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La Carène NGC3372...66198
NGC 7635 - The Bubble Nebula and Neighbors "Natural" Version...14472335
Rosette nebula...21072735
Be142 Dark Nebula in Chaemeleon...39892
Sh2-240 Simeis 147...20052414
My take on the iconic Whirlpool galaxy...103674
NGC 1333 in Perseus...53443424
NGC 1499 California Nebula...53035
NGC6357 reprocessed...23932927
Horsehead & Flame Nebula reagion (Ha-RGB)...1031159
Deep in the Heart of Mordor... The Helix, NGC 7293...36715044
Heart of the Heart & Melotte 15...10372317
IC1396 - La trompe de Céphée...708722
Sh2-173 - Phantom of the Opera...6461615
Horsehead Nebula B33 IC434...115498
California Nebula...691913
IC 1396...59656
Soul Nebula (Narrowband)...6461222
NGC 7822...14531112
NGC 6888 - Crescent Nebula (Bicolor)...8561514
Sh2-190 & IC1805...7181818
NGC 6820 / NGC 6823 / SH2-86 (SHO)...21731112
SH2-157 in HaO3-LRGB...7581412
NGC 6823 HaSHO...558429
Barnard 150...367109
M31 en 7h50...45247
Mars from Chilescope, 7 September 2018...16261920
NGC6820 in SHO-LRGB...44270
IC1805 HOO...16522436
NGC 6888 Bad Sky...50454
M17 - Omega Nebula / Swan Nebula (SHO)...86492
Elephant Nebula - IC1396 (SHO)...15920
NGC 6888 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...658138
Pillars of creation RC ASA 40'...711610
M31 Andromeda galaxy Ha enhanced...101999
Andromeda 2018...26022417
Mars - 2018/8/17...19722
Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner in front of HDW2...16411829
Iris Nebula (NGC 7023)...18322
Mily Way from Crete...12221
Mars 16 Aug 2018 - Valles Marineris - 3 min capture...1113719
NGC 6888...27022
Messier 31 - The Andromeda Nebula Mosaic in 8K resolution...15343780
M31 Widefield...9421420
NGC 7023, Irisnebel...32620
M31 Andromeda Galaxy...10481311
IC 1396 - Elephant's Trunk SHO...21263033
Crescent Nebula (bicolor)...398920
The Veil Nebula - HOO Combination...57840
The North America Nebula - HOO combination...61223
Teapot with Extra Tip - Saturn visiting the Galatic Center - Jul 2018 v1...105834
The Scorpion's Head - A Panorama of Stars and Nebulae...29665040
M16 - HST...44512
Saturn 08/06/18...75310
Mars 2018_08_06...82868
Crescent nebula NGC6888...264087
nebuleuse du scorpion...16816
NGC 6888 Bicolor...16742031
Saturn - 2018/7/29...43110
NGC 7023 Iris nebula...3135109
Barnard 228 – the Dark Wolf Nebula in Lupus - APOD 26/jul/2018...25741319
NGC 6960 Veil Nebula West in HOO...468916
Iris Nebula Region...14312325
NGC 6888 - The Crescent Nebula...28401824
IC 1805 center..Melotte 15 SHO...11614
Crescent nebula...19533
M31, M32, NGC205 The Andromeda Galaxy...573917
NGC6888 The Crescent Nebula...612913
North American Nebula (NGC 7000) in HOO...28210
Crescent nebula...21155
LDN 1251 - Dark Nebula in Cepheus...21810
Sharpless 2-132: the Lion Nebula in Cepheus - a two-panel bicolour mosaic...24646
M83 NGC5236...18121322
The Crescent Nebula, NGC6888 (Ha, OIII)...692115
Saturn 2018/6/30...18920
IC1848 The Soul Nebula...23532
M 83...45662
Iris Nebula just elaboration...20812
NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula and PN G75.5+1.7 Soap Bubble Nebula, bicolor...84945
Crescent Nebula - NGC 6888...13110
Progression of the dust storm on Mars - May- June 2018...13621
Saturn 11 June 2018 - storm near North Pole...7410
Jupiter and Ganymede 11 June 2018 - composite image...8127
NGC7380 - The Wizzard Nebula in SHO-LRGB...766918
The iris nebula - NGC 7023...23714
Moretus, Clavius and Tycho region...32042
Clavius and Moretus...16934
The Catcher's Mitt Nebula - IC4685...42544
M83 - The Southern Pinwheel Galaxy...36382311
Bernes 149 - 2018...244212
jupiter May 16, 2018 (4)...55424
Celestial Variety: NGC6946, NGC6939, Barnard 150, SH2-129 and OU4 (HAOIIIRGB)...27337887
Saturn 5_25_18...43610
Sharpless 86...15210
Jupiter 2018/5/19...27528
Iris Nebula...10641310
M31 RH305-16803 (Deep Sky West)...34723
Western veil & pickerings triangle...23455
Saturn with Celestron 6SE take 3...53838
Saturn. 25.04.2018....1700910
The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) - Cropped...1182214
M96 - An Asymmetric Spiral...16973323
Clavius, Moretus ( 24.04.2018)...17754
Hyginus, Triesnecker ( 24.04.2018)...10526
SH2 129 & OU4 - testing new camera on Hyperstar...13361437
JUPITER 04-04-2018...62719
Iris and Ghost...17842516
M 83...31511
3D Fly-in -- Simeis 147 / sh2-240 / Spaghetti Nebula (HaO3RGB)...33225944
Rosette Nebula - SHO from DSW...436512
IC 410 (RGB with HSO enhancement)...26726
Ldn 1622 "Boogie Man Nebula"...578106
NGC 5248...19538
NGC4565 - The Needle Galaxy...12962836
ngc 7331 in Pegasus...15991217
Sh2 290 Abell 31...61070
NGC2244 - Rosetta Nebula...55935
Jupiter, March 05-2018...26722
SH2-170 - the Little Rosette Nebula...1473292
Just another Moon...32036
Copernicus - BLUE FILTER...35844
LBN782 LRGB...844143
Rosette Nebula - Bicolor...66424
IC 443...30392341
Rosette Nebula Narrow Band...53323
Rosettennebel NGC2237 / NGC 2238 / NGC 2239 / NGC 2244 / NGC 2246 Bicolor...7791710
Oh My Gourd; Gourd Nebula SH2-308...13452918
Simeis 147 / sh2-240 / Spaghetti Nebula (HaO3RGB)...34924031
M51 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...8931513
M83 (NGC 5236) Southern Pinwheel Galaxy...26442
Nébuleuse de la Rosette en HARVB...25811
M78 / NGC 2068 AAPOD² 16 March 2019...438512
Horsehead and NGC 2024...17260
Rosette Nebula HOO v2.0...12041719
Rosette Nebula...32243
IC 443 - Jellyfish nebula...337411
M45 Pleiades...9810
B33 and IC434, APO 80x480 / ATIK ONE / AZEQ6...23422
Messier 82 - Cigar Galaxy...142631
M16 Eagle Nebula RGB+Ha...28220
M51 whirlpool galaxy...54424
Rosette Nebula...14251310
M95 in Leo...19433042
M 42...99852
Rosette Nebula in Hubble Palette...329414
IC 2118 - Witch Head Nebula...18221315
Jupiter RGB 2018 02 03 First GRS for the season...15413
The Rosette - NGC2237...67793
Shrpless-2 240...39352
Gems of Auriga...30105737
Pleiades and C/2016 R2 Panstarrs...18740
IC443 Jellyfish Nebula - Luminanz...562621
Rosette Nebula - SHO...10441016
Rosette Nebula RGB + Ha...57730
