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NGC 2359 Thor's Helmet Nebula HOO...29423
A Thor's Day...30362
Draco Triplet...52574
NGC 4725, NGC4747, NGC4712 and more (LIrRGB)...19092835
Great Orion Nebula...87874
NGC 3372 - The Carina Nebula...24622
NGC 1055 - Smile!...413118
The Flames of Cygnus...5731212
Draco Triplet - NGC5982, NGC 5985, NGC 5981...19871816
The Heart of the Milky Way - The Backbone of Night...37008065
Celestial Freedom: The Statue of Liberty Nebula in Hubble palette NGC 3576...5061316
Bat, B150, Fireworks 9 Panel Mosaic...368710567
M45 : The Pleiades Cluster...23494028
Ghost Nebula - vdb141...18461424
Nan to Crescent...21343916
Total Solar Eclipse over La Silla...159076
IC 1318 in Cygnus - two panel mosaic in Hubble Palette...8041115
The Needle Galaxy - NGC 4565...39234048
Taking Liberties : NGC 3576 (Starless)...2146158
NGC 3718, NGC 3729...636910
NGC2903 LRGB...415510
The Great Orion Nebula and Running Man Nebula...13242831
Starless Alnitak...28569
NGC 7822 Hubble colors...69965
M42 The Great Orion Nebula...30853238
Iris Nebula NGC 7023...13662335
Hubble Bubble, Claw and Trouble...29488
Andromeda 2018...26022417
M83 - The Southern Pinwheel Galaxy...36262311
Sh2-132 HOO...643106
Antares Region Widefield...950104
M101 HRGB Image...431720
Abell 2151 LRGB...27742
Messier 51 with some faint IFN...113346
Mandel-Wilson 2 (the 'Angel Nebula') in Ursa Major - 31.5 hours of LRGB from Extremadura, Spain...17281930
Orions nebulas...44945821
M83 LRGB...804129
NGC 2359 - Thor's Helmet - Bicolor...7372420
NGC2244 Cone Nebula...456714
Bicolor NGC 2359 - Thor's Helmet...33013
VdB 152...1318225
IC1805 SII/Ha/OIII...34325
Veil Nebula...25514
Heart and Soul Nebulae...8611510
NGC6888 The Crescent Nebula...26134
M 81 and IFN...27924429
NGC 3628, The Hamburger Galaxy, HLRGB...27841526
M42 Orion Nebula...76554
Thors Helmet - NGC 2359...20765144
Rosette from Deep Sky West...21632
NGC 2244, Rosettennebel SHO...30833
Wide Field Orion...64551
NGC 1499 Narrowband...1221114
IC 1805; the Heart Nebula...66188
Christmas Tree Nebula (NGC-2264...35472
Heart Nebula widefield NB...15436
NGC 1499; the California Nebula in HST Pallette...826168
Cintura-Spada di Orione...813911
NGC 7331 - Deep Sky West Remote Observatory...4041013
Soul & Heart - 8 panels mosaic - IC1848, IC1805 - LRGB composition - Hybrid Hubble palette...28251212
Eta Carina Nebula...1124125
Milky Way from Perseus to Carina...10852418
NGC 2264 Christmas tree, Cone and Fox Fur ...855110
Horse Head Nebula - Deep Sky West...17961515
IC1396 HA OIII SII...37126
M42 Crowd Image reprocessed with new data and Lucky Imaging...25812414
Rho Ophiuchus Widefield...702102
IC1805 Narrow Band...56774