Solar chromosphere H-Alpha AR13451...2210
Solar prominence H-Alpha 60' time lapse...4310
Solar prominence H-Alpha 60' time lapse...3602
Solar photosphere C2-Swan AR13462...4400
Solar photosphere C2-Swan AR13462...3000
Solar photosphere C2-Swan AR13462...2700
Solar photosphere C2-Swan AR13462...2400
Solar photosphere C2-Swan AR13463...2700
Solar photosphere C2-Swan AR13463...2700
Solar photosphere C2-Swan AR13463...2600
Solar prominence H-Alpha...5000
Solar chromosphere filament H-Alpha...3300
Solar photosphere AR13423 CaK line...4300
Solar photosphere AR13423 CaK line...2600
NGC 2736 Pencil Nebula in Narrowband HOO - AAPOD2 for December 28 2023...13020
Solar photosphere AR13421 Continuum...3200
Solar photosphere AR13424 and AR13425 Continuum...3610
Solar photosphere AR13423 Continuum...4500
Solar photosphere G-Band AR13394...2900
Solar photosphere continuum AR 13395...3802
Solar photosphere continuum AR 13394...2900
Solar chromosphere H-Alpha AR13333, 13335, 13339, 13341 and 13342, 11 panel mosaic...3102
IC 447...5911733
Sun photosphere G-Band AR13333, 13335 and 13336...2200
Sun photosphere G-Band AR13335, 13336 and 13339...3501
Sun photosphere G-Band AR13338 and 13340...4100
COCOON Nebula WideField...18142
Perseids 2023...10000
Solar chromosphere H-Alpha 20230412...4800
Solar prominence H-Alpha...9110
Solar chromosphere and prominence H-Alpha...4400
Solar chromosphere H-Alpha AR13253...4200
Solar chromosphere and filament H-Alpha...3900
Solar chromosphere H-Alpha 20230317, 12 panels mosaic...7212
Solar chromosphere H-Alpha 20230317, 12 panels mosaic...3700
Solar chromosphere H-Alpha 20230317, 12 panels mosaic...4100
Solar chromosphere H-Alpha AR13168...5900
Dumbbell Nebula - M 27 - NGC 6853...53610
Motch-Werner-Pakull 1. Methuselah Nebula...488196
Solar chromosphere 20221201...2700
Solar chromosphere AR3152...3600
Solar chromosphere AR3152...2700
Solar chromosphere AR3152...3000
NGC 2736 Pencil Nebula in Narrowband Foraxx...427312
Solar chromosphere H-Alpha AR3141...5000
Solar chromosphere H-Alpha AR3135...4202
Solar photosphere CaK line AR3140 and 3141...3502
Thor's Helmet...24412
Solar prominence 90' time lapse 20221014...5222
Molecular Clouds near NGC 7223...20506418
Solar prominence 20220902...5800
Solar prominence 20220902...4200
Sun at CaK line AR3092 and 3093 20220902...5400
Sun at CaK line AR3092 and 3093 20220902...3400
Sun at CaK line AR3089 20220902...4600
Sun at CaK line AR3089 20220902...3600
Sun at CH4 line AR3089 20220902...5500
Sun at CH4 line AR3089 20220902...5000
Barnard 22, Barnard 18, Barnard 10, LBN 786 and the Baby Eagle...24798917
Solar chromosphere AR3085...3300
Solar chromosphere AR3088...4902
Sandqvist 156...15200
Edge of the Moon 20221108...6720
Edge of the Moon 20221108...5020
Sun CaK light full disk with prominence 20220808...4410
Sun CaK light full disk with prominence 20220808...2610
Sh2-126 in Lacerta: Ha-LRGB...493612
Star trails 20220918...7910
Eridanus Loop: A Panorama of Stars and Nebulae...14863827
Sh2-132 the Lion nebula in H-HSO with RGB stars...31088053
Startrails 20220916...6202
Sun CaK line FD (20220711)...4700
Sun CaK line FD (20220711)...2600