M81/82 Widefield - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...641812
M42 - Orion Nebula. An HDR experiment....15810
The Pleiades RGB...48488
NGC 2237 SHO...547917
The Rosette Nebula - Hubble Palette...6281318
Flame and Horsehead Nebula Wide Field HaRGB...37620
M88 & M91...28334
Rosette NGC2239...39754
Messier 78 in Orion - with a hint of Barnard's Loop...39748
IC 410 - The Tadpoles Nebula...222978
NGC-1333 @ DSW...32872
M1 - Drizzled & Cropped - Ha-L-RGB...33626
Flame and Horsehead Nebulae...505616
Nebulosa Testa di Strega - IC 2118...60520
NGC2024/Flame Nebula, B33/Horsehead Nebula and IC434...17491715
M78 Dark Nebula...672427
Simeis 147 aka Sh2-240...51982914
Aristarchus - Herodotus plateau...24354
Posidonius, Chacornac, Daniell, Rima G. Bond 16/11/2016 625 mm barlow 3 filtre IR 685 qhy5-III 178M 100 et 70% Luc CATHALA...20010
A Hubble Palette Rosette...17824
Best of 2017...279410
NGC 7000, North America Nebula (SHO)...68546
Horsehead Nebula...28410
Sun on Sept 24, 2017...29132
Rosette, Ha OIII LRGB 25 hours....1423177
Rosette Nebula...40934
The Rosette Nebula...25114
Ic434 - nébuleuse de la tête de cheval et de la flamme (version2)...100339
Orion in HA...15523
California nebula, NGC 1499...243620
1er quartier de Lune...18712
Lunar South Pole...658616
M 78...76284
M31 and HII Clouds...18203116
M45 EF200 f/2,8 (@ f/3,4) / ATIK ONE / AZEQ6...50823
Pleiades à la Newtonian...22646
North America Nebula (NGC 7000) @ DSW...14320
LBN 782 (Ced 30) - DSWRO...40894
IC-405 & IC-410 HaSHO...32626
NGC 224 - M31 incomplete with Asteroid...47120
Gassendi 10/12/2016 625mm barlow 3 IR742 Luc CATHALA...21243
Rho Ophiuchi - Aquisition by Björn Hoffmann...46216
IC410 The Tadpole Nebula...51663
Messier 78 LRGB...13124
NGC 1499 HAGB...50694
Crab Nebula (M1)...123237
California Nebula HA+SII+SII...31122
Part of the California Nebula in HA...27736
Sun in HA Double HA Filters...40847
The Horsehead and Flame Nebulae...12723
Moretus Mosaic...352410
IC443 Jellyfish Nebula...32636
LDN 1622 in Orion - 'The Bogeyman Nebula'...6211314
Lacus Mortis...30655
Iris Nebula (NGC7023)...22048
Sh2-308 HOO+SHO(20%)...13131922
NGC 253, Sculptor galaxy...1500226
NGC 1499 - California Nebula LRGB...34718
M31 The Great Andromeda Galaxy wide field (135mm)...137133
L'ame et le coeur...43632
M78 Diffuse Nebula...23914
Andromeda Galaxy (M31)...70730
M31 - Andromeda Galaxy (HaLRGB)...70878
Messier 33, Triangulum Galaxy, sLRGBHa...62595
IC 434...36136
The Rosette Nebula...105043
Constelação de Orion...23220
IC 1396 Elephant Trunk Bi Color...32912
Ripresa lunare del 12/11/2017...56630
New ISS 2017.06.12...25492613
Andromeda Galaxy - M31...1246109
Ngc 7000...230945
NGC 1333 - From testing data...6401912
IC434 Horsehead Nebula - Data by Cgome004...463211
Herschel's Garnet Star - IC 1396...73034
Barnard's Loop · Sh 2-276...37332
NGC7293 Helix Nebula...3092176
Saturn - 2017/08/12 05:29...44511
Helix Nebula...76255
M31 - Image The Universe First Light...19792723
NGC 7023...51344
NGC 7023...44410
