Omicron Persei)...788144
Rosette Nebula...46910
NGC 6188...44730
IC 4592, the Blue Horsehead...18352410
Copernicus area mosaic...30632
M78 - reprocessed...475107
The Bubble nebula - False... and true Bicolor experiment on NGC 7635...124424
NGC 6618...30640
Saturn - June 6, 2015...19022
Narrowband real color - NGC7000 and IC5070...69651
First Light @ FOVO (Field of View Observatory) - IC 5070 Test shot & WIP Updates...1091820
M-51 Whirlpool Galaxy in Canes Venatici...17310
M 96...10071011
NGC7000 HA ...24650
Whirlpool Galaxy...23182311
Large Magellanic Cloud...12202111
M5, NGC 5904 LRGB...10721110
Squid Nebula in OIIIRGB...23473537
NGC 7635 - Colour (Custom Palette)...11612626
M 51 Whirlpool Galaxy...13291629
Messier 81-82...10410
M51 Public Data Pool by cicciobocc - My Processing version...19171016
Saturn, April 25th, 2015...71992432
M81 (LRGB)...85685
NGC 5128, Centaurus A...28801513
M 13...33921
Solar eclipse animation 20.03.2015...5471814
M 51...14211
Clouds of Orion, Galactic Hunter...46889430
IC405 ( The Flaming Star Nebula)...257471
Sun in H-alpha...716106
HaOIIIRGB NGC2244...169855
A cosmic fairy tale...17982611
IC59 & 63...23730
M33 Galaxie du Triangle Avec la collaboration de DAGAR...28430
M45 with old data ...31410
DWB 111 Propeller nebula...18122
NGC 7635, Bubble Nebula, Hubble Palette, Narrowfield...18141418
NGC6914 HaR-RHaVB...29644
Evolution du traitement sur le cratère Alphonse pris le 18/04/13...33240
Leo Triplet...36223224
Abell21 Medusa Nebula...66234
SH2_132 narrowband...1403207