Sun CaK Line AR3053...3000
Sun chromosphere full disk (29 panel mosaic) 20220711...8105
Sun CaK line AR3053...2802
Solar prominence 20220711...4500
Solar Chromosphere AR3053...5200
Solar Chromosphere AR3055...2200
M27 20220825...10800
M57 20220825...7900
Sun Cak Line AR3030, 3032. 3033...2700
The Tulip Nebula Sh2-101...12811
Sun chromosphere AR3033, 3034...5901
Sun chromosphere AR3034...2000
Sun chromosphere AR3031, 3037...2800
Sun chromosphere AR3031, 3037...2900
Sun chromosphere AR3031, 3037...4500
AR3014, 3015 multi wavelengths comparison (20220520)...149210
Sun chromosphere AR3019...3500
Sun chromosphere AR3019...3300
Sun chromosphere AR3007...4100
Sun chromosphere 20220520...4100
Soap Bubble Ha+OIII...7800
Sun CaK line AR 3007...3000
Propeller Nebula - Simeis 57...5791021
PN G75.5+1.7 Soap Bubble Nebula...30822
Solar chromosphere 20220517 (29 panel mosaic)...5618
Solar chromosphere AR3011 (20220517)...4100
Solar chromosphere AR3010 (20220517)...2400
Sharpless 284 in Monoceros...24263
Solar prominence 20220511 (75' time lapse)...5412
NGC1499 H-Alpha...7310
NGC 4565 GALAXY...31130
M81 RGB+Ha...9910
2021年9月3日 米德12寸 木星...48332
Solar prominence 20211020...4010
Solar prominence 20211020...3712
Solar prominence 20211020...3810
Solar prominence 20211020...4400
Solar prominence 20211020...3000
Solar prominence 20211020 (48' time lapse)...5212
Orion 20220103...10010
ABELL85 - CTB1 HOO RGB...6281221
IC 1805 - First Light Single Sub - With RedCat 71 on RST-135...74202
Solar chromosphere 20210921...3700
Solar chromosphere 20210921...3900
Solar Chromosphere 20210921...6600
Solar Chromosphere 20210921...4500
Solar Chromosphere 20210921...4500
Dusty LDN 1155 in Cepheus...12571912
Sun CaK line 20210909...10910
Sun CaK line 20210909...9010
Sun CaK line 20210909...18010
Solar prominence 20210909 time lapse (64')...5311
HFG1 / Abell6...1244327
M42 and the Running Man nebula...8441414
Sh2-136, Ghosts Rising from Cosmic Dust...18022877
Sun CaK line 20210830...8712
Sun CaK line 20210830...8320
Sun CaK line 20210830...8810
Solar prominence 20210830...5617
Solar prominence 20210830...3010
Solar chromosphere 20210830...9610
Iris Nebula Complex with reflex...9711836
Faint Comet C/2019 K7 (Smith) with Surprising Tail July 2-3 2021...9107
Sh2-224 Supernova remnant...27575963
NGC281 H-Alpha...3700
The Seagull Nebula - IC 2177 - 3 Panel Mosaic...21325234
M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy HaLRGB...1238719
M82 - 1 year - 3 scopes -3 cameras...12071311
Rosette, Cone nebula and Christmas Tree SHO...60572
Four Nights of Comet 156/P with M33 mosaic/combo...42622
The Final Night of Four After Comet 156/P Slid Past M33...58528
SH2-240 (Simeis 147)...12771310
NGC7023 - The Iris Nebula...23751510
What a Mess... Comet C/2020 M3 ATLAS Enters a Field Rich In Stars (Nears IC410, and the Tadpoles NGC 1893)...15101
NGC 1491...A Challenging Narrowband Nebula in Perseus...1511523
Sharpless 82, LBN 128 and 129...31410
LBN 36 and LBN 37 in Serpens...13500
The Squid and the Flying Bat Nebula...35615669
cometa C/2020 M3 Atlas tra le nebulosità della Auriga...35444
SH-308 - The dolphin's head Nebula...33893026