NGC 7023...68560
NGC 891...17811
The California Nebula...41111
M31 30Mp 2x Panel Mosaik...1301101
NGC 1333...32095630
IRIS ...23014
M31 - RH305+16803 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...6931011
ISS transit above Sardinian Sky 2017.10.16...18661311
IC 2162...44688
Copernic 20171013...15620
NGC7023 - Iris Nebula...12210
IC 1805, bicolor...35831
Messier 51, Whirlpool-Galaxie...15001416
Sh2-240 (Simeiz147) Spaghetti Nebula...90364
M31: The Andromeda Galaxy ...1126110
helix NB...31938
Vela SNR (Gum 12)...957136
NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula...958175
Pacman ...30644
NGC 7822 Cederblad SHO...35130
M45 2017...34544
NGC 7023...20123
NGC 7023 Deep Sky West...481112
My view of the universe...25614
M45 ...24720
A Magnificent Saturn....72044
Messier 1 - Crab Nebula - SHO...602712
AR 2673 with magnetic loops - 09.09.2017...36140
NGC 7023 - A focus on the Iris...10673940
Flying Bat and Squid - Sh2-129 and OU4 - Bicolor Narrowband...36133611
NGC 7023 Iris nebula...6821112
M31 • Andromeda Galaxy in HaLRGB...70425
Iris Nebula - NGC7023...96097
Iris nebula...13912
NGC 891...61550
Helix nebula...22213
Summer m42 ...20810
M31 - Core solved...52230
The Great Andromeda Galaxy - Reprocessed...103842
Iris Nebula...46622
Iris Nebula...12011
Helix ...36610
Heart and Soul...3466137
Sh2-129 & The Giant Squid...2953122
Trifid Nebula M20 in Hubble Palette...8910
M100 - NGC 4312...9811812
An amazing Saturn with ASI 290!...98985
M31 Andromeda Galaxy...50445
Rosette Nebula...44353
Messier M33...121356
Messier 81 and Messier 82...32332
M31 (The Andromeda Galaxy)...45832
M27 RGB OIII...664622
NGC 7000 Nord America and IC 5070 Pellican Nebula...546112
Sculptor Galaxy (NGC 253)...52784
m31 final stack...19140
m31 in one minute ASI 1600mcc and Samyang 135mm f2...24330
NGC 7635 "Bubble nebula"...52223
NGC6946 - Fireworks galaxy - with SN2017eaw...667513
NGC 253 - Sculptor Galaxy (Theli, APF-R, v4)...44254
NGC 7129 LHRGB - A Reflection Nebula in Cepheus...13574124
Sun in H-Alpha (2017/07/19)...28620
IC 5146 - Cocoon Nebula HaRGB...36341
NGC 7635: Bubble Nebula in H-SO-O...664510
M16 - SHO - ZWO ASI1600 First light...595512
Bubble Nebula - NGC 7635...22752628
Sun 10-07-17 (HA) with AR 2665...36952
NGC6559 Chinese Dragon Nebula in SHO...22220
Sh2-132 in HaSHO...460821
M 31...34910
IC 1396 • Elephant Trunk Nebula in SHO...27032
NGC 7380 in HaSHO...39758
NGC 7293...24932
NGC 2264 • The Christmas Tree Cluster in HaRGB...17012
Saturn - 2017-7-8...26330
Saturn 06.07.2017...38538
M101 Pinwheel Galaxy in HaLRGB...70365
IC 434...61366
M51 the Whirlpool Galaxy...134126214
Elephant's Trunk Nebula Closeup in HaRGB...57741
Quiescent prominence - 18.06.2017 (The Witch :) )...359122
Waning gibbous Clavius and friends...13420
Lunar Crater Aristillus...15922
Posidonius Along The Terminator...23944
Bode's Galaxy and Cigar Galaxy Mosaic...16030
M 101 - Galaxie du moulinet ( Pinwheel galaxy )....21501323
M63 Supernova 2017dfc...37573
M101 - The Pinwheel Galaxy...16461818
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (from the North!)...25242
IC2118 Witch Head nebula...18081814
IC4592, The Blue Horsehead Nebula...59979
M31 - Andromeda Galaxy...16710
M 104...66321
M81, Bode's Nebula, NGC 3031...38150
M51 ...87054
M81 - Bode's Galaxy...51158
M81 - Bode's Galaxy & M82 - Cigar Galaxy...19640
M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy...17210
M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy...956611
M63 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...519124
m 51. primera luz asi 1600mmc...120842
Jupiter - 2017/4/25...36822
Pinwheel Galaxy...18032
Plato, Alpes and Cassini...17725
Jupiter - 2017/4/23...45042
M 51- Gros plan sur la Galaxie du tourbillon...38581621
NGC6357: The Lobster Nebula...42930
Orion Nebula M42...40914
M81 and M82 HD...19134653
Jupiter derrotated...41830
Rosetta Nebula...19812
NGC3372 - Eta Carinae Nebula (Hubble Palette Combination - SHO)...59932
M51 Color...173281
Posidonius Crater...30030
M51 - the Whirlpool...1148107
Jupiter - 2017/03/19 07:39 UTC...48447
Jupiter - 2016/03/19 06:51 UTC...31161
Jupiter - 2017/03/18 07:13 UTC...23332
M106 - First Image A-P RH305 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...46476
Jupiter RGB 2017 03 20 03:46 UT...594712
Whirlpool Galaxy...30856
Moons of Jupiter II...1607148
Jupiter RGB 2017 03 12 05:14 UT...8510
Jupiter in March...1071712
Lunar Crater Moretus...18423
Lunar Crater Clavius...16720
SH2-240/Simeis 147/Spaghetti Nebula in HaRGB - high res version...18482214
C2177 Seagull Nebula - S2HaO3-RGB...992158
Lunar Craters Ptolemaeus/Alphonsus/Arzachel...36310
Jupiter Gif 6...10102017
NGC4565 (Needle Galaxy)...50978
Messier 101...55552
SH 2-261 Lower Nebula...41042
Bode's Galaxy...29835
Abell7 (PK 215.5-30.8) in HaO3-LRGB...57386
Messier 81 (first attempt)...29652
My Rosette Nebula...50250
M78 Reflection Nebula...15120
The Rosette Nebula...71441
Sh-2 308 in Canis Major...10741612
3D Copernic...50862
The Flaming Star Nebula HaRGB...84296
Sh2-240 HaRGB...1372216
mosaïque lunaire...11910
Sharpless 308 (Sh2-308)...2819429
NGC 2244 Rosette Nebula in Monoceros...465116
M45 Pleiades...117832
NGC2264 Cone Nebula...730812
My Solar System (2016)...12671712
Spaghetti Nebula, Simeis 147, SH2-240...23212915
Jupiter in Good Seeing w/ C8...52720
La région de Clavius au Celestron C11 le 19 janvier 2017...14910
NGC2244 (HST)...134294
Venus, 2017.01.22...1160144
Lower part of my Moon Mosaic @ 61%...35913
IC 405, Flaming Star Nebula HaRGB...51999
Sinus Iridum...25014
Sh2-129 "Flying Bat" and Outters 4 "Giant Squid" Nebulae...4506158
Breathtaking peaks!...22922
IC-443 in HaSHO...6811011
M1 Crab Nebula...149666
The Rosette Nebula SHO...1317614
M1 - Crab nebula...169779
The Elephant's Trunk Nebula IC1396 in SHO palette...24130
NGC2239 Rosette Nebula...48236
Witch Head Nebula...57464
NGC 2244 - DSLR H-Alpha RGB...19832
M 81 e M 82...34442
Yet another Rosette :)...11271210
Clavius 20161210drizzle15...30966
Horse head nebula...30011