HDW2 / Sh2-200 / Bear Claw Nebula (PK 138+04.1)...13472943
NGC 1491 - Fossil Footprint Nebula...22661310
NGC 2237...4710
Melotte 15 <Heart of the Heart> IC1805...11491719
LBN 878 and Barnard 35...63280
Luna (Cleomedes) 02/11/2020...8502
Iris Nebula (NGC 7023)...51112
Iris Nebula and neighbours...24921
Iris Nebula...44910
COMET C2018 Y1...425511
sh2-112, sh2-115, sh2-116/Abell 71, Weinberger 1-10, LBN 382 (SHO)...42278
SH-129, OU4...55222
Sharpless 150 and vdB 154...513113
NGC6888, testing the new ZWO ASI 6200 under a city sky...58003
WR134 - Variable Wolf-Rayet Star and Hydrogen field...27114
M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy...44943
Van den Bergh 130 and Barnard 344...6641332
Comet P/2020 F3 NEOWISE From Castagneto Carducci...43214
C/2020 F3 NEOWISE...19312
IC 4628 The Prawn Nebula Narrow Band Mosaic...5700
The Iris Nebula...1329623
Comet C/2017 PanSTARRS now swings by M106...32521
NGC_4631 & NGC_4656...8901
vdB 96 and LBN 1059...22401
Tulip Nebula - Sh2-101 - Hubble Palette...12851154
Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)...121604
M81 M82...37832
M81 M82...27410
Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC 6543)...53320
M101 - The Pinwheel Galaxy...11803
Blue Poles...6100
The Leo Triplet...750416
M 101 RASA 8...130739
M101 stp 1 - crop...40200
M81 and M82 Group - Through the Haze...38403034
NGC2174 SHO...37023
Thor's Helmet in HOO...50288
starless melotte 15 / heart nebula...39736
Thor's Helmet revisited...8401023
IC433 Jellyfish...17103
G65.3+5.7 Little Veil Nebula...25593714
LBN 477 - vdB 156d...249318
SNR G65.3+5.7 (SH2-91 SH2-94 SH2-96)...2604313
Colorful part of Cygnus...988413
M106 Spiral Galaxy...32401
M 39...12900
Globular Cluster M3 in Canes Venatici...17682025
The Rosette Nebula...1219613
M81, M82, NGC3077 with IFN(Integrated Flux Nebula)...612813
M81 test QHY183M...73852
"Little Rosette Nebula" - Sh2-170...444123
VDB152, LBN546, LBN515...39741
Messier M77 with sn2018...37000
IC 1805...17834
The Scorpius-Ophiuchus Region...53866
Solar prominence 20181208...13700
A new vision of Mare Humboldtianum...36937
Filtres et turbulence Gros GIF...651104
Rare solar halo Borlänge Sweden 2018-12-14...15711325
6 Panels in Orion...6601312
SH2-101 - Tulip Nebula - SHO...34233
Heart Nebula...17700
Dust and gas - (almost) half of Cepheus...12554740
NGC 247...32834
Milky Way & Friends...55543
M31 Widefield...9421420
vdB156d, LBN477; Andromeda...12331
Barnard 228 – the Dark Wolf Nebula in Lupus - APOD 26/jul/2018...25721319
Messier 106...39334
M45-The Pleiades!...9711110
Sub Auroral Arc (STEVE)...75317
Messier 51 - Whirlpool galaxy...159140
Solar prominence 20180128...11803
Solar chromosphere and prominence 20180128...10900
Solar chromosphere and prominence 20180128...5500
NGC7293 H-Alpha...21400
SH2-280 H-Alpha...12202
Gabriela Mistral NGC3324...12303
IC1848 H-Alpha...14010
Sh2-132 SHO...29250
Solar chromosphere 20171101...13903
IC1871 - Inside the Soul Nebula - SHO...50722
M42 region...24700
Moon and Jupiter 20170314...4200
Moon and Venus 20151009...6400
Heckathorn-Fesen-Gull 1 & Abell 6...33447523
Venus in Infrared - 807nm...69084
ic 1848-1805...27800
The Triangulum Galaxy - M33...417710
NGC6888 region H-Alpha...20512
LBN239-243-251 H-Alpha...12200
Vdb 141...10131110
Sh2 155 ngc 7538...18100
NGC253 The Sculptor Galaxy LRGB+Ha...981118
cometa C/2017 O1 ASSSSN...27512
SH2-101 region H-Alpha...11500
Prominence animation...24511
Meine Sternwarte...16382957
sh 2 NGC 7635 NGC 7538...9901
IC1318 H-Alpha...19501
SH2-155 Cave Nebula SHO...52412
Barnard72 (Snake Nebula) widefield...44031
Sharpless 2-9 and Messier 4...31097
Lagoon and Trifid nebulae...49043
Saturn - Season 2017...23082322
LBN 234 - LDN 881...18742
M 16-17...12200
NGC7331 / Deer Lick group - Short Exposures...57430
Mars - June 21, 2016...51897
NGC 2244 - The Rosette Nebula - Center And Dust Structures...38054
Complex IC 348 ngc 1333...20110
IC 5070 HYB...10101
Solar seagull :)...17838
Solar chromosphere 20170423...4620
Crescent Moon in Mondello 20170529...8301
Saturn ...66475
M13 - Great Globular Cluster in Hercules...12561414
Gamma Cigny...17700
Rho Ophiuchi & Antares clouds...57862
Solar chromosphere and prominence 20170329...3810
Sun spots 20170329...4610
Abell 31 / Sh2-290 in HaO3 + LRGB...8731612
Solar chromosphere 20170329...8200
ic63 HST...41520
Sagittarius Trio!...428128
Venus 20170219...8900
Venus 20170219...8000
Christmas Tree Cluster HST...46048
NGC2244 H-Alpha...14420
Solar prominence 20170106...13520
Barnard 150 - NGC6946...46294
Venus UV...17704
M33 With Sky Watcher 10" Quattro...54321
Solar prominence 20161201...6210
LBN 777 Baby Eagle Nebula...36710
Solar chromosphere 20161030...9500
VDB134, LBN382, PN G086.1+05.4, We1-10, ω1-ω2 Cygni...24202
IC 342...832137
Quiescent prominence - 23.10.2016...32501
Solar chromosphere 20161008...8710
Solar chromosphere 20161008...8600
Solar chromosphere 20161008...9520
Solar chromosphere 20161008...5800
Solar chromosphere 20161008...9400
Solar chromosphere 20161008...7200
Solar chromosphere 20161008...16411
LBN 442, The Gecko Nebula...65260
Solar chromosphere 20160903...11902
Sh2-119 ...38648
Helix Nebula LRGB...98140
SH2-171 H-Alpha...16500
Soap bubble. La bulle de savon....1108179
NLC over Oldenburg 14/7/2016 - Animation...30022
Solar imaging setup...86910
Abell37 (IC972) - HaO3-LRGB...98156
Sun Shield in CaK K-Line...41130
Markarian Chain in Virgo...1218106
NGC 7320 - Stephan's Quintet - remastered...16011713
SH2-284 H-Alpha...15101
The Orion Molecular Cloud Complex...65798637
PN Jones Emberson 1...1279159
nebulosa Ngc 3242 "Ghost of Jupiter"...25310
M 78 Reflection Nebula...20202
Sun spots 20151227...15701
Sun Ca K-Line 20151227...9700
Solar chromosphere 20151227...7400
Solar chromosphere 20151227...5400
Solar prominence 20151227...9300
Solar chromosphere 20151227...10400
Solar chromosphere 20151227...6800
IC1396 multibanda ...35101
Henize 70 or N70 Superbubble...76740
M42 NB...18500
The Coma Cluster of Galaxies, Abell 1656, LRGB Image...25651910
Sadr region in Cygnus H-Alpha...7602
C/2013 US10 Catalina...37100
Gems and dust - a Cassiopean landscape...25522
Solar prominence 20151129...13410
Solar prominence 20151129...6600
Sunset 20151208...18202
C 2013 US10 Catalina...12800
M33 in (mostly) narrowband...82867
cintura di Orione...42156