M31 LRGBHa...9941312
Simeis 147 - The Spaghetti Nebula...35124119
Vallis Alpes...31820
Copernic 20161210...12810
Crab Nebula...75646
NGC253 with 1600...92585
NGC 2361 Thor's Helmet SHO ASI1600...38530
M1 Ha/OIII Bicolor...71183
Crab Nebula...32965
Helix Nebula / NGC 7293...38621
The Rosette Nebula...2350613
Orion (LR,DSS,PS v2)...184085
M33 Triangulum Galaxy ...12851317
M33 The Triangulum Galaxy...1130510
C/2013 R1 LOVEJOY...13020
Nord America and Pelican...34652
Rosette Nebula - SHO - Deep Sky West...14030
Orion Nebula HDR...56935
NGC 253...14831912
Simeis 147...19174110
M1 Narrowband...35469
M31 LRGB...43220
NGC 281 Pacman Nebula in NB...59440
From Moretus to Clavius...968710
M31 Andromeda...84140
Lacus Mortis...15722
Moon mosaic...15420
M31, Andromeda Galaxy...108420
Iris Nebula...19220
Helix Nebula...89451
Horsehead Nebula, Wide Field, in NB (HOS)...33010
M1 in various blends with RGB stars....44456
M31 Galassia di Andromeda...63863
Cauchy, Rima and Rupes Cauchy...13020
Moretus, Curtius, Zach, Lilius and Jacobi...17444
AR 2593 and eruptive prominences...95634
The Cygnus Wall...17391914
Rupes Altai and Piccolomini ...17820
NGC7293 Helix Nebula in HaO3-LRGB...17262936
Posidonius region...13627
Messier M45...91820
NGC 7023...23022
IC 5146 - Cocoon Nebula ...28323
NGC 6946 The Fireworks Galaxy...79410
M31 - firstlight...90063
ASI1600 Lunt DS 60 Inverted Pseudo Colour...87823
Nebulosa Iris...29820
The central mountain in Moretus...28941
Wide Field Antares and Rho Ophiuchi...717510
IC 1396 Elephant Trunk Nebula (IDAS LPS V4, Theli, Update)...33522
Saturn - 2016/08/05...48920
NGC 7000 - North America and IC 5070 - Pelican Nebulae (IDAS LPS V4, Theli)...34633
Saturn - 2016/08/01...51430
NGC 7635 - The Incredible Bubble Nebula...18751722
A squid in an oister shell ...22843219
Saturn - 2016/07/18...46624
Quiescent prominence - 23.07.2016...82555
Shcwim's Eagle (ML16200)...61731
Mars 09.07.2016...65710
Jupiter - 2016/03/13 Composite...528611
NGC 7000/IC5070 HOO...47410
Bipolar emission nebula NGC6164/6165 in HaOiiiRGB...21463111
NGC 6888 A Hydrogen Crescent Wrapped in a Blue Veil of Oxygen...24673019
Saturn - 2016/06/25...45225
Jupiter 20160618...13810
Mars, two weeks after opposition....18310
Mars - 2016/06/03...59120
Saturn 2016-05-29-538...68910
Mars - Just Past Opposition...2300142
Cat's Eye Nebula : 2 year project...40126884
M51 whirlpool galaxy (Remote control from China - Teamviewer)...131887
M 101 Color...17072018
Jupiter - a short animation...6742020
M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy...65853
Whirlpool Galaxy...65524
M81 Processing combination...48666
Simeis 147, Sh2-240...20683118
Moon panorama 2016.04.17. Mosaic....203792
M45 - The Pleiades - A Surprising Reprocess...173225
M51 "The Whirlpool Galaxy." ...42348
Jupiter - 2016/3/19...1164814
Jupiter 18.03.2016...42410
M101, The Pinwheel Galaxy and galactic cirrus...72944
NGC 2244 Rosette Nebula...638610
Júpiter (R)RGB...18220
NGC 1433...51652
Moon - Ptolemaeus 16/3/2016...30020