M33 Triangulum Galaxy (another night of integration)...55320
From Pleiades to California...28660
M15 and Nearby Faint Nebulosity...50220
cometa 17P Holmes e la cometa 8P vicino alle galassie M33 e M31 e all'ammasso Ngc752...17810
ISS - real photo VS simulation...110536
Ngc6888 - Crescent...14606
NGC246 Skull nebula, unguided....74060
IC1795 SHO...31422
NGC 6992 / 6995 and IC 1340...44112
Partial Solar Eclipse - 20.03.2015 - H-Alpha composition...72920
nebulosa Ngc 7023 o Iris...26931
Sharpless 124...26202
Solar chromosphere and prominence 20150813...7200
Solar chromosphere 20150813...7500
Solar chromosphere 20150813...9000
Solar chromosphere and prominence 20150813...7200
Solar chromosphere and prominence 20150813...7300
Into the Veil nebula...105677
Sharpless 132...63464
M17 Region in Sagittarius...43321
Sun - Green Flash...23325
AR 12403 - 27.08.2015 - H-alpha (Hi Resolution)...98449
Our Galaxy Overhead - Southern Milky Way 180º Panorama...58873
Conjonction Saturne et Vénus...12312
Conjonction Lune Saturne...15700
Sun in H-Alpha - AR12403...40711
M27 – The Dumbbell Nebula - APOD 2015 Aug 20...26342333
LDN 1250, 1251...7481815
M16 Eagle Nebula in Ha...12471633
Integrated Flux Nebula near star SAO6792 (UMa)...22922
Rho Ophiuchi region...71760
NGC 225 and vdB 4...39421
Sunset on St Guirec beach (with Jupiter and Venus)...17304
NG6888 H-Alpha...9110
Milky Way in Belarus...30266
SH2-101 H-Alpha...6000
Sun spots 20150510...4200
Solar Chromosphere 20150510...3700
Solar Chromosphere and Prominence 20150510...4801
Solar Eclipse 20150320...6501
M106, with and without Ha data...69453
M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy...899712
California Nebula, NGC 1333, IC 348, and Dust Clouds...43202511
My 2014 collection of DSO images...596511
Solar prominence 8 June 2014....5500
Jupiter moos...28842
Solar Chromosphere 2014 03 09...9500
Solar Chromosphere and Prominence 2014 03 09...5400
Solar Chromosphere and Prominence 2014 03 09...6100
Jupiter October 6, 2012...20600
Moon mosaic...12101
Sh2-115 Nebula and Abell 71 Planetary in Cygnus...27616
Solar Chromosphere and Prominence 2014 11 01...5302
Solar Prominence 2014 11 01...5400
Solar Prominence 2014 11 01...6000
Solar Prominence 2014 11 01...9300
The Cave Extra Wide ...18201
Revamping the SBIG ST8300M ...29010
Lune (Mare Umbrium, Archimedes, Aristillus, Autolycus, Mons Bradley...)...27930
Sh2 190 - Heart nebula - Mel 15 (core)...14202
IC 59 - Ic63 - Sh2-185...33820
NGC 6888...49354
Urano - Rotazione del 6 ottobre 2014...13402135
Inside The Heart - IC 1805...30803
VDB 152 Area Wide Field on Cepheus ...9732015
NGC 6914 VdB 131/132 nel Cigno...578511
Sh2-115 and Abell 71...56526
NGC6888 Crescent Nebula (Van Gogh's Ear)...26500
Cratere Gassendi - 5 settembre 2014...13800
Tulip Nebula (Sharpless 101)...21311
IC1396 Crowd Image Example x65...74022
NGC7497 - Stargate?...637169
Sh2-86 Emission Nebula...61025
IC1396 - Elephants trunk in bi colour...11431318
Helix Nebula RGB, hAlpha and O-III...57920
Albireo (Beta Cygni)...11901321
NGC6888 - Crescent Nebula in Cygnus...13114
Barnard 207...576101
NGC104 - 47 Tucana and Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)...15402
melotte 15 HST...11410
Helix Nebula...70097
Ngc 1499 and M45 ...45374
NGC 7635 - Nebulosa Bolla...32422
LBN 381...30553
Nebulose del Cigno con media entropica ad alta dinamica...54620
M16, the Eagle Nebula...23131
IC1396 - The Elephant Trunk Nebula...120135
IC 5146 - Cocoon Nebula...30027
Elephant's Trunk...42834
The Elephant's Trunk in IC 1396...63814
NGC7635 Bubble Nebula...21610
M13 - Hercules Globular Cluster...31836
Cygnus in Halpha...12900
LDN552 Molecular Cloud...504157
Cygnus region...37433
SH2-115 and Berkeley 90...20601919
SH2 - 171 in Cepheus, Ha emission...26504
Messier 31 ultra deep version...15511932
Cometa C/2014 E2 Jacques...53152
NGC 7635 - Bubble Nebula (reprocessed)...10681726
NGC7331 and Stephan's Quintet with Integrated Flux Nebula...24591442
NGC7822 SHO...37512
Herbig-Haro 555 in the Pelican Nebula...683210
LBN 576 - Abell 85 - Faint supernovae remanant...141931
VDB 141 (Sharpless 2-136): Ghost Nebula...2060295
ngc 6946...33611
NGC6188 HaRGB...1016915
IC 5070 - The Pelican Nebula...24323
Complexo Nebular Rho Ophiuchi...27811
Lobster Nebula - NGC 6357 HaRGB...46412
Ha Clouds in Cygnus near Omicron Cygnus...17952
Propeller Nebula Widefield...29101
Cratere Clavius - 7 luglio 2014...20012
NGC6888 bicolor 7-4-2014...50422
My First Mosaic...15212
Western Veil & Pickerings Triangle...14514
B72 - The Snake Nebula...34900
NGC6888 HOO...733105
M51 6-3-2013...36600
NGC 7217 - reworked...980124
M8 Lagoon Nebula and M20 Trifid Nebula - Ha...14271011
NGC6914 HaR-RHaVB...29644
M13 May 17 2014...18501
NGC 7000 The Great Wall ...74942
Milky Way and Scorpius over my Scope imaging at D.A.R.C....54310
NGC 4568...12142113
Milky Way over Half Dome...56478
Simeis 147...80572
Omega Centauri (NGC 5139) ...26311
M 101 - Collaboration with Bert Scheuneman...1126413
Orion's Belt...438106
M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy...24791014
NGC 6946...25281427
M 81 - Bode's Galaxy...10300
Bubble Nebula...50500
M27 - Dumbbell Nebula...27200
Rosette Nebula in Narrowband Color...322703
narrowband rosette 2...90122
M33 Triangulum Galaxy...61144
SH2-155 Cave Nebula...40620
NGC 7023 Iris Nebula Closeup...48854
Simeis 147...23191838
Andromeda Galaxy, M31...30121025
M33 from home...32761419
ARP 80...15731526
another weird m31...30931527
47 Tucanae...54712
NGC 918...15241917
da M38 a IC410 con IC417 NGC1523 a rich wide field in Auriga...944814
m81 / m82 and IFN...28291317
The California Nebula...19300
Galassia di Andromeda...2270518
IC 59 e 63 due fantasmini in Cassiopea...1020520
Jones-Emberson 1 / 125 hours exposure...47872514
NGC6188 in Narrow Band mapped in HST pallet...732310
NGC 7023...29610
NGC 6914, a blue jewel encrusted in red tapestry...1223314
C/2012 F6 Lemmon con M52, Bubble e molto altro......647615
NGC7023 URBANA...33111
Nebulosa Nord America...79814
IC 434...119832
Sh2-115 ...35832
sh2-240, Simeis 147...150441
M83 VC200L...100911
Test nuovo telescopio...21701
IC 5146, Cocoon Nebula...49702
IC1805 mosaic...66916
NGC 281 - PacMan Nebula...39812
Solar Ha mosaic inverted - 25 August 2012...58577
Alba a Fonte Vetica...33210
Squid Nebula (OU4) - Invert...34700
M82 ultra deep...47114918