Rosette - Narrow Band - NGC2244...24020
Andromeda Take 2...96166
New Millenium Observatory South Tivoli...54658
Rosette nebula - Ha+OIII...45340
Theophilus Cirillus and Catherina...11230
M31 - wide...94731
IC 443...45234
Simeis 147 ( Sh2-240)...1996142
Posidonis and Burg...14112
IC 1805 Heart Nebula...63322
M1 (HST+RGB)...136364
M1 (HaOIII RGB)...40732
Pellicano HaRGB...33830
Copernicus, Eratosthenes, Reinhold and Montes Carpatus...72656
Simeis 147...29745513
Starless Horsehead and Flame Nebula...1155107
M 1...9401810
Moon from 2015-01-29-...21320
NGC 2070...45770
Posidonius 301015 Newton 625 mm barlow 3 filtre IR 742 Luc CATHALA...23934
M33 Triangulum Galaxy HaLRGB...23283820
Helix nebula - NGC7293...115248
M31 - HALRGB (31mm filter test)...29962238
NGC 7293 (Helix Nebula)...97250
NGC 253 - Sculptor Galaxy...118087
NGC 7023...115826865
Helix Nebula...33620
The Iris Nebula...77875
NGC 7023 -Iris nebula...45120
NGC 253 - Sculptor Galaxy in 3x Drizzle...18081520
Southern Pinwheel Galaxy - M83 or NGC 5236...30330
M16 - Nebulosa Aquila e Pilastri della Creazione...116528
Andromeda Galaxy - Reprocess...93481311
Copernicus area mosaic...30632
A plethora of craterlet's...36130
panorama autour de Platon...21923
Inclinazione degli anelli di Saturno dal 2012 al 2015...24012
région près de Clavius...17531
Solar System!...104552
NGC 7023...59780
Saturn, April 25th, 2015...71992432
Ten facts about Saturn...34732
Saturn, April 15th, 2015...28291633
NGC 2237...34332
M31 L(Ha)RGB from Takahashi 150TOA + 16803...26721
M51 The Beautiful Whirlpool Galaxy...61091921
M51 Whirlpool Galaxy...187883
NGC 2244 Rosetta Nebula...52431
Needle Galaxy...28010
M 101...1768812
M-81 Color...89348
Jupiter, Feb. 09th, 2015...27921527
NGC2237 Nébuleuse de la Rosette en SHO...27422
M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy (Up Close)...130566
First Light Borg 125 Test shot (Now with flats & old 101 RGB data - Finished!)...32763367
Lovejoy EF 200 mm...12420
My Observatory Dome...510212
C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) 420 mm...214215
Rosette Nebula...86742
Melotte 15...45563
NGC 1499...19911
NGC 891 reworked...22133022
IC 434...66344
Rosette Nebula NGC 2237...26122516
Orion constellation...78366
Soul Nebula...62025
Heart nebula IC 1805...42840
Ngc 2237...75783
M45 Pleiadi...87132
Andromeda Galaxy...3667520
LUNA SUR...15220
M1 2014.10.19...62870
M31 Andromeda...95361
M31 510mm and 750mm...20772725
NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula...110162
Saturn with 3 moons...24810
Saturn 09/06/14 - derotated 12min (R-RGB)...55534
NGC7000 IC5070...51023
M31 in HDR...47868
M63 - The Sunflower galaxy...42311531
M51 / Arp 85 - The Whirlpool Galaxy...50292128
M81 M82...35614
Rosette nebula HaRGB...110140
Simeis 147...23191838
IC410 HST palette...41556
Simeis 147...22881517
NGC2244 Rosettennebel...60864
Simeis 147...16691412
ISS 2013.08.04...134178
NGC 7000...11610
NGC7023 Iris Nebula...67432
IC 2118 Testa della Strega...